0 0.5 1 1.5
x 10
Time [s ]
Normalized amplitude
a) x = 0 mm
0 0.5 1 1.5
x 10
Tim e [ s]
Normalized amplitude
b) x = 10 mm
0 0.5 1 1.5
x 10
Time [s ]
Normalized amplitude
c) x = 20 mm
0 0.5 1 1.5
x 10
Tim e [ s]
Normalized amplitude
d) x = 30 mm
Figure 7: Pressure signal waveforms in x axis, at z = 100
mm, obtained with an annular array of 8-rings, normalized
with regard to maximum, for beam-forming using the 0-
order X wave in velocity potential (continue line), and
theoretical pressure field signals for X wave in pressure
(dashes line).
These figure show the time pressure signals for 4
points in the x axis, at a depth of z = 100 mm,
obtained with an annular array of 8-rings, and the
different signals are normalized with regard to the
maxima signal amplitude. They show the similarity
of signals morphology with the theoretical pattern
for pressure field signals.
Results suggest that the procedure proposed in this
paper by inverse processing from X-waves, as a tool
for ultrasonic beam-forming analysis, creates new
beam collimation options in high resolution medical
imaging, constitutes a very useful and promising
way to generate and evaluate beams alternatives to
those derived from classical proposals to generate X-
wave field distributions. And it could be also used
for synthesizing special excitations of annular arrays
to create other type of limited diffraction beams.
The good performance of the options evaluated
here for beam focusing along certain field depths,
potentiality confirms the suitability of the proposed
tool. It seems also possible a successful application
of it to synthesize the multiple driving needed for
creating other types of high-resolution ultrasonic
beams, also in terms of pressure, for future advanced
bio-medical imaging equipment. As future work, it
would be of quite interest, studying the effects of the
ring widths, in the annular array, over the resulting
beam properties, in order to optimize the
morphology of the signals and of the field spatial
distributions, and also to achieve a further reduction
of the diffraction effects.
This work and the grant of Eng. L. Castellanos in
CSIC (Videus lab) are being supported by the R&D
National Plan of the Spanish Minister ‘‘Science &
Innovation” ( Projects: PN-DPI2005-00124 and PN-
DPI2008-05213 ). The scientific stay of Dr. H. Calás
in the Dpt. SSTU of the Acoustic Institute in Madrid
is supported by Post-doctoral JAE Program (CSIC).
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