Ambra Molesini, Marco Prandini, Elena Nardini and Enrico Denti
a di Bologna, Italy
RBAC, MAS, Deployment, Risk analysis, Security engineering.
Multi-agent systems (MASs) are a powerful paradigm enabling effective software engineering techniques: yet,
it easily lets the designer be oblivious of the emergent security problems. This can be a critical issue, especially
when MASs are exploited as an infrastructure to provide secure services. This paper performs a security
analysis of such a scenario, identifying threats and assessing risks that could interfere with the achievement of
the application goal – e.g. access control – as a consequence of its MAS-based implementation.
Access control is a key topic in the security area.
Building an access control system (Samarati and Cap-
itani de Vimercati, 2001) means deploying a theoret-
ically sound model on a structurally secure platform:
the former cannot be effective without the latter.
In this context, Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) are
finding interesting applications as providers of se-
curity functionalities. The flexibility of the agent
paradigm proves very valuable in modelling the dif-
ferent aspects of security schemes, accurately captur-
ing the concepts needed for achieving a robust de-
sign at the most appropriate abstraction levels. On
the other hand, a MAS needs a complex underlying
infrastructure, whose intrinsic security is fundamental
for the correct behaviour of agents, and for the correct
implementation of the policy to be enforced.
Various solutions exist (Yamazaki et al., 2004;
Bordini et al., 2006; JADE, 2005) for the design of
MAS-supporting platforms and for exploiting a MAS
as a security provider, but the field of their security as-
sessment is largely unexplored. We acknowledge that
a layered approach is key to the proper engineering of
complex systems, yet we claim that the existing lit-
erature fails to capture the peculiar security needs of
MASs when exploited as security providers.
In this work, we analyse a previously proposed ac-
cess control system (Section 2) to assess whether its
peculiar MAS-based implementation affects the abil-
ity of the system to reliably pursue its ultimate goal.
The attack sources fall into three broad layers: the
users; the system, implementing the access control
policies; and the infrastructure, supporting the MAS.
After shortly reporting on related works (Subsec-
tion 2.1), this paper first carries out a systematic risk
analysis of the first two layers (Section 3), then anal-
yses the advantages and drawbacks of different place-
ment strategies (Section 4), emphasising the impact
of deployment choices on the opportunity for attacks
and their effects. Conclusions follow in Section 5.
In order to highlight the key aspects concerning the
deployment issues in a secure MAS, we take the ac-
cess control to a building as our reference. This
choice is effective both because the access control
problem has been widely studied in the literature
(Samarati and Capitani de Vimercati, 2001), and be-
cause the access to some kind of building is at the
same time simple enough to make most aspects clear,
and not-so-trivial enough to expose most of the key
aspects we mean to address. In particular, (Molesini
et al., 2009) considers the case of a university build-
ing: roles, situations and policies are therefore tai-
lored to the specific university environment, but this
does not limit its generality, since a clear separation
was adopted between the access policy, and the hard-
ware & software mechanisms exploited to enforce
such rules. Accordingly, since our interest concerns
the deployment issues, we shortly report only the out-
come of the mechanism design.
The global mechanism was conceived as com-
Molesini A., Prandini M., Nardini E. and Denti E. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Agents, pages 143-148
DOI: 10.5220/0002704201430148
posed of two complementary sub-mechanisms, one
controlling the access to the whole building (Fig-
ure 1, top) and another for the single room/office
department—just “room” in the following (Figure 1,
bottom). Both mechanisms were designed exploiting
Agents and Artifacts (A&A) (Omicini et al., 2006)
building blocks: agents were used for the system’s
active part, and artifacts for the system resources.
User Manager
Access Manager
R-Access Manager
Room Manager
Figure 1: Access control mechanisms for the whole build-
ing (top) and the room (bottom) (Molesini et al., 2009).
There, “Interface Artifacts” represent the wrap-
pers to the hardware resources which acquire the user
credentials: there is one such artifact for each hard-
ware device that monitors the building physical access
points, plus one further Interface Artifact for each
room. Interface Artifacts generate an event when-
ever a user enters the place they control: such events
are then handled by “Access Manager” agents (for the
whole building) and “Room-Access Manager” agents
(for each room). Such agents exploit further artifacts
the “User Artifact” and the “User-room Artifact”
to check if the user can access the building/room: if
so, the state of the “Building-State Artifact”, which
traces the people inside the building, is updated ac-
cordingly. Moreover, to grant room access also to
occasional users who have an appointment with staff
people, the Appointment Artifact” is introduced to
store the list of the appointments for a given room.
User Artifacts and User-room Artifacts store all
the roles permanently qualified to access the cor-
responding place along with their access privileges,
thus providing the knowledge base needed to decide
whether an access is to be granted or not.
Users authorised to enter the building are managed
by the “User Manager” agent, while users authorised
to enter a room are managed by the “Room Manager”
agent: both perceive the events generated by the Ad-
min Artifact” or by the “Room-Admin Artifact”, re-
spectively, which represent the interface between the
human administrator and the mechanism itself.
2.1 Related Work
Some recent research work is reported in the literature
about software engineering techniques for capturing
security issues in the software development process.
In particular, (Lodderstedt et al., 2002) introduces a
methodology based on SecureUML which supports
the specification of access control policies. Although
this work makes an important integration effort, it is
mainly focused on the process design stage: other as-
pects which still affect the software development pro-
cess from the early stages are not considered— nor
is there any reference about the system deployment
and how the chosen deployment could impact on the
reliability of the resulting system.
In the MAS field, integrating security in the devel-
opment process is largely an unexplored area: one of
the main contribution is represented by (Mouratidis
and Giorgini, 2007), which proposes an extension of
the Tropos methodology (Bresciani et al., 2004) to ad-
dress security concerns, but risk analysis and system-
deployment concerns are not explicitly considered.
In addition, in (Liu et al., 2002) authors present an
approach for the analysis of security requirements for
MAS development: yet, this work does not consider
risk analysis explicitly.
Risk analysis is a part of the more general process
called “Security risk assessment and management”
(Sommerville, 2007), where risk analysis should start
from the identification of the system’s assets—i.e.,
the system resources to be protected because of their
value. So, first of all we have to determine the value
of each asset inside the system, as well as its expo-
sure, which represents the possible loss or harm that
results from a successful attack (Sommerville, 2007).
Figure 2 reports the assets identified in our case
study (presented in Section 2), along with their val-
ues and exposures. Assets are divided in three cate-
gories: artifacts (top), agents (middle), and what we
call the “real world” (bottom), that is, the physical
devices and the infrastructure where the software sys-
tem will be deployed. Apparently, Figure 2 reports
only the “material” assets, such as software and phys-
ical entities, while the “immaterial” assets i.e., data
such as the users’ credentials and profiles seem not
to be taken into account. The reason is that immate-
rial data are considered indirectly: since the system
is developed using the A&A metaphors, any exter-
nal resource is wrapped by some suitable artifact—
including the system’s data.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Asset Value Exposure
Interface Artifact high medium
Admin Artifact high high
User Artifact high high
Building-State Artifact low low
Room-Admin Artifact high high
User-room Artifact high high
Appointment Artifact medium medium
User Manager high high
Access Manager high high
R-Access Manager high high
Room Manager high high
Physical Device high high
Infrastructure high high
Figure 2: System’s assets.
So, since in our case study the system’s data are
accessible only through artifacts, attackers have to
force the artifacts in order to steal or modify such
data. However, one must be aware that this is a crit-
ical aspect: in fact, artifacts were introduced in open
and dynamic systems, where agents can join the MAS
and discover the services provided by artifacts sim-
ply thanks to the artifact’s “inspectability” property,
which allows agents to inspect the state of an artifact
and its content (Omicini et al., 2006). This is the rea-
son for the high value and exposure levels assigned
to some artifacts in Figure 2 namely, to the Admin
Artifact, the Room-Admin Artifact, the User Artifact,
and the User-room Artifact as they wrap the most
sensitive application data.
The next step in the risk analysis process is threat
identification (Sommerville, 2007), Threats can be di-
vided into two different classes: (i) fortuitous events,
such as earthquakes, flooding, storms, etc., and (ii)
deliberate attacks, such as sniffing, spoofing, etc. For
the sake of simplicity, we assume here that all the for-
tuitous events can be viewed as different examples of
physical devices damaging.
Now the probability that a threat actually materi-
alised as an attack has to be estimated. Figure 3 shows
threats and probabilities for our case study, divided in
three categories based on the threatened application
layer: threats to users (top), threats to software enti-
ties (middle), and threats to physical devices.
Perhaps surprisingly, one might note that we did
not report the threats to the infrastructure level: this
was done intentionally, just because infrastructural se-
curity issues are so wide to require a specific investi-
gation, which is outside the scope of this paper.
The probabilities of the threats belonging to the
first and third categories are expressed as single val-
Threat Probability
Stealing admin credential low
Stealing user credential high
Personifying user high
Social Engineering high
Introducing malicious agent medium - high
Disappearing agent medium - high
Agent bugs high
Modifying agent code low - medium
Tampering artifact data high - very high
Sniffing artifact data high - very high
Artifact bugs high
Replacing artifact medium - high
Men in the middle medium - high
Sniffing communication medium - high
Damaging physical device high
Figure 3: System’s threats.
ues (Figure 3), as they are independent from the spe-
cific system deployment that will be chosen at the end
of the system design phase. Instead, the threats of the
second category are expressed as a range of probabil-
ity values, as they strictly depend on the specific sys-
tem deployment. In fact, the locus where an artifact
or an agent will be allocated affects both the protec-
tion of the communications and the mechanisms that
are required for the artifact’s / agent’s protection. The
only exceptions in this category are the Agent bugs”
and Artifact bugs”, which are not tied to to the de-
ployment of the software entities.
Two threats in Figure 3, “Tampering artifact data”
and “Sniffing artifact data”, assume very high val-
ues of probability: this is because they threaten the
most valuable system assets (see Figure 2)—i.e., the
artifacts. In addition, the probabilities of such two
threats are also conditioned by the probabilities of
other threats such as “Introducing malicious agent”
or “Modify agent code”, because of the risk of mis-
using the artifact’s inspectability property. If, for in-
stance, a malicious agent is introduced in the system,
the inspectability of “User Artifact” or Admin Arti-
fact” could in principle allow such agent to steal the
user credentials. In the same way, if the code of an
agent has been changed, the agent could behave as a
malicious agent and possibly steal or corrupt the sys-
tem data. Of course, not all of the artifacts in the sys-
tem are so critical: for instance, the “Building-State
Artifact” does not contain any specially-critical data.
Finally, Figure 4 reports for each asset the set of
threats that could be exploited by an attacker. This
figure highlights the inter-dependencies between the
artifact’s threats and the “agent asset”: for instance,
if the “Replacing artifact” threat becomes active, the
new artifact introduced in the system could provide
wrong information to agents, leading them to behave
in an unpredictable way (see bullets in the whole line).
Our aim in this section is to investigate the issues de-
signers have to face when they have to determine the
best deployment for a system. In order to discuss
the different deployment strategies, we assume that
infrastructures exhibit the same basic set of concepts:
Nodes logical loci where agents and artifacts can
be allocated.
Artifacts passive components of the systems, that
are constructed, shared, manipulated, and used by
agents to support their activities; artifacts are clas-
sified as: resource artifacts wrap external re-
sources (see Section 3) –; social artifacts me-
diate between two or more agents in a MAS ;
individual artifacts—mediate between an individ-
ual agent and the environment
Agents — pro-active components of the systems.
The different deployment choices stem from the
simple consideration that increasing the complexity
of a component yields the opportunity for more so-
phisticated security measures, but also broadens the
spectrum of possible attack paths and failure modes.
In the following, we present the general deploy-
ment issues tied respectively to the artifacts (Subsec-
tion 4.1) and the agents (Subsection 4.2) metaphors,
then we discuss strengths and drawbacks of two dif-
ferent deployment strategies (Subsection 4.3).
4.1 Artifacts Security Deployment
Risk analysis (Section 3) showed that artifacts are
valuable assets, consequently, their deployment is
critical from the security viewpoint.
In particular, resource artifacts abstract the func-
tions and behaviours of devices. Where possible, the
deployment of the artifact on the device it controls
should have a smart device as a result. The smart de-
vice enjoys the useful properties of artifacts such as
openness. On the flip side, openness can also mean
more easy access for potential attackers, so the node
where the smart device is allocated should be pro-
tected in order to prevent possible artifact tampering,
replacement and sniffing. In addition, the designer
should foresee mechanisms for protecting the physi-
cal devices, so that the “artifacts corruption” does not
automatically damage the integrity and confidentiality
of the controlled devices.
Social artifacts are the core of interactions: agents
use them for communicating with each other, their de-
ployment is critical and should take into account all
the measures to ensure that they remain trusted.
Finally, individual artifacts both equip agents with
all the protocols they can adopt for interacting in a
particular society, and rule the agent behaviour. Even
if individual artifacts do not play a crucial role in our
specific case study, in general their deployment is par-
ticularly critical, since the corruption of this kind of
artifact could allow a malicious agent to misbehave.
4.2 Agent Security Deployment Issues
In a system developed according to the A&A meta-
model, only agents can take proactive security mea-
sures, for instance as a consequence of a suspicious
activity against the artifacts or the controlled devices.
A smart device then can be made even smarter by
slightly modifying the proposed model so as to in-
troduce device manager agents, that exploit “local in-
telligence” to detect and promptly face dangerous sit-
uations, both of malicious source (e.g. by intrusion
detection and prevention functionalities) and of acci-
dental nature (e.g. implementing fail-secure/ fail-safe
policies). To some extent, the deployment of build-
ing access managers as closely as possible to the re-
lated interface artifacts can bring similar advantages,
at least acting as a system-level barrier that helps
blocking the spreading of problems out of the phys-
ical and logical context where they appeared.
However, the agents present several vulnerabili-
ties and are subject to different threats (Figure 4). In
particular, their autonomy, pro-activity and learning
capabilities could also act as drawbacks from the se-
curity view point, since these properties restrict the
designer’s control on the agent execution flow. Other
malicious agents and corrupted artifacts can induce
data-driven agent misbehaviour.
4.3 Deployment Configurations
In this section our aim is to understand how issues
presented in the previous Subsections can be resolved
or reduced, and what is the role of the risk analysis
during the deployment design.
For the sake of brevity, we restrict our deployment
analysis to the sub-mechanism (Section 2) for the ac-
cess to the whole building, since the architectures of
the two sub-mechanisms are very similar.
First of all we need to analyse the “deployment
requirements” coming from the physical world. For
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Threat Asset
Interface Artifact
Admin Artifact
User Artifact
Building-State Artifact
Room-Admin Artifact
User-room Art.
Appointment Artifact
User Manager
Access Manager
R-Access Manager
Room Manager
Physical Device
Stealing admin credential * * *
Stealing user credential * * * *
Personifying user * * * * * *
Social Engineering * * * * * * *
Introducing malicious agent * * * * * * * * * * *
Disappearing agent * * * *
Agent bugs * * * *
Modifying agent code * * * * * * * * * * *
Tampering artifact data * * * * * * *
Sniffing artifact data * * * * * * *
Artifact bugs * * * * * * *
Replacing artifact * * * * * * * * * * *
Men in the middle * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sniffing communication * * * * * * * * * * * *
Damaging physical device * * *
Figure 4: Threats for each asset.
sake of simplicity we can consider four logical nodes
each of these nodes can have one ore more phys-
ical counterparts, we see below how to manage this
situation – labelled Node 1, Node 2, etc. The physical
resources, i.e., the device capturing the user creden-
tial, the administrator position, and the database are
respectively allocated in Node 2, Node 3 and Node 4.
In addition, let us suppose that the protection of these
devices is realised at the infrastructural level, since
here we focalise only the MAS security deployment.
In Figure 5, we propose two different deployment
configurations that represent the two extremes in the
range of all possible configurations. In particular Fig-
ure 5 part a) presents a centralised MAS deployment
since all the sub-mechanism software entities are al-
located in the Node 1, while part b) presents a totally
distributed MAS deployment.
The centralised deployment is apparently more
convenient in terms of protection mechanisms be-
cause it is sufficient to build a “secure boundary”
around Node 1 to protect the communication chan-
nels among nodes in order to obtain a “secure” sys-
tem. However, starting from the risk analysis results
in Section 3 and analysing this configuration we can
note that the MAS asset’s exposures are all, equally
increased, since the compromission of a single soft-
ware entity means that the secure boundary of Node
Node 1
Node 2
Node 3
Node 4
Node 2
Node 4
Node 1
Node 3
Figure 5: Centralised and distributed deployments.
1 is broken. In addition, also the threat probabilities
(Figure 3, middle) regarding the assets eventually in-
crease, since an attacker will try to force Node 1 for
accessing the system, whereas he threat probabilities
regarding the intra-MAS communications decrease,
since these communications occur inside the secure
boundary of Node 1. This configuration is only appar-
ently simpler, security-wise, because the chosen pro-
tection mechanisms should be suitable for protecting
the more valuable asset – such as the “User Artifact”
– but the costly, effective countermeasures have to be
sized to protect the whole Node 1, including less valu-
able assets such as the “Building-State Artifact”.
The distributed deployment configuration seems
indeed more expensive from the protection mecha-
nisms viewpoint, since all the system entities and the
communication channels need to be protected.
However, this configuration makes it possible to
decouple the exposures level of assets, choosing the
most suitable protection mechanism for each: this
is why the exposure levels for this configuration are
the same as in Figure 2. In addition, this deploy-
ment could lead to reduce the inter-dependency be-
tween threat probabilities: for instance, if the ar-
tifact controls the identity of the requesting agent
and adopts secure channels and cryptographic algo-
rithms, the threats to agents are decoupled from the
threats to artifact and vice versa. Of course, this con-
figuration presents higher probability values associ-
ated with intra-MAS communication than in the cen-
tralised scenario, since the communications between
entities always occur between network nodes, expos-
ing the vulnerabilities related to the interactions.
As a result, the distributed configuration seems
more appealing than the centralised one, the key deci-
sion element being the former’s resiliency: the com-
promission of one node does not automatically im-
plies the compromission of the whole system.
Once a “deployment architecture” is chosen for
the base scenario, it also influences the way risk
analysis is updated when the scenario changes. So,
the choice of a deployment configuration should be
guided by the findings of an accurate risk analysis, but
it also affects the way the risk analysis itself evolves
with the system.
In this paper we explored the topic of security assess-
ment in a MAS, taking a MAS-based access control
system as our reference. We performed a detailed risk
analysis then, we studied how the deployment choices
can influence the opportunity for attacks and the ef-
fects of their success. From the viewpoint of the soft-
ware development lifecycle, the deployment analysis
we performed can be situated at the end of the design
phase as the purpose of this study is precisely to iden-
tify the “most adequate” deployment strategy in terms
of security assessment.
Of course, our work is just the starting point of
the story. Much broader research is needed to de-
vise a general model of the security requirements for
MAS-based systems: in turn, this will open the way
towards the integration of security aspects into a suit-
able agent-oriented design methodology. Further in-
vestigations are also required concerning the security
issues at the infrastructural level, since the role of the
MAS infrastructures is becoming more and more rel-
evant in the whole MAS development process.
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ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence