Jongwon Yoon and Sung-Bae Cho
Department of Computer Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Keywords: Intelligent synthetic character, Intelligent agent, Smartphones.
Abstract: As cell phones have become essential tools for human communication and especially smartphones rise as
suitable devices to implement ubiquitous computing, personalized intelligent services in smartphones are
required. There are many researches to implement services, and an intelligent synthetic character is one of
them. This paper proposes a structure of emotional intelligent synthetic character which generates natural
and flexible behaviour in various situations. In order to generate the character’s more natural behaviour, we
used the Bayesian networks to infer the user’s states and we used OCC model to create the character’s
emotion. After inferring these information, the behaviours are generated through the behaviour networks
with using the information. Moreover, we organized a usability test to verify a usability of the proposed
structure of the character.
Recently, cell phones appear to play an
indispensable role for human communication.
Various additional services using mobile networks
have been developed and many enterprises have
competitively come out with high-end devices,
especially smartphones, which have both functions
of a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) and a cell
phone due to not only an expansion of subscribers
but also an improvement of transmission speed.
Moreover, as smartphones become the device
suitable for realizing ubiquitous computing
environments, a necessity of personalized intelligent
services for smartphones is getting increase.
The intelligent synthetic character is an
autonomous agent which behaves based on its own
internal states, and can interact with a person in real-
time. The intelligent synthetic character can be
applied to entertainment robot and service robot
(Kim et al., 2002).
There is an issue when implementing the
intelligent synthetic character, that is to make the
character seem to alive. To achieve this successfully,
the character should express various behaviors
naturally and flexibly to make user feel that the
character behaves with its consciousness, not with
some simple rules for generating behaviors.
In this paper, we propose a method of generating
behaviors of the synthetic character. The Bayesian
networks are used to infer user’s states and OCC
model is used to generate the character’s emotions.
Moreover, we use behavior networks with
information gathered from previous process to
generate character's natural and flexible behaviors.
Researches about the intelligent service on mobile
devices are mostly focused on the method to provide
personalized services using contexts around users
and smartphones. S. Schiaffino et al. (Schiaffino et
al., 2002) designed the software structure of the
personalized schedule manager agent, and proposed
a case-based reasoning method using the Bayesian
networks. And Kim et al. (Kim et al., 2004)
proposed an intelligent agent that selects the
behavior using its internal state and learns with the
interaction with user. Marsa-Maestre et al. (Marsa-
Maestre et al., 2008) proposed architecture of the
mobile agents which is applicable to smart
environments for service personalization. And Sung
et al. (Sung et al., 2008) designed an intelligent
agent that infers users’ status with case-based
Yoon J. and Cho S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Agents, pages 315-318
DOI: 10.5220/0002723003150318
Considering these points, we designed the
mobile intelligent synthetic character which
recognizes external situations and behaves
intelligently. To achieve this, we used the emotion
model to create the emotional state of the character
and the behavior network to generate the character’s
natural and flexible behaviors with its own
emotional state.
The intelligent synthetic character consists of four
components: perception system, emotion system,
motivation system and behavior generation system.
Figure 1 shows an architecture of the intelligent
synthetic character.
Figure 1: An architecture of an intelligent synthetic
3.1 Perception System
The perception system gathers information that is
available in smartphones such as contacts
information, schedules, call logs, and device states.
Moreover, the perception system reasons the states
of the user. In this paper, the character infers
especially the user’s valence and arousal state, and
the business state.
The Valence-Arousal(V-A) model is a simple
model that represents emotion as a given position in
a two-dimensional space. It has been commonly
used in previous studies on emotion recognition
(Picard, 1995). However, we do not deal with user’s
exact emotions directly mapped on the V-A space
such as happy, sad, fear, etc. because it’s hard to
recognize the user’s exact emotional state based on
the simple contexts in the smartphones. The system
reasons roughly the user’s valence and arousal states.
The perception system uses Bayesian networks
as a context-reasoning method of its own. The
Bayesian network is a representative method to infer
states with insufficient information and uncertain
situations. We designed the Bayesian network which
infers the user’s valence, arousal, and business states.
Figure 2 shows a part of the Bayesian networks we
Figure 2: A part of the Bayesian networks.
3.2 Emotion System
Emotions are particularly important for characters,
because they are an essential part of the self-
revelation feature of messages (Bartneck, 2002). The
emotion system uses OCC model (Ortony et al.,
1988) to create the character's affections among
various emotion models.
The OCC model is the standard model proposed
for a synthesis of emotions, and that is based on
cognitive appraisal theory of emotion. In this paper,
we modified the original OCC model and proposed
the modified OCC model which has 14 emotional
categories. Figure 3 shows the proposed modified
OCC model. The emotion that has the highest
intensity among whole categories is chosen as the
current emotion of the character.
3.3 Motivation System
Goal also takes an important part of the intelligent
synthetic character. Like human, the character
behaves with its own goals which motivate it. This
makes the character more realistic. The character
does not behave with fixed goals but with the goals
that can be changed according to the current
For examples, when the battery is low, the
motivation system sets the goal as ‘Be in agreement
with phone state’ to warn that the battery is low to
3.4 Behavior Generation System
In the behavior generation system, the behavior
network (Maes, 1989) is used as the method for
selecting the most natural and suitable behavior for
the situations. The behavior networks are the model
that consists of relationships between behaviors,
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Modified OCC Model.
Figure 4: A part of the behaviour network.
goals, and external environment, and selects the
most suitable behavior for the current situation.
Behaviors, external goals and internal goals are
connected with each other through links.
The behavior network selects the behavior which
has the highest activation energy. The activation
energy is a degree which represents how much the
behavior is activated. Figure 5 shows spreading of
activation with the following weights.
In this paper, the proposed behavior generation
networks generate 31 behaviors using the conditions
such as the user's states, the character's emotion, the
user's current behavior and the current time, and its
goals set by the motivation system. Figure 4 shows a
part of the behavior generation networks designed.
To develop the proposed intelligent synthetic
character, we used the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
and the Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK, and
the character actually runs on the Samsung SPH-
M4650 smartphone. Figure 6 shows screen shots of
the character.
Figure 5: Spreading activations (p is conditions of the
current state).
In order to evaluate the fitness of the behaviors
generated through the proposed method on various
situations, we performed the usability test as follows.
Eight participants in their twenties were recruited for
the test. Most of participants reported that they heard
about the intelligent character but none of
participants had used it in actual. In the usability test,
the participants carried out 10 scenarios.
Figure 6: Screen shots of an intelligent synthetic character
on the actual smartphone(a) and the simulator(b).
The participants observed a sequence of five
behaviors for each scenario generated randomly and
another sequence of 5 behaviors generated by the
proposed method, respectively. The random
generation method just selects any behaviors
randomly to the user without understanding
After the previous task, the participants
evaluated the fitness of each behavior on each
situation. The fitness ranged from 1 which means
"Strongly incongruent" to 5 which means "Strongly
suitable." Following the evaluations, we summed up
the fitness scores of each participant distinguishing
two different behaviors generating methods,
randomly generating method and the proposed
method, and measured the average fitness scores of
each method. Table 1 shows the average fitness
scores evaluated by the participants.
In order to analyze the result of the usability test,
we conducted the Wilcoxon signed-rank test with
the fitness scores. As the result of the Wilcoxon
signed-rank test, we got P-value by 0.012, thereby
we accept the alternative hypothesis because P-value
is smaller than 0.05. It confirms that the proposed
method is appropriate to generate the character's
We presented the architecture of the mobile
intelligent synthetic character for its natural
behaviors. In order to provide enhanced intelligent
services, it is necessary for the intelligent synthetic
character to interact with the user and evolve by
itself. To achieve this, we will attempt to develop
algorithms for an interaction and an evolution,
especially the learning system that evolves the
structure of the Bayesian networks and the behavior
generation network with the user’s feedback in the
future work.
Table 1: Average fitness scores.
Participants Random generation Proposed method
1 2.46 4.50
2 2.40 4.22
3 3.00 4.44
4 2.14 4.38
5 2.44 4.40
6 3.12 4.44
7 2.88 4.54
8 2.06 4.20
This work was supported by the IT R&D program of
MKE/KEIT (10033807, Development of context
awareness based on self learning for multiple
sensors cooperation).
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ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence