that could allow monitoring them under artifacts.
When a conventional adaptive filter system has to be
used, the first requirement consists of having two
• The input signal coming from the sensor.
• A reference signal that has to be an ideal version
of the input signal, as the adaptive algorithm
works to make the input signal as similar as
possible to the reference signal.
The first decision was to reject the use of a
conventional adaptive filter implementation, because
a priori there is no reference pulse signal for a given
person at every moment. So, we considered an
adaptive noise cancellation system as possible
solution. But, when we use an adaptive noise
cancellation system, two input signals are needed
again; now they are:
• The input signal or, expressed in other words, the
measurement coming from the sensor. That is to
say, the same requirement as the one presented
• A noise reference signal that must be similar to the
real noise that our measurements contain, but not
necessarily equal to it, as in this case, the filter
tries to eliminate this real noise while leaving the
desired signal (pulse signal) unchanged. That is a
great advantage compared to having to generate a
perfect pulse signal, as unlike synthesizing a pulse
reference, synthesizing a noise reference similar to
the real noise coming from the sensor is actually
We do not have that noise reference signal at our
disposal, and this fact leads us to synthesize this
second input by designing a synthesizer.
Figure 1: Block diagram of the Main Program.
A broad outline of the implementation of the
algorithm that has been devised is given in Figure 1,
where the interaction between the two principal
cornerstones of the design, the Adaptive Noise
Cancellation System and the Noise Reference
Synthesizer, can be noticed. Once we have correctly
generated a Noise Reference Signal by means of the
Synthesizer, it will be adjusted as much as possible
to the real noise contained in the corresponding
measurement by the adaptive filter. In our case, this
filter is composed of a noise cancellation
configuration which uses a Least Mean Square
algorithm as adaptive algorithm. What we get as
output from the system is a denoised pulse signal.
Figure 2: Block diagram of the Synthesizer.
The Synthesizer generates a Noise Reference, which
is necessary for the Adaptive Noise Cancellation
System, by means of generating an ideal pulse
signal, called Pulse Reference Signal. Figure 2
presents the basic block diagram of this Synthesizer.
Given that the Reference Signal has to follow the
Input Signal, it has to be created according to the
current Input Signal at each moment. For that
reason, it is, first of all, required to know the number
of periods that the corresponding Input signal has.
Therefore, in the Minima Detection block we search
and find all the pulse minima locations in the Input
Signal, since there are as many periods as there are
minima–1. In order to generate a more reliable
Reference Signal, the amplitude values of these
minima are also calculated along with the locations
and amplitude values of the maxima appearing in the
Input Signal, using the Maxima Detection block.
Each minimum and maximum’s amplitude are
adjusted to the corresponding Input Signal period.
Using the Interpolation block, the Reference Signal
is generated with as many periods as the current
Input Signal and with the same amplitude. Once this
pulse reference signal, Reference Signal, is
generated, we are able to obtain a noise model by the
following equation:
Noise Reference=Input Signal - Reference Signal (1)
As previously mentioned, an adaptive noise
cancellation system has two inputs, as shown in
Figure 3. One is the Input Signal, i.e. the signal
BIODEVICES 2010 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices