An XQuery-like Language for Mining XML Data
Andrea Romei and Franco Turini
Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3, Pisa 56127, Italy
Data mining, Knowledge discovery, Inductive databases, XML, XQuery, Query language.
The rapid growth of semi-structured sources raises the need of designing and implementing environments
for knowledge discovery out of XML data. This paper presents an Inductive Database System in which raw
data, mining models and domain knowledge are represented as XML documents, stored inside XML native
databases. In particular, we discuss our experiences in the design and development of XQuake, a mining query
language that extends XQuery. Features of the language are an intuitive syntax, a good expressiveness and the
capability of dealing uniformly with raw data, induced and background knowledge. The language is presented
by means of examples and a sketch of its implementations and the evaluation of its performance is given.
Inductive Databases (IDBs) are general purpose
databases in which both the data and the knowledge
are represented, retrieved, and manipulated in an uni-
form way (Imielinski and Mannila, 1996). A critical
aspect in IDBs is the choice of what kind of formalism
is more suited to represent models, data sources, as
well as the queries one might want to apply on them.
A considerable number of different papers propose to
integrate a mining system with a relational DBMS.
Relational databases are fine for storing data in a tab-
ular form, but they are not well suited for representing
large volumes of semi-structured data fields. How-
ever, data mining need not be necessarily supported
by a relational DB.
The past few years have seen a growth in the adop-
tion of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML). On
the one hand, the flexible nature of XML makes it
an ideal basis for defining arbitrary languages. One
such example is the Predictive Modelling Markup
Language (PMML) (The Data Mining Group, 2009),
an industry standard for the representation of mined
models as XML documents. On the other hand, the
increasing adoption of XML has also raised the chal-
lenge of mining large collections of semi-structured
data, for example web pages, graphs, geographical in-
formation and so on. From the XML querying point
of view, a relevant on-going effort of the W3C is the
design of a standard query language for XML, called
XQuery (W3C World Wide Web Consortium, 2007),
which is drawing much research and for which a large
number of implementations already exists.
The goal of our research is the design and imple-
mentation of a mining language in support to an IDB
in which an XML native database is used as a stor-
age for Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
entities, while Data Mining (DM) tasks are expressed
in an XQuery-like language, in the same way min-
ing languages on relational databases are expressed
in a SQL-like format. Features of the language are
the expressiveness and flexibility in specifying a vari-
ety of different mining tasks and a coherent formalism
capable of dealing uniformly with raw data, induced
knowledge and background knowledge.
Due to space restrictions, we do not present here
the data model on which XQuake is based, but we fo-
cus on the basic ideas behind the language, discussing
several examples of its concrete usage. All exam-
ples assume the availability of XML data in a native
XML database. Specifically, Figure 1 shows a frag-
ment of the online
, containing biblio-
graphic information on major computer science jour-
nals and proceedings. Figure 1 depicts a sample docu-
ment including various information about researchers
in a university department. Finally, the XML docu-
of Figure 1 contains a collection of
XML tags storing geographical, economic and politi-
cal characteristic of a country.
Romei A. and Turini F. (2010).
XQUAKE - An XQuery-like Language for Mining XML Data.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 20-27
DOI: 10.5220/0002703400200027
Figure 1: XML fragments of the
dataset (a), the
dataset (b) and the
dataset (c).
In this section, the XQuake (acronym of XQUery-
based Applications for Knowledge Extraction) min-
ing language is presented.
2.1 The XQuake Philosophy
Essentially, XQuery expressions are used to identify
XML data as well as mining fields and metadata,
to express constraints on the domain knowledge, to
specify user preferences and the format of the XML
A mining query begins with a collection of
XQuery functions and variables declarations followed
by an XQuake operator. The syntax of each operator
includes three basic statements
: (i) task and method
specification; (ii) domain entities identification; (iii)
exploitation of constraints and user preferences. The
outline of a generic operator is explained below.
Task and Method Specification. Each XQuake
operator starts specifying the kind of KDD activ-
ity. Constructs for preprocessing, model extraction,
knowledge filtering, model evaluation or model meta-
reasoning are possible. As an instance, the following
XQuake fragment denotes a data sampling task:
prepare sampling
alg:my-sampling-alg(my-params ...)
More precisely, the language also allows the construc-
tion of the generated results. However, this feature is not
described in this paper.
expression directs the result of
the mining task to a specific native XML database for
further processing or analysis. The
introduces the kind of mining or preprocessing algo-
rithm used, together with atomic parameters.
Domain Entities Identification. Any KDD task may
need to specify the set of relevant entities as input of
the analysis. The syntax is an adaptation of the stan-
dard XQuery FLOWR syntax, in which the result of
the evaluation of an expression is linked to a variable
clauses. Below you can see a simple
statement that can be used to locate input data.
for data
<XQuery expr>
<XQuery expr on $tuple>
let active field
$field := <XQuery expr on $tuple>
Input data is typically a sequence of XML nodes. The
<for> expression above binds the variable
each item during the evaluation of the operator, while
the <let> clause identifies an attribute of the data.
XQuake also offers an optional <where>, used to
express data filtering constraints. The user specifies
them through an XQuery condition that is typically
processed before the mining task. The <let> clause
defines a data attribute with name
, whose val-
ues are obtained by means of the XQuery expression
in the body and whose type is omitted. The keyword
after the <let> refers to the role of such an attribute
in the mining activity of interest. More specifically:
<active> specifies that the field is used as input
of the analysis;
<predicted> specifies that it is a prediction at-
XQUAKE - An XQuery-like Language for Mining XML Data
<supplementary> states that it holds additional
descriptive information.
Mining fields in input to the mining task are re-
quired to be atomic, i.e. an instance of one of the
built-in data types defined by XML schemas, such as
string, integer, decimal and date. A richer set of types
is included into the data model by extending the sys-
tem type of XQuery to support discrete, ordering and
cyclical data types. Moreover, XQuake maintains the
typing philosophy of XQuery by offering a method to
equip attributes with logical information. In the query
fragment below, we are interested in the specification
of a mining attribute that indicates whether a journal
paper published by the ACM’ focusses on the KDD
field. An explicit boolean type is specified by the user
for the field
for data
fn:contains($paper/journal, "ACM")
let active field
xs:boolean :=
some $keyword in $paper/keywords/keyword
satisfies $keyword eq "KDD"
Either if an input field has an explicit or an implicit
type, it is validated against a required type, that de-
pends on the context in which it appears. For instance,
the target attribute of a classification task is required
to be discrete. An error is raised whenever the type of
an expression does not match the expected type.
Exploitation of Constraints and User Preferences.
XQuake admits a special syntax to specify domain
, particularly useful for the definition of
domain-based constraints. In contrast to active and
predicted mining fields, a metadata field may include
also non-atomic types, such as XML nodes or at-
tributes. For example, below we assign an hypotheti-
cal XML hierarchy to a table column as metadata in-
for data
let metadata field
$hier :=
let $cap := $country//city[@is-capital=’yes’]
return doc("hierarchy")/root/city[.=$cap]
For each distinct
element of the
dataset, the <metadata> keyword defines a special
field used to bind domain knowledge (an XML taxo-
nomy in this case) to the capital of that country. This
paper reports, in the next section, several examples to
show how the user can express personalized sophisti-
cated constraints based on the domain knowledge.
The domain, or background, knowledge is the informa-
tion provided by a domain expert about the domain to be
2.2 Constraint-based XML Frequent
Itemset Mining
One of the most important open issues in frequent
itemset mining is the too large number of gener-
ated patterns. The constraint-based pattern mining
paradigm has been introduced with the aim of pro-
viding the analyst with a domain-dependent tool for
driving the discovery process directly towards poten-
tially interesting patterns. We present an operator to
handle constrained itemset mining out of XML data.
Example 1. We wish to discover correlations among
authors in the
dataset. In our analysis, we con-
sider only the patterns with a minimum support of
10%, in which some “leader” author occurs, and in
which at most two authors received a PhD after 2002.
We consider as “leaders” those authors that received
an award from the “IEEE” society or, alternatively,
are prime investigators of an active project. The re-
sulting XQuake operator is given in Figure 2.2.
The query is not hard to understand for readers fa-
miliar with XQuery. The algorithm used is the Apri-
ori algorithm (Agrawal and Srikant, 1994), with the
relative minimum support expressed as a parameter
(<using> clause).
The set of involved XML transactions, i.e. both
proceeding and journal papers, is specified through
the <for data> clause. The next statement uses a
similar syntax to identify items of a transaction, i.e.
the authors of a publication, binding each XML node
to the variable
. The keyword
<item> specifies in this case that we are iterating
over the items of a transaction. The <let active>
clause uses a built-in function to format the required
author name, i.e. the atomic values in the itemset.
In addition, we bind to the variable
XML element encoding the domain knowledge (i.e.
the employee information of the department of inter-
est to each distinct author - see also Figure 1). This is
achieved through the <let metadata> statement con-
taining, in the body, an XQuery expression that first
looks for the department of interest in the collection
of the various departments, and then looks for the au-
thor name among its employees. Notice the use of
both the
variables in the body
The set of itemset constraints occur in the
<having> clause. Specifically, they constrain the
number of the items of an itemset that satisfies a par-
ticular condition to have a certain threshold. They
have the following format (where n > 0).
having at least n item satisfies
<XQuery predicate>
The operator <at least> (similar are <at most> and
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Two examples of the MINE ITEMSETS operator at work.
<exactly>) is true for all itemsets which have at least
a specified number of items that satisfy the XQuery
predicate. The latter one can be expressed on the vari-
ables previously defined that, in the example 1, denote
both the author’s name and the employee metadata.
The examples below highlight their usage.
item satisfies
$aut-name eq "A. Einstein"
at least
item satisfies
at most
fn:round($ALL div 2)
item satisfies
count($employee//Project[@active]="yes") > 1
item satisfies
$aut/@dep eq "Cambridge"
The first condition above finds out who publishes fre-
quently together with A. Einstein”. The next clause
looks for itemsets of length at least 4. The third con-
dition imposes that at most half of the authors in the
itemset are involved in at least two active projects.
The special variable
stands for the length of
the current itemset that should be validated against
the constraint. Finally, the last predicate finds cor-
relations among the publications of the authors at the
“Cambridge University”.
In the above queries we have supposed the avail-
ability of metadata. In several cases, XQuery can be
also used to build metadata from scratch. The variable
below stores an XML element containing the number
of publications for each distinct author in the
declare variable local:np as node()* :=
for $a in distinct-values(doc("dblp")//author)
return element publication {
The fragment of the XQuake query below returns all
itemsets which have “Enrico Fermi” as an author, and
at least one co-author with a number of publications
greater than 30.
let metadata field
$n as xs:decimal :=
having exactly
item satisfies
$aut-name eq "Fermi",
at least
item satisfies
$aut-name ne "Fermi" and $n > 30.
The predicate below aims at extracting frequent item-
sets in which it does not exist one author that is also
let metadata field
$is-editor :=
having exactly
item satisfies
The versatility of the <mine itemsets> operator per-
mits to comply easily with the nature of the domain
and the interpretation of the items. In the next exam-
ple, we exploit the
dataset as a source for
constraint-based frequent itemset mining.
Example 2. In the
dataset, we are in-
terested in finding correlations among the countries
that appear frequently as members of the 168 mon-
dial organizations (e.g. FAO, ONU, etc.). For in-
stance, the itemset {
country=FR, country=USA
means that France and USA occurred
about 20% of the times together as members of some
organization. Also, we require that in each itemset
at least one item is an European country and that ev-
ery country in the itemset is a republic. The query of
Figure 2.2 accomplishes this task.
Notice that in the example above, the transactions
are all the countries located in the
XML tags, items are the car codes of the countries
XQUAKE - An XQuery-like Language for Mining XML Data
and the metadata information is the set of
elements (see Figure 1).
2.3 XML Classification
The next example focuses on the XML classification
task, and in particular on the issue of specifying the
input to a decision tree algorithm. In the example, we
select the
database as an XML table suit-
able as an input to a classification algorithm intended
to build a model of the geographical, economic and
political information of the countries.
Example 3. The goal is to classify new countries in
two different categories: the countries that are good
candidates to become a new member of the UNESCO
and those that are not. The classification scenario is as
follows. Records of the training set are the countries
located by means of the homonymous XML element.
The set of the attributes includes country’s properties
like (i) the governmenttype; (ii) the values of the level
of inflation and the population of the capital city; (iii)
a binary attribute indicating whether the capital of the
country has an extension greater than a fixed value.
The DM task for generating the classification model
can be specified by means of the <mine tree> opera-
tor, as shown in Figure 3.
The statement can be read as follows. The <using>
clause specifies the mining algorithm, ID3 (Mitchell,
1997) in this case, and the confidence for pruning
as parameter. The <for> clause identifies the XML
nodes that denote the records of the training set.
Each <let> element specifies the attributes in the
source data set that are considered for mining, i.e. the
mining schema. Since the ID3 algorithm is restricted
to deal with discrete sets of values, the operator
forces the type of each field to be
or one
of its subtypes (e.g. discrete or ordinal). An example
of discrete attribute definition is the last clause above,
that specifies the target attribute
, whose
only admitted values are “yes” or “no”.
XQuake also offers operators to apply the gener-
ated itemsets and classification trees to further data or
to do preprocessing.
3.1 The XQuake System Prototype
XQuake is supportedby a tightly-coupled architecture
designed directly over BaseX (Holupirek et al., 2009),
a Java-based open source native XML database devel-
oped by the Database and Information Systems Group
at the University of Konstanz. Basically, the XQuake
system prototype defines and implements the mining
operations via extended XQuery programs. On the
one hand, complex operations over data structures are
implemented in Java and the I/O of such operators
is integrated within the XQuery program by external
On the other hand, such an extension regards a
new iterative construct, named
, encapsulated
into XQuery, whose aim is to provide a better imple-
mentation of the mining tasks. It tries to overcome
two main deficiencies of the traditional FLOWR ex-
pressions in order to define queries over windows of
data (useful in data preparation tasks) and to manage
local temporary variables in an iterative computation.
The general schema of the
is the following.
wfor $binding-var in <sequence>
declare state variable $state-var
as <type> := <expression>
init <expression>
iterate <expression> while <condition>
return <expression>.
It iterates over an input sequence of length N > 0 and
it binds a variable to each item of the sequence. The
effect of the
clause is to introduce a new
variable - say
state variable
- and to initialize it with
the value of the given expression body. The state vari-
able is in the scope of all the rest of the
sion. Also, it is updated at each iteration with the re-
sult of the
clause, whose aim is to consume
the sequence item by item. The
breaks the cy-
cle and forces the execution of the
that returns an output value. At this point, if addi-
tional items exist in the input sequence, the compu-
tation continues by re-initializing the state variable
with the result of the
statement and by evalu-
again. Intuitively, the
when the
clause should be evaluated and a
new value returned as output. At one extreme, if it is
or absent, then a single value is returned (e.g.
for model extraction operators). At the other extreme,
if it is
, a sequence of length N is returned as
the answer (e.g. for preprocessing operators). More-
expressions can be nested to iterate over
an input sequence several times. Due to space restric-
tions, the syntax and the semantic aspects of
out of the core of this paper.
The high level XQuake architecture is shown in
Figure 4. A mining task is expressed in XQuake via
a specific text editor. A compiler automatically gen-
erates the appropriate (extended) XQuery code that is
then interpreted. The compiler is designed to provide
a good level of extensibility to accomodate the defini-
tion of new algorithms. The core of the mining pro-
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Extraction of a classification tree from the
Figure 4: The XQuake system architecture.
cess is performed by the mining engine that contains
the run-time support of the BaseX XQuery engine ex-
tended with the
iterator. This component uses
the external function modules responsible for provid-
ing an XQuery interface to external user-defined Java
functions overdata structures. At the bottom, we have
the BaseX native XML database containing the input
and output of mining tasks, as well as XML meta-
data. The database is accessed by means of the XML
access optimizer component that will contain (propri-
etary or native) indexing techniques to speed-up the
access to input data. Finally, the XML visualizer mod-
ule translates an XML document stored in the DB into
a visualization form, accepted by data and model vi-
sualization tools, and presented by means of an output
GUI to the user. Currently, the XML result is trans-
formed into HTML browsable format via XSL style
3.2 Performance Evaluation
In the following, we analyze the impact of the archi-
tecture on the frequent itemsets problem. In order to
compare the performance with an existent Apriori im-
plementation, we tested the effects of a very simple
XQuake query, without considering the encapsulation
of any kind of constraints.
Table 1: Summary of datasets for experiments.
Name Real Avg Num Num Min Num
trans trans items supp patterns
census yes 15 48841 135 2 70826
mushroom yes 23 8122 119 10 574513
connect-4 yes 43 67556 129 88 55115
T20I6D100K no 20 100K 1K 0.2 25820
T30I10D100K no 30 100K 1K 0.2 108634
T20I6D300K no 20 300K 3K 0.2 7457
We used both real and synthetic datasets. The real
datasets are from the UCI repository
. The synthetic
databases are generated by means of the IBM gener-
. These datasets are named “TxIyDz” according
to the parameters x, y, z indicating the average number
of items in the transactions, the average number of
items in the large itemsets, and the number of transac-
tions in the database, respectively. A summarization
of the databases used in our experiments is outlined
in Table 1, in which the last two columns identify the
lower minimum threshold of the support used in the
experiments and the number of extracted patterns.
We carried out our tests on a dual core Athlon
4000+ running Windows XP. We assigned 1.5Gbyte
of memory to the Java Virtual Machine. Figures 5,
6, 7 and 8 report the performance obtained on the
datasets by varying the value of the minimum sup-
port. In order to have an idea of the performance of
XQuake, we compared its execution time on the three
real datasets with those obtained by running the well-
known Java-based Weka system
(Figures 5, 6 and 7).
The first group of experiments shows good and
promising results. When the mining becomes hard,
XQuake outperforms Weka and the differences be-
tween the two implementations tend to increase with
respect to lower values of the minimum support
threshold. The scalability is also acceptable on artifi-
cial datasets (Figure 8), on which the performance of
the algorithm resulted to be quite stable. The perfor-
XQUAKE - An XQuery-like Language for Mining XML Data
Figure 5: Runtime comparison among XQuake and Weka
on the
Figure 6: Runtime comparison among XQuake and Weka
on the
Figure 7: Runtime comparison among XQuake and Weka
on the
Figure 8: XQuake performance on the synthetic datasets.
mance overhead introduced by externalJava functions
integrated in XQuery is modest. This is confirmed
by the graphs of Figures 3.2, 3.2 and 3.2, which re-
port the overall execution time on the test datasets as
a sum of: (i) the
initialization time
, i.e. the time to
compile the query and to prepare the data structures;
(ii) the
data iteration time
, i.e. the time to iterate over
the data several times, according to the number of cy-
cles of the Apriori; (iii) the
mining time
, i.e. the time
to update data structures at each iteration; (iv) an esti-
mation of the
overhead due to external functions
finally (v) the
serialization time
to produce the output.
The performance of the Apriori tends to worsen when
the number of generated patterns is very large - more
than 500,000 itemsets (Figure 3.2) . Such a behaviour
is mainly due to the context-switching overhead due
to their serialization.
4.1 Related Work
An important issue in DM is how to make all the het-
erogeneous patterns, sources of data and other KDD
objects coexist in a single framework. A solution
considered in the last few years is the exploitation
of XML as a flexible instrument for IDBs (Meo and
Psaila, 2006; Romei et al., 2006; Euler et al., 2006;
Braga et al., 2003).
In (Meo and Psaila, 2006) XML has been used
as the basis on which a semi-structured data model
designed for KDD, called XDM, is defined. In this
approach both data and mining models are stored in
the same XML database. This allows the reuse of pat-
terns by the inductive database management system.
The perspective suggested by XDM is also taken in
KDDML (Romei et al., 2006) and RapidMiner (Euler
et al., 2006). Essentially, the KDD process is mod-
eled as an XML document and the description of an
operator application is encoded via an XML element.
Both KDDML and XDM integrate XQuery expres-
sions into the mining process. For instance, XDM
encodes XPath expressions into XML attributes to se-
lect sources for the mining, while KDDML uses an
XQuery expression to evaluate a condition on a min-
ing model. In our opinion, XQuake offers a deeper
amalgamation with the XQuery language and conse-
quently a better integration among DM and XML na-
tive databases.
Finally, the XMineRule operator (Braga et al.,
2003) defines the basic concept of association rules
for XML documents. Two are the main differ-
ences with respect to XQuake. From the physical
point of view, XMineRule requires that the data are
mapped to the relational model and it uses SQL-
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 9: Time breakdown on the
dataset (a),
dataset (b) and
dataset (c).
oriented algorithms to do the mining. Also the out-
put rules are translated into an XML representation.
As a consequence, the loosely-coupled architecture
of XMineRule makes it difficult to use optimiza-
tions based on the pruning of the search space, since
constraints can be evaluated only at pre- or post-
processing time. From the semantics perspective,
items have an XML-based hierarchical tree structure
in which rules describe interesting relations among
fragments of the XML source (Feng and Dillon,
2004). In contrast, in our approach, items are denoted
by using simple structured data from the domains of
basic data types, favouring both the implementation
of efficient data structures and the design of powerful
domain-specific optimizations evaluated as deeper as
possible in the extraction process. Domain knowledge
is linked to items through XML metadata elements.
4.2 Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, we proposed a new QL as a solution to
the XML data mining problem. In our view, an XML
native database is used as a storage for KDD entities.
DM tasks are expressed in an XQuery-like language.
The syntax of the language is flexible enough to spec-
ify a variety of different mining tasks by means of
user-defined functions in the statements. These ones
provide to the user personalized sophisticated con-
straints, based, for example, on domain knowledge.
The first empirical assessment reported in Section 3.2
exhibits promising results, even if only related to the
XML frequent itemsets mining problem.
Summing up, our project aims at a completely
general solution for DM. Clearly, the generality is
even more substantial in XML-based languages, since
no general-purpose XML mining language has been
yet proposed (at the best of our knowledge). An in-
teresting on-going work includes the exploitation of
ontologies to represent the metadata. As an example,
ontologies may represent enriched taxonomies, used
to describe the application domain by means of data
and object properties. As a consequence, they may
provide enhanced possibilities to constrain the mining
queries in a more expressive way. This opportunity is
even more substantial in our project, since ontologies
are typically represented via the Web Ontology Lan-
guage (OWL) (W3C World Wide Web Consortium,
2004), de facto an XML-based language.
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XQUAKE - An XQuery-like Language for Mining XML Data