Az-Eddine Bennani
Reims Management School, and Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Reims, France
Rachid Oumlil
Université Cady Ayyad, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques Et Sociales, Marrakech, Morocco
Keywords: Prediction of ICT appropriation, Public healthcare centers in Morocco, Physicians, Nurses, Technology
Acceptance Model, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of use, Attitude.
Abstract: This communication explores the constructs of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and examines if they
do predict the Information and communication technology (ICT) appropriation by physicians and nurses
working in healthcare public centers in Agadir City, South of Morocco. The study revealed that Attitude,
Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) influence positively the intention of ICT
appropriation. Also Perceived Usefulness is still to be a major determinant of the intention of ICT
appropriation by these practitioners.
Information and communication technology (ICT)
leads to some significant changes of information
management. It allows high-quality and efficient
care delivery (Wu et al., 2009) and contributes to
organizational expenses reduction (Scott, 2007).
Thus, the hospital, as a healthcare organization, is
more and more concerned by ICT appropriation by
practitioners, especially physicians and nurses. It is
defined as the process by which people consider
technologies in their practices (DeSanctis and Poole,
1994) and it is also seen, as the ultimate goal of the
usage process (Proulx, 2001).
This communication shows the progress of an
ongoing research project in Morocco. It concerns ten
health pubic centers located in Agadir city, south of
Morocco. It attempts to answer the question: Do
constructs of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
predict the ICT appropriation by healthcare
practitioners in health public centres in Morocco? It
examines Attitude, Perceived Usefulness and
Perceived Ease of Use variables that might affect the
intention of the appropriation of ICT by physicians
and nurses working for these centres.
The first paragraph will review the literature on
the adoption theories, will present the Technology
Acceptance Model and its extension, and will
examine the research work on the prediction of ICT
appropriation in healthcare context. The second one
will introduce the hypothesis and will propose a
research model, the third will show the methodology
retained. Before concluding and recommending
managerial implications, the outcomes will be
presented and discussed in the fourth paragraph.
According to Sally and Indrit (2007), “Many
competing theoretical models co-exist in the
innovation acceptance and adoption literature...,
most of these models attempt build theories to
explain how and why innovations or technologies
are adopted and predict the level of acceptance and
Oumlil R. and Bennani A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 241-249
DOI: 10.5220/0002714502410249
Research in Information Systems studies how
and why individuals adopt ICT (Venkatech et al.,
2003). One of the streams that it developed referred
to adoption theories to study the acceptance and
predict the use of ICT (Kukafka et al., 2003). The
following sub-paragraphs review briefly adoption
theories and models considered as a basis to build up
a framework for predicting ICT appropriation. Prior
presenting researches in the healthcare context, they
introduce Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT),
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), Theory of
Planned Behavior (TPB), and Theory of
Interpersonal Behavior (TIB); and describes
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and its
2.1 Adoption Theories
2.1.1 Innovation Diffusion Theory
Rogers (1983) has developed a theory called the
Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) in order to study
and understand the diffusion of a given innovation
within a social group. Compeau and Higgins (1991)
noted that this theory can be also applied to
individual reactions vis-à-vis the decision of
adoption of an innovation, especially computing
technology. In 1995, Rogers considered that five
factors affect the innovation adoption: 1) Relative
advantage 2) Compatibility 3) Complexity 4)
Trialability and 5) Observability. Chau and Tam
(1997) stated that it provides a solid basis to develop
a conceptual ICT appropriation models, but it does
not explain clearly, neither adoption behaviors nor
individual reluctance.
2.1.2 Theory of Reasoned Action
In 1975, Fishbien and Ajzen defined relationships
between beliefs, attitudes, social norms, intentions
and behavior in what they called Theory of
Reasoned Action (TRA). It stated that an
individual's actual behavior is determined by the
person's intention to perform the behavior, and this
intention is influenced jointly by the individual's
attitude and subjective norms. Attitude is determined
by relevant beliefs about the results of performing
the behavior and the evaluation of the desirability of
those results.
2.1.3 Theory of Planned Behavior
According to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
(Ajzen, 1991) which is an extension of TRA, the
behavior is determined by the intention; this one is
predicted by three factors: attitude towards the
behavior, subjective norms, and perceived
behavioral control. It introduced a third construct of
intention called Perceived Behavior Control (PBC).
This theory attempted to overcome the problem of
volitional control found in TRA and postulates that
attitude, subjective norms, and PBC are direct
determinants of intentions that have a positive
impact on appropriation behavior.
2.1.4 Theory of Interpersonal Behavior
The Theory of Interpersonal Behavior (TIB) is
founded by Triandis on 1980. It is based on the
psychological model to understand ICT
appropriation by individuals and integrated the
majority of the variables presented in the above
mentioned theories. The TIB postulated that a
behavior has three determinants: Intention, Habits
and Facilitating Conditions. The intention itself
involves four determinants: Social factors, Perceived
consequences (cognitive dimension of the practice),
Personal affection (emotional dimension) and
2.2 Technology Acceptance Model and
its Extension
2.2.1 Technology Acceptance Model
The literature in Information Systems area showed
that a large number of models were drawn from the
TRA. For instance contrary to IDT that focused on
innovation itself, TRA examines perceptions of the
ICT appropriation by individuals (Moore and
Benbasat, 1991). One of these models, moreover,
simplest, easiest and more used by the researchers in
this area is the Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) (Figure 1 in Appendix). Since it was
developed by Davis in 1989, it represents the most
powerful models to establish the variables which
influence the acceptance of ICT. This model is
proved to be the more successful in the prediction
and the explanation of the appropriation of this
technology (Adams and al, 1992; Igbaria, 1993;
Chang, 1998). The TAM suggests that the real use of
a technology can be determined by behavioural
intention. This later is influenced by individual
attitude. Behavioural intention is modelled as a
function of the attitude and usefulness and
determines the actual use. Attitude is defined as the
positive or negative feelings towards ICT. Within
this model, Davis (1989) defines the two constructs
that are of primary relevance to computer acceptance
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: Technology Acceptance Model (Davis et al.,
behaviors: (1) Perceived Usefulness (PU) means
degree to which a person believes that using a
particular system would enhance his/her job
performance; (2) Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU)
designs degree to which a person believes that using
a particular system would be free of effort. These
two basic constructs undergo the effect of external
factors (individual, organisational or technical) that
influence positively or negatively intention of ICT
appropriation by individual. Thus, there is a need
for the extension of the original technology
acceptance model.
2.2.2 Extended Technology Acceptance
Many changes to the original TAM model have been
made allowing new models. The most well-known
ones are presented in the following.
In 1995 Taylor and Todd developed a model
called “the Augmented TAM which is an extension
of the original TAM. They aimed to understand the
behavior of experienced and inexperienced users.
The results revealed that their model can be used to
predict ICT appropriation for inexperienced users,
and the perceived usefulness was the strongest
predictor of intention of the ICT appropriation for
the inexperienced users. Whereas, perceived
behavioral control was the predictor of experienced
users’ intention. They also found a strong link
between behavioral intention and behavior for
experienced users.
The objective of Igbaria, Parasuraman, and
Baroudi’s study (1996) was to examine the influence
of three motivators 1) perceived usefulness, 2)
perceived enjoyment/fun, and 3) social pressure on
ICT appropriation by individual. Their results
showed the importance of perceived usefulness,
perceived enjoyment, and social pressure in
mediating the relationships of antecedent variables
and perceived complexity on microcomputer
appropriation. They explained the relationships
between perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment,
social pressure, and microcomputer usage, and
revealed that perceived complexity is an important
variable in linking skills, organizational support, and
organizational usage with perceived usefulness,
perceived enjoyment, and social pressure.
Agarwal and Prasad (1998) developed a
modified TAM model that focused on the
perceptions of technology usefulness and ease of
use. It is based on the idea that personal
innovativeness positively moderates the relationship
between the perceptions of relative advantage, ease
of use, compatibility and the intention of ICT
appropriation. Moreover, Agarwal and Karahanna
(1998) have added other causal links between
compatibility, perceived usefulness and ease use.
Their results support the indirect effect of
compatibility on the individual attitude through the
perceived usefulness an ease of Use. They showed
that compatibility is an important factor in the
contemporary technological environment.
Compeau, Higgins, and Huff (1999) developed a
conceptual model to study the influences of self-
efficacy, performance and personal outcome
expectations, affect, and anxiety on ICT
appropriation. Their results reveal that the
relationship between personal outcome expectations
and affect was not supported. Furthermore, they
confirmed a negative relationship between personal
outcome expectations and use, and found that self-
efficacy explains a total of 18% of the variance in an
individual ICT appropriation.
In 2000 Venkatesh and Davis extended the
original TAM to TAM2 by introducing social and
cognitive constructs. Their objective was to explain
PU and appropriation intention in terms of social
influence processes (Subjective Norm,
Voluntariness, and Image) and cognitive
instrumental processes (Job Relevance, Output
Quality, Result Demonstrability and PEOU). Their
results showed that the TAM2 explained up to 60%
of the variance in perceived usefulness as a
determinant of individual appropriation intention.
In 2003, Venkatesh et al. Synthesized acceptance
models to propose the Unified Theory of Acceptance
and Use of Technology (UTAUT). It is formulated
with four constructs of intentions and usage:
performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social
influence, and facilitating conditions, moderated by:
gender, age, experience, and voluntariness of use.
UTAUT identifies three constructs as determinants
of intention of appropriation: performance expected
from use, expected efforts and social influence. It
accounts for 70% of variance in appropriation
intention, and enables a much more sophisticated
analysis of appropriation behaviors.
2.3 Prediction of ICT Application in
Healthcare Context
TAM is widely used by researchers to predict the
appropriation of ICT by individuals, particularly in
the healthcare context. This subparagraph presents a
summary of the literature review in this context.
Hu et al. (1999) applied the original TAM model
to study the appropriation of telemedicine- an ICT
application- by physicians. The outcomes showed
that perceived usefulness and attitude have a large
influence on the intention of physicians to
appropriate telemedicine. Thus, they concluded the
limited utility of this model to predict and explain
ICT appropriation by individuals in healthcare
context. Subsequently, in addition to the original
model, Chau and Hu (2001, 2002) used an integrated
model derived from TAM and TPB to evaluate
decisions of ICT appropriation based on the
technology’s compatibility. Their results revealed
that PU and Attitude influence positively
telemedicine appropriation by physicians, whereas
PEOU, subjective norms and perceived behavioral
control have no effect on this appropriation. They
concluded that TAM model seemed to be the most
appropriate model to predict and explain ICT
appropriation by physicians.
To study factors influencing ICT appropriation
by physicians, Croteau and Vieru (2002) proposed a
conceptual model combining the original TAM and
the Innovation diffusion theory. They used a sample
of 390 physicians to test it. A group of 250 were
working for a large urban institution, and another
group of 140 for rural institutions. The outcomes
showed that perceived effort and PEOU have a
significant effect on the intention of ICT
appropriation by physicians for both groups; PU is
found to be the most significant factor of this
Referring to TAM2, Chismar and Wiley-Patton
(2003) considered cognitive instrumental and social
influence to find out the variable contributing to the
appropriation intention of Internet-based
applications by pediatricians in Hawaii. Their
outcomes revealed that the primary factors of ICT
appropriation by pediatricians relate to their
usefulness and job relevance. Still, ease of use and
social influence do have no influence on this
intention. They conclude that TAM2 model
explained at least 40 % of physicians’ intention to
appropriate internet-based applications.
To explain the intention of patient to use e-health
solutions, Wilson and Lankton (2004), tested three
theoretical models of ICT acceptance (TAM,
motivational model and integrated model)
patients who had recently registered for access to
e-health. An online questionnaire
was administered to 1750 to measure
constructs from these models (intrinsic
perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness/extrinsic
motivation, and behavioral intention to use e-health).
Only 163 were completed representing 9% of the
total population. Results confirmed that the three
tested models performed well in predicting
intention to appropriate to e-health.
Banderker and Van Belle (2006) conducted a
qualitative study in two public hospitals in Western
Cape, South Africa, to study the influencing factors
of the mobile appropriation by physicians. They
concluded that Work importance, Utility, Fit task-
work, Demonstrability, Self-efficacy and
Characteristics of the technology influence
positively the intention of physicians to appropriate
ICTs. Moreover, physicians having technical skills
intend more to appropriate technologies.
Schaper and Pervan (2007) examined the ICT
appropriation by the Australian therapists. To
develop their conceptual model, they referred to
literature review on adoption of technologies by
health care actors, to Unified Theory of Acceptance
Use of Technology, and to generic structure of
acceptance proposed Chau and Hu in 2002. Results
of their analysis confirmed that the influence of
compatibility, attitude, and self-efficacy on the
intention of therapists to appropriation ICT is larger
than the one of perceived effort, and social
influence. They also noted the importance of
motivation, individual engagement and the variables
moderating (age, experience, and skill) to explain
this intention.
In 2007 Wu et al., aimed to present a conceptual
framework for assessing the medical professional
behavioral intention to adopt Mobile Healthcare
Systems which defining the healthcare information
processing systems, including all relevant medical
professional participants and the use of new
technology to deliver healthcare services and
exchange healthcare information via mobile devices
anytime and everywhere. Technology acceptance
model (TAM) and the innovation diffusion theory
(IDT) serve as the theoretical basis to develop their
research model. Conformation factor analysis was
performed to test the reliability and validity of the
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
measurement model, and the structural equation
modeling technique was used to evaluate the causal
model. Their results indicated that compatibility,
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use
significantly affected healthcare professional
appropriation intention. Furthermore, Mobile
Healthcare Systems (MHS) self-efficacy had strong
indirect impact on healthcare professional
appropriation intention through the mediators of
perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.
However, the hypotheses for technical support and
training effects on the perceived usefulness and
perceived ease of use were not supported.
Wu et al., (2008), tried to understand factors that
might influence healthcare professional’s
appropriation to an adverse event reporting system.
Their conceptual model integrated, besides to TAM
constructs, trust and management support as
determinants of intention appropriation. The
outcomes indicated that perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of use, subjective norm, and trust had
a significant effect on a professional’s intention to
appropriate an adverse event reporting system.
Recently, Aggelidis and Chatzoglou (2009)
attempted to test the applicability and effectiveness
of technology acceptance models in health care area
in Greece, and examined factors affecting the
intention of public health institutions’ personnel to
appropriate ICTs. They have extended the original
TAM by include the following exogenous
constructs: anxiety, self-efficacy, facilitating
condition, training and social influence. Their results
indicated that perceived usefulness, ease of use,
social influence, attitude, facilitating conditions and
self-efficacy significantly affect hospital personnel
behavioral intention. Training has a strong indirect
impact on behavioral intention through the
mediators of facilitating condition and ease of use.
Research work reviewed in the previous paragraph
and by a prior exploratory study conducted by the
author (Bennani et al., 2008) inspired the
hypothetical research model suggested in this
communication (Figure 2). Compared to the
traditional TAM model, the interrelationships
between PU, PEOU constructs and the Attitude
variable have been modified to stress the importance
of the later in the proposed model in order to explain
the intention of ICT appropriation by physicians and
Figure 2: Hypothetical research model.
Roger’s innovation diffusion theory provided a
context in which ICT appropriation could be
explored, but it didn’t explain this appropriation
totally. However, it offered a basis for the
development of this model.
Theories of reasoned action, planned behavior
and interpersonal behavior examined individual
behavior, and concluded that ICT appropriation, as
behavior, can be depicted by Intention variable.
This later is defined like an intermediate between
attitude and the behavior (Fishbein and Ajzen,1975).
It shows desire, wish, and determination or will to
emit a behavior. Dodds, Monroe and Grewall
(1991), specified that intention of ICT appropriation
represents the probability that a potential user will
intend to use technology. Referring to Technology
Acceptance Model, Intention is influenced by
individual Attitude, Perceived Usefulness (PU) and
Perceived Ease Of Use. Three hypotheses are tested
in this communication.
The first hypothesis is:
: The attitude influences positively the
intention of the appropriation of ICT by physician
and nurses working in health public centers
According to Triandis (1980) Attitude indicates
the affect”, it is defined as the feeling of pleasure,
gaiety and dissatisfaction that associates individual
to a given behavior. For Ajzen (1975), attitude is “a
predisposition to answer an object in a favorable or
unfavorable way”. It expresses the positive or
negative feelings about performing the ICT
appropriation (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980, Davis,
1989). Several studies noted the positive influence
of attitude on intention (Davis et al. 1989; Jackson et
al. 1997; Karahana et al. 1999). In healthcare
context, Chau and Hu (2001, 2002) concluded that
Attitude influences positively the intention to
appropriate telemedicine, moreover, Schaper and
Pervan (2007) confirmed the positive impact of
Attitude on ICT appropriation by therapists.
Recently, Aggelidis and Chatzoglou (2009)
indicated that Attitude affect positively hospital
personnel ICT appropriation intention.
Perceived Usefulness (PU)
The second hypothesis is:
: The Perceived usefulness influences
positively the intention for the appropriation of ICT
by physician and nurses working in health public
Perceived usefulness (PU) is one of the prior
belief constructs developed by TAM. It is defined as
the degree to which a person believes that using a
particular system would enhance his or her job
performance” (Davis et al., 1989). It represents a
theoretical substitute of “the relative advantage”
developed in the IDT. According to Roger (1995),
relative advantage means the degree to which using
the innovation is perceived as being better than
using its precursor. PU is proved to be an important
determinant of ICT appropriation intention (Taylor
and Todd , 1995 ; Igbaria et al., 1996 Venkatesh and
Davis, 2000; Gefen et al., 2003, Venkatesh et al,
2003). Within the healthcare area, perceived
usefulness is a major determinant of physicians’
intention to appropriate ICTs. This result is
supported by Hu et al., 1999; Chau and Hu 2001,
2002; Croteau and Vieru, 2002; Chismar and Wiley-
Patton, 2002; Schaper and Pervan, 2007; Wu et al.,
2007; Aggelidis and Chatzoglou, 2009.
Perceived Ease Of Use (PEOU)
The third hypothesis is:
: The Perceived ease of use influences
positively the intention for the appropriation of ICT
by physician and nurses working in health public
Perceived ease of use (PEOU) refers to “the
degree to which a person believes that using a
particular system would be free of effort” (Davis et
al., 1989). It indicates degree to which user finds
that the use of a technology is relatively deprived of
effort. Technologies perceived as being easier to use
and less complicated are more likely to be
appropriated by potential users. Compared to
perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use is
considered the second important determinant of a
user’s ICT appropriation (Davis, 1989; Taylor and
Todd, 1995; Igbaria et al., 1996; Agarwal and
Prasad, 1998; Venkatesh and Davis, 2000;
Venkatesh et al., 2003). In healthcare context,
whereas some researchers found, that, PEOU does
not have a significant direct effect on users’
appropriation intention (Chau and Hu 2001, 2002;
Croteau and Vieru, 2002; Chismar and Wiley-
Patton, 2002; Schaper and Pervan, 2007; Wu et al.,
2007; Aggelidis and Chatzoglou, 2009), Others
confirmed that it influences positively the ICT
appropriation (Croteau and Vieru, 2002; Wu et al.
2007; Wu et al., 2008; Aggelidis and Chatzoglou,
Physicians and nurses working for the health public
centers located in the city of Agadir represent the
target population for this study. They correspond to
a total of 145 individuals, divided into 37 physicians
and 108 nurses. The data collection process took
place from the beginning of June 2008 and lasted six
months, till December, 2008. A set of questionnaires
were handed on to major or physician chief of each
one of the ten centers, who dealt with their
distribution to the various actors of the process of
patient care. One week later, a first revival is
ensured to get the feed-back from respondents, and
to provide explanation whenever it is needed. The
total completed questionnaires were retained for
being studied. Data processing was performed using
SPSS software package. The response rate achieved
was quite high (76.55%), with 111 replies. As shown
in Table 1, the breakdown of these replies consisted
of 30 physicians and 81 nurses. 64.9% are females
and only 35.1% corresponded to males. Almost the
half of the respondents (45.9%) are older than 40,
42.3% are aged between 25 and 40, whereas, only
11.7% who are less than 25.
Table 1: breakdown and frequency of the replies.
Frequency Frequency
Activity Physicians 30 27%
Nurses 81 73 %
Gender Male 39 35.1%
Female 72 64.9%
Age Less than 25
13 11.7%
Between 25
and 40 years
47 42.3%
More than 40
51 45.9%
A confirmatory analysis is used to check the content
reliability of the hypothetical model constructs. For
this issue, the Cronbach’s coefficient (α) was
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 2: Reliability of variables.
Variable Cronbach’s
alpha (α)
Attitude α=0.818
A very good coherence
between items of
A very good coherence
between items of
“Perceived Usefulness”
Perceived Ease
of Use
A very good coherence
between items of
“Perceived Ease of Use”
Intention α=0.813
A very good coherence
between items of
calculated. As exposed in Table 2 in the Appendix, a
very good coherence is shown between items of
Attitude (α=0.818), Perceived Usefulness (α=904),
Perceived Ease of Use (α=0,845) and Intention
(α=0.813). The four constructs are retained as their
reliability coefficient being higher than the
recommended threshold (0.7). Furthermore a
correlation between intention, as a dependent
variable, and Attitude, Perceived Usefulness and
Ease Of Use as independent constructs is calculated
to test the three initial hypotheses: H
, H
. Results reveal that Attitude PU and PEOU
showed a significant positive correlation with the
Intention of ICT appropriation construct (Table 3 in
Appendix). Moreover linear regression results show
that only two constructs of these three independents
variables (PU and PEOU) determine ICT
appropriation (Table 4).
Table 3: Correlation between the three independent
variables and the Intention of ICT appropriation construct.
Attitude PU PEOU
0.373 0.570 0.410
0.000 0.000 0.000
The findings are consistent with Chau and Hu
2001, 2002; Croteau and Vieru, 2002; Chismar and
Wiley-Patton, 2003; Schaper and Pervan, 2007; Wu
et al., 2007; Aggelidis and Chatzoglou, 2009.
Contrary to some authors (Chau and Hu 2001, 2002;
Croteau and Vieru, 2002; Chismar and Wiley-
Patton, 2002; Schaper and Pervan, 2007; Wu et al.,
2007; Aggelidis and Chatzoglou, 2009), results of
this communication reveal that PEOU influence
positively the intention of ICT appropriation by
physician and nurses.
Table 4: Regression results.
R, R
Coefficients t Sig.
(Constant) -,012 ,083 -,143 ,887
,492 ,087 5,655 ,000
Ease of Use
,226 ,087 2,591 ,011
Using constructs of the TAM model, this
communication attempts to explain ICT
appropriation by physicians and nurses working in
healthcare public centers in Agadir, south of
Morocco. It concludes that the PU, PEOU and
Attitude, considered together, explain these
appropriation in healthcare context, but still
insufficient and it needs to be extended and
completed by other external variables such as culture
and scientific level of the physicians and nurses
working in health public centres in Morocco. Also,
the outcomes confirm that Perceived Usefulness is
still to be a major determinant of ICT appropriation
by healthcare actors, especially by physicians and
nurses. Finally, the authors suggest that the proposed
model could help healthcare managers, and Chief
Information Officers to identify success factors of
ICT appropriation in healthcare organizations in
order to consider them and develop more appropriate
information system solutions for these organizations.
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