Roman Mouček and Petr Šolc
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia
Univerzitní 8, 306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic
Keywords: Electroencephalography (EEG), Event related potentials (ERP), EEG/ERP data, EEG/ERP processing
methods, EEG data formats, Artefacts detection, Mobile agents, Java, System aglets.
Abstract: Our EEG/ERP repository contains large EEG/ERP data. The partner institutions would like to work with
these data e.g. to verify their processing methods, but they cannot or they are not allowed to transfer large
data collections over network. The possible solution is to use a mobile agent system. The paper briefly
introduces the agent system Aglets and basic EEG processing methods implemented as mobile agents. The
usability of this approach is tested on selected data files. The implementation of e-mail announcements
within the mobile agent system is mentioned.
Our research group at Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, University of West
Bohemia in cooperation with other partner
institutions (Czech Technical University in Prague,
University Hospital in Pilsen, etc.) specializes in the
research of attention, especially attention of drivers
and seriously injured people. With regard to our
research we widely use the methods of
electroencephalography (EEG) and event related
potentials (ERP). Within our partner network we are
responsible for technical and scientific issues, e.g.
EEG/ERP laboratory operation, development of
advanced software tools used in EEG/ERP research,
or analysis and proposal of signal processing
EEG/ERP experiments take usually long time
and produce a lot of data (sizes of data files are
usually from tens to hundreds of megabytes). These
data, finally stored on a computer in EEG/ERP
laboratory, are then analyzed, converted and
processed using various software tools and
processing methods. Recently, a common tree of
directories and subdirectories served as an
organization scheme for EEG/ERP data. Nowadays,
the first prototype of EEG/ERP database has been
developed. In parallel, we found out that transfer of
huge EEG/ERP data over network could be still an
important trouble for some partner institutions.
Moreover, the suggested network load in our
laboratory would be also enormous.
An easy access to large EEG/ERP data and
a possibility to work with them using own
processing methods are very important requirements
of our partner institutions. The following process is
expected. The partner institution wants to work with
EEG/ERP data, e.g. to verify a processing method
on a large collection of EEG/ERP data stored in our
repository. They cannot or they are not allowed to
transfer this large data collection over network.
Therefore they use data from the repository (create
their local copy) and transfer their software code to
perform a requested operation (e.g. matching pursuit
algorithm). When the operation is finished the result
is announced to user by e-mail.
A possible solution how to ensure this kind of
remote processing of EEG/ERP data is to use the
system of mobile agents based on two ideas: data are
local, and operating software code (agent) is
transferred. Because an agent system serves for
EEG/ERP research (construction of a specific agent
system was not the task), there was important to
look for a system, which is at least proven in some
different domain and seems to be promising for our
needs. Other necessary conditions include
possibilities of easy deployment on various
computer platforms and extensibility of the selected
agent system (open source software).
The following parts of the paper briefly
introduce the selected agent system and some basic
EEG processing methods implemented as mobile
agents. The most important part of the paper
describes the testing of usability of the selected
agent system for our research. The running time of
cek R. and Šolc P. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Agents, pages 155-158
DOI: 10.5220/0002706301550158
EEG signal processing methods implemented in one
way as common Java applications and secondly
within a corresponding mobile agent system is
compared. The implementation of e-mail
announcements within the mobile agent system is
According to our needs and general
recommendations (Šolc, 2009) we choose the system
Aglets from the variety of existing mobile agent
System Aglets is a Java mobile agent platform
and library that eases the development of agent
based applications. An aglet is a Java agent able to
autonomously and spontaneously move from one
host to another.
System Aglets was originally developed at the
IBM Tokio Research Laboratory, the Aglets
technology is now hosted at as open
source project, where it is distributed under the IBM
Public License.
System Aglets includes both a complete Java
mobile agent platform, with a stand-alone server
called Tahiti, and a library that allows developer to
build mobile agents and to embed the Aglets
technology in their applications. The system is based
on callback model (Lange, 1998; “Aglets”, 2004).
We selected a limited set of methods for
experimental implementation of mobile agents:
Methods for conversions between EEG/ERP
data formats;
Basic methods for detection of artefacts in
EEG signal.
3.1 Data Formats
There exists a variety of data formats for storing
EEG/ERP data. The more spread formats and
formats used in our laboratory include e.g. European
Data Format (EDF and EDF+) (“EDF”, n.d.), Vision
Data Exchange Format (VDEF) (“VDEF”, n.d.), and
KIV format (Kučera, 2008).
European Data Format (EDF) contains an
uninterrupted digitized EEG record stored in one file
(a header record is followed by data records). The
header content has a variable length. It identifies
a testing subject and specifies the technical
characteristics of recorded EEG signal. The data part
contains consecutive fixed-duration epochs of the
record. Despite its drawback this data format has
been probably the most hopeful attempt to
standardize description of EEG data.
Vision Data Exchange Format (VDEF) is used
by the specific technical equipment in our
laboratory. EEG record is divided into three files: a
header file, a marker file and a data file. The header
file describes recorded data and provides a limited
set of corresponding metadata. The marker file
contains information about markers in EEG signal.
The data file contains raw EEG data.
KIV data format is a modification of simple
ASCII format of EEG signal, where metadata (file
header in ASCII) are stored in XML file and data
from electrodes are stored in separate binary files.
3.2 Artefacts Detection
Artefacts contaminate EEG signal; they include e.g.
blinks, skin potentials, and muscle movements.
Since artefacts may lead to misinterpretations during
EEG data analysis there is a high effort to find and
to eliminate them.
The basic methods for artefacts rejection use
a gradient criterion (the absolute difference value for
neighbouring EEG signal values is computed; values
exceeding a threshold are rejected) and an amplitude
criterion (EEG signal values exceeding a maximum
value, or not exceeding a minimum value are
rejected). Both methods are implemented as
standalone Java applications and also as aglets
(Section 4).
EEG signal containing artefacts is labelled using
a selected method. Labelled parts are then stored in
a special list for the next processing.
All methods from Section 3 were implemented as
4.1 Aglet for EDF- KIV Conversion
An aglet realizing the conversion between EDF data
format and KIV data format is inherited from
com.Ibm.aglet.Aglet; interface MobilityListener has
to be implemented. When a new aglet instance is
created on a server, the following event method is
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
invoked (method body implements the conversion
from EDF data format to KIV data format).
public void onArrival(MobilityEvent ev)
buffCreator = new BufferCreator
(new File("file.edf"));
KivFormatWriter kivWriter =
new KivFormatWriter();
), buffCreator.getBuffer(), (new
The other methods from Section 3 are
implemented in a similar way.
4.2 Java Mail
There is usually useful to inform a user about results
of performed operation. Therefore the possibility to
announce the results of aglet method by e-mail was
designed and implemented. Because system Aglets
does not support this kind of communication
naturally, JavaMail API as a client system was used.
A user has the possibility to define e.g. used mail
server, the message content, which is sent as the
result of aglet operation, and a list of message
There is important if implemented aglets finish their
operations in time comparable to the running time of
methods implemented as common Java applications.
The testing of both implementations (common Java
classes and aglets) was performed on the computer
with EEG/ERP repository. Tahiti server was
installed on this computer and was run with
extended memory (256 MB).
Each test including one of the methods described
above was run ten times (finally the average running
time was computed). The results (average running
times) of each test performed subsequently on 7 MB
and 22 MB files in EFD format are available in the
following tables.
Table 1: Average running times (in seconds) for
conversion from EDF file to EDF file.
code type/file size 7 MB 22 MB
Java class 24 s 146 s
Aglet 27 s 148 s
Table 2: Average running times (in seconds) for
conversion from EDF file to KIV file.
code type/file size 7 MB 22 MB
Java class 76 s 249 s
Aglet 79 s 250 s
Table 3: Average running times (in seconds) for detection
of artefacts – gradient criterion.
code type/file size 7 MB 22 MB
Java class 3,8 s 10,0 s
Aglet 3,9 s 10,9 s
Table 4: Average running times (in seconds) for detection
of artefacts – amplitude criterion.
code type/file size 7 MB 22 MB
Java class 2,5 s 6,5 s
Aglet 2,5 s 6,7 s
The results show that running of Aglets system
does not slow down the computational process
considerably. The following tests of implemented
aglets using local university network had again
a marginal influence on the system performance.
The important aim of our research was to verify if
mobile agent system can help our research partners
to use our EEG/ERP repository in such a way that
transfers of huge data over network can be
eliminated. The open source system Aglets proved
its usability and it is now installed and prepared in
EEG/ERP laboratory for testing by our research
The possible disadvantage for the users is the
necessity to install not only Java Virtual Machine,
but also Tahiti server.
This work was supported by Grant Agency of the
Czech Republic under the grant GA 102/07/1191.
Šolc, P., 2009. Decentralized processing of EEG signal
(Decentralizované zpracování signálu). Thesis (in
Czech). University of West Bohemia. Pilsen.
Lange, D., Oshima, R., 1998. Programming and
Deploying Java Mobile Agents with Aglets. Addison-
Wesley Professional.
Java mobile agent platform Aglets (Aglets), 2004.
Retrieved from
European Data Format (EDF). (n.d.). Retrieved from
Vision Data Exchange Format (VDEF). (n.d.). In Brain
Vision Recorder Manual. Retrieved from http://
Kučera, J., 2008. Software for ERP processing, data
reading and presentation (Software pro zpracování
ERP, načítání a zobrazení dat). Thesis. (in Czech).
University of West Bohemia. Pilsen.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence