Figure 1: NIBP curve through oscillometric method
(Frankenreiter, 1990).
The probabilistic techniques have widespread use on
artificial intelligence because of their capability of in-
formation inference from small (or even lack of) data
about the decision subject and are sustained by math-
ematical formalisms giving, this way, some reliable
Nowadays these techniques are even more popu-
lar because of the “smart software” development, i.e.
software that executes a whole (and complex) task
without rational human intervention (e.g. buying sug-
gestion software at online bookstores). And these ap-
plications are getting so evolved that they are already
at some specialized fields.
Resulting from that era of software development,
a probabilistic method called certainty factor (Pearl,
1988) was designed focusing on bringing some ex-
pert knowledge to probabilistic reasoning, especially
medical support one. Even more, it was thought to be
simple to implement and provide fast inferences.
Certainty factor works with a set of hypothesis-
evidences rules based on expert knowledge (interde-
pendent or not) that, interconnected, infer some sys-
tem’s information. For reasoning purposes, each hy-
pothesis or evidence has a certainty degree (c
) such
that −1 ≤ c
≤ 1, pointing out total unbelief (−1) or
total belief (1) on the events veracity.
For complex systems development, some flexibility
during decision making is an essential requirement.
Today, biological systems are almost the unique ones
that have this ability but some (mathematical) adap-
tive formalisms were developed, and they are capable
of changing themselves at runtime (Neto, 1993; Shutt,
At the present work, adaptivity means dynamic
modification of a rules set that controls a specific de-
vice, i.e. given a device, your transition function (or
rules set) is dynamically modified at runtime of such
device. It’s a rough simplification of the Adaptive
Technology concept presented on (Neto, 1993), but
keeps the main meaning of it.
Adaptive technology has wide uses, especially
in context change systems, as voice recognition and
user-personalized systems (as biomedical software).
In the attempt to satisfy the wide niche of applica-
tions, a number of adaptive devices were developed,
all of them based on pre-existing and known models;
e.g., adaptive finite automata(Neto, 1993), statecharts
(Neto et al., 1998), decision tables (Pedrazzi et al.,
2005) and trees(Pistori and Neto, 2002; Pistori and
Neto, 2003). We are going to focus particularly on
the last one.
4.1 AdapTree
When classifying data, decision trees are efficient de-
vices for the task; based on this concept, there are
numbers of algorithms(Quinlan, 1996).
Traditional decision trees needs some training
over a solved body of “problem cases”. This train-
ing is a huge limitation for systems that have a learn-
ing requirement and, for instance, there are some al-
gorithms like ID3 that envisions some kind of learn-
ing based on re-training or become almost ineffective,
though. Targeting to improve it, the AdapTree (Pis-
tori and Neto, 2003) algorithm was developed using
adaptive technology, putting together decision trees
and adaptive finite state automata.
AdapTree still requires some training, receiving
an input string with an additional data field for class
representation (figure 2), what we will call as static
learning. When changing from training mode to clas-
sification mode, we just need to suppress that addi-
tional data field for classification under the classes
previously trained.
Whenever it finds a “problem case” that has not
matched a classification pattern at the tree set, Adap-
Tree calls an statistical mechanism based on relative
observed frequency up to the moment and the string
sequence already read, concluding the most probable
class for that input data.
Although it seems too simple, AdapTree has been
well positioned on benchmarking tests(Pistori and
Neto, 2003) among several well-known algorithms,
showing a great benefit/cost relation for a large num-
ber of projects.
BIODEVICES 2010 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices