Frans van der Sluis
Human-Media Interaction (HMI), University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Egon L. van den Broek
Human-Centered Computing Consultancy (H-CCC), The Netherlands
Ton Dijkstra
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behavior, Radboud University
P.O. Box 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Stress, Diagnosis, Indicator, Speech.
People who suffer from a stress disorder have a severe handicap in daily life. In addition, stress disorders are
complex and consequently, hard to define and hard to treat. Semi-automatic assistance was envisioned that
helps in the treatment of a stress disorder. Speech was considered to provide an excellent tool for providing an
objective, unobtrusive emotion measure. Speech from 25 patients suffering from a stress disorder was recorded
while they participated in two storytelling sessions. The Subjective Unit of Distress (SUD) was determined as
a subjective measure and enabled the validation of the derived speech features. A regression model with four
speech parameters (i.e., signal, power, zero crossing ratio, and pitch), was able to explain 70% of the variance
in the SUD measure. As such it lays the foundation for semi-automated assistance for the treatment of patients
with stress disorders.
Stress is indisputably a major factor in modern life.
This is illustrated by the voluminous stress related lit-
erature that has appeared. In 1936, Hans Selye pop-
ularized the concept of stress by calling it the “gen-
eral adaptation syndrome” (Selye, 1936); i.e., a prob-
lematic coping with noxious stimuli. Already more
than half a century ago, stress was often mentioned
together with life events and illness, where an inabil-
ity to cope with the life events can lead to stress, and
where stress can lead to illness. As such, stress has
been recognized as one of the potential factors con-
tributing to disease in general (Rabkin and Struening,
1976), making it a tremendously important construct
from a health perspective.
A few prevalent stress-related psychiatric disor-
ders are: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), de-
pression, and insomnia. The different disorders can
be explained by different aspects of stress. However,
the denominating factor seems to be a chronic stress
response; either in the onset of the illness (e.g., de-
pression) or as a symptom of the illness (e.g., PTSD).
The diagnosis of stress-related psychiatric disor-
ders is inherently difficult. Each disorder includes
a broad variety of symptoms and diagnostic criteria.
One of the key diagnostic criteria is the existence of
excessive stress, whether or not in relation to a spe-
cific stressor. Moreover, for some disorders a repeated
diagnosis of stress response can be used to indicate
therapy progress (American Psychiatric Association,
However, the detection of excessive stress is com-
plicated. A clinician has a range of questionnaires
and diagnostic criteria available to support this aim.
However, these methods rely on introspection and the
expert opinion of the clinician. Inherently, subjective
measures can be unreliable; e.g., when a patient is not
straightforward in his answering or when a patient
complies too much with other expectations. More-
over, standardized questionnaires are often a burden
on the patient. An expert opinion is limited as well,
Van der Sluis F., van den Broek E. and Dijkstra T. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 446-449
DOI: 10.5220/0002742304460449
20 25 30
Time (s)
Power (dB)
20 25 30
Time (s)
Power (dB)
Figure 1: Energy of an illustrative part of the speech signal. Left: anxiety-inducing, right: happy-inducing condition. The
dashed lines show the mean and standard deviation.
especially when the stress response is less profound
or the stressor is less clear. This makes subtle differ-
ences, such as required for treatment progress, diffi-
cult to measure. Hence, (inter-expert) reliability can
be an issue. In sum, in order to support measure-
ment, assist in decision making, and help with track-
ing the treatment progress, therapists are still looking
for an objective method not solely dependent upon in-
trospection or expert opinion. The next section will
discuss this challenge.
In the last few decades, emotion research received
a lot of interest. In this period, the research areas of
stress and emotion were to some extend found to be
complementary and similar; e.g., as Lazarus (1993)
stated it: “Psychological stress should be considered
part of a larger topic, the emotions” (p. 10).
A broad range of methods exist for the automatic
detection of emotions. A literature review reveals
that these signals can be assigned to physiological
measures, movement analysis, computer vision tech-
niques, and speech processing (Cowie et al., 2001;
Van den Broek et al., 2009).
This research focusses on speech since it has a
number of advantages: 1) The communication in ther-
apy sessions is often recorded anyway. Hence, no
additional technological effort has to be made on the
side of the therapists; 2) Obtrusiveness plays no role
with speech processing; 3) The degree of noise that
distorts the speech signal is limited, because therapy
sessions are generally held under controlled condi-
tions in rooms shielded from noise. Moreover, speech
has been indicated to hold information about the psy-
chophysiological state of speaker, with foreseen ap-
plications in other health-related as well as non-health
related areas (Lutfi et al., 2009).
Regrettably, most research on stress detection
through speech suffers from two problems, which
makes it hard to compare previous studies and meth-
ods. First, many results are based upon mimicked
emotions; i.e., acted vs. experienced emotions. Sec-
ond, a ground truth is often lacking, making it unclear
if the measured vocal cues actually represent an in-
duced affective state. Please consult Scherer (2003)
for a more elaborate view on the problems. Hence, we
present a feasibility study to indicate how well stress
can be measured from speech in Section 2, followed
by a discussion of the possibility of a diagnostic sup-
port system in Section 3.
The goal of the feasibility study is to induce stress
similar to how it is experienced in a therapy session,
and using this to find speech features related to stress.
2.1 Method
In this study, 26 female PTSD patients (mean age:
38) voluntarily participated. All patients signed an in-
formed consent. For several reasons, PTSD patients
were used. Namely, this group of patients is relatively
sensitive to stress and, thus, to stress inducing stimuli.
They become earlier stressed and were expected to
react better to emotion elicitation. Furthermore, con-
sidering the context of the study, using real patients
increases its ecological validity.
The research consisted of four phases, each aimed
at triggering an affective state at the patient. The
first and last phase involved the recording of a neutral
baseline for both speech and the ground truth. The
second and third phase were aimed at triggering ei-
ther a happy or an anxious state. Hence, anxiety was
used to induce stress.
Story telling was used to elicit emotions. This
method allows great methodological control over the
invoked emotion; i.e., every patient reads exactly the
same story. Moreover, contrary to many methods
used in speech and emotion research (e.g., mimicking
emotions), story telling is expected to yield true emo-
tions. Furthermore, story telling automatically leads
to speech.
The patients had to read aloud two stories, de-
scribing an anxious and a happy situation. The stories
were controlled on their complexity and on their syn-
tactic structure, as to prevent any interfering factors.
The order of both stories was counterbalanced over
Table 1: Pearson’s correlations between Subjective Unit of Distress (SUD) and derived speech features.
Feature IQR10 IQR25 Max Mean Median Min Q10 Q25 Q75 Q90 Range Std Var
F0 -0.276‡ -0.248‡ -0.173
-0.283‡ -0.224† -0.245‡
ZC -0.326‡ -0.228‡
HFE -0.440‡ -0.307‡ -0.209† -0.147
-0.221† 0.166
-0.239‡ -0.234‡ -0.347‡ -0.413‡ -0.387‡
E -0.437‡ -0.374‡ -0.18† 0.168
-0.249‡ -0.223† -0.306‡ -0.425‡ -0.402‡
p < .05. p < .01. p < .001
the participants. Before the patients read the stories,
they were asked to read a sample story to familiarize
themselves with the task.
Two methods were used to measure stress: 1)
speech processing and 2) a subjective measure, serv-
ing as a ground truth for 1).
In order to measure stress from speech, several
steps were performed. First, the signal was recorded
at a sample rate of 44.1 kHz, mono channel, and with
a resolution of 16 bits. The recordings of the ses-
sions were divided in samples of approximately one
minute of speech. This enabled a one-on-one map-
ping of speech features on the ground truth, explained
further on. Second, the recorded signal was ’cleaned’:
speckle noise and other voices were removed from the
To enable the validation of the parameters derived
from speech, a subjective measurement was needed.
For this, the Subjective Unit of Distress (SUD) suited
optimally. It is a Likert scale, which registers the
amount of (dis)stress a person experiences at a certain
moment. In our case, a linear scale with range 0-10
was used on which a dot or cross should be placed.
In 1958, Wolpe introduced the SUD. Since then, the
SUD has proved to be a reliable measure to determine
a person’s emotional state. The subjects were asked
to use the SUD every minute; so, throughout the ex-
periment it became a routine. The SUD served as the
ground truth for further analysis; see also Section 2.2.
Using the clean signal, the following features were
extracted and compared to the ground truth: pitch
(F0), energy (E) (Cowie et al., 2001; Scherer, 2003;
Ververidis and Kotropoulos, 2006), high-frequency
energy (HFE) (Cowie et al., 2001; Rothkrantz et al.,
2004), and zero-crossings rate (ZC) (Kedem, 1986;
Rothkrantz et al., 2004). Although there is no gen-
eral consensus regarding the best speech parameters
for stress detection, there is a fair amount of evidence
for the affective information in these features. Hence,
these features were extracted from the audio signal;
see Figure 1 for samples of the features.
All features were computed using a time win-
dow of 40msec. and a step length of 10msec. Sev-
eral statistical parameters were calculated for each
feature. The less common ones are the 10%, 25%,
75%, and 90% quartiles, further-on denoted by Q, and
the inter-quartile ranges Q90% Q10% (IQR10) and
Q75% Q25% (IQR25).
2.2 Results
Using a Multivariate Analysis of Variance
(MANOVA), no direct effects of story telling
condition (happy or anxiety) or time (first, second,
or third minute of story telling) on SUD scores were
found, nor did a significant interaction effect appear.
Looking at only the anxiety condition, an Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) showed a trend for time on SUD
scores (F(2, 56) = 2.726, p = .07). This indicates
that patients reported experienced stress later-on in
the course of the story telling. Since there is a large
amount of variance (mean = 3.03, std = 2.56), it
is likely that inter-personal differences caused the
non-significant result. Moreover, this variability is
useful for the goal of this study; i.e., whether or not
subjectively reported stress can be explained through
speech features.
There was a strong relation between acoustic fea-
tures and the SUD scores; Table 1 shows the sig-
nificant Pearson’s correlations. Furthermore, a lin-
ear regression model (M ) was created using only the
emotion inducing conditions; i.e., the SUD scores of
the anxiety and happy conditions. Here, a M in-
cluding all features and parameters (i.e., 40 predic-
tors), explained 69.72% of the variance: R
= .697,
F(40, 99) = 5.70, p < .001.
Through a feasibility study, this research showed the
possibility of assisting clinicians in the diagnosis of
stress-related psychiatric disorders. Moreover, some
generic speech features allowing the creation of an as-
sistive system have been uncovered. Considering the
various difficulties in the diagnosis and treatment of
stress-related psychiatric disorders, such an assistive
system can be expected to be an important step for-
ward towards creating more objective clinical meth-
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
In the feasibility study. stress was successfully
caused and reported by 26 subjects. By measuring
speech and a subjective report of stress, acoustic fea-
tures of stress in speech were determined. These fea-
tures were able to explain 70% of variance of sub-
jectively reported experienced stress. Hence, demon-
strating the possible success of speech as an objective
measure of experienced stress.
The reported stress, induced by story telling, was
quite dispersed. Although this is partly due to inter-
personal difference, this also indicates that overall
the stories did had an influence. Moreover, a trend
was found for the anxiety inducing story, corroborat-
ing this influence. These results not only suggest the
value of story telling, but also its drawbacks. Two
problems can be identified. First, stories are heav-
ily dependent on their temporal course; i.e., a story
needs a build-up before inducing an affective state.
Second, there were substantial inter-personal differ-
ences in the experience of the stories. However, con-
trary to many other methods, this method is likely to
create true emotions. The triangulation through var-
ious speech characteristics and the SUD did indicate
that indeed true emotions were triggered through the
Considering the number of patients used to create
an acoustic profile of stress characteristics in speech,
the achieved explained variance of 70% for the emo-
tional conditions is high. In particular, being a non-
personalized profile, some generic features of stress-
ful speech seem to be uncovered. However, also
some restrictions apply: a) only PTSD patients were
used, other patient groups might show other stress re-
sponses; b) different kinds of stress may exists; and
c) any restrictions applying to story telling as emo-
tion elicitation method may have affected the results.
This triplet can be considered as future research chal-
lenges. Namely, to use other patient groups, different
stressful emotions, and different emotion elicitation
This study has demonstrated that giving a second
opinion based on the speech signal is feasible. An
assistive system can help the clinical setting through
several ways: 1) to support the measurement of a
stress response; 2) to assist in deciding whether or
not the patient has excessive stress; and 3) to aid in
the treatment of a stress disorder. Therefore, by mak-
ing the diagnosis objective, the measurement is made
more reliable; i.e., by no longer solely relying on in-
trospection. Hence, objective measurement increases
inter- and intra-expert reliability and helps diagnosis,
decision-making, and treatment become more fine-
The patients suffering from a post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), who voluntarily participated in this
research, are gratefully acknowledged. Further, we
thank the anonymous reviewers for their critical and
constructive comments on the original manuscript.
In addition, we would like to acknowledge Paul
Boersma and David Weenink (Institute of Phonetic
Sciences, University of Amsterdam, The Nether-
lands) for their work on Praat and the accompanying
manual, tutorials, and articles.
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