focuses on the proposed mechanism and section 5
and 6 delineate the implementation results, and a
conclusion respectively.
One of the approaches used for object oriented
coordination in ad-hoc networks is presented in
(Cutsem, 2007). This work considers a loosely
coupled object-oriented coordination abstraction,
named as an ambient reference (AR). AR initiates a
service discovery request for a remote object
exported as a music player and whenever a node
leaves the environment, the AR is rebounded to point
to another principal object in the network. A similar
sort of solution is proposed in (Christine, 2004),
where the concept of Egospace (which is a kind of
middleware for addressing the specific needs of the
agents) is explored. All the available data in the
network is stored in a common data structure and
whenever the agents move within their
communication range their local data structure is
merged to form a global view. Some other related
solutions based on the common data structure for
handling nodes’ inaccessibility in an ad-hoc network
are considered in (Cao, 2006) and (Sislak, 2005).
The above mentioned solutions fulfill few of
their results by handling some aspects related to
mobility, but still there exists a problem of agents’
shallow knowledge which does not represent their
preferences, intentions and allocation of resources.
To address this issue, Advertising on Mobile phones
ADOMO (which is a partially agents’ coordination
approach) is proposed in (Carabelea, 2005).
ADOMO uses sending and receiving of agents’
messages to address mobility issues. Another ad-hoc
coordination approach has been proposed in (Wang,
2005), where the concept of agent based Peer-to-
Peer (P2P) fostering is used for handling the
problems like nodes dropping out and mobility.
Other then ad-hoc networks, work done by Soh
et al, related to MAS learning via coalition
formation is also worth mentioning here. In (Soh,
2006), they have proposed a computer-supported
cooperative learning system in education and the
results of its deployment. The system consists of a
set of teacher, group, and student agents.
Specifically, their appraoch uses a Vickrey auction-
based and learning-enabled algorithm called
VALCAM to form student groups in a structured
cooperative learning setting. The approach has the
traditional limitation of Vickrey auctions which does
not allow agents for price discovery, that is,
discovery of the market price if the agents are unsure
of their own valuations, without sequential auctions.
Nevertheless, all the aforementioned coordination
solutions do not behave well on environment with
highly dynamics where agents need to have both the
capabilities of coordination and device failure
handling, these approaches fall short of giving a
generalized solution.
This section explains the mobility arising problem
and presents an example to illustrate our approach.
We are considering here the example of a hospital
where software agents are deployed on several
devices (figure. 1). In this figure, the chargers (Cr
… Cr
), patients’ wheelchairs (W
, W
… W
laptops (L
, L
… L
), cardiac monitors (M
, M
), etc., are mobile in a sense that the staff or the
patients can move them from one place to another,
according to their requirements of use or charging.
For the purpose of coordination and for
exchanging energy (charge) between the devices,
agents are deployed at each of them. Agents need
coordination if they require more energy in their
devices or if they need to remain connected with
other agents in the MANET. Each agent a
has its
payoff function F
, which is maximized by its charge
consumption and the rewards it gets after performing
its tasks. Deployed agents start coordination if they
consider that there is not enough energy left to move
further and to achieve their tasks or if they require
multi-hop communications with other agents in their
Figure 1: Agents’ connections in ad-hoc infrastructure.
To give an example, let’s consider a wheelchair,
a cardiac monitors, and a charger which have agreed
upon communication and charge sharing using some
protocols, and suddenly a staff member comes and
takes the charger away for giving charge to some
other wheelchairs, at a different place. One node of
this MANET can tell the other nodes by using some
sort of routing protocols e.g. ADODV and DSR or by
using agent communication approaches, that it is
leaving the environment. However the problems of
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence