Unpleasant arising from perception of the
unknown, as discussed in this paper, is one of the
“pain of the heart.”
A MoNAD is a conscious module developed by the
authors. It is a computational model for studying
consciousness using neural networks (NNs).
A MoNAD consists of a cognition system (a),
behavior system (b), primitive representation region
(c), symbolic representation region (d) which is a
common area shared by the cognition and behavior
systems, and input/output units (S and M) as shown
in Fig. 1.
External information (S) enters the MoNAD at
the input unit and normally goes through p1,
cognition system (a), p5 and symbolic representation
region (d). The symbolic representation region (d)
represents the state of the self and the other as
determined by the input information and language
labels RL and BL. RL is a language label for
information that is currently being cognized while
BL is the label for the behavior that is to be
performed next. RL is neuro-calculated from
information S, cognition information BL one-step
prior and behavior information M’ one-step prior.
Information of the cognition representation RL is
constantly being copied to the behavior
representation BL in the absence of any other
information input from the higher-level modules into
BL. In the symbolic representation region, the state
of the self and the other is labeled separately. At
present, all neural networks used in the study are
top-down networks, and supervised learning is used
because the main topic of this present study is the
function of human consciousness.
The behavior command from BL basically passes
through p6, behavior system (b), p2 and output unit
M. M is the information output from the MoNAD. It
is also transmitted to the lower-level MoNAD
modules. Information M is neuro-calculated from
information passing through BL and p6, input
information S and behavior information M’ one-step
One of the features of our MoNAD is that the
cognition system and behavior system share the
primitive representation region (c). Thanks to this
primitive representation region, the system learns
behaviors when cognizing and learns cognition
when behaving. The closed loop information circuit
passing through the primitive representation region
and symbolic representation region makes it possible
for the MoNAD to generate artificial inner thoughts
Figure 1: Structure of MoNAD.
and expectations in the robot. Another feature of the
MoNAD is that the state of the self is understood by
somatic sensation M’.
The conscious system comprises three subsystems:
reason, emotion-feelings and association. All
subsystems have a similar MoNAD structure. The
reason and emotion-feelings subsystems have a
hierarchical structure formed of MoNADs. The
reason subsystem uses input information to cognize
the outer world and the state of the self, and outputs
behavior from the output unit. The emotion-feelings
subsystem employs information from the condition
of the robot’s body and represents emotions and
feelings. Two feeling MoNADs, one representing
pleasant and one unpleasant, form the top layer of
the emotion subsystem. Information from the reason
subsystem (cognized representation) is also used in
the final determination of a state of pleasant or
The association subsystem uses information from
the reason and emotion-feelings subsystems and
integrates the representations of both subsystems.
The association subsystem learns, by using the result
of integration, and outputs a behavior capable of
eventually realizing pleasant for the self from the
reason subsystem.
Figure 2: A Model of the Conscious System.
A STUDY OF A CONSCIOUS ROBOT - An Attempt to Perceive the Unknown