Eugene Seo and Ho-Jin Choi
Department of Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Techonology (KAIST)
119 Munjro,Yuseong, Daejeon, 305-732, Korea
Keywords: Recommendation system, Machine learning, K-means clustering, Self-organisation map.
Abstract: Recommendation System has been developed to offer users a personalized service. We apply K-means and
Self-Organizing Map (SOM) methods for the recommendation system. We explain each method in movie
recommendation, and compare their performance in the sense of prediction accuracy and learning time. Our
experimental results with given Netflix movie datasets demonstrates how SOM performs better than K-
means to give precise prediction of movie recommendation with discussion, but it needs to be solved for
the overall time of computation.
Recommender systems appeared as the increasing
amount of data on Web and other digital
applications which contains huge data for users.
Because of the large amount of data, users have been
able to obtain useful information and various
services. However, users faced to the problem of
overflow information and they have been in trouble
to fine the useful and suitable information for them
among a bunch of data. The overflow information
problem comes from not only increasing data
volume by time but also unwanted information. The
early recommender system started to remove the
useless information such as SPAM mails. This
system is called as filtering (Shardanand, 1995). In
addition to filtering, researchers have come up with
personalized system in the sense of recommendation.
Those recommendation systems focus on each user
rather than filtering documents. Based on users'
preference, the recommender systems provide
favorable service or information to the user.
Currently the importance of recommendation of
information is getting to increase in web
environment and many web sites started to develop
and make use of the recommendation technology to
provide user-customized services (Bennett, 2006).
Amazon.com (Lilien, 2003) is one good example to
utilize recommendation for users. It recommends
some books by analyzing the user's profile. Users
also prefer the recommendation systems because it
helps them to save time to search information and
get the best documents or products. It causes to
activate the web site and increase its profit in case of
E-commerce such as web shopping mall. In the such
a reason, recommendation technology is highlighted
in marketing fields as well.
In spite of the success of recommendation
technology in some web sites, the developers
realized the difficulties to recommend increasing
products to increasing users. From this problem,
many machine learning researchers have been
focused on developing effective recommendation
system with large number of data. In 2006, Netflix
offered a prize to the developer who makes an
effective movie-recommendation algorithm beyond
the current systems (Bell, 2007). Several machine
learning methods are used to develop the movie
recommendation with Netflix data. In this paper, we
apply two machine learning methods, K-means
clustering and Self-Organizing Map (SOM) into
movie recommendation system, and compare their
performance of two methods with sample data. It
shows the strong and weak points of each method
and indicates assignments the future advance
methods should solve.
This paper is organized as follows: the next
section reviews two traditional clustering algorithms,
K-means and SOM. Section 3 explains how to make
movie recommendation using two clustering
Seo E. and Choi H. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence, pages 385-390
DOI: 10.5220/0002737603850390