The Case of the Bull-Running
R. Ecay,
Pina and
Computer Science Engineering Department, Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
Computer Science Service, Public University of Navarra,Pamplona, Spain
Spanish Red Cross, Navarra State Branch, Pamplona, Spain
Keywords: Emergency Situation, Knowledge management, Databases and Datawarehousing, Mobile technologies for
Healthcare applications.
Abstract: This paper describes one research line carried out by the Public University of Navarra in collaboration with
the Spanish Red Cross with an interdisciplinary team of volunteers, students, technicians and lecturers
whose main aim is to create low cost information systems, adaptive to irregular infrastructures and
dispersed locations for emergency response purposes. The features of such systems require a consolidation
of the information at several levels and some times among different organizations. They require as well
other features like platform independence, low bandwidth information flow and feedback from the end users
in order to optimize the process to acquire and display information. The final aim is to improve the data
capture and the needed interpretation of such data in order to help within one Emergency response situation.
One specific application has been implemented for the management of the incidences of the bull-running
and has been used and tested during the “Fiestas of San Fermin” in Pamplona from the 7th to the 14th of
July 2009.
Information Management in Emergency situations is
a key tool in the decision-making processes. In this
work we propose a new technological model for
medical assistance in emergencies. The main
objective is to create simple systems, usable in
adverse circumstances, low cost and high
performance in order to use them in developing
countries for emergency response procedures. The
current systems are expensive, not easy to put in
place and to maintain and most of the times they
require specific training and even in some cases the
final end user has to adapt itself to the system and
not the contrary. This and the cost of licences,
computers and infrastructures make this type of
solution not suitable for developing countries
The project we are presenting here has studied
different technologies and has proposed one
technological model of reduced cost and with a huge
adaptability to different operating systems and
connectivity platforms for the transmission of the
information in such emergency contexts.
As a result of this study we have determined several
action lines to decrease cost and at the same time
choosing the best possible technology with the
adequate devices.
To show the feasibility of all these ideas we have
designed and implemented one specific application
to handle the medical assistance during the running
of the bulls in Pamplona
The solution has been tested during the “Fiesta of
San Fermin 2009” showing both feasibility and
What we are looking for is a technology able to
handle the essential information transfer in such
systems, at a reasonable cost, and then to develop
several applications that combined and coordinated
adequately make up an effective, useful and reliable
information system.
Belzunegui M., Ecay R., Huarte R., Legarrea J., Mayor D., Pina A. and Unzue E. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 432-435
DOI: 10.5220/0002739004320435
The rest of this paper has the following structure.
The next section describes current and relevant
background related with the topic. Then the next
section describes with detail the proposed
technology. The following section explains a
complete example of a real experience of the system.
In the next section we present the most relevant
results. Then we discuss some conclusions and we
outline several future lines to work on.
The main issues in designing, implementing and
using this kind of Information Systems have to deal
with Management of complex, dynamic and not
precise information (Turoff et al, 1996), with the
necessary collaboration between different types of
organization located at different geographic places
(Catarci et al., 2008)( Yang et al., 2009).
Open source and freeware software is more and
more needed for such kind of situations. Sahana
(Currion et al., 2007) is a free and open source
disaster management system developed in Sri Lanka
following the disaster Tsunami in 2004. The main
characteristics of Sahana are: open-access approach,
low cost deployment and easy adaptability, free and
open source.
In any case a solution should take into account the
following statement (Carver et al., 2007) “Building
the computer as part of the emergency management
team assures that people continue to do the things
they do well, supported by the technology, not
driven by it”.
This Project has analysed the current available
technologies and has defined a low cost
technological model, flexible, able to work with
different operating systems and with different
connectivity platforms for information data
exchange in emergency environments.
To meet these needs we have decided:
To implement several cross-platform clients
with a common thread for data transmission
based in the use of Web URL queries both for
sending and receiving information
To use the least possible bandwidth, sending
only the essential information
To use open and free software so far as possible
to avoid licence costs at the deployment time
To design simple and efficient user interfaces
for capturing and visualizing information,
answering to the needs of the specialised
technicians in emergencies.
Every client has to catch (and/or visualize) the
information in the best way possible in order to
be helpful in taking decisions.
The information may need to be consolidated at
different levels (terminal, base, coordination
centre, etc) and among different organizations.
We have chosen one real example (in information
management for emergencies), to implement and test
one soft solution based on our previous ideas: the
management of the sanitary transport during the
running bulls of Pamplona. This management
implies 8 primary care points, more than 15
ambulances, 2 coordination centres and (at least) 2
To catch all the needed information we use a graphic
and intuitive system that does not require typing any
information to be transmitted; through a simple
interface the final user (sanitary staff at the primary
care points) can express quickly (by clicking) the
local needs for ambulances indicating
symptomatology, age range and sex. These demands
will be solved between the 2 coordination centres
simultaneously and will inform to the local operators
at the run of the results of the demands.
One of the principal requirements the system has to
meet is to be able to work in real time and to allow
every device to be on-line using the different
connections available in every area. It is similar to
an emergency situation because it is a small area
crowded (both with people and with mobile devices,
mostly phones), where several medical incidences
happen (some of them need sanitary transportation
to hospitals) in a short time interval (between 5-10
minutes). The scenario is therefore a valid one to test
the system.
Using the PDA, through a tactile and easy to use
interface, the transfer is requested and at the same
time this information is sent to the Red Cross centre
indicating as stated before sex, age range,
symptomatology and part of the body concerned and
cause (see figure 1).
Figure 1: User interface in the Mobile devices.
Figure 2: This is the User Interface for the control centre,
where they need accurate and real time information to take
decisions about the transfers.
With a warning (using sound and vibration mode)
the assistant at the care point at the run receives the
answer to the request (ambulance and hospital as
said before) for all the requests he has made. It is
also possible to cancel one request if necessary.
At any moment it is also possible to consult the
current status of any request. We use several colours
and status to visualise the evolution of each
incidence as it is seen in figure 2.
All the information is displayed and shared
through a web system and one unique screen which
allow a regular updating of all the information, every
second for the most critical and every 5 seconds for
the rest.
5.1 From a Sanitary Point of View
After the “Fiestas of San Fermin” and the 8 running-
bulls where the new system has been tested, the
result is very positive and satisfactory. The system
has been implanted progressively starting the 7th of
July at only 2 primary attention points at the run.
Figure 6 shows all the primary care points.
Both the start-up of the 2 points and the
communications with the coordination centre (both
directions) were fine but we could not test any other
thing as there was not any need of ambulances at
these 2 points.
The 8th of July we extended the test to 2 more
locations (Santo Domingo and Mercaderes) and the
performance was fine. From the 9th to the 14th the
system was tested in all the points and the result was
satisfactory in all the cases. The 9th of July all the
sanitary transfers were made through the new
system, leaving the radio channel for refinements
and other type of queries.
The 10th of July, specially difficult due to a high
number of transfers and to the fatal gore of the only
dead runner of the 2009 year, the system was very
helpful; it allowed to liberate completely the radio
channel for attending the fatal gore and the rest of
the incidents were managed through the PDA’s,
helping notably with the tasks of the coordination
centres. The rest of the days no new details were
From the user point of view, either at the run (at the
street) or at the coordination centres, the take-up has
been very good. They see this new program and
methodology as an important support tool for them.
The main conclusion is very positive about the new
tool, and it is seen as an extra tool that complements
the already existing means.
5.2 From a Computer Science Point of
Computationally the result is very fine too; the
application has been totally deployed with agility
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
and has worked in the right way at any moment.
We have tested the capacity of integration of several
information systems with several operating systems
(Windows, Linux, Android Windows Mobile, …) on
different hardware platforms (PC, Laptops,
Netbooks, Smartphones and PDA).
The existing system until now was based on voice
messages (through radio VHF) between 2 operators;
these messages were registered/stored using paper
and pencil.
Even this system is valid it presents possible risks of
bad transcription and/or misunderstanding as well as
the fact that only one incidence can be processed at
the same time by the same operator.
The PDA system with this client-server architecture
allows simultaneous requests and assures that once
the symptomatology has been described it remains
visible for all the involved agents at the web
interface display, reducing time management and
improving reliability.
At the same time as the Web Interface is unique for
all the parts, the technicians have a common and
global vision of the situations, and this helps in
taking decisions.
The system prevents also from double assignment of
the same resource; this means that when one
resource (ambulance) is assigned, it is not possible
to assign it to another incidence (before the resource
is liberated).
From the conversations held with the medical
doctors involved in the coordination tasks they
outline that is a helpful tool for taking ambulance
assigning decisions. It is a very important tool also
to help in deciding to which sanitary centre an
injured is sent, and this is a critical point, responsible
for a high percentage of the delay before a transfer
begins effectively.
The complete development of the system and an
adequate deployment of it may reduce the global
times a patient has to wait since the first aid and the
transfer to the hospital.
The work within this project has tried to minimise
the information exchange (low bandwith), and opens
gates to work on a real time basis using several
standard communications systems like PSTN,
GSM/UMTS or satelital Iridum, thuraya or Inmarsat
with sustainable low costs.
We acknowledge for the collaboration of the Red
Cross and of all the volunteers that have participated
in the design and implementation of the application
as well as the volunteers that have piloted the
experience carried out between the 7th and the 14th
of July of 2009.
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