A Successful Combination for Trialogical Learning
Angela Locoro
, Viviana Mascardi
and Anna Marina Scapolla
DIBE, Biophysical and Electronic Engineering Department, University of Genoa, Via Opera Pia 11/A, Genova, Italy
DISI, Computer Science Department, University of Genoa, Via Dodecaneso 35, Genova, Italy
Trialogical learning, Natural language processing, Ontology matching.
Trialogical Learning refers to those forms of learning where learners are collaboratively developing, trans-
forming, or creating shared objects of activity in a systematic fashion. In order to be really productive, sys-
tems supporting Trialogical Learning must rely on intelligent services to let knowledge co-evolve with social
practices, in an automatic or semi-automatic way, according to the users’ emerging needs and practical innova-
tions. These requirements raise problems related to knowledge evolution, content retrieval and classification,
dynamic suggestion of relationships among knowledge objects. In this paper, we propose to exploit Natu-
ral Language Processing and Ontology Matching techniques for facing the problems above. The Knowledge
Practice Environment of the KP-Lab project has been used as a test bed for demonstrating the feasibility of
our approach.
In a Trialogical Learning (Paavola and Hakkarainen,
2005) environment, the collaborative knowledge cre-
ation process is characterized by the interaction
through developing common, concrete objects (or ar-
tifacts) of activity, not just between people (“dialogi-
cal approach”), or within one’s mind (“monological”
The EU KP-Lab project (see next section) is
developing software tools for the management of a
shared environment able to represent the information
flow across educational or professional communities,
during their trialogical knowledge creation practices.
Implementing such tools raises some main challeng-
ing problems, such as:
1. Automatic and Dynamic Content Classifi-
cation. One purpose of collaborative environments is
to store and share the users’ contents. Properly classi-
fying contents is a key factor for efficiently retrieving
them. Often, this process relies on pre-defined, static
vocabularies that describe the environment’s domain.
However, since knowledge evolves, the system must
integrate content classification techniques that are
both dynamic and automatic, because delegating the
updates to human experts would be too expensive.
2. Understanding Knowledge Evolution. As
for the very nature of Trialogical Learning, knowl-
edge evolves as users interact with the environment.
The initial system vocabularies (or taxonomies, or
ontologies, depending on the system) should evolve
in a (semi-)automatic way, in order to correctly and
timely reflect the users’ understanding and usage of
the environment itself.
3. Automatic and Dynamic Suggestion of Tags
and Relationships among Knowledge Objects.
Suppose a user wants to find the concepts related to
a knowledge object, for example in order to tag or
classify it, but he/she has no or little idea of where to
start from. The system should provide dynamically
generated suggestions based on the knowledge and
data currently stored in the system.
Learning environments in common use today provide
only limited support for knowledge creation processes
and do not face the problems above.
While many core technologies of the Semantic
Web infrastructure are already available, there is a
Locoro A., Mascardi V. and Marina Scapolla A. (2010).
NLP AND ONTOLOGY MATCHING - A Successful Combination for Trialogical Learning.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 253-258
DOI: 10.5220/0002720302530258
vast amount of work ahead in tuning them for the use
of ordinary learners, instructors and professionals, es-
pecially with regard to stability, performance and us-
The vision depicted in (Gruber, 2008) is a step
forward the potential of combining the Web 2.0 per-
spective with the Semantic Web one. Consistently
with that vision, we investigate how to combine Nat-
ural Language Processing and Ontology Matching
techniques as we think that this kind of combination
would be of great benefit for supporting Trialogical
Learning. We tested the feasibility of our approach
in the Knowledge Practice Environment of KP-Lab.
Although at a prototypical stage, our approach seems
promising for facing the challenges outlined before.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives
an overview of the KP-Lab Project, Section 3 de-
scribes our approach whereas Section 4 presents the
experiments conducted and the results obtained. Sec-
tion 5 concludes by discussing related and future
The KP-Lab project
is an Integrated Project spon-
sored by the 6th EU Framework Programme in
the Information Society Technologies, Technology-
Enhanced Learning program. It aims at creating a
learning system supporting trialogical learning in ed-
ucation and workplaces. The project promotes co-
evolution of individual and organizational learning
with technology through the development of a learn-
ing system based on technological, theoretical, peda-
gogical, and social innovations.
The main features of the learning system of KP-
Lab, named the Knowledge Practice Environment
(KPE), can be summarized as follows:
shared working spaces (the domain specific work
environments of the system, called “shared spaces”,
from now on abbreviated as SSPs) to organize activ-
ities around shared objects and to interact at personal
and community levels;
– support to organize the community and to structure
the learning process;
– support to reflective activities on the shared objects
and the learning context, e.g. through resources anno-
tation tasks with tags/concepts from the vocabularies
of the SSP;
awareness services to trace the knowledge evolution
process that is embedded in the practices of the mem-
bers of a community.
The KPE system relies on the ontological repre-
sentation of the SSP and its “knowledge artifacts”,
as well as the users’ actions. The system model is
defined in the TLO (Trialogical Learning Ontology)
(Tzitzikas et al., 2007) described in OWL (Web On-
tology Web Language
) and the system data format is
that of RDF (Resource Description Framework
The KPE system allows SSP users to tag shared
objects using structured SKOS (Simple Knowledge
Organization System)
vocabularies. A free tags vo-
cabulary is also present in each SSP and it contains
free text terms that the users can create during the on-
going phase of knowledge elicitation.
Thus, in each SSP two types of vocabularies exist:
the domain vocabularies, initially created by domain
experts, and the free tag vocabulary that includes
all the terms freely inserted by users. They can tag
knowledge artifacts with terms selected from the do-
main vocabularies, or they can tag them with free text
that enriches the free tag vocabulary. These vocabu-
laries and the corpus of the SSP documents represent
the basis over which we can combine natural language
processing and ontology matching techniques to pro-
vide users with tools to classify contents, to reflect
on their domain comprehension and to receive sug-
gestions on tags and relationships between knowledge
To test the proposed approach we used real data
from the SSPs created by different KP-Lab users
communities. Each SSP deals with a specific domain
and contains a set of documents (the SSP corpus),
domain vocabularies and a free tag vocabulary. For
each SSP we extract vocabulary concepts from the
document corpus using Natural Language Processing
techniques, we feed the free tag vocabulary with
them and match it with the domain vocabulary, using
ontology matching techniques. The procedure is
graphically depicted in Figure 1. The process is
divided into four phases.
Phase 1: SKOS to OWL Vocabularies Conversion.
In the spirit of reusing ontology matching tools and
methodologies, most of which operate on OWL on-
tologies, we defined a set of rules for translating
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: The procedure phases for concepts discovery and matching of domain and free tags ontologies.
SKOS vocabularies into OWL ontologies:
skos:Concept becomes owl:Class
skos:prefLabel becomes rdfs:label
skos:altLabel becomes a new owl:Class, having
as owl:equivalentClass the concept named with
skos:preflabel (and vice-versa)
skos:broader becomes rdfs:subClassOf
Using the SKOS to OWL conversion rules we
translated the domain vocabularies and the free tags
vocabulary of each SSP used for our experiments
(see Section 4). In the sequel we will use domain
ontology to indicate the OWL translation of a domain
vocabulary, and free tag ontology for the OWL
translation of the free tags vocabulary.
Phase 2: Gate Corpus Processing Pipeline. In
order to process a SSP corpus we carried out the
following activities:
1. extract all the documents from the SSP and save
them into a local directory;
2. use the ANNIE component
of the Gate
(Cunningham et al., 2002) and for each SSP corpus
load the documents into Gate, set and run the pipeline
procedure with the Sentence Splitter, the English
Tokenizer and the Part Of Speech (POS) Tagger;
General Architecture for Text Engineering
3. save the XML version of the corpus obtained from
steps 1 and 2 with all the annotations tags for the next
elaboration phase.
Phase 3: Concepts Discovery and Free Tags On-
tology Feeding. We implemented a Java application
for term discovery and ontology feeding, consisting
of three modules.
Module 1: XML Corpus Processing for Concept
Discovery. This module aims at processing the cor-
pus, filtering POS and counting the word occurrences
of each corpus document. It consists of three sub-
Sub-module 1.1, XMLGateDocument takes as in-
put the XML files representing the SSP corpus
with annotations and for each of them outputs a
plain .txt file with POS and word information;
Sub-module 1.2, POSFilteringAndLemmatizer
takes as input the output files of the XMLGate-
Document module, filters the POS according to
five different POS categories referring to nouns,
then it lemmatizes each word (meaning that for
each word the module returns its canonical form -
e.g. dogs becomes dog and so on) using WordNet
3.0 (Miller, 1995);
Sub-module 1.3, WordFrequencies takes the files
produced by the previous module and transforms
them into lists of word lemmas and frequency
NLP AND ONTOLOGY MATCHING - A Successful Combination for Trialogical Learning
counts (occurrences of the word in each docu-
Module 2: Filtering Relevant Concepts with
TF-IDF Measure. To retrieve key terms (relevant
concepts) we use a standard weighting measure in
the Information Extraction field, the TF-IDF (Term
Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (Sp
Jones, 1972)). The measure is an indicator of how
relevant a term is for a document; too common terms
or not relevant terms tend to be filtered out. This
gives a chance to set a threshold under which only the
document key terms with higher TF-IDF are selected.
In the final procedure for extracting salient words we
compute the final list of terms by discarding those
with TF-IDF 1.0.
Module 3: Feeding the Free Tags Ontology. The
final list of terms, the output of Module 2, is used
to feed the free tag ontology. The FeedOntology
module, which integrates the OWL API
creates all
the new concepts in the ontology. For each concept
we create an owl:Class with class name equal to the
concept name and an rdfs:label (for easy conversion
to skos:PrefLabel) with the same name.
Phase 4: Ontology Matching. An ontology match-
ing process takes two ontologies o and o
and a set
of resources r, and returns an alignment a (namely, a
set of correspondences) between o and o
. A corre-
spondence is of the form < id, e, e
, R, con f > where
id is a (optional) unique identifier, e and e
are the en-
tities (e.g. properties, classes, individuals) of o and
respectively, R is a relation such as “equivalence”,
holding between the entities e and e
, con f is a con-
fidence measure (typically in the [0, 1] range) holding
for the correspondence between the entities e and e
In our approach we consider only concepts as entities
and equivalence as relation.
As depicted in Figure 1, the ontology match-
ing phase takes each OWL domain ontology and the
OWL free tags ontology just fed with new terms from
the SSP corpus, and runs in parallel four automatic
different ontology matching methods: substring, n-
gram, SMOA, and one method based on WordNet.
To match ontologies we use the Alignment API
that implements all the above methods. For each
method we set a parametric threshold in [0, 1] to 0.5
in order to discard correspondences with a confidence
lower than it. In addition, we developed an aggre-
gation function for aggregating the four alignments
found by running the four methods. In case the same
correspondence was found in more than one align-
ment, we keep the one with highest confidence mea-
The KPE is still at a prototype level. During the past
years some partners conducted field trials. Existing
SSPs span different domains of activity. We selected
three of them, the most complete and representative
ones, to test our application. They are SSP1, titled
“The Bachelor Thesis SSP”, SSP2, titled “The Learn-
ing Interaction SSP”, SSP3, titled “The Multimedia
Project SSP”.
SSP1 contains 10 documents (4 .txt, 2 .pdf and
4 .doc) and a domain ontology, called Bachelor.owl,
with 14 concepts. SSP2 contains 15 documents
(9 .pdf and 6 .doc) and a domain ontology, called
PBL.owl, with 47 concepts. SSP3 contains 6 .doc
documents and the same domain ontology as SSP2.
All the three free tag vocabularies are empty.
The results of the corpus analysis phase are de-
picted in Table 1 where tot T stands for the total num-
ber of tokens found in the corpus, tot C stands for
the total number of concepts after POS category fil-
tering and lemmatization, and tot RC stands for the
total number of Relevant Concepts after TF-IDF term
weighting and threshold filtering. As the free tags vo-
cabularies have no concepts at the beginning of the
tests, tot RC represents the number of concepts of the
three final free tags ontologies after they have been
fed with relevant concepts from the corpus.
Table 1: Results from SSPs corpus analysis.
Corpus Tot T Tot C Tot RC
SSP 1 32.660 1.634 606
SSP 2 131.992 4.920 1.374
SSP 3 6.930 685 244
The ontology matching phase between the do-
main ontologies and the free tag ontologies for each
SSP resulted into three final alignments: the first
(for SSP1) includes 128 correspondences, the second
(SSP2) amounts to 754 correspondences and the third
(SSP3) has 203 correspondences.
A preliminary quantitative evaluation analysis is
reported in Tables 2 and 3.
Table 2 reports the percentage of the concepts in
each domain ontology having a correspondence with
a concept in the free tag ontology (% CDO column)
and the average number of correspondences found for
each concept in the domain ontology (Avg Corr. col-
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Coverage and average correspondences per con-
cept in the domain ontology.
Ontology SSP % CDO Avg Corr.
Bachelor SSP1 100% 9
PBL SSP2 100% 16
PBL SSP3 98% 4
Table 3: Free Tags coverage.
Ontology SSP CFT Corr. % CFT
Bachelor SSP1 119 20%
PBL SSP2 623 45%
PBL SSP3 140 57%
Table 2 gives an indication on how well the do-
main ontology (and hence, the initial domain vocabu-
lary) corresponds to the real content of the SSPs doc-
uments, from which the list of free tags (and hence,
the free tags ontology) have been extracted. For ex-
ample, in SSP2 all the concepts in PBL.owl have a
correspondence with at least one concept (16 on aver-
age) extracted by the corpus of the documents, and in
SSP3 98% of the concepts in the same ontology have
been matched with at least one concept (4 on average)
in the free tag ontology extracted from the documents.
Bachelor.owl has 100% of its domain concepts cov-
ered by a corresponding concept (9 on average) in the
free tags ontology extracted from the documents in
The second analysis we carried out (Table 3) com-
plements the previous one by showing how many con-
cepts from the free tags ontology belong to at least one
correspondence (CFT Corr. column). By measur-
ing the ratio between concepts in the free tag ontology
that have a correspondence with at least one concept
in the domain ontology and the total number of con-
cepts in the free tag ontology (% CFT column) we
obtain an indication of how many relevant terms ap-
pearing in the documents of a SSP also belong to the
domain vocabulary.
Low values mean that many relevant terms that
characterize, de facto, the SSP, have not been taken
into consideration while designing and implementing
the domain vocabulary. This might suggest to revise
the domain vocabulary in order to include them, and
better reflect the real content and usage of the SSP.
Table 3 shows that quite a half of the relevant
concepts extracted from the corpora SSP2 and SSP3
were already present in the domain vocabularies and,
hence, the ontology PBL.owl seems close to both cor-
pora SSP2 and SSP3. Instead, only 20% of the rele-
vant concepts extracted from SSP1 belong to Bache-
For example, Advancement, Argumentation, De-
gree, Tutor, Undergraduate belong to the free tags on-
tology of SSP1 but correspond to no concept in Bach-
If we go back to the challenges that we devised in
the Introduction section, we notice that our approach
may prove suitable for facing all of them:
1. Automatic and Dynamic Content Classifi-
cation. By extracting relevant concepts from a
document and matching them to an existing ontology,
we provide an effective and automatic means of
classifying the document with respect to the domain
ontology. Since the domain ontology may evolve,
this activity can be carried out periodically in order
to make the classification dynamic and always
2. Understanding Knowledge Evolution. The
results reported in Table 3 suggest to revise Bach-
elor.owl because it does not stick any longer to the
corpus of SSP1. The revision should be guided by
the results of both the relevant term extraction and
the ontology matching activities: useful concepts
extracted form the corpus and not present in the
ontology should be added to it. This activity could
be carried out in an automatic way, for example by
simply replacing the static domain ontology with
the dynamically generated free tags ontology or by
complementing the domain ontology with a subset
of concepts in the free tags ontology. More sophisti-
cated activities, such as maintaining subClassOf and
equivalentClass relations consistent even when new
concepts are added and old concepts are removed,
require the supervision of a domain expert.
3. Automatic and Dynamic Suggestion of Tags
and Relationships among Knowledge Objects. By
extracting a list of free tags from the SSP corpus and
matching them with existing concepts, we can give
suggestions to users on how to tag the knowledge
artifacts or on how to relate two artifacts, based on
the current and actual content of the corpus. As this
corpus evolves, suggestions will evolve too.
The growth of interest in multidisciplinary researches
such as those of social and semantic web systems is
witnessed by the proliferation of works on domain
ontology learning from texts and interoperability so-
lutions for different vocabulary representation stan-
NLP AND ONTOLOGY MATCHING - A Successful Combination for Trialogical Learning
In (Velardi et al., 2007) a taxonomy learning sys-
tem from web documents, called KMap, has been
developed for achieving interoperability in enter-
prises environments. The system extracts knowl-
edge through both automatic and manual steps, start-
ing from web documents and using WordNet to infer
relations among the extracted words and to retrieve
words definitions (WordNet glosses), delegating both
the taxonomy and the glosses evaluation to human ex-
perts validation procedures. In (Lae et al., 2008) an
analysis of the characteristics of different tag vocab-
ularies languages is carried out and mapping guide-
lines are provided. A federation of tagging ontologies
is also suggested in order to define tags meaning and
sharing tags from different sources. The work near-
est to ours is (Zouaq and Nkambou, 2008) where a
framework for learning domain ontologies in the ed-
ucational field is presented. The paper depicts the
TEXCOMON tool that 1) extracts knowledge from
LOs (Learning Objects, a standard for educational re-
sources representation) of a given domain; 2) builds
concept maps from terms acquired from LOs; and
3) generates domain ontologies from these concept
The originality of our approach with respect to the
cited ones is that we reuse techniques developed in
the ontology matching field in order to perform most
of the challenging activities required within a Trialog-
ical Learning system. This approach will allow us to
take advantage of new ontology matching algorithms
as they will appear, to obtain more and more sophis-
ticated results almost for free. Similar considerations
hold for the knowledge acquisition from texts: we use
a general NLP tool that we will be able substitute with
more sophisticated and efficient ones if it will be the
New application scenarios go in the direction of
weaving the “Semantic Web joins the Social Web”
paradigm. Some directions on how to analyse such
paradigm are suggested in (Mika, 2007) and (Bate-
man et al., 2006). According to them, measures of as-
sociations can be mined from a unified analysis model
coming from ontologies representing users and tags,
knowledge artifacts and tags, knowledge artifacts and
relationships between them, content tags and relation-
Knowledge patterns discovery, by means of se-
mantic overlapping within different communities of
practice working inside the system, also seems to be
an interesting step towards the near future of knowl-
edge practice environments.
A systematic evaluation of the results of our ap-
proach from a qualitative perspective will start soon
with pedagogical partners of KP-Lab project.
The 1st and 3rd authors were partly supported by the
KPLab project, the 2nd author by the Italian project
Iniziativa Software CINI-FinMeccanica.
Bateman, S., Brooks, C., and McCalla, G. (2006). Collabo-
rative tagging approaches for ontological metadata in
adaptive e-learning systems. In Proc. of SW-EL 2006,
pages 3–12.
Cunningham, H., Maynard, D., Bontcheva, K., and Tablan,
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Tzitzikas, Y., Christophides, V., Flouris, G., Kotzinos, D.,
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(2007). Emergent knowledge artifacts for supporting
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Teaching Technologies, 2(3):16–38.
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terize a scientific Web community. IEEE Trans. on
Knowledge and Data Eng., 19(2):180–191.
Zouaq, A. and Nkambou, R. (2008). Building domain on-
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ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence