A Fuzzy Approach
Miklos Nagy
Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Maria Vargas-Vera
Computing Department, The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
Multi-agents, Fuzzy systems, Voting, Conflict resolution.
Software agents that interpret the possible meaning of Semantic Web data differently should be able to resolve
their differences i.e. resolve conflicts effectively. One typical use case is ontology mapping where different
agents using different similarity measures create beliefs in the assessed similarities, which needs to be com-
bined into a more coherent state. The combination of these contradicting beliefs can easily worsen the mapping
precision and recall, which leads to poor performance of any ontology mapping algorithm. In these scenarios
agents, which use different similarities and combine them into a more reliable and coherent view can easily
become unreliable when these contradictions are not managed effectively between the different agents. In this
paper we propose a solution based on the fuzzy voting model for managing such situations by introducing
trust and voting between software agents that resolve contradicting beliefs in the assessed similarities.
The continuously increasing semantic meta data on
the Web will soon make it possible to deploy multi-
agent systems on the Semantic Web that are able to in-
tegrate data from distributed and heterogeneous data
sources. However a prerequisite for these systems is
that agents deployed to different domains can develop
a certain degree of understanding of their data and
are able to map their data with other agents. There-
fore ontology mapping (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007)
is a key component of agent systems that need to in-
tegrate semantic data, which alone has several chal-
lenges(Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2008) before one can
develop real word applications. One of these chal-
lenges is how to handle conflicting information that
stems from the interpretation of Semantic Web data.
The source of conflict can range from missing or
insufficient information to the contradicting descrip-
tion of the same or similar terms. As an example
consider two ontologies, which describe conferences.
Both contain concepts about the location of the event
where Ontology 1 contains the concept “Location” in
the context of the Event” whereas Ontology 2 con-
tains “Place in the context of the “Building”, “Ses-
sion room” or “Conference hall”. Considering the ex-
tended contexts of these terms e.g. Wordnet hyper-
nyms one can derive that both describes some kind of
space or position of something. The trouble is that this
information cannot be explicitly derived from the on-
tologies as “Place” refers to buildings and their parts,
while “Location” refers to geographical region (coun-
try or city) where the conference is held. In order to
resolve this contradiction human experts can discuss
their point of view and reach a consensus if the map-
ping can be made or not. Multi-agent systems that
create ontology mapping operate without human in-
tervention therefore need to mimic the before men-
tioned conflict resolution process, which can improve
the quality of the mapping if the contradiction can ef-
fectively be resolved. Our main contribution in this
paper is managing conflicting beliefs using a fuzzy
voting model and present a comparison using differ-
ent membership functions for resolving conflict be-
tween beliefs in similarities, which is the core com-
ponent of the DSSim ontology mapping system.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides the description of the problem and its context.
Section 3 describes the voting model and how it is ap-
plied for determining trust during the ontology map-
Nagy M. and Vargas-Vera M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 178-183
DOI: 10.5220/0002701301780183
ping. Section 4 gives and overview of the related
work. Finally, section 5 describes our future work.
2.1 Combination of Similarity Measures
In the context of the Semantic Web it is envisioned
that multi-agent systems can interpret and exchange
the available data in order to achieve a specific task
e.g. map concepts from different data sources be-
fore answering a user query. It is unlikely that one
agent can haveall the algorithmsto determine similar-
ities alone therefore more agents are neccessary with
utilising different similarity measures that need to be
combined into a more coherent view. This trend can
be noticed in nearly all the systems that participate
in the OAEI
. Most of the participating systems are
not based on a multi-agent architecture however they
all utilise different similarity measures. Once the dif-
ferent similarities have been assessed they are com-
bined into a single measure which in turn is used to
determine to select the best possible mapping pairs.
The description of how mapping systems determine
or built up beliefs in similarities and how systems de-
termine semantic similarity are out of the scope of
this paper nevertheless each system is described in the
OAEI papers
. The system that inspired our work is
called DSSim which uses a multi-agent architecture
to build up beliefs in similarities and combines them
using the Demster combination rule.
2.2 Source of Conflict
In our domain of interest namely ontology mapping
several challenges had been identified by Shvaiko and
Euzenat(Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2008), which are con-
sidered as major roadblocks for developing ontology
mapping solutions that perform well on different do-
mains. We have identified two problems that are the
main source of contradictions when algorithms need
to “interpret” the meaning of the data represented by
the different ontologies. These problems are as fol-
1. Representation Problems and Uncertainty.
Data on the semantic web is represented by on-
tologies, which typically consist of a number of
classes, relations, instances and axioms. These
elements are expressed using a logical language.
The W3C has proposed RDF(S)(Beckett, 2004)
and OWL(McGuinness and Harmelen, 2004) as
Web ontology language however OWL has three
increasingly-expressive sublanguages(OWL Lite,
OWL DL, OWL Full) with different expressive-
ness and language constructs. In addition to
the existing Web ontology languages W3C has
proposed other languages like SKOS(Miles and
Bechhofer, 2008), which is a standard to sup-
port the use of knowledge organization systems
(KOS) such as thesauri, classification schemes,
subject heading systems and taxonomies within
the framework of the Semantic Web. SKOS are
based on the Resource Description Framework
(RDF) and it allows information to be passed be-
tween computer applications in an interoperable
way. Ontology designers can choose between
these language variants depending on the intended
purpose of the ontologies. As a result of these
representation differences ontology mapping sys-
tems will always need to consider the uncertain
and conflicting aspects of how the semantic web
data can be interpreted and processed by different
similarity algorithms.
2. Quality of Semantic Web Data. Data quality
problems (Wang et al., 1993) (Wand and Wang,
1996) in the context of database integration(Batini
et al., 1986) have emerged long before the Se-
mantic Web concept has been proposed. For ev-
ery organisation or individual the context of the
data, which is published can be slightly different
depending on how they want to use their data.
Therefore from the exchange point of view in-
completeness of a particular data is quite com-
mon. The problem is that fragmented data envi-
ronments like the Semantic Web inevitably lead
to data and information quality problems causing
the applications that process this data deal with ill-
defined inaccurate or inconsistent information on
the domain. In traditional integration scenarios re-
solving these data quality issues represents a vast
amount of time and resources for human experts
before any integration can take place. Software
agents that operate on the Semantic Web need to
resolve semantic data quality problems indepen-
dently from the users.
As a result it is important that multi-agent systems on
the Semantic Web can resolve their conflicting inter-
pretation that stem from the above mentioned prob-
3.1 Voting and the Best Possible
The idea of individual voting in order to resolve con-
flict and choose the best option available is not rooted
in computer but political science. Democratic sys-
tems are based on voting as Condorcet jury theorem
(Austen-Smith and Banks, 1996) (Young, 1988) pos-
tulates that a group of voters using majority rule is
more likely to choose the right action than an arbitrary
single voter is. In these situations voters have a com-
mon goal, but do not know how to obtain this goal.
Voters are informed differently about the performance
of alternative ways of reaching it. If each member of
a jury has only partial information, the majority de-
cision is more likely to be correct than a decision ar-
rived at by an individual juror. Moreover, the proba-
bility of a correct decision increases with the size of
the jury. But things become more complicated when
information is shared before a vote is taken. People
then have to evaluate the information before making
a collective decision. The same ideas apply for soft-
ware agents especially if they need to reach a consen-
sus on a particular issue. In case of ontology mapping
where each agent can built up beliefs over the cor-
rectness of the mappings based on partial information
we believe that voting can find the socially optimal
choice. Software agents can use voting to determine
the best decision for agent society but in case voters
make mistakes in their judgments, then the majority
alternative (if it exists) is statistically most likely to be
the best choice. The application of voting for software
agents is a possible way to make systems more intel-
ligent i.e. mimic the decision making how humans
reach consensus decision on a problematic issue.
3.2 Fuzzy Voting Model
In ontology mapping the conflicting results of the dif-
ferent beliefs in similarity can be resolved if the map-
ping algorithm can produce an agreed solution, even
though the individual opinions about the available al-
ternatives may vary. Fuzzy voting model is detailed
in (Nagy et al., 2008) can be utilised for reaching this
agreement by evaluating trust between established be-
liefs through voting, which is a general method of rec-
onciling differences. Voting is a mechanism where
the opinions from a set of votes are evaluated in order
to select the alternatives that best represent the collec-
tive preferences. Unfortunately deriving binary trust
like trustful or not trustful from the difference of be-
lief functions is not so straightforward since the dif-
ferent voters express their opinion as subjective prob-
ability over the similarities. For a particular mapping
this always involves a certain degree of vagueness
hence the threshold between the trust and distrust can-
not be set definitely for all cases that can occur during
the process. Additionally there is no clear transition
between characterising a particular belief highly or
less trustful. Therefore our argument is that the trust
membership or belief difference values, which are
expressed by different voters can be modeled prop-
erly by using fuzzy representation. Before each agent
evaluates the trust in other agent’s belief over the cor-
rectness of the mapping it calculates the difference be-
tween its own and the other agent’s belief. Depending
on the difference it can choose the available trust lev-
els e.g. if the difference in beliefs is 0.2 then the avail-
able trust level can be high and medium. We model
these trust levels as fuzzy membership functions. In
fuzzy logic the membership function µ(x) is defined
on the universe of discourse U and represents a par-
ticular input value as a member of the fuzzy set i.e.
µ(x) is a curve that defines how each point in the U
is mapped to a membership value (or degree of mem-
bership) between 0 and 1. Our ontology mapping sys-
tem models the conflict resolution as a fuzzy system
where the system componentsare described in the fol-
lowing sections:
3.3 Fuzzification of Input and Output
Fuzzification is the process of decomposing a system
input and/or output into one or more fuzzy sets. We
have experimented different types of curves namely
the triangular, trapezoidal and gauss shaped member-
ship functions. Each fuzzy set spans a region of in-
put (or output) value graphed with the membership.
Our selected membership functions overlap to allow
smooth mapping of the system. The process of fuzzi-
fication allows the system inputs and outputs to be ex-
pressed in linguistic terms so that rules can be applied
in a simple manner to express a complex system.
Definition 1. Belief difference is an input variable,
which represents the agents own belief over the cor-
rectness of a mapping in order to establish map-
pings between concepts and properties in the ontol-
ogy. During conflict resolution we need to be able to
determine the level of difference.
We propose three values for the fuzzy membership
value µ(x) = {small, average, large}.
Definition 2. Belief is an input variable, which de-
scribed the amount of justified support to A that is
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the lower probability function of Dempster, which ac-
counts for all evidence E
that supports the given
proposition A.
(A) =
) (1)
where m Demster’s belief mass function represents
the strength of some evidence i.e. m(A) is our ex-
act belief in a proposition represented by A. The
similarity algorithms itself produce these assignment
based on different similarity measures. We propose
three values for the fuzzy membership value ν(x) =
{weak, strong}.
Definition 3. Similarity is an input variable and is the
result of some syntactic or semantic similarity mea-
sure. We propose three values for the fuzzy member-
ship value ξ(x) = {low, average, high}.
Definition 4. Low, medium and high trusts are out-
put variables and represent the level of trust we can
assign to the combination of our input variables. We
propose three values for the fuzzy membership value
τ(x) = {low, medium, high}.
3.4 Rule Set
Fuzzy sets are used to quantify the information in
the rule-base, and the inference mechanism oper-
ates on fuzzy sets to produce fuzzy sets. Fuzzy
systems map the inputs to the outputs by a set of
condition > action rules i.e. rules that can be ex-
pressed in I f Then form. For our conflict resolution
problem we have defined four simple rules that ensure
that each combination of the input variables produce
output on more than one output i.e. there is always
more than one initial trust level is assigned to any in-
put variables. As an example consider a rule for cases
when the trust level is defined as low:
“IF ( beliefdifference IS large OR beliefdifference
IS average ) AND belief IS weak AND (similarity IS
low OR similarity IS average ) THEN trust IS low”
The rules we have initially defined are the most
general ones. In our future research we intend to in-
vestigate the impact of more fine grained rules (i.e.
more rules could be defined to cover overlapping ar-
eas of our fuzzy sets) on our conflict resolution.
3.5 Defuzzification Method
After fuzzy reasoning we have the linguistic output
variables, which need to be translated into a crisp ( i.e.
real numbers, not fuzzy sets) value. The objective is
to derive a single crisp numeric value that best repre-
sents the inferred fuzzy values of the linguistic output
variable. Defuzzification is such inverse transforma-
tion, which maps the output from the fuzzy domain
back into the crisp domain. In our ontology mapping
system we have selected the Center-of-Area (C-o-A)
defuzzification method. The C-o-A method is often
referred to as the Center-of-Gravity method because
it computes the centroid of the composite area repre-
senting the output fuzzy term. In our system the trust
levels are proportional with the area of the member-
ship functions therefore other defuzzification meth-
ods like Center-of-Maximum (C-o-M) or Mean-of-
Maximum (M-o-M) does not correspond well to our
Definition 5. For representing trust in beliefs over
similarities we have defined three membership func-
tions, χ(x) = {low, average, high}.
3.6 Possible Membership Functions for
Conflict Resolution
For our conflict resolution problem we have carried
out experiments in order to select the best possible
membership function combination that fit well to our
problem. We have chosen the trapezodial, triangular
and gauss membership function and their combina-
tions to represent our input and output variables. For
each test have generated 300 scenarios, which contain
random input variables (belief difference, belief and
similarity) that maps to a single trust level i.e. output
variable(high, medium or low trust). In addition we
have defined nine combination of membership func-
tions that describes our input and output variables. We
repeated our experiment 1000 times regenerating the
300 scenarios in each iteration.
3.7 Results on the Use of Different
Memberships Functions
Experiments have shown that the the fuzzy conflict
resolution is really sensitive on the input membership
function. The best results can be achieved using tri-
angular membership functions. In each experiments
the average wrong answers are 121 and the minimum
wrong answers are 109 whereas the maximum are 134
when choosing triangular input functions. The re-
sults are promising as we are able to resolve conflict
in nearly 2/3 of the cases. In practice the real im-
provements in the ontology mapping quality can be
foreseen where the number of conflict for the candi-
date mapping set is high. These situation of course
likely to occur where both source and target ontolo-
gies contain large number (up to 10.000) of concepts
and properties. The selection of the output function
does not influence the end result of the conflict reso-
We have carried out experiments with the benchmark
ontologies of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Ini-
, which is an international initiative
that has been set up for evaluating ontology match-
ing algorithms. The experiments were carried out to
assess how trust management influences results of our
mapping algorithm. Our main objective was to evalu-
ate the impact of establishing trust before combining
beliefs in similarities between concepts and properties
in the ontology. The OAEI benchmark contains tests,
which were systematically generated starting from
some reference ontology and discarding a number of
information in order to evaluate how the algorithm
behave when this information is lacking. The bibli-
ographic reference ontology (different classifications
of publications) contained 33 named classes, 24 ob-
ject properties, 40 data properties. Further each gen-
erated ontology was aligned with the reference ontol-
ogy. The benchmark tests were created and grouped
by the following criteria:
Group 1xx: simple tests such as comparing the
reference ontology with itself, with another irrel-
evant ontology or the same ontology in its restric-
tion to OWL-Lite.
Group 2xx: systematic tests that were obtained by
discarding some features from some reference on-
tology e.g. name of entities replaced by random
strings, synonyms, name with different conven-
tions, strings in another language than english, hi-
erarchy that can be suppressed, expanded or flat-
Group 3xx: four real-life ontologies of biblio-
graphic references that were found on the web e.g.
As the benchmark is the only test-set in the OAEI
tracks where the results are also available we have run
first our experiments where DSSim applies the fuzzy
voting model for evaluating trust and one without it.
Therefore as a basic comparison we have modified
our algorithm (without trust), which does not evaluate
trust before conflicting belief combination just com-
bine them using Dempsters combination rule. The
recall and precision graphs for the algorithm with
trust and without trust over the whole benchmarks are
depicted on Fig. 1, 2. Experiments have proved that
with establishing trust one can reach higher average
precision and recall rate.
Without trust
With trust
Figure 1: Recall graph with and without applying fuzzy vot-
Without trust
With trust
Figure 2: Precision graph with and without applying fuzzy
Different approaches to eliminate contradictions for
ontology mapping have been proposed by the ontol-
ogy mapping community. These approaches can be
classified into two distinct categories. First group in-
clude solution that considers uncertainty and fuzzi-
ness as an inherent nature of the ontology mapping
and tries to describe it accordingly. Ferrera et. al.
(Ferrara et al., 2008) models the whole ontology map-
ping problem as fuzzy where conflicts can occur.
Their solution use fuzzy Description Logic theories
to the problem of mapping validation as a different
way of handling mapping uncertainty with respect to
probabilistic approaches. As a result, they propose
a mapping validation algorithm based on fuzzy inter-
pretation of mappings in order to detect inconsisten-
cies. Tang (Tang et al., 2006) formalises the on-
tology mapping problem as the problem of Bayesian
decision making as strategy. Their sytem RiMOM
has participated in the OAEI competition since 2006.
Their solution do consider two kinds of conflicts in
metadata heterogeneity, structure conflict and name
conflict. However they use thesaurus and statistical
techniques to resolve them before combining the re-
sults. The second group however differ conceptually
because they mainly utilise data mining and logic rea-
soning techniques in pre and post processing stages of
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the mapping. Liu (Liu et al., 2006) proposes
a four-stage ontology mapping approach with inte-
grating the available information of labels, instances,
past experiences, and the structures in different stages
gradually. Besides, reusing the past experiences, re-
ducing the aggregation-level mismatch before itera-
tion, mining the logic relation of attributes account
for the improvement of mapping results thus eliminat-
ing the available contradictions. Similar solution has
been proposed by the ASMOV system (Jean-Mary
and Kabuka, 2008) , which automates the ontology
alignment process using a weighted average of mea-
surements of similarity along four different features
of ontologies, and performs semantic validation of re-
sulting alignments. This system acknowledges that
conflicting mappings are produced during the map-
ping process but they use an iterative post processing
logic validation in order to filter out the conflicting
In this paper we have shown how the fuzzy voting
model can be used to resolve contradictory beliefs be-
fore combining them into a more coherent state by
evaluating fuzzy trust. The main contribution of this
paper is managing conflicting beliefs using different
fuzzy variables and to present a comparison using
different membership functions and fuzzy variables
for resolving conflict between beliefs in similarities,
which is the core component of the DSSim ontology
mapping system. We have proposed new levels of
trust for resolving these conflicts in the context of on-
tology mapping, which is a prerequisite for any sys-
tems that makes use of information available on the
Semantic Web. Our system is conceived to be flex-
ible because the membership functions for the vot-
ers could be changed dynamically in order to influ-
ence the outputs according to the different similar-
ity measures that can be used in the mapping sys-
tem. We have described initial experimental results
with the benchmarks of the Ontology Alignment Ini-
tiative, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our
approach through the improved recall and precision
rates. There are many areas of ongoing work, with our
primary focus considering the effect of the changing
number of voters and the impact on precision and re-
call or applying our algorithm in different application
areas. We also aim to measure the proportion of the
obvious and difficult conflicts that can occur during
the mapping process and how these affect the overall
performance of our solution.
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