In our case to extract the embryo shape from the im-
age we run the convexhull extraction algorithm twice.
First are looking for the outer convex shape. The mo-
ment the approximation of the outer shape (the mem-
brane) is complexed we try to find the inner shape
(the embryo), which is then the convexshape with the
largest edge strength within the membrane shape.
We have run the algorithm on a set of 600 images of
the zebrafish embryo. A few results shown in Table
2. As can be seen the embryo shapes were retrieved
accurately. The algorithm failed in cases where the
edge map was very weak (out of focus), which was
2% of our test set. On an Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU
3.2GHz this took up to 10 seconds.
Table 2: Some results of our algorithm applied to images
of zebrafish embryos after running for 300 generations and
24000 function–evaluations.
Input output Input images
In this paper, we have described the use of the EA for
the recognition of convex shaped objects and tested it
for different biological images.
We have demonstrated the application of the EA ap-
proach to different images and the possibility to re-
trieve both single convex shape (cf 5.1) as the possi-
bility to retrieve a convex shape from another convex
shape (cf 5.2).
In our approach the shape is not predefined like in
most models based segmentation methods, but can be
any convex shape within an image (assuming there
is one convex shape in the image, we are looking
for). Also, our approach does not need a training
set like ASM does and can be used without signif-
icant changes for different applications within bio–
The results are promising and our future direction is
to apply this strategy in high-throughput applications
for screening and compare it against other methods.
This form of fast automated image analysis is indis-
pensable for such approaches.
This work was supported by the Smartmix program of
the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs. Spe-
cial thanks to G. Lamers for assistance with image
acquisition and L. Bertens for providing images.
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