Nuo Zhang and Toshinori Watanabe
Graduate School of Information Systems, The University of Electro-Communications
1-5-1, Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo, Japan
Documents representation, PRDC, Independent component analysis, Feature space, Clustering, Data com-
There are two well-known feature representation methods, bag-of-words and N-gram models, which have
been widely used in natural language processing, text mining, and web document analysis. A novel Pattern
Representation scheme using Data Compression (PRDC) has been proposed for data representation. The
PRDC not only can process data of linguistic text, but also can process the other multimedia data effectively.
Although PRDC provides better performance than the traditional methods in some situation, it still suffers
the problem of dictionary selection and construction of feature space. In this study, we propose a method
for PRDC to construct an independent compressibility space, and compare the proposed method to the two
other representation methods and PRDC. The performance will be compared in terms of clustering ability.
Experiment results will show that the proposed method can provide better performance than that of PRDC and
the other two methods.
Text classification technique is widely used in many
fields, including scientific research, commerce ap-
plication, etc. By adopting the text classification
technique, documents can be searched more accurate
(Richard O. Duda and Stork, 2001). Documents can
be classified according to their relative importance or
appearance frequency of words. When handling a
large number of e-documents, a good classifier can
improve efficiency.
Text classification performance is also dependent
on the choice of feature sets. The vector space model
is a well known method for text feature extraction and
representation. It represents the content of a docu-
ment as a vector, and each word in the document is
used as a content unit. There are several methods pro-
posed for text representation in the manner of vec-
tor space model so far. Bag-of-words (BOW) (Lewis,
1998) and N-gram models (Cavnar, 1994) are two of
the most popular methods in text retrieval, for their
simpleness and high performance. In these methods,
documents are often represented as high dimensional
feature, such as thousands of sparse vectors and only
a tiny part of them significantly affect the efficiency
and the results of the mining process.
Recently, for multimedia data including sound,
image and text, a method named PRDC (Pattern Rep-
resentation Scheme Using Data Compression) (Toshi-
nori Watanabe and Sugihara, 2002) is developed to
uniformly perform analysis. It shows some effec-
tive results that are similar to the other two ap-
proaches, and outperformsthem in some applications.
PRDC represents the feature of data as compress-
ibility vectors. The measurement for all kinds of
data is the distance among the vectors. PRDC can
be combined with clustering and classification meth-
ods. However, the performance of PRDC is depen-
dent on how to choose characteristic axes to construct
a vector space. PRDC suffers from the dimensional-
ity problem caused by incorrectly chosen dictionar-
ies. Luckily, there are a lot of methods were pro-
posed for dimension reduction (Yin Zhonghang and
Qian, 2002), (Liu Ming-ji and Yi-mei, 2002). Bar-
man, P.C., et al. have proposed a non-negative ma-
trix factorization based text mining (P. C. Barman and
Lee, 2006). In which, after extracting the uncorre-
lated basis probabilistic document feature vectors of
the word-document frequency, classification is per-
formed. They found very high accuracy when applied
their approach to Classic3 dataset. Mao-Ting Gao, et
al. have approached in a different way, which is based
Zhang N. and Watanabe T. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 217-222
DOI: 10.5220/0002704402170222
on projection pursuit (Gao and Wang, 2007). The idea
is founded on linear and non-linear structures and fea-
tures of the original high-dimensional data can be ex-
pressed by its projection weights in the optimal pro-
jection direction. Their results showed that it was ef-
fective to cluster texts. A new semi-supervised di-
mension reduction proposed by Martin-Merino, M.,
et al. is a textual data analysis method (Martin-
Merino and Roman, 2006). The Semi-supervised di-
mension reduction means exploiting manually cre-
ated classification of a subset of documents. Re-
cently, dimension reduction based on independent
component analysis (ICA) shows better performance
(Shafiei et al., 2007), which uses ICA to select inde-
pendent feature vectors.
In this study, we focus on the selection of charac-
teristic axes for PRDC. The text representation abil-
ity of the proposed method is compared with bag-
of-words and N-gram models, for which, we use
the methods to construct vector feature for several
benchmark datasets respectively. A popular cluster-
ing method, called k-means, is employed to examine
the representation results. Based on experiment re-
sults, we will show the performance of the proposed
method comparing to the other two methods.
In this section, we first introduce the pattern represen-
tation scheme using data compression (PRDC). Then
we show how to choose characteristic axes for PRDC.
2.1 Pattern Representation Scheme
using Data Compression
In this study, data compression is used for represen-
tation of documents. In general, a model of input in-
formation source is used for encoding the input string
in data compression. And a compression dictionary
is used as the model. The compression dictionary is
automatically produced when compressing input data,
eg. Lempel-Ziv (LZ) compression (Ziv and Lempel,
1978). In the same way, PRDC constructs a compres-
sion dictionary by encoding input data forms. It pro-
duces a compressibility vector space from the com-
pression dictionary to project new input data into it.
Therefore, we can get the feature of data represented
by a compressibility vector. Finally, PRDC classifies
data by analyzing these compressibility vectors.
Subsequently, PRDC is used as follows for rela-
tion analysis of similar documents. The compression
dictionaries constitute a compressibility vector space.
The compressibility vector space can be represented
by a compressibility table, which is made by project-
ing the input document into the compressibility vec-
tor space. Let N
be the input document. By com-
pressing the input document, a compression dictio-
nary is obtained, which is expressed as D
. Com-
pressing document N
by D
, we get compression
ratio C
. Where, L
is the size of the in-
put stream N
, K
is the size of the output stream.
Compressing with all of the dictionaries, we obtain
a compressibility vector for each input document. In
the compressibility table, the columns show the doc-
ument data N
, the rows show the compression dic-
tionary D
formed by the same document, and the
elements show the compressibility C
[%]. PRDC
utilizes this table to characterize documents.
2.2 The Proposed Method
In PRDC a compressibility vector space (dictionary
space) is constructed by randomly choosing dictionar-
ies. This method is simple to implement and provides
comparative performance. However, it is impossible
to know how many dictionaries to be selected and
where they are in the data space in this manner. An
appropriate selection of dictionaries for PRDC to im-
prove its representation performance is needed. Gen-
erally the method of dictionary selection in PRDC,
may be considered as selection of dictionaries from a
few large clusters in the data space. A large cluster
occupies a big area, in which the randomly selected
dictionaries may not represent the cluster properly, if
one or more chosen dictionaries are at the edge of the
cluster. The larger the clusters become, the larger the
select bias is.
Small clusters can be considered to be ’pure’.
Randomly selected dictionaries are able to make a
representative feature space in small clusters. This se-
lection provides the number of dictionaries to select
and where to select dictionaries. When the size of
dataset becomes large, the number of the aforemen-
tioned pure clusters will increase and consequently
the number of selected dictionaries will increase.
Hence, this method also suffers the curse of dimen-
sionality problem when dataset becomes large, which
is a well known problem when handling data analysis.
We propose to use ICA to improve the vector
space construction which can represent input doc-
uments properly in our method, since it produces
spatially localized and statistically independent basis
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
vectors. The proposed method is implemented as fol-
lows. First some dictionaries are randomly selected
to build a dictionary space. Based on which the in-
put documents are separated into a large number of
clusters to obtain small and pure ones. Then, one
document is randomly selected from each cluster to
construct dictionaries and a new dictionary space is
constructed. The input documents are compressed to
obtain a compressibility matrix in the new dictionary
Let X be the compressibility matrix obtained from
X = AS, (1)
where S is a matrix consisted of input documents,
and A is a feature transform matrix. As a prepro-
cess before ICA, singular value decompositon (SVD)
is used to reduce the dimension of X. After which,
by estimating W = A
in equation
S = WX itera-
tively using an ICA algorithm called JADE (Jean-
Francois Cardoso and SOULOUMIAC, 1996), the in-
dependent dictionaries can be obtained. Using the se-
lected dictionaries we can construct a new compress-
ibility space.
Note it is not guaranteed that which document
and its corresponding dictionary are important, be-
cause there is no order or ranking in the independent
components after using ICA as a dimension reduc-
tion method. We order the documents according to
the norms of the columns of the matrix W. Conse-
quently, it is able to know the corresponding dictio-
naries. These dictionaries are selected to construct
a compressibility space. A better performance can
be obtained by using the new compressibility vector
space to represent documents.
Our proposed method is also adapted to remove
stop words noise based on the consideration of the
words (or segments), which are closed to the origin,
as stop words. Those words are compressed by all of
the dictionaries. In this way, the proposed method can
process a dataset intensively.
In order to evaluate the performance of PRDC, bag-
of-words, N-gram model and the proposed method, a
popular clustering method called k-means is used to
classify the four datasets based on each of the above
four methods. And purity is used to show the perfor-
mance of each method.
Purity measures the extent to which each cluster
contains documents from primarily one class (Zhao
and Karypis, 2002). The overall purity of a clustering
solution is defined as the weighted sum of individual
cluster purities:
Purity =
) (2)
where P(Sr) is the purity for a particular cluster of
size n
, k is the number of clusters and d is the total
number of data items in the dataset. Purity of a single
cluster is defined by P(S
) = n
, where n
is the
number of documents in cluster r that belong to the
dominant (majority) class in r, i.e., the class with the
most documents in r. Obviously, the higher the pu-
rity value is, the purer the cluster in terms of the class
labels of its members is, and the better the clustering
results becomes.
In the following sections, the implementation of
N-gram models, bag-of-words model, PRDC and the
proposed method are introduced in details. Also, the
datasets for the comparison are introduced.
3.1 Document Representation Methods
Bag-of-words Model. In the preprocessing pro-
cedure, the white spaces, newlines, and tabs are
replaced by a single space. Non-alphabetical
characters are also replaced by a single space. Up-
per case characters are all converted to lower case.
As a result, every document is divided into a bag
of words based on spaces. And all stop words
are removed based on the standard van Rijsbergen
stop word list. After that, each word is stemmed
by using Porter’s Stemmer. And any word which
appears in four documents or less in the dataset
is removed. At last, the weight of each word in a
document is calculated using the standard TF-IDF
(Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency).
For comparison, the feature vector for each docu-
ment is normalized to unit length.
N-gram Model. In the preprocessing procedure,
the white spaces, newlines, and tabs are replaced
by a single space. Non-alphabetical characters are
also replaced by a single space. Upper case char-
acters are all converted to lower case. N-gram
model for any documents is realized. Then, every
N-gram which does not appear in most documents
is removed from N-gram model. The weight of
each N-gram in each document is calculated by
using the standard TF-IDF. In the same way with
bag-of-words model, the feature vector for each
document is normalized to unit length.
PRDC. In the preprocessing procedure, the white
spaces, newlines, and tabs are replaced by a sin-
gle space. Non-alphabetical characters are also re-
placed by a single space. Upper case characters
are all converted to lower case. As a result, every
document is divided to a series of segments based
on spaces. A small number of documents are
randomly selected and compressed to construct a
compressibility space. The derived dictionaries
are used to compress all of the documents and ob-
tain a compressibility vector for each document.
In the same way, the feature vector for each docu-
ment is normalized to unit length.
The Proposed Method. The processing proce-
dure is the same with that of PRDC, except for
reconstructing compressibility vector space by us-
ing our proposed method as described perviously.
Furthermore, in the compressibility vector space,
a word (segment) which is near to the original
point is considered as stop word (segment). All
stop words (segments) are removed from docu-
3.2 Data Collections
In this study, we use several benchmark datasets to
evaluate the proposed method and the traditional doc-
ument representation approaches. The benchmark
datasets are CLASSIC3, URCS and Reuters-21578.
In order to examine all the representation methods for
Japanese documents, we collected some news from newswire.
CLASSIC3. This dataset is comprised of 3891
abstracts from 3 disjoint research fields. They
are aeronautical system papers (Cranfield: 1398
abstracts), medical papers (Medline: 1033 ab-
stracts), and information retrieval papers (CISI:
1460 abstracts).
URCS (University of Rochester Computer Sci-
ence Technical Reports). This dataset consists of
609 abstracts from 4 categories.
Artificial Intelligence: 119 items,
Robotics: 97 items,
Systems: 218 items,
Theory: 175 items.
They are all derived from computer science. And
a fair amount of shared terminology between the
categories is expected.
A Subset of Reuters-21578. This dataset consists
of 21578 news appeared on the Reuters newswire
in 1987. The documents were assembled and in-
dexed with categories by personnel from Reuters
Ltd. and Carnegie Group, Inc. Reuters-21578
is currently the most widely used test collection
Figure 1: Comparison of the proposed method, PRDC, bag-
of-words and N-gram.
in information retrieval, machine learning, and
other corpus-based research. Since the dataset
contains some noise, such as repeated documents,
unlabeled documents, and empty documents, we
choose a subset of 10 relatively large groups (acq,
coffee, crude, earn, interest, money-fx, money-
supply, ship, sugar, and trade) of 9295 documents
in our experiments. For each of the articles in the
10 categories that will be used, only the text bod-
ies are extracted.
A Subset Downloaded from This
dataset consists of 300 Japanese news from a
newswire in Jun 2008. They are news in
IT (100 items), sports (100 items), and politics
(100 items). The news is used by many
researchers for evaluating their algorithms’ per-
formances when processing Japanese documents.
3.3 Comparison with using Small-Scale
Data Sets
In this experiment, we compare the performance
of bag-of-words, N-gram, PRDC and our proposed
method with using small-scale subsets extracted from (45items(= 15× 3)), URCS (60items(= 15×
4)), CLASSIC3 (45 items (= 15 × 3)) and Reuters-
21578 datasets (500items(= 50× 10)) respectively.
The results are shown in Fig. 1. For Classic3
and datasets, PRDC showed similar purity
with N-gram model, whereas the proposed method
showed better performance than that of the two meth-
ods. For URCS and Classic3 datasets, the proposed
method showed better performance than that of all
the other methods. For Reuters-21578, the proposed
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
method was better than N-gram and PRDC methods.
In this case, bag-of-words method provided the best
performance. For dataset, the performance of
the proposed method was better than that of N-gram
and PRDC methods. Since morphological analysis is
required for bag-of-word model processing Japanese
documents, the result of it is not shown in this study.
For all the datasets, the proposed method provided
better performance than that of PRDC.
From the observation in Fig. 1, we can see that
the proposed method averagely showed better per-
formance comparing with the other methods when
processing relatively small-scale datasets. Although,
for Reuter-21578, a large number (500) of docu-
ments was extracted, and bag-of-words model was
able to provide correspondingly better representation
for documents in this case, when the number of doc-
uments was small, there was no much data to be
used to construct the document feature for represen-
tation. The purity of bag-of-words model had big
change in this experiment. In this case, the bag-of-
words and N-gram models suffered from severely de-
grade. The proposed method was more robust, be-
cause an independent compressibility vector space is
constructed for each dataset. The proposed method
provided better performance both in processing En-
glish and Japanese datasets without working with a
stop list. In contrast, bag-of-words model failed to
process Japanese documents without extra process-
ing. The experiments also showed that the proposed
method outperformed PRDC, with ICA to reduce di-
mension and select independent feature vectors.
3.4 Comparison with using Large-Scale
Data Sets
In this experiment, we compare the performance
of bag-of-words, N-gram, PRDC and the proposed
method with using large scale (full size) datasets.
The results are shown in Fig. 2. For URCS
dataset, both PRDC and the proposed method showed
better performance than that of N-gram model. The
proposed method also showed better performance
than that of bag-of-words model. For news,
we only compared the proposed method with PRDC
and N-gram model, since the bag-of-words model
cannot process Japanese without extra morphological
analysis. The results showed that the performance of
the proposed method was better than that of N-gram
model. Without independent compressibility vector
space and removal of stop words, PRDC provided the
lowest purity result in the rank of processing Japanese
documents. For Reuters-21578, bag-of-words model
was more accurate than the proposed method and N-
gram model, because the large number of documents
and repeated words helped bag-of-words to feature
documents. However, the proposed method showed
better performance than that of PRDC and N-gram
model with constructing a independent feature space.
For Classic3 dataset, the performance of the proposed
method was similar to the other two methods.
Figure 2: Comparison of the proposed method, PRDC, bag-
of-words and N-gram.
For all the datasets the proposed method pro-
vided better representation ability than that of PRDC.
The proposed method averagely showed better per-
formance comparing with bag-of-words and N-gram
models when the scale of dataset is relatively small.
Also the proposed method provided similar perfor-
mance with bag-of-words and N-gram models in pro-
cessing Classic3 dataset.
In this study we introduced our proposed method and
compared it with bag-of-words, N-gram models and
PRDC. The proposed method does not need a stop
list. Furthermore, the proposed method represents
data in an independent feature space and provides
good performance. The comparison results of the
proposed method and all other thress methods by us-
ing, URCS, CLASSIC3 and Reuters-21578
dataset was implemented. Our proposed method
showed generally good performance in each compar-
ison experiment. The future work for the proposed
method is in processing large scale and complicated
This research was partially supported by the Ministry
of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-
Aid for Scientific Research (C), 19500076, 2009.
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ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence