Charulata Ramaprasad
University of Chicago, 5841 S. Maryland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, U.S.A.
Arkalgud Ramaprasad
University of Illinois at Chicago, 601 S Morgan Street (MC 294), Chicago, IL 60607, U.S.A.
Keywords: Noncompliance, Semiotics, Medical Errors, Electronic Medical Records.
Abstract: ‘Noncompliant’ (NC) patient is a common label in medical records. While it encapsulates many dimensions
of undesired patient behavior, the semiotics by which it is generated and applied is unclear: What data
indicate noncompliance? How are the data analyzed and interpreted to label a patient as noncompliant?
How does the label frame the physician’s thinking? How does it affect the physician’s diagnosis, treatment,
instructions and actions? How does it affect medical outcomes? This lack of semiotic clarity can result in
medical errors. We provide a framework (a) for conceptualizing the semiotics of NC, and (b) to understand
the sources of potential medical errors. We illustrate the framework with a case study. The framework can
be used to manage noncompliance effectively and reduce medical errors, especially with EMRs.
‘Noncompliant’ (NC) patient is a common label in
medical records. Noncompliance, from which the
NC label is derived, is of major concern in medical
care. It “is a value-laden term, heavily weighted
against the patient who, by definition, refuses to
yield or conform to doctor’s advice.” (Hill, 2004, p.
2004) It can diminish the effectiveness of the most
efficacious course of treatment, and the efficiency of
medical care delivery (Cleemput & Kesteloot, 2002;
Reach, 2008). It is a pervasive problem affecting
almost all types of care and populations (Rosner,
2006). This paper explores the translation (a) of
noncompliant behavior to the NC label in a medical
record, and (b) of the effect of NC label in medical
Labeling a patient NC almost invariably implies
that the patient does not have a good reason for
his/her behavior – that the behavior is irrational and
difficult to manage. In contrast, recognition that a
patient has been noncompliant occasionally but for
‘good reason’ – he stopped his anti-hypertensives
because he lost his insurance coverage for
medications, she does not exercise because her
neighborhood is unsafe, he does not follow
instructions for his colonoscopy because he is
illiterate – allows one to attempt to fix the problem.
Noncompliance encapsulates many dimensions of
patient behavior which can be summarized in a
simple ontology (Figure 1) constructed from the
literature. The ontology has six dimensions of
noncompliance: (a) Visits, (b) Medications, (c)
Tests, (d) Procedures, (e) Lifestyle, and (f)
Administration. Each dimension has a list of
possible categories of noncompliance. In visits, for
example, a patient may be noncompliant in one or
more of the component categories: preparation for
the visit, interaction during the visit, follow-up
actions, and scheduling. A patient’s noncompliance
profile would be the aggregate of his or her
noncompliance on the categories within all the
dimensions. The aggregation is indicated by the [+]
sign between the columns in the ontology.
Patients may have different noncompliance profiles.
Some may be simply noncompliant in taking the
right medication dose. Some, on the other hand, may
be noncompliant on many categories of many
dimensions. Thus, a patient may be noncompliant in
visit preparation, medication refills, test follow up,
and diet lifestyle. The ontology encapsulates a very
large number of possible profiles. It is likely that
only some will result in the patient being labeled
NC. This paper addresses the process by which the
noncompliance profiles are translated into the NC
label for a patient. Patient noncompliance has to be
Ramaprasad C. and Ramaprasad A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 257-262
DOI: 10.5220/0002734902570262
Visits Medications Te sts Procedures Lifestyle Administration Explanatory Factors
Preparation [+] Administration [+] Preparation [+] Preparation [+] Diet [+] Payments Patient factors
Interaction Dosage Conduct Interaction Exercise Paper work Treatment factors
Follow up Refill Follow up Follow up Tobacco Lifestyle factors
Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Alcohol Demographic factors
Monitoring Sociodemographic factors
Psychosocial factors
[due to]
[Noncompliance in]
Noncompliance Dimensions
Figure 1: Ontology of Patient Noncompliance.
understood in the context in which it occurs.
Sometimes there may be good reasons for a patient’s
noncompliance as mentioned earlier. The
explanatory factors for noncompliance are listed as a
separate dimension with six categories based on
Rosner (2006). They are (a) Patient factors, (b)
Treatment factors, (c) Lifestyle factors, (d)
Demographic factors, (e) Sociodemographic factors,
and (f) Psychosocial factors. This dimension is
connected to the others by the phrase ‘due to’, as
shown in Figure 1. A detailed list of the
subcategories of explanatory factors is given by
Rosner (2006).
The ontology can be extended and refined by
modifying the dimensions and the categories within
them. Some dimensions in the ontology may not fit
some contexts – the Procedures dimension may not
fit a non-surgical context. Or, a specific subcategory
of explanation such as lack of transportation may be
required for rural patients. Once the ontology has
been adapted to a context it can be used to profile a
patient’s noncompliance and the factors which
explain it. It can also be used to modify physician
and patient behavior in a way that satisfies both
We will use the ontology as a framework for
discussing the semiotics of labeling a patient NC.
(Labeling patient as
noncompliant (NC))
(Data indicating
(Interpretation as
Patient characteristics
(Treatment plan
(Labeling patient as
noncompliant (NC))
(Data indicating
(Interpretation as
Patient characteristics
(Treatment plan
Figure 2: Semiotics of ‘Noncompliant’ Patient.
The paper is focused on two questions: How is a
patient labeled NC? How can the label affect his or
her medical care and hence medical outcome?
Semiotics has a long history in medicine (Hess,
1998). It is the study of how information is
generated about objects and applied to actions on
them. This paper focuses on how noncompliance
information is generated about patients and applied
to their medical care. Generation and application are
the two phases of the semiotic cycle as shown in
Figure 2. Each phase is sequential and has four steps
– morphologics, syntactics, semantics, and
pragmatics. The sequence of these steps in
application is the opposite of that in generation as
shown in Figure 2 (Ramaprasad & Ambrose, 1999;
Ramaprasad & Kashyap, 2008; Ramaprasad & Rai,
1996; Stamper, 1973).
In generating the label NC for a patient,
morphologics is the process of obtaining data
indicating noncompliance; syntactics is the process
of discovering relationships within the data
indicating noncompliance; semantics is the process
of interpreting the relationships as noncompliance;
and pragmatics is the process of labeling the patient
as NC. In application of patient’s NC label,
pragmatics is framing the problem presuming
noncompliance; semantics is the diagnosis
presuming noncompliance; syntactics is the
treatment plan presuming noncompliance; and
morphologics is the instructions presuming
Consider, for example, a young male unemployed
patient who has missed a few follow up visits over
five years, has not refilled his medication
intermittently during an unknown period, continues
to smoke, and is delinquent on payments. Is he a NC
patient or simply a patient who has been
noncompliant occasionally?
One cannot answer the questions without
collecting data from a number of sources, in
different locations, on different media, in varying
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
formats, over a long period of time – corresponding
to the dimensions and categories in the ontology
(Figure 1). Even then, the data may neither be
complete nor accurate (Smith et al., 2005). It may be
difficult, time consuming and costly for a person to
systematically analyze the data to generate a profile,
interpret the profile, seek explanations, and make a
reasoned judgment whether he is NC or not. A
comprehensive EMR could reduce the time, effort,
and cost it takes to document reasons for
noncompliance and disseminate that information to
other members of the medical team to whom it is
relevant (social workers, for instance). In its
absence, the health care provider will likely make an
intuitive judgment based on limited data about
noncompliance behavior, its analysis, interpretation,
and possible explanations. Even with an EMR, if it
lacks the prompts necessary for an investigation into
the reasons that underlie noncompliance, the NC
label will be generated and recorded and is likely to
be applied without further validation or
investigation. It is no more ‘as if’ the patient is
noncompliant, the patient ‘is’ NC. The label is
attributed to the patient – the patient becomes NC
(Ramaprasad, 1987). Any nuances in the patient’s
noncompliance and possible explanations for such
behavior are also lost in the shadow of the NC label.
It creates a prospective expectation of
noncompliance. Further, the label is propagated in
the records without question or revalidation. EMRs
render the propagation easy and efficient with their
ability to ‘copy-and-paste’ (Hirschtick, 2006). The
incorrect labeling may be an unintended error, but
an error nonetheless (Ash, Berg, & Coiera, 2004).
Once labeled NC, future interactions with the
patient will likely be framed with the presumption of
general noncompliance, not necessarily of a specific
type or for a particular reason. As a consequence,
the diagnosis, treatment plan, and instructions will
likely presume noncompliance too. This
presumption can lead to medical errors in a number
of ways – less attention may be paid to the
diagnosis, treatment plan, and instructions due to
lower expectations of the desired outcome or a less
than optimal path of action may be chosen to
accommodate the prospective noncompliance. These
may be preventable rational errors (Federspil &
Vettor, 2008).
In the following we illustrate the semiotics of NC
patient with a case study conducted by the primary
author in a major urban hospital. Subsequently, we
analyze the case using the above framework and
suggest how similar errors can be avoided in the
future. In conclusion, we discuss how EMRs can
incorporate semiotics to avoid incorrect and
inappropriate NC labeling and its consequent errors.
A 19 year old male with a three-year history of
Crohn’s Disease (CD) was hospitalized in July 2005
with abdominal pain and pneumaturia (Figure 3,
Hospitalization #1). He had visited the emergency
room (ER) once and the outpatient clinic twice
before his hospitalization. In the intake history for
the hospitalization he was noted to be NC. The
patient was diagnosed with a fistula, treated and
released with specific follow-up appointments
scheduled and a documented treatment plan. He kept
the follow-up appointments with the pharmacy (1
visit) and the outpatient clinics (3 visits).
About one month later he was readmitted to the
hospital (Hospitalization #2) with back, flank and
abdominal pain. He was again labeled NC. Physical
examination revealed fever, high heart rate and low
blood pressure. Imaging of the abdomen
demonstrated multiple abscesses in the muscles of
the abdomen and back as well as in the kidney. The
hospital course was complicated by a staphylococcal
blood stream infection. Despite the findings, which
typically require weeks to months of intravenous
therapy, the patient was discharged with seven days
of oral antibiotics and no scheduled follow-up
Two months later the patient was admitted for the
third time (Hospitalization #3) with abdominal pain
and frank bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.
He was again labeled NC. Abdominal imaging
revealed enlargement of the previously noted
abscesses and multiple new abscesses. Surgical
intervention was discussed but due to a family
emergency the patient requested discharge and
readmission. Three days of antibiotics were
provided to the patient, as were readmission papers
for the following week. No follow-up appointments
were arranged.
Again two months later the patient was admitted for
the fourth time (Hospitalization #4) with severe
abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and inability to
walk. In the two months he had (a) come to the
ER once and left before being treated, (b) been
turned away by the admitting office, and (c) been
treated once as a urology outpatient. The previously
demonstrated abscesses were larger and several new
Figure 3: Schematic Timeline.
ones were present. Surgery was planned, but the
patient expired suddenly prior to surgical
intervention. The cause of death was sepsis due to
persistent abdominal abscesses.
The patient’s social history had been recorded
during Hospitalization #3. He had no relationship
with his parents, lived with his sister 14 miles from
the hospital, and was the primary caregiver for his
niece. He had 7
grade education, was unemployed,
and had no insurance. He was noted as suffering
from depression but had not received psychiatric
care or medication.
Three critical questions arise in assessing the effect
of NC on this case. First, why was this patient
repeatedly labeled NC? Second, what factors
contributing to noncompliance could have been
addressed, had they been recognized? Third, what
impact did the NC label have on the care provided to
this patient?
Ascertaining the specific reason the patient was
labeled NC during his initial hospitalization for CD
is difficult. The patient was young and often
emotional, which may have contributed to the
labeling – but was there data to indicate
Prior to the patient’s Hospitalization #1 he was
seen three times (in the ER or ambulatory care
setting). After the Hospitalization #1, he presented
to the pharmacy to fill prescriptions and to all of his
scheduled clinic appointments (circled in Figure 3).
After the Hospitalization #2 he did not follow-up in
the outpatient clinic. Recall, however, that no
follow-up appointments were provided. After
Hospitalization #3 (during which he was discharged
early due to a family emergency), he attempted to
get care in the ER but left due to a long wait; he
returned to admitting with his admission papers and
was turned away; he was seen in follow-up clinic
with abnormal vital signs but was sent home (circled
in Figure 3).
Why, given the above data, was this patient
persistently labeled NC? Follow-up care is only one
aspect of compliance. A strong suspicion of
medication noncompliance was noted in the
patient’s chart. Assuming this was the reason for
the NC label, what explanatory factors related to
noncompliance could have been addressed?
Could the demographic and lifestyle factors,
noted during Hospitalization #3, have contributed?
It is known that family structure leads to improved
medication compliance in adolescents (Mackner,
Crandall, & Szigethy, 2006). Furthermore, patients
with CD have a higher lifetime prevalence of
depression than those without CD and depression is
a risk factor for medication NC (DiMatteo, Lepper,
& Croghan, 2000; Kurina, Goldacre, Yeates, & Gill,
Did the label of NC affect the quality of care this
patient received? The most obvious ways in which
the NC label affected this patient’s care relate to the
suboptimal treatment plans developed for this
patient. Lack of appropriate instruction to this
patient is its corollary. Surveys administered to CD
patients indicate that almost all CD patients desire
more information about their disease (Jones,
Gallacher, Lobo, & Axon, 1993; Scholmerich,
Sedlak, Hoppeseyler, & Gerok, 1987). However age
and grade appropriate information was not provided
to this patient.
The semiotic process appears to have failed the
patient at almost every step:
Generation morphologics – There is no evidence
of noncompliance data being collected
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systematically prior to labeling the patient NC.
These data and potential explanatory factors
were available.
Generation syntactics – There is no evidence of
the noncompliance data being systematically
analyzed to profile the patient’s noncompliance
and its relation to patient’s social history.
Generation semantics – There is no evidence of
the interpretation of the profile logically as
indicating NC.
Application pragmatics – The label NC was
applied and propagated without investigation.
There were enough data to raise doubts about the
patient’s NC label.
Application semantics – It is doubtful that the
NC label affected the pre-existing diagnosis in
this case.
Application syntactics – The shortcomings of the
treatment plan cannot be unequivocally
attributed to the NC label. It is a possibility.
Application morphologics – The shortcomings of
the follow-up instructions cannot be
unequivocally attributed to the NC label. It is a
In the concluding section we discuss briefly how the
semiotics of ‘Noncompliant’ patient can be managed
more effectively and efficiently.
The semiotics of NC is as important to analyzing the
case as the failure of the systems which supported it.
It was an avoidable error which instead of being
corrected by available accumulating evidence to the
contrary, persisted on paper and in the EMR. The
evidence, apparently, was not analyzed and
interpreted – the clinicians along the chain were
neither alerted nor possibly motivated to do so.
Noncompliance was not seen as a hypothesis to
be tested, among many other clinical hypotheses, at
each stage; it was seen as a conclusion. The label
NC became a reality instead of the noncompliant
behavior remaining simply a possibility with
explanation. While framing the patient as NC could
have affected his treatment and instructions the
effects of such framing are yet to be established
(McGettigan, Sly, O'connell, Hill, & Henry, 1999).
The permanence of a patient’s health information
is a key strength of the EMR – ideally it should be
available and accessible every time everywhere.
Information not only persists in these records for
ever but can also be propagated everywhere. For
‘good’ information these properties are extremely
desirable; for ‘bad’ information they can be
extremely dysfunctional. Unless the systems have
the cognitive (Patel & Bates, 2003) ability to
recognize and correct the errors, and expunge them
from everywhere the record has been propagated,
these errors can cumulate over a person’s lifetime.
This requires the system to be semiotically self-
reflective and thereby self-corrective, but also to be
available to the patients or their designees to focus
their cognitive faculties upon the problem to allow
them to question and correct it. They could provide
a profile of noncompliance instead of propagating
the NC label.
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