Vicente Chulvi and Rosario Vidal
GID, Departament d’Enginyeria Mecànica i Construcció, Universitat Jaume I, Av. Sos Baynat, Castellón, Spain
Keywords: Knowledge Based Systems, Functional design, Ontologies.
Abstract: The present work proposes to use both the NIST’s functional basis and the B-Cube model in the
development of a KBS that is capable of automating functional design. For this purpose this article shows
with an example how the system will work using the FBS framework. The starting point is defended by the
terms of NIST functional basis. The evolution from functions to structures, that is, to the solution, is
achieved by means of B-Cube model in the behaviour layer.
Automated design is a current topic in most
significant companies around the world and even
more so in high technology companies, such as in
the automotive or aerospace industries (Kochan,
1999; Liening and Blount, 1998). The last decade
has witnessed the gradual introduction of automated
design technologies into other manufacturing fields,
with techniques like DFx (Design For Assembly,
Design For Environments, etc.) or KBS (Knowledge
Based Systems). Several authors have written on the
advantages of these technologies (Bermell-García et
al., 2001; Vidal and Mulet, 2006; Sainter et al.,
2000; Chen, 1999).
Functional design is presented as a key step in
the product design process and, as such, it is the
focus of the main scientific efforts being made to
automate design in artificial intelligence (AI)
systems. The starting point of functional design is
the concept of function, behaviour and structure.
Although these concepts have been used for a long
time, it was only in 1990 when they were clearly
defined and when they were proposed as a
modelling and representing framework, due to their
functionality (Gero, 1990; Umeda et al., 1990). The
FBS framework can be applied as a methodology for
design process analysis, representing the evolution
of the design state from protocol studies (Takeda et
al., 1994). Within this framework, function
represents the duties that the design fulfils, structure
represents the physical elements of the solution and
behaviour is the link between F and S. In solution
synthesis, behaviour derives from a particular
function, and the solution is achieved through this
behaviour. Furthermore, when a solution has been
defined, behaviour is inferred from that solution in
order to evaluate whether the solution reaches the
required degree of functionality.
The FBS framework allows computational
modelling to be carried out. Thus, several authors
have attempted to develop approaches and software
applications to implement FBS-based procedures
(Qian, 2002) or to model function and/or structure
libraries to be implemented in functional reasoning
processes (Lossack et al., 1998; Bracewell and
Sharpe, 1996; Ying-Chieh et al., 2000; Chakrabarti
et al., 2002; Lossack, 2002; Campbell et al., 2003).
The possibilities of these systems have been
increased by the use of taxonomies and ontologies.
Ontologies (and taxonomies consequently) can
be understood as a form of knowledge
representation. A taxonomy consists of a group of
concepts and relationships that are organised
hierarchically and whose concepts can be arranged
as classes with sub-classes (Gilchrist, 2003). Several
function taxonomies have been developed, but the
most significant reconciliation of function
taxonomies nowadays are those provided by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) (Hirtz et al., 2002). The NIST’s functional
basis is a reconciliation and integration of other
taxonomies, mainly from research carried out by the
NIST (Szykman et al., 1999) and the functional
basis effort (Stone and Wood, 2000), the purpose of
which was to facilitate the development of a formal
representation of functions with a hierarchical
vocabulary of standardised terminologies, focused
on mechanical design.
Chulvi V. and Vidal R. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 190-196
DOI: 10.5220/0002702001900196
An ontology can be described as an explicit
specification of a shared conceptualisation, where
concepts and relations are organised hierarchically
and concepts are classified as classes and instances.
Ontologies can be taxonomically or axiomatically
based (Gruber, 1993). The B-Cube model (Chulvi
and Vidal, 2009) is an ontology for the behaviour
layer mainly based on the DOLCE’s meta-ontology
(Masolo et al., 2003; Ferrario and Oltramari, 2005),
which uses three-dimensional vectors as terms. Each
dimension of these vectors defines one characteristic
of the behaviour, so this model uses definitions to
define behaviours instead of one single word.
The aim of this article is to show how both the
NIST’s functional basis and the B-Cube model can
work together to develop a KBS that is capable of
automating the functional design. Section 2
introduces the B-Cube model developed by the
authors, while section 3 uses an example to show the
theoretical work of the proposed KBS. The article
ends with some conclusions in section 4.
The B-Cube model is used to represent the
behaviour layer in the functional design process
within the FBS framework. This model proposes a
three-dimensional scheme that uses definitions as
behavioural concepts. The key to this approach is
that a behaviour is not defined with a word or a
taxon, which could cause ambiguity and
misinterpretation, but rather it is defined as a three-
dimensional vector (X, Y, Z) that is set by its
characteristics and qualities.
The starting point from which to define these
parameters is the DOLCE’s upper-level ontology.
The definitions of the DOLCE have been slightly
adapted to meet B-Cube’s purposes. Endurant is
defined as the entity or element (Structure) to which
the B-Cube entry refers. It is supposed that there are
an infinite number of endurants in the universe and
they are differentiated as being physical (PEDs) and
non-physical endurants (NPEDs). Perdurant (P) is a
characteristic that defines a behaviour and it refers to
the kind of behaviour that affects the above-
mentioned entity. Ps are situated on the Y axis of the
B-Cube model. Lastly, qualities are defined as
characteristics linked to other entities which are
going to be used to define the behaviour. There are
three different sorts of qualities: temporal (TQs),
physical (PQs) and abstract qualities (AQs). TQs
are directly related to Ps, so they will be used to
define a Behaviour, and are located on the Z axis.
The B-Cube model is completed with the X axis,
where the PQs will be, if the entry to the model was
a PED, and the AQs, if the entry was an NPED.
Despite the fact that numerical values are used when
working with the B-Cube model, all of these values
have a term to define them. The terms have been
taken mainly from the DOLCE’s terminology
(Masolo et al., 2003) and increased by Garbacz’s
work on it (Garbacz, 2006). As these terms were not
enough to meet the needs of B-Cube, they were
fulfilled with terms from Rasmussen’s taxonomy
(Rasmussen, 1983) and the NIST classification of
flows (Hirtz et al., 2002, Nagel et al., 2007). As a
result, they are defined as shown in Table 1.
Figure 1: B-Cube model.
The design representation model used to represent
the knowledge in this project pretends to be useful
for the understanding, transferring, and reproduction
of this knowledge. There are a lot of methodologies
created with the aim to represent the information and
transfer it to computer systems to be integrated into
a KBS. The IDEF language family consists in a set
of modelling languages within the field of system
engineering, which cover a wide range of needs
from information’s capture and modelled to net
design. Due to their diversity they present a huge
number of terminologies and symbols in order to
represent knowledge. So it doesn’t consist on
choosing the best tool, but it is about choose the
most adequate in the right moment. Several works
have taken advantage from this adaptability, and
they have create their own approaches to this
modelled language using the standardized
terminology (Kim and Jang, 2002, Romero et al.,
2008). The proposal here applied is based on IDEF4,
and it is adapted to represent the knowledge within a
B-FES framework using both Functional basis and
Table 1: Values of B-Cube model with examples.
Axis Value Term Significance Examples
1 Spatial location Position of a PED in space To move an object
2 Topological
The kind of connection at a topological level in which a
PED finds itself
To break an object
To join an object
3 Energy Energetic state of a PED To freeze water
To charge a battery
4 Magnitude A physical magnitude of the PED that is affected by the
To increase weight
To change colour
5 Signal Actions referred to PEDs when they act as signals To increase a wave
A mobile phone sending a signal
-1 Skill The behaviour does not require conscious control by
the subject
Driving a car
Playing the piano
-2 Rule The behaviour requires conscious control by the
subject, but this is subject to some process or “written
Cooking following a recipe
To tune an instrument
-3 Knowledge The behaviour requires conscious control by the
subject, and this is not subject to any process or
“written rule”
To compose a symphony
To manage an enterprise
1 Process The behaviour is cumulative and non-homeomeric To run
2 State Cumulative and homeomeric To sit
3 Accomplishment Non-cumulative and non-atomic To give a lecture
4 Achievement Non-cumulative and atomic To break a glass
1 Initial SoA The behaviour makes the initial PQ or AQ decrease or
To cool an object
2 Immutable SoA The behaviour doesn’t vary the grade or quantity of PQ
or AQ affected by it
To convert energy
3 Final SoA The behaviour makes the grade or quantity of PQ or
AQ increase or appear
To warm an object
B-Cube model’s terminologies. It pretends to
achieve an intuitive and easy to understand
representation for any designer. The figure 2 shows
the boxes used to represent functions, behaviours,
structures and restrictions (structures that belong to
environment, not to design), and the main
interactions between them.
Figure 2: Representation boxes.
In an ideal system the designer would only need to
introduce what he wants to design and the system
would provide him with the best solution or several
optimal solutions. This proposed ideal KBS needs a
proper semantic tool, databases and evaluation
system tool, besides the FBS-based design system,
which has the B-Cube model as its core. As this
section aims to show how the B-Cube model can
work within the system, we are going to suppose
that both the semantic tool and the evaluation system
work ideally (or they are controlled directly by the
designer) and that there are complete databases for
the desired purpose. The NIST’s functional basis
will be used to complete the function level.
The example developed for this purpose shows
the development of the design of a device for writing
and erasing (signs) on paper that can be used by one
person and put easily in your lapel. In this case the
designer or the semantic tool can distinguish four
functions: write, erase, handle, and hold; and the
restrictions corresponding to the environment level:
person, hand, lapel, paper, and signs. Functions have
been adapted to NIST terminology in order to
standardise them. So, the function “write” can be
interpreted as connecting signs with the paper, so it
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
corresponds to the term “couple” of the functional
basis. The function “erase”, which has the opposite
meaning to “write”, can be defined as “remove”. In
turn, the fact that an object is held can correspond to
the terms “secure” and “(not) allow degree of
freedom”. Despite the fact that it seems that only
one term must be chosen, it will be shown below
how it is advisable to indicate the two options.
Lastly, the function “handle” corresponds to the
terms “translate” and “rotate”.
A correlation between the terms used by the
functional basis and those used by the B-Cube
model was created to enable the behaviour level to
be obtained from the function level. From this
correlation it can be seen that the function “couple”
corresponds to the behaviour (2,1,3). That is, X=2,
that means that the behaviour affects the topological
connectedness; Y=1, the behaviour represents a
process that acts in a cumulative and non-
homeomeric way; and Z=3, that represents that the
topological connectedness is achieved by means of
the behaviour. “Remove” can be represented by
behaviours (1,1,1), (1,3,1), (2,1,1), (2,2,1), so a
better definition is also required from the semantic
tool, from the designer’s feedback or from any other
automated system (e.g. algorithm libraries). In this
case we chose (2,1,1), as it acts as the opposite of
(2,1,3), which was unambiguously defined. The next
function can be defined both for “secure” and “(not)
allow degree of freedom”. Here, the first definition
has a correspondence with the terms (1,2,2), (2,1,3),
and (2,3,2), while the second one corresponds to
(1,2,2). This value is chosen to represent the
behaviour since it is the only value that matches the
two possible functions. Lastly, functions “translate”
and “rotate” only correspond to the term (1,1,2).
These behaviours, together with their relations
with the environment level, are the starting point to
define the structures that are needed for the desired
design. For the development of this example it has
been supposed that the available structure database
is sufficient but limited. In this case, the objective
consists in searching in the database for the
structures that are able to carry out the required
behaviour. Then the interaction with these structures
with the environment’s restrictions is considered in
order to obtain a first selection and, finally, the
remaining solutions are evaluated in order to
determine which ones can really be carried out and
under which conditions. Tables 2 and 3 show the
examples of the search for structures-solution for
behaviours (2,1,3) and (2,1,1).
It can be observed in the example in Table 2 that
five structures capable of carrying out behaviour
(2,1,3) were found in the database. Two of these
structures were rejected straight away because of
their effects on the restriction, that is, they damage
the paper. The remaining three were evaluated on
the basis of their final purpose. As can be observed,
two of them present one disadvantage and one
requirement, and the other one presents three
disadvantages and one requirement. So, this last one
is rejected. As the other two options seem to be
equally good, the system is split into two from now
on and two different final solutions will be
developed and then evaluated at the end of the
process. The evolution from carbon lead is named
“design A”, and the ink one is named “design B”.
Table 2: Structure search and evaluation from behaviour
Structure Compatibility
with paper
Carbon lead Good It wears down. It requires a
Ink Good It wears down. It requires a
container. It gets dry with
air contact.
Chalk Good It wears down. It requires a
container. Poor trace
quality. It marks and
Carving Bad -
Welding Bad -
Table 3: Structure search and evaluation from behaviour
Structure Compatibilit
y with ink
- Metal
- Plastic
- Wood
- Cardboard
Good It must be removable.
- Viable
- Viable
- Viable
- Viable. Ecological.
Low mechanical
strength. Ink can soak
through it.
Good Non-viable. It is not
Gel Bad -
Vacuum Good Very expensive system
Difficult to implant
into a small device.
Next evaluation phases must take this split into
account. So, the next structure’s evaluation
considers the structure’s utility with both carbon
lead and ink. As an example, for the search and
evaluation from behaviour (2,1,1), the structure
“rubber” is the only one that has a good
compatibility with paper. This structure is useful
within design A, but it is useless in design B. In this
case a structure with regular or dubious
compatibility must be chosen as a solution in design
B. The selected structure is again the one with the
lowest number of disadvantages or requirements.
Figures 3a and 3b show the differences in this first
step in the development of designs A and B.
The system now evolves from this first step by
turning the disadvantages and requirements of the
new structures into new behaviours, which can be
carried out by the existing structures or new ones
may be required. The existing structure will always
be preferred to a new one since no new behaviours
will be needed and the number of structures will be
lower. So, the new structures “carbon lead” and
“ink” generate two new behaviours: one to show that
they wear down (4,2,1) and the other one to show
the need to be contained (2,2,2). Hence, behaviour
(4,2,1) is derived from behaviours (2,1,3) and
(2,1,1), which correspond to normal device use. As
it proceeds from a disadvantage, it is considered as a
non-desirable behaviour and it will need to be
considered differently to the other behaviours. On
the other hand, behaviour (2,2,2) proceeds from a
requirement, so it is considered as a desirable
behaviour and it will be treated in the same way as
the behaviours that come from functions.
Figure 3a: First step in the evolution of design A.
If we centre on case B, the structure “ink” has
generated a non-desirable behaviour. Here, a new
behaviour has to appear in order to solve the
Figure 3b: First step in the evolution of design B.
requirement of the non-desirable behaviour, whose
object is the “ink”, and it will need a new structure
able to carry out this new behaviour (Table 3)
The development of the designs will evolve in the
way described until all the required behaviours can
be carried out by some existing structure and all the
existing structures need no new, as yet undefined,
behaviours. At this point, the design process is
considered to have ended and all the designs are
ready to be evaluated, both by the designer and by
an external application built for this purpose. The
development of the design B obtained in this
example is represented in Figure 4.
In this paper the authors have defended the use of
both the NIST’s functional basis and the B-Cube
model for developing a KBS that is capable of
automating functional design. The B-Cube model is
shown as one of the tools that are needed to create a
KBS to automate the design process within an FBS
framework. The importance of behaviour lies in its
concreteness (in contrast to the generality of
function) and also in its direct relation with
structures. For this purpose, the B-Cube model
offers the advantages of the lower ambiguity of
vectors compared to taxa and the facility of
computer programs to work with vectors. It has also
its ability to work well with the NIST’s
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 4: Final design B result.
functional basis, which is considered to be the most
useful correlation of function terms, as well as being
suitable for automated functional design.
As well as the B-Cube model and the NIST’s
functional basis, complete databases and evaluation
and semantic tools are also needed to automate the
design process. The use of ontologies is the easiest
way to interact with these tools and share the
knowledge in an appropriate manner. Future work
will be directed along these lines, with emphasis on
both the structures level and the link between
functional design and Computer Aided Inventing
(CAI) tools in order to innovate and improve the
design process.
The authors would like to acknowledge the Ministry
of Education and Science in Spain (ref. DPI2006-
15570-C02-00) and the European Fund for Regional
Development (FEDER) for their funding.
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