e Javier Dur
Centro para las Tecnolog
ıas Inteligentes de la Informaci
on y sus Aplicaciones (CETINIA)
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, C/ Tulipan s/n, Mostoles, Spain
Carlos A. Iglesias
Departmento de Ingener
ıa de Sistemas Telem
aticos, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid
Ciudad Universitaria s/n, Madrid, Spain
Service oriented computing, Software engineering, Web-services.
This article introduces the notion of agreement patterns, which provide a framework for modelling reusable
problem solution descriptions for agreement fulfilment. In particular, the Provider Selection pattern has been
identified for modelling the common problem of selecting a provider by a service consumer. The article
presents the pattern structure as well as the reusable domain model and cognitive structures. Agreement
patterns aim at providing reusable patterns useful for developers in multidisciplinary areas, such as Agent
Technology and Service Oriented Computing.
Throw the years, different computation paradigms
have had a predominant factor in the software de-
velopment, from the begging when a centralized, an
monolithic, architecture conformed any application,
to a more relaxed one, in which clients presented more
capability to work in the system, and converging to
an architecture in which each element should be as
important in the system, and also totally replaceable,
been that view the Internet of services, also known as
the cloud computing paradigm.
That vision of an Internet of services comes from
the arise of the Service Oriented Computing (SOC),
in which a system divided in components is built us-
ing different services offered by third-parties, or us-
ing that abstraction to decentralizing the system itself.
This vision has the goal to simplify the development
of complex systems, and to cut down costs of the fi-
nal product. As a result of that behaviour, it has ap-
peared a market of different service providers, offer-
ing reusable services, which as a result make possible
to create more solutions based in the SOC vision of
The second author has been partially supported by Ger-
minus XXI (Grupo Gesfor) under the project RESULTA.
software development.
A menace of SOC, is a problem that always has
been in the software development, how different com-
ponents are used together, which in fact it is per-
formed taken care of the developer documentation,
which in this case is the contract of each service. This
contracts, which are described using standards like
WS-Agreement (Andrieux et al., 2007), may lack of
some information, or could have errors in it, some
case it is possible that a contract is unreal, in those
cases it is necessary to enrich contracts with trust
and reputation information of the developer, in most
cases using social information, or performing it an-
other party.
Another problem of SOC, because been an emerg-
ing development paradigm, is the fault of information
about the good practices in that development. Other
paradigms, like the object-oriented paradigm, estab-
lish different patterns of how to solve a generic prob-
lem, performing a defined set of steps, in our case, the
objective of such kind of patterns is the way which
different agreements are treated, and how a system
performs different maintenance task for its service
oriented architecture (SOA). The objective of those
patterns is to help developers with a huge catalogue
of SOC good practices in common problems, and how
Javier Durán J. and A. Iglesias C. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Agents, pages 38-45
DOI: 10.5220/0002726400380045
they are solved.
The goal of this article is presenting how agree-
ment technologies, developed within the agent re-
search community, can be modelled as software pat-
terns, providing a framework for capturing best prac-
tices for recurring problems, a common vocabulary
and reusable solution descriptions. This article is fo-
cused on describing how agreement patterns can de-
scribe the recurring Provider Selection problem.
The rest of the article is organized as follows.
First, section 2 presents the Provider Selection Prob-
lem, and the main approaches to solve it. Then, sec-
tion 3 gives an overview of the notion of agreement
patterns, their classification scheme an how provider
selection patterns are classified. Section 4 presents
the ProviderSelection pattern, describing its structure,
usage and examples. Finally, section 5 draws out the
main conclusions and future works of this work.
Selection of the right parties to interact with is a
fundamental problem in open and dynamic environ-
ments (S¸ensoy, 2008). This problem is recurrent
in SOC environments, where dynamic service selec-
tion (Maximilien and Singh, 2004) allows to combine
available services to user needs. It is applied as a need
to find and select an specific service for the purpose of
the system, first needing to identify the service prop-
erties, which is called quality-of-service (QOS), and
the resources that could be spent by that need, and af-
ter that, it is necessary to find a provider that offers
that service, which in fact sometimes is not possible,
and it is necessary to switch to the service provider
that offers the more suitable service. Because of those
properties, this problem is pillar for SOC.
This problem is present in different environments,
which some of them are listed next:
Travel Agency (Billhardt et al., 2007). An user
requires an offer of a travel, which is formed of the
flight and an hotel, selecting the one that suits it’s
preferences, like flight company or arrival time,
and that has the lower cost.
e-Commerce (Aydo
gan, 2008). Different
providers offer a similar product, but with differ-
ent qualities, and costs, and the user (or a media-
tor agent) should select one provider among them,
based on similarity to its preferences, and cost re-
WiFi Roaming (Merino et al., 2005). The user
must select among different access points, those
that have a reliable security, and a good quality of
Each of these domains represents a problem, in
which confidence of bidders is necessary, and in
which solutions taken are similar.
First, it is imperative to determine which roles are
conforms this problem, in fact which are the parts that
interact between them to advert and negotiate service
The main role is the consumer, or user, role, which
suits with the system that needs the service to be
implemented in, and that will be responsible to
find, establish, and maintain different agreements
with service providers to use a service.
The other main role in this interaction is the ser-
vice provider one, which is responsible of keep
offering their services and helping to establish
agreements to use those services.
A secondary role of this interaction is performed
by the marketplace, in which different providers
are registered to help consumers to list them, and
ask them about a service. The marketplace role
could be implemented by the consumer, as a pre-
defined list of providers, by a service provider of-
fering that service, or throw a social collaborative
network of provider’s directory.
Also it is necessary to define the main aspects of
this problem, in this case, what are the aspects of the
interaction, which will grant a better quality to the so-
lution adopted:
Providers Market-place. It is a component that
knows which providers are able to offer an spe-
cific service, in this case retrieving different offers
as agreements. This component should be a pre-
defined list of providers accessible to the user, an-
other service that offers a provider search engine,
or a collaboratively created directory of providers.
Service Offer Evaluation. Each received offer is
evaluated, so, they are comparable between them,
using different techniques, that is more detailed in
Section 2.1.
Agreement Negotiation. Once one offer has been
selected, it is done a negotiation process, as stated
in Section 2.2.
2.1 Service Offer Evaluation
The main problem around service selection is how to
select the most appropriate one, taking care of differ-
ent factors (Singh and Huhns, 2005):
Quality of Service: determined by similarity with
required specifications, cost, and availability. It is
necessary to remark that agreements’ information
could be difficult to understand by the system, be-
cause there should be different kinds of proper-
ties. The main properties are the functional ones,
which could be measured easily, like final cost or
minimal bandwidth offered. In counterpart, non-
functional properties are more obscured, and dif-
ficult to treat, like the feedback from user.
Trust of the Provider (Yang et al., 2006): the
service offered by a provider depends on the trust
that is assigned to that provider. This information
is totally non-functional, but in some cases should
be treated like functional, e.g. mean times a ser-
vices has failed, or what was the perceived quality
of the service, for example, using a rating from 0
to 5.
Taking care of that aspects, there are several meth-
ods for rating a service. They can be distinguished the
following approaches (Singh and Huhns, 2005):
Rating (S¸ensoy, 2008). This technique use social
collaboration to create a score based board, also
known as ”‘Social service selection”’, in which
different user scores each provider, or also ser-
vices of each provider, with a value used to create
a feedback about user feel of QOS. This technique
is useful when a service is obscure, for example
non guaranteed inversions, but lacks of subjec-
tivity of users, been manipulable by users. Also
it is richer that other techniques, in the fact that
there exists information about service feedback
that could be used to enrich the selection process.
Ranking (Maximilien and Singh, 2004). This
other, instead, use heuristics to determine how the
QOS of a service is near to the needed service,
also known as ”‘Semantic service selection”’, an
treating semantic distance to required one as the
evaluation metric, and ranking different offers to
select the one that suits better. It is necessary to
extract semantic information in which the service
could be measured to understand how near it is to
the required service.
Economic Service Selection. Another technique
to select a provider, simpler but the most appropri-
ate in some cases, is to select those ones that are
offering a service with a lower cost, in which only
quantitative properties of the QOS are taken into
account, for example time taken to treat a petition,
or availability of the service in a determined time
Selection of which technique to use is not trivial,
for example, in a trusted network of providers it is
better to select economic techniques, or ranking if the
service definition is ambiguous, as it is expected that
providers are trustworthy, but in no trusted networks,
it is preferred to use rating ones. Also, it is possible
to fuse different techniques, so the information of the
service offer is richer, and in that way, the service will
be selected wisely, but it is necessary to weight how
each technique depends on the environment, to assure
that the system is not highly restrictive with no trusted
providers, and is cost-balanced.
An advantage of ranking techniques is that it is
prepared to sustain any heuristic used to match offers
with required service, been able to use anyone in a
trust-based component. The advantage of abstracting
this knowledge to a different component is that it is
possible to fit the system requirements in this compo-
nent, and reuse the rest of provider selection interac-
2.2 Agreement Negotiation
Once a provider is chosen to establish an agree-
ment with, it is done a negotiation process, in which
consumer and provider offers each one an offer for
that agreement, defining which valuables will be ex-
changed, in this case they are QOS and cost for ser-
vice renting. For this process, there are different tech-
niques (Bromuri et al., 2009), which assure that an
agreement will be establish, but a problem of this ne-
gotiation is that it presents a Nash equilibrium prob-
lem, in which two parties have interest in conflict with
each other.
Actually, this negotiation is performed after a
provider is selected, but a more wide vision of the
provider selection problem should be able to establish
a negotiation process between the consumer and all
the providers, been able to select the one that accepts
first an offer from the consumer. This interaction
should be treated as a bidding process, and presents
more complexity that the provider selection problem,
and would be suitable for a future agreement pattern.
When working with a new technology, or beginning
to work with one that previously existed, it is use-
ful to have access to a collection of rules, examples,
and descriptions, of the principal aspects of that tech-
nology. In software development there are program-
ming languages as rules, source code examples, and
software patterns as descriptions of good approaches
taken to produce a specific piece of software. Those
software patterns are intended to offer new developers
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
a view of how to approach to a solution that is proven
to have good properties, and also offering information
that contrast that. Also, different works have proven
that patterns are really usable as experience represen-
tation and distribution (Oluyomi et al., 2006).
Agreement technologies (Jennings, 2005) (AT) is a
recent discipline which collects this multidisciplinary
research and can be defined as the technologies for the
practical application of knowledge to the automated
fulfilment of agreements. Agreement technologies do
not dictate the underlying technologies (objects, com-
ponents, agents, services, ...), but are focused on the
formalization of knowledge structures, protocols, al-
gorithms and expertise that contribute to the establish-
ing of agreements in an open dynamic environment.
Based on this previous research, Agreement pat-
terns (Iglesias et al., 2009) are defined as software
patterns which helps software components coordina-
tion through the fulfilment of agreements. Agreements
patterns include all kind of agreements, both explicit
ones (e.g. negotiation) and tacit ones (e.g. organiza-
The main need of the pattern engineering is to de-
fine a pattern template that reflects the needs from the
domain in which it will be used. In the case of agree-
ment oriented services there is important to determine
those ones:
Participants, or Roles.
Taking those aspects in account, it should be pos-
sible to define the pattern template. In this case we
propose the use of the canonical form (also called
Alexandrian) for software patterns informal descrip-
tion(Buschmann et al., 1996), which it has been en-
rich with the elements listed before:
Name: a meaningful name that provides a vocab-
ulary for discussing.
Alias: an alternative name to the pattern.
Participants: who are the main participants in the
interaction, and their roles.
Trigger: why the interaction process begins, and
with which interactions is related. It will describe
when it is used.
Purpose: what is the problem that it solves.
Problem: a statement of the problem and the
goals it wants to reach.
Context: the preconditions under which the prob-
lem and its solution seem to recur.
Forces: a description of the relevant forces and
constraints and how they interact with one another
and with the goals. Considerations to be taken
into account to select a solution for a problem.
Solution: static relationships and dynamic rules
describing how to realize the desired outcome. It
should be described using pseudo-code, class di-
agrams, reasoning diagrams, or any model that
helps to understand the solution.
Examples: one or more sample applications of
the pattern which illustrate its application. Known
occurrences of the pattern, which help in verifying
that the pattern is a proven solution to a recurring
Resulting Context: the state or configuration of
the system after the pattern has been applied.
Rationale: a justification of the pattern, explain-
ing how and why it works, and why it is “good”.
Related Patterns: compatible patterns which can
be combined with the described pattern.
All this points forms a good batch of questions
about the pattern itself, helping to determine the in-
ner of the pattern, as assuring that it is a true pattern
widely useful, and not an anti-pattern(Rising, 1998)
of bad manners in software development, that don’t
offer and extensible and reusable interaction process
for service oriented computing.
In order to classify agreement patterns, a classi-
fication scheme has been proposed (Iglesias et al.,
2009), which has identified the following dimensions:
Duration. Is the agreement established tempo-
rally, short term, or permanently, long term?
Normative Context. The pattern is strict as a es-
tablished norm, or flexible?
Topic. Which is the main purpose of the pattern?
E.g.: Service offering, Service negotiation, or Ser-
vice bidding.
Phase. What moment of the agreement life-cycle
it represents? E.g.: negotiation, conclusion or se-
Decision Making. How selection process are per-
formed? E.g.: In provider selection it should be
social-collaborative, but in agreement portability
it should be rule based.
Using the provider selection problem as example of
how the agreement patterns are applied, they are go-
ing to be defined a series of steps and models to be
used as formalization of it. The purpose of those mod-
els is to define the interaction process that is part of
this problem.
4.1 Problem Description
The pattern template previously showed in section 3
would be applied to the provider selection problem,
which presents a good number of factors to consider
it the basis of service oriented computing:
It is use when it is required to create an adaptable
Provider selection trust is required to assure sys-
tem’s assurance.
It will dynamically establish agreements as re-
quired to manage different offers, and select the
best that suits requirements, and cost factors.
The main purpose of the agreement is to unify all
the information about different approaches taken in
this scenario to be able to present it in a formal way,
accessible by different developers, to take care of the
pattern whenever a system requires its capabilities.
Those aspects assures the need for a formal de-
scription of how a solution is obtained, as presenting
the problem enough complexities, and been widely
used and generic.
4.2 Description of the Agreement
Based on the pattern structure described in section 3,
the solution to the Provider Selection problem can be
described as follows.
Name. Provider selection.
Alias. Service selection
Duration. Variable. Based on system and pur-
pose of service.
Normative Context. Flexible.
Topic. Service provider selection.
Phase. Agreement selection.
Decision Making. Based on trust/reputation
mechanism, mainly social-collaborative.
Participants. User, that requires a service; Ser-
vice provider, that offers an agreement for a ser-
vice to be used by the User; and the Market place,
which list the different Service provider that are
offering services. Relations between roles are
present in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Participant classes in the provider selection prob-
Trigger. A system requires a service, commonly
with some restrictions or preferences on its non
functional properties (QoS, price, ...), and there
is more than one service provider that fits in that
Purpose. Retrieve the best provider, and establish
a service usage agreement with it.
Problem. A user requires an agreement with a
provider, that must offer a service with required
properties, like quality of the service, cost or trust
in that provider, and as a result, an agreement is
done with the most appropriate provider.
Context. The user has access to a market of of-
fered services, and a trust system.
Forces. Trust and reputation techniques to enrich
bidders information.
Solution. See Algorithm 1, for a pseudo-code de-
scription of the solution.
1. The user asks bidders in a service providers’
market, for a service offer, with an specific
2. Each provider offers a different proposed
agreement, including non functional properties,
such as costs or QOS information.
3. The user enriches the information in each
agreement with trust information, using a trust-
based component, like a collaborative reputa-
tion system, self-experience, or heuristics for
service matching.
4. Agreements are evaluated, based on their non
functional properties as well as based on the
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
trust and reputation of the provider, using a spe-
cific evaluation function based on the system
purpose, for example, a high security system
will evaluate poorly any system without good
trust information.
5. If there is almost one provider with an accept-
able evaluation, it is realized an agreement with
it. A threshold must be defined to don’t estab-
lish an agreement if all providers are offering
invalid agreements. Once the target provider
is chosen, it begins a negotiation process, in
which the consumer tries to establish the agree-
ment with highest utility.
Algorithm 1. Pattern solution pseudo-code.
Require: RequiredServiceDescription
Require: ReputationMechanism
Require: ProvidersMarketPlace
OfferedAgreements = ProvidersMarket-
Place.askFor( RequieredServiceDescription
while Agreement a in OfferedAgreements do
ReputationMechanism.enrich( a )
if RequiredServiceDescription.isBetter( a, best )
best = a
end if
end while
if best.assures( RequiredServiceDescription ) then
ServiceAgreement = best.AgreeProposal( )
end if
Ensure: ServiceAgreement.assures( RequiredSer-
viceDescription )
Broadband access negotiation (Merino et al.,
2005), in which users selects the provider that
fits with its needs, and use other users feedback
to select the most appropriate.
Ad-Hoc service negotiation (Song, 2008), in
which a provider offers different services, in
which the QOS changes, but fits better with the
required service as an increase of cost instead.
In this case the user tries to find equilibrium be-
tween service matching and cost assumed.
E-Commerce (Aydo
gan, 2008), in which sev-
eral providers are offering the same good but
with different important aspects, mainly ship-
ping method and final cost, and the user mea-
sures the offering, with other users feedback,
like comments in the provider web, and feed-
back about trustworthy of the provider.
Resulting Context. The user establish an agree-
ment, if an acceptable one is offered among the
Rationale. It defines the interaction basis in the
search for an agreement when it is necessary to
compare different offers, and enrich them with
trust systems.
Related Patterns. Agreement Portability.
4.3 Reasoning Cognitive Pattern
To help to understand how this problem could be
driven, it is possible to divide it in different tasks,
which should be threatened independently, except of
how they are interconnected. This tasks interconnec-
tion is described in figure 2. The purpose of those
tasks is as follows:
Estimate. Enriches providers offers with trust in-
formation from the trust/reputation knowledge.
Assess. Selects a provider that fits the user re-
quirements of the QOS. In this task it is measured
how the service proposal is similar to the required
service, and the trust information of the provider.
Those tasks treat different information from dif-
ferent knowledge sources:
Service Provider Offer. This information is ob-
tained from asking to the market place about ser-
vice providers that fit a required need for a ser-
vice. It should be described using an agreement
definition language, like WS-Agreement.
Trust/Reputation. This information should be
obtained from a service of service providers rep-
utation, the provider itself, or from a social-
collaborative source. It should be a quantification
of average number of service losses, a measure
of principal properties, like average bandwidth in
a WiFi access point; or feedback of other users,
which requires to apply a new trust filtering to that
Provider Agreement. This is the final product of
the problem, in which the system, after selecting
a service provider, creates an agreement, in which
the consumer ask for access to the specified ser-
vice. This agreement can be represented by an
agreement language such as WS-Agreement.
This article has presented agreement patterns as an
instrument for modelling reusable solutions.
Figure 2: Provider Selection reasoning diagram.
There are related works for defining design pat-
terns in the areas of multi-agent systems and Service
Oriented Computing (SOC).
Agent-Oriented Patterns have been defined for
sharing multi-agent system development experiences.
Oluyomi (Oluyomi et al., 2007; Oluyomi, 2006)
presents an agent pattern classification scheme based
on two dimensions: stages of the agent-oriented soft-
ware development and tasks in each stage of de-
velopment. At each stage or level of development
(analysis, multi-agent architecture, agent architecture,
multi-agent implementation), the framework identi-
fies the attributes of that level of abstraction, in order
to classify these patterns. In addition, Oluyomi pro-
poses to refine the canonical pattern form for defining
an Agent-Oriented Pattern Template Structure, which
adds more granularities depending on the pattern type
(agent internal architecture structural, interactional or
strategic patterns, etc.). Some of the patterns iden-
tified by Oluyomi, whose classification scheme in-
cludes other approaches, can be considered agreement
patterns. The main differences between her classi-
fication and the one proposed in this article is that
Oluyomi’s classification is agent oriented, and it is
hard to use if it is not implemented with agents (agent
oriented development phase, agent architecture, etc.),
while the one proposed here is independent of the
technology to be used, although implementation ex-
amples can be presented with different technologies.
In addition, agreements are not a key concept in Oluy-
omi’s classification scheme as in our proposal. Future
work will provide a mapping of the agreement related
patterns classified by Oluyomi onto our classification
In the area of Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA), SOA patterns have been defined (Erl, 2008;
Rotem Gal Oz, 2009; Zdun et al., 2006). For ex-
ample, Erl (Erl, 2008) classifies patterns for archi-
tecture services, service compositions, service inven-
tories and service oriented enterprise. Rotem-Gal-
Oz (Rotem Gal Oz, 2009) describes patterns for Mes-
sage Exchange, Service Interaction, Service Compo-
sition, Structural, Security and Management. SOA
patterns (Zdun et al., 2006) provide high level archi-
tectural patterns, which do not detail yet agreement
Inside the SOC community, the GRAAP Work-
ing Group (Grid Resource Allocation and Agreement
Protocol WG) has defined the specification Web Ser-
vices Agreement (Andrieux et al., 2007), which is
particularly interesting for this research. The pur-
pose of the specification is the definition of a Web
Services protocol for establishing agreements defined
in XML. The specification covers the specification
of agreement schemas, agreement template schemas
and a set of port types and operations for manag-
ing the agreement life cycle. This specification de-
fines an agreement as an agreement between a ser-
vice consumer and a service provider specifies one
or more service level objectives both as expressions
of requirements of the service consumer and assur-
ances by the service provider on the availability of
resources and/or service qualities. An agreement
defines a dynamically-established and dynamically-
managed relationship between parties. The object of
this relationship is the delivery of a service by one of
the parties within the context of the agreement. The
management of this delivery is achieved by agreeing
on the respective roles, rights and obligations of the
parties. An agreement is characterized by its name,
context and terms.
The OASIS Reference Architecture for SOA (Mc-
Cabe, 2008) is an abstract realization of SOA, focus-
ing on the elements and their relationships needed to
enable SOA-based systems to be used, realized and
owned. The reference architecture defines three pri-
mary viewpoints: business via services that captures
what SOA means for people using it to conduct busi-
ness, realizing service oriented architectures deals
with the requirements for constructing a SOA; and
owning service oriented architectures addresses is-
sues involved in owning and managing a SOA. The
notion of agreement is included in several ways in the
architecture, as an organizational concept (constitu-
tion) or as a formalization of a relationship (business
agreement and contract).
These two initiatives, OASIS RA and WS-
Agreement are compatible and complementary of our
proposal, since they provide a modelling reference ar-
chitecture as well as a language for describing the
ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
identified patterns boiling down to the implementa-
tion level. This integration will be include in future
The pattern ProviderSelection described within
this article illustrates how agreement patterns can help
in providing a common vocabulary as well as a col-
lection of best practices for engineering agreement-
based distributed applications.
Future works will validate this model with other
problems, and represent a compendium of agreement
based problems, and their solutions, which they pur-
pose is to help developers to take each pattern an
assemble a system capable of interact with service
providers, without needing to know how the interac-
tion must be done, instead knowing the required ele-
ments to be implemented.
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