Stefan Udristoiu, Anca Ion and Dan Mancas
Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, University of Craiova, Bvd.Decebal 107, Craiova, Romania
Keywords: Image Annotation, Semantic Association Rules, Visual Features, Colour, Texture and Shape.
Abstract: In this paper we study the possibilities to discover correlations between visual primitive and high-level
characteristics of images, meaning the extraction of semantic concepts. The design and developing of
algorithms for image semantic annotation are the main contribution of this paper. The proposed methods are
based on developing algorithms that automatically discover semantic rules to identify image categories. A
semantic rule is a combination of semantic indicator values that identifies semantic concepts of images.
Some models for representing the images and rules are also developed. The annotation methods are not
limited to any specific domain and they can be applied in any field of digital imagery.
The semantic annotation of visual resources is
fundamental for retrieving the quantity of visual
digital content, which speedily grows. Such
descriptions facilitate the semantic query of
multimedia data in terms familiar to the user of a
certain domain, permitting the discovery and
exploitation of information and knowledge by
services, agents and web applications (Hoogs et al.,
Because of visual data quantity and complexity,
their annotation is a big time consumer, expensive
and very subjective. Even if in the last two decades a
big number of techniques were developed, the
generation of image semantic annotation remains a
significant challenge.
The correlation between the low-level features and
high-level concepts is a challenge due to the
“semantic gap” (Smeulders et al., 2000).
The fundamental scope of image retrieval is to
provide efficient and simple modalities for searching
in the image databases (Carneiro et al., 2007). As it
is mentioned above, it is difficult to get this target
using the traditional retrieval image systems, which
do not take into account the semantic aspects of
In this paper we describe an automatic method,
assisted by user, for generating annotations based on
visual features of image regions. The described
prototype permits the expert users to generate rules
specific to their domain, by submitting to the system
significant categorized images from which the
system can learn the rules. The semantic rules map
the combinations of visual characteristics (colour,
texture, shape, position, etc.) to semantic concepts.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 presents the selection of visual features
and the segmentation algorithm. Section 3 presents
the mapping between visual features and semantic
concepts. Section 4 details the generation of
semantic rules, the semantic classification of images,
and discusses the experiments. Finally, section 5
summarizes the conclusions of this study.
Even if the semantic concepts are not directly related
to the visual features (colour, texture, shape,
position, dimension, etc.), these attributes capture
the information about the semantic meaning
(Rasiwasia, et al., 2007).
The ability and efficiency of the colour feature for
characterizing the colour perceptual similitude is
strongly influenced by the colour space and
quantization scheme selection. A set of dominant
colours determined for each image provides a
compact description, easy to be implemented. The
CIE-LUV colour space quantized at 256 colours is
used to represent the colour information. Before
segmentation, the images are transformed from RGB
Udristoiu S., Ion A. and Mancas D. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 540-543
to CIE-LUV colour space and quantized at 256
colours (Smith et al., 1996). The colour regions
extraction is realized with K-means clustering
algorithm (Berson et al., 1997). This algorithm
detects the regions of a single colour. For each
colour region, the spatial coherency represents the
spatial homogeneity of the region in an image. It is
computed for identifying the 8-connected pixels of
the same colour in a region.
The figures 1 illustrates the image segmentation
process of an image from „cliff” category.
(a) (b)
Figure 1: (a) Original image from category “sunset”. (b)
Segmented image.
In conformity with the defined characteristics, a
region is described by:
-The colour characteristics are represented in the
CIE-LUV colour space quantized at 256 colours. A
region is represented by a colour index which is, in
fact an integer number between 0255. It is
denoted as descriptor F1.
-The spatial coherency represents the region
descriptor, which measures the spatial compactness
of the pixels of same colour. It is denoted as
descriptor F2.
-A seven-dimension vector (maximum probability,
energy, entropy, contrast, cluster shade, cluster
prominence, correlation) represents the texture
characteristic. It is denoted as descriptor F3.
-The region dimension descriptor represents the
number of pixels from region. It is denoted as
descriptor F4.
-The spatial information is represented by the
centroid coordinates of the region and by minimum
bounding rectangle. It is denoted as descriptor F5.
-A two-dimensional vector (eccentricity and
compactness) represents the shape feature. It is
denoted as descriptor F6.
The visual vocabulary developed for image
annotation is based on the concepts of semantic
indicators, whereas the syntax captures the basis
models of human perception about patterns and
semantic categories.
In this study, the representation language is
simple, because the syntax and vocabulary are
elementary. The language words are limited to the
name of semantic indicators. Being visual elements,
the semantic indicators are, by example, the colour
(colour-light-red), spatial coherency (spatial
coherency-weak, spatial coherency-medium, spatial
coherency-strong), texture (energy-small, energy-
medium, energy-big, etc.), dimension (dimension-
small, dimension-medium, dimension-big, etc.),
position (vertical-upper, vertical-center, vertical-
bottom, horizontal-upper, etc.), shape (eccentricity-
small, compactness-small, etc.).
The syntax is represented by a model, which
describes the images in terms of semantic indicators
values. The values of each semantic descriptor are
mapped to a value domain which corresponds to the
mathematical descriptor.
The values domains of visual characteristics
were manually experimented on images of WxH
A value of colour semantic indicator is
associated to each region colour in the CIE-LUV
colour space quantized at 256 colours. The colour
correspondence between the mathematical and
semantic indicator values is determined based on
experiments effectuated on a training image
A hierarchy of values, which are mapped to
semantic indicator values, is also determined for the
other features: colour, texture, shape, dimension,
spatial coherency, and position.
At the end of the mapping process, a figure is
represented in Prolog by means of the terms
figure(ListofRegions), where ListofRegions is a list
of image regions.
The term region(ListofDescriptors) is used for
region representation, where the argument is a list of
terms used to specify the semantic indicators. The
term used to specify the semantic indicators is of the
descriptor(DescriptorName, DescriptorValue).
The model representation of an image from cliff
category can be observed in the bellow example:
descriptor(horizontal-position, center),
eccentricity, small),
descriptor(texture-probability, medium),
descriptor(texture-inversedifference, medium),
descriptor(texture-correlation, big)]), …
The process of the automated generation of semantic
rules and image annotation is the following:
1. The learning phase: rules generation
A semantic rule is of the form:
“semantic indicators -> category
he stages of the learning process are:
-relevant images for a semantic concept are used for
learning it.
-each image is automatically processed and
segmented and the primitive visual features are
computed, as it is described in section 2.
-for each image, the primitive visual features are
mapped to semantic indicators, as it is described in
section 3.
-the rule generation algorithms are applied to
produce rules, which will identify each semantic
category from database.
2. The image testing/annotation phase has as scope
the automatic annotation of images.
-each new image is processed and segmented in
-for each new image the low-level characteristics are
mapped to semantic indicators,
-the classification algorithm is applied for
identifying the image category/semantic concept.
In our system, the learning of semantic rules is
continuously made, because when a categorized
image is added in the learning database, the system
continues the process of rules generation.
4.1 The Description of the Algorithm
for Rule Generation
The algorithm for semantic rules generation is based
on A-priori algorithm of finding the frequent
itemsets (Berson et al., 1997; Frawley et al., 1991).
The choice of the itemsets and transactions is a
domain dependent problem. In the case of market
analysis, the itemsets are products, and the
transactions are itemsets brought together.
The scope of image association rules is to find
semantic relationships between image objects. For
using association rules that discover the semantic
information from images, the modelling of images in
the terms of itemsets and transactions is necessary:
-the set of images within the same category
represents the transactions set,
-the itemsets are the colours of image regions,
-the frequent itemsets represent the itemsets with
support bigger or equal than the minimum support
(min_support). A subset of frequent itemsets is also
-the itemsets of cardinality between 1 and k are
iteratively found (k-length itemsets),
-the frequent itemsets are used for rule generation.
In our method, the Apriori algorithm is used for
discovering the semantic association rules between
primitive characteristics extracted from images and
categories/semantic concepts, which images belong
to. The semantic association rules have the body
composed by conjunctions of semantic indicators,
while the head is the category/semantic concept. A
semantic rule describes the most frequent
characteristics for each category, based on Apriori
rule generation algorithm.
The rules are represented in Prolog as facts of the
rule(Category, Score, ListofRegionPatterns).
The patterns from ListofRegionPatterns are terms of
the form:
The patterns from the descriptors list specify the set
of possible values for a certain descriptor name. The
form of this term is:
4.2 Semantic Image Classification
The classifier represents the set of semantic rules
used to predict the category of images from the test
database. Being given a new image, the
classification process searches in the rules set for
finding its most appropriate category. Images are
processed and are represented by means of semantic
indicators as Prolog facts. The semantic rules are
applied to the set of image facts, using the Prolog
inference engine.
A semantic rule matches an image if all
characteristics which appear in the body of the rule
also appear in the image characteristics.
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
4.3 Experiments
In the experiments realized through this study, two
databases are used for testing the learning process.
The database used for learning contains 200 images
from different nature categories and is used to learn
the correlations between images and semantic
concepts. The database used in the learning process
is categorized into 50 semantic concepts. The system
learns each concept by submitting appreciatively 20
images per category. The testing database contains
500 unclassified images
The performance metrics, precision and average
normalized modified retrieval rate (ANMRR), are
computed to evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of
the rules generation and annotation methods
(Manjunath et al., 2001). These parameters are
computed as average for each image category as in
Table 1:
Table 1: The precision and ANMRR computed for each
image category.
Red Rose
As it can be observed from the experiments, the
results are strongly influenced by the complexity of
each image category. Actually, the results of
experiments are very promising, because they show
a small average normalized modified retrieval rate
and a good precision for the majority of the database
categories, making the system more reliable.
In this study we propose methods for semantic
image annotation based on visual content.
By comparison to other image annotation methods,
our proposed and developed methods have some
The entire process is automated, and a great
number of semantic concepts can be defined.
These methods can be easily extended to any
domain, because the visual features, semantic
indicators remain unchanged, and the semantic
rules are generated based on the set of example
labelled images used for learning semantic
The spatial information is taken into account
and it offers rich semantic information about the
relationships of the image colour regions (left,
right, center, bottom, and upper).
The Prolog logic programming used to model
images and semantic rules facilitates the
interaction with them in a easier way.
The proposed methods have the limitation that
they can’t learn every semantic concept, due to the
fact that the segmentation algorithm is not capable to
segment images in real objects. Improvements can
be brought using a segmentation method with
greater semantic accuracy.
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