cally about the sand area”. This request is repre-
sented in the Query section (Figure 8) as follows:
?classif: geo.name = “Almeria” & layer.name
= “lithology” & layer.variable.name = “sand”
The SPARQL translation for this example is:
PREFIX onto : <http://…/acg/soleres/owl#>
SELECT ?classif
?classif onto:classification_shows_geo ?g.
?g onto:geography_name "Almeria".
?classif onto:classification_uses_layer ?l.
?l onto:layer_has_variable ?v.
?l onto:layer_name "lithology".
?v onto:variable_name "sand".
ORDER BY ?year
The obtained result by the query process is the
classification “classif”. At this record, we can find
information about a classification, like the identifica-
tion number, the name of the classification, the layer
and the satellite images it uses or the start and end
time of the classification. This kind of information is
an OWL environmental information that agents of
the SOLERES-MAS manage.
In this paper we have presented an implementation
of the web trading agent methodology for “searching
and recovering” process used by SOLERES system.
The web service reviewed is based on the “Que-
rySearching/RecoveringResponse” model issue. It
uses the SPARQL language to represent the queries,
and the OWL notation to describe data and function-
al ontologies.
In this work we also show a MAS structure case
study for requiring the information of trading agent
from an interface agent. The communication is made
through our developed Lookup ontology.
As a future work, we are interested in federation
of web-trading agents in MAS by means of the ex-
tension of the trader’s Link interface. We are also
studying the application of this kind of trading agent
behavior for evolvable user interface development.
More implementation details of the Web Trading
agent, “processes” and “data” ontologies are availa-
ble at http://www.ual.es/acg/soleres/wt.
This work has been supported by the EU (FEDER)
and the Spanish MICINN Ministry under grant of
the project I+D TIN2007-61497: “SOLERES. A Spa-
tio-Temporal Environmental Management System
based on Neural-Networks, Agents and Software
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INVOLVING WEB-TRADING AGENTS & MAS - An implementation for Searching and Recovering Environmental