A Multi-Resolution Approach for Glottal Excitation Restoration
O. Schleusing
, R. Vetter
, Ph. Renevey
, J.-M. Vesin
and V. Schweizer
Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology, Neuch
atel, Switzerland
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland
University Hospital Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Speech processing, Speech restoration, Adaptive filters, Laryngectomy.
This paper proposes a novel device for the restoration of authentic characteristics in pathological speech ut-
tered by subjects with laryngeal disorders. The device acquires and analyzes the original speech signal and
reconstructs a speech signal with improved, healthy-like features in real-time. The pathological excitation is
replaced by concatenation of randomly chosen healthy reference patterns. To restore authentic features, in-
tervals between subsequent reference patterns are obtained through a multi-resolution approach. Short-term
pitch variability is reproduced through a statistical variation model. Middle-term pitch variability exploits the
correlation at the middle-term time scale between pitch and signal envelope. Long-term variability is obtained
through adaptive wavetable oscillators; a novel, reliable and computationally efficient method. Performance
was assessed with respect to two authentic features, namely breathiness and prosody. Preliminary results have
shown that breathiness of the restored signal is clearly reduced, while prosody related features are slightly
The degree of degradation found in pathological
voices often engenders a decrease in a patient’s
speech intelligibility and thereby a severe limitation
in its social oral interaction (Weinberg, 1986). For ex-
ample, subjects who have undergone a laryngectomy
suffer from degradation of their natural vocal excita-
tion (Williams and Barber Watson, 1987; Most et al.,
2000; Moerman et al., 2004). Laryngectomy is the
common treatment after diagnosis of larynx cancer in
an advanced stage and constitutes the partial or to-
tal removal of the larynx. This significantly reduces
the patient’s ability to produce voiced sounds due to
the reduced or missing vocal cord functionality (van
As, 2001; Pindzola and Cain, 1988). During speech
rehabilitation the patient may learn to use an alterna-
tive voicing method, but the result usually is a noisy
and intermittently obstructed voice that is not gender-
discriminative due to its typically very low pitch. In
accordance with the widely accepted source-filter-
model in healthy speech processing (Fant, 1981), the
vocal cords are essential since they provide an excita-
tion signal with distinctive, periodical energy concen-
trations in the time domain. In contrast, the alaryngeal
voice excitation consists of a flawed, distorted excita-
tion signal where the glottal peaks are much less con-
centrated in the time domain. This results in an un-
pleasant and unnatural voice with an often intermitted
and fluctuating periodicity. In addition, the speaker
loses much of its control over pitch variability.
Several advanced voice restoration systems and
methods have been presented in the past aiming at
the improvement of the quality and intelligibility of
the alaryngeal speech. In (Qi et al., 1995) methods
based on linear prediction (LPC) for analysis and syn-
thesis were used to enhance the perceived, subjective
voice quality. In (Bi and Qi, 1997) modified voice
conversion methods combined with formant enhance-
ment were utilized to reduce the pathological speech
signal’s spectral distortions. In (del Pozo and Young,
2006) a voice restoration system is described that syn-
thesizes speech from electroglottograph (EGG) pitch
information and a jitter reduction model. In (Vet-
ter et al., 2006) a system is presented that restores a
pathological speech signal by replacing its pathologi-
cal excitation with a concatenation of glottal reference
patterns randomly chosen from a database extracted
Schleusing O., Vetter R., Renevey P., Vesin J. and Schweizer V. (2010).
DEVICE FOR PROSODIC SPEECH RESTORATION - A Multi-Resolution Approach for Glottal Excitation Restoration.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 38-43
DOI: 10.5220/0002747500380043
from healthy speakers. The intervals between suc-
cessive healthy glottal patterns are determined by the
fundamental frequency ( f
) extracted from the orig-
inal, pathological speech signal. Promising perfor-
mances have been obtained in terms of reduction of
breathiness and increase of the average pitch, but the
resulting speech lacks authenticity due to the signifi-
cantly reduced f
-variability in pathological speech.
To improve these deficiencies, we propose a
speech restoration device based on a multi-resolution
pitch restoration method to increase the variability of
the restored pitch in real-time. The long-term vari-
ability is deduced from the f
-trend in the original
speech signal. Middle-term variability is restored us-
ing the correlation between f
and the signal variance
in natural speech. Short-term variability is restored
using a statistical variation model and the signal enve-
lope. The speech signal subsequently is reconstructed
with the enhanced excitation and can be deployed in
manifold applications such as voice enhancement sys-
tems or interactive support systems for voice rehabil-
itation and tutoring.
In the next Section we outline the pathological
speech characteristics which lead to the development
of our speech restoration system. In Section 3 we de-
scribe the multi-resolution pitch restoration method
used by the proposed device. The results obtained by
subjective listening tests are then presented and dis-
cussed in Section 4.
During laryngectomy, the larynx including the vocal
cords and the laryngeal muscles are partially or to-
tally removed (van As, 2001). Generally, postlaryn-
gectomy patients may regain means of verbal commu-
nication in two ways. On one hand there exist electro-
mechanical devices like the electrolarynx that inject
vibrations into the trachea when held against the neck.
The achievable voice quality of this approach is rather
low since there is no intuitive control over voice qual-
ity or fundamental frequency. Yet, this method is at-
tractive due to its simplicity and short learning phase.
On the other hand, postlaryngectomy speakers may
learn to use other tissues to substitute the function-
ality of the vocal cords. This way, the speaker re-
tains, to some extent, intuitive control over aspects of
the speech that allow the expression of prosody such
as variations of the fundamental frequency. Unfortu-
nately, the aptitude of the remaining tissue to produce
a rich, harmonic sound is very limited. Its physical
properties vary greatly among speakers and differ sig-
Figure 1: Segments of a laryngeal (a) and an alaryngeal (b)
voice excitation signal and their respective envelopes.
nificantly from those of the vocal cords.
In comparison to pathological voices, the
aerodynamic-myoplastic processes in voiced, healthy
speech production are relatively well studied (van
As, 2001). Subglottal air pressure leads to a sudden,
non-symmetric opening of the vocal cords and a re-
lease of this pressure. Subsequently, the musculature
surrounding the glottis may force a closure of the
vocal cords and the process starts all over. Varieties
in glottis shape and size amongst humans lead to
speaker-specific patterns for the opening and closing
process as well as to the introduction of jitter in the
period between subsequent glottal cycles. These
effects amongst others lead to speaker specific voice
Alaryngeal voice characteristics have been found
to differ remarkably from that of healthy voices.
Among subjects the position and shape of the neoglot-
tis vary significantly (Qi et al., 1995). Often in-
complete glottal closure can be observed. Further-
more, the flexibility and controllability of the neoglot-
tis lacks greatly when compared with a healthy glot-
tis, especially due to the absence of the laryngeal
musculature. The mass of the neoglottis and resis-
tance to mucus aggregation influence the absolute
value and stability of the fundamental frequency in
a disadvantageous manner. The alaryngeal oscilla-
tor tends to break down intermittently (Kasuya et al.,
1986). Eventually, the resulting voice has an unnat-
urally low and instable pitch and often is found to
have a hoarse, croaky and breathy character (Verma
and Kumar, 2005). Figure 1 depicts fractions of LPC-
estimates of a laryngeal and an alaryngeal voiced ex-
citation signal. This figure highlights the alteration of
the produced harmonic excitation due to the changed
physiologic conditions. The glottal wave patterns in
the excitation of the healthy speaker are highly con-
DEVICE FOR PROSODIC SPEECH RESTORATION - A Multi-Resolution Approach for Glottal Excitation Restoration
centrated in the time domain, whereas the excitation
of the alaryngeal speaker appears merely as a modu-
lated noise signal.
3.1 Method
A general overview of the method implemented in the
device is depicted in Figure 2. The articulation in-
formation and the voice excitation are separated in a
primer LPC-based signal analysis. The obtained exci-
tation signal is then divided into voiced and unvoiced
segments, since we are only interested in restoring the
voiced excitation signal. To restore the speech sig-
nal, the voiced excitation segments are replaced by a
signal, which is formed by concatenating glottal ref-
erence patterns. These reference patterns were pre-
viously extracted from healthy subjects and are ran-
domly chosen from a lookup-table. The intervals
between successive reference patterns determine the
fundamental frequency of the reconstructed speech
signal. The fundamental frequency in pathological
speech is degraded in terms of variability and stabil-
ity and thus insufficient for a successful restoration
of an authentic speech signal. To increase authentic-
ity, the intervals between subsequent glottal waves are
obtained through a multi-resolution approach on three
different time scales:
Long-term pitch variations are restored with in-
stantaneous frequency estimations obtained from
the alaryngeal voice excitation with the adaptive
wavetable oscillator method.
Middle-term pitch variations are strongly related
to prosody and are restored using the correlation
between pitch variations and instantaneous signal
energy (Rosenberg and Hirschberg, 2006).
Short-term pitch variability is introduced to the
extracted pitch values to adhere the presence of
jitter in pitch as it is found in healthy speech.
The improved excitation signal then is recombined
with the unmodified unvoiced speech segments and
the estimated articulation information.
In the following we describe the methods used to
estimate and reconstruct the pitch information on the
different time scales. Subsequently we describe the
evaluation of the restored pitch in terms of the reduced
breathiness and increased prosody.
Articulation Information
Short-Term Variability
Weighting f
Envelope s
Figure 2: Block diagram of the multi-resolution pitch
restoration method.
3.2 Long-Term Pitch Estimation
The selection of method for the extraction of the fun-
damental frequency of a specific signal depends on
different characteristics of the signal itself:
The signal’s nature in terms of time-frequency
The amount and characteristics of additional
harmful background noise
The affordable computational complexity.
In general, pitch estimation methods can be classi-
fied into event detection methods and short-term av-
eraging methods.Event detection methods such as for
example zero-crossing (Gerhard, 2003) or threshold-
guided maxima localization (Gerhard, 2003) are com-
putationally inexpensive and yield high performance
for well shaped signals in low-noise environments.
Signals with higher harmonic complexity or increas-
ing noise level require more advanced methods such
as the matched filter method (Turin, 1960) or auto-
correlation method (Un and Yang, 1977). They
are based on short-term averaging and computation-
ally more expensive. More advanced methods with
yet increased computational complexity, decompose
the signal into its Eigenspace components (Murakami
and Ishida, 2001). Conjoint approaches (Mitev and
Hadjitodorov, 2003) combine three different methods,
namely in time, frequency and cepstrum domain.
For the device presented in this paper, the fo-
cus is clearly on the efficient utilization of the given
computational resources. We propose to use a new
pitch estimation method taking into account the de-
mand for low computational load and for the per-
tinence and simplicity of fixed-point real-time im-
plementation. The method is based on adaptive
wavetable oscillators (AWO), a method recently pub-
lished in (Arora and Sethares, 2007). An evaluation
BIODEVICES 2010 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
of the method comparing it with other state-of-the-art
methods for fundamental frequency estimation was
presented in (Schleusing et al., 2009).
AWOs constitute a time-frequency method com-
bining wavetables and adaptive oscillators. Waveta-
bles generate periodic output signals by cyclic index-
ing of a lookup table that stores a single period of the
waveform. Adaptive oscillators synchronize their out-
put to both frequency and phase of the input signal.
The indexing parameters of the AWO are determined
by optimizing a well defined cost function such that
the error between the wavetable output and an incom-
ing, periodic signal is minimized.
The first step in the design of an AWO requires
the selection of an appropriate pattern. This pattern
should represent a high similarity with the signal pat-
tern to be extracted and is stored in a wavetable as
numerical, digital information. With respect to the
above consideration, we use the energy distribution
of the glottic excitation envelope as input (see Fig-
ure 1 (b)) and a Gaussian function as wavetable pat-
tern. As one can observe, the envelope of energy dur-
ing glottal patterns of the excitation signal has a high
similarity with a Gaussian shape. A Gaussian func-
tion is easily controllable with only a few parameters
such as a time index n, a phase offset in samples β and
a temporal width σ:
w(n) = e
Cyclic sampling is used to generate a periodical ref-
erence signal v(n):
v(n) = w(k(n) mod N) (2)
where k(n) is the cyclic sampling index
k(n) = (k(n 1) + α) mod N (3)
k(0) is initialized to 0, x mod N is the remainder op-
erator, and α is the sampling step determining the
sub-sampling rate of the wavetable pattern. The con-
trol parameters of the periodic output of Equation 1
are adaptively updated by using well understood gra-
dient techniques (Haykin, 2001). The output of the
wavetable oscillator thus is locked to the input sig-
nal and the parameter α is related to the fundamen-
tal frequency of the alaryngeal excitation signal by
), with T
being the sampling period. The
phase depends on the offset β of the sampling in-
dex. The adaption of the indexing parameters is
achieved by minimizing a well defined cost function
that gauges the error between the wavetable output
and an incoming, periodic signal:
J(n) = s(n)v(n) (4)
where s(n) is the envelope of the extracted speech ex-
citation signal.
Assuming that the phase and frequency of the in-
put signal vary slowly over time one can follow these
changes by moving the argument of the cost function
slowly into the direction of the derivative:
α(n + 1) = α(n) + µ
β(n + 1) = β(n) + µ
It can be easily seen that the gradients
similar up to a constant.
Indeed, they include the partial derivative of w, which
is typically stored in a wavetable of N samples to min-
imize the computational load. The learning gains µ
and µ
should be chosen such that the oscillator can
change rapidly enough to follow changes in the fun-
damental frequency and minimize noise influences.
Since the adaptation of the frequency is much more
sensible than that of the phase, µ
should be much
smaller than µ
In (Schleusing et al., 2009) the AWO method was
compared to several other methods such as the cor-
relation method and the matched filter method. In
an objective performance evaluation on synthetic and
healthy speech signals with different amounts of ad-
ditive white Gaussian noise (AWGN, ranging from
20dB to 0dB), the pitch estimation performance of
the AWO method performed similar or better than the
other methods. In a second, subjective evaluation, the
methods were compared by reconstructing long-term
trends of the fundamental frequency in an alaryngeal
speech signal to a level, where the pitch quality is
rated by listeners between fair and good. The perfor-
mance of the AWO method was comparable to that of
the other methods. Moreover, the AWO method has a
very low computational complexity, which makes it a
an ideal candidate for the proposed real-time speech
restoration device.
3.3 Middle- and Short-Term Pitch
Middle-term pitch variability f
is restored by ex-
ploiting the correlation between pitch and the signal
envelope at this time scale. It was shown that prosody
is strongly related not only to variations in pitch, but
also to variations in the intensity of the speech sig-
nal (Rosenberg and Hirschberg, 2006). As can be ob-
served in Figure 3, variations in the f
are directly
DEVICE FOR PROSODIC SPEECH RESTORATION - A Multi-Resolution Approach for Glottal Excitation Restoration
Figure 3: Correlation between speech signal envelope and
pitch in a healthy speech signal.
related to variations of the signal envelope. In healthy
speakers the f
-variations may span several octaves,
but pathological speakers have lost much of the abil-
ity to variate the fundamental frequency . Neverthe-
less, modulations of the intensity of the speech signal
may allow a reconstruction of the f
-variability due to
their tight correlation. The key point of the presented
method is to infer variations in pitch from variations
in the signal envelope of the alaryngeal speech signal.
Therefore, the segmental signal envelope is bandpass-
filtered (28 Hz) and then used to restore the middle-
term pitch variability. This will give the pathological
speaker a means to intuitively manipulate the pitch of
the restored speech signal by manipulating the inten-
sity of its speech.
Short-term pitch variability f
is induced
through high-pass-filtered ( f
= 8 Hz) and weighted
additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The weight-
ing of this AWGN is determined through a signal-
envelope-dependent nonlinear weighting inspired by
recent findings in healthy subjects (Brockmann et al.,
2008). In healthy voices, jitter in f
was found
to be constantly low at sound pressure levels above
70 75 dB. Below this level though, jitter was found
to steadily and sharply increase with falling sound
pressure levels. We model this non-linear behavior
with a piecewise linear function.
(n)) =
0.1 if s
(n) u
0.1 + 0.9
if u > s
(n) > l
1 if l s
where s
(n) is the logarithm of the averaged instan-
taneous signal envelope normalized with respect to
the given acoustical configuration, u and l have been
adjusted with respect to subjective listening tests.
An evaluation was performed to assess the successful
restoration of authentic characteristics from patholog-
ical speech to a higher quality. A sustained sound of
a vowel a of a pathological, male speaker with vary-
ing pitch was recorded at a sampling rate of 8kHz and
16 bits quantization. The speech signal was restored
using the method as described in 3.1, implemented by
the authors in the Matlab programming language (The
Mathworks, 2006). Seven amateur listeners quanti-
fied the performance in terms of prosody and breath-
iness using a mean opinion score (MOS) by listen-
ing to the restored speech signals using consumer
headphones. The relative contributions of short-term,
middle-term and long-term pitch variabilities to the
improved speech quality were assessed using three
different system configurations. The pitch was re-
stored from:
LT: long-term pitch variability alone
LT-MT: long-term pitch variability and middle-
term variability of the signal envelope
MR: multi-resolution approach, the long-term
pitch variability, the middle-term variability of the
signal envelope as well as the short-term variation
of successive glottal waves.
The results displayed in Table 1 show that the
proposed restoration approach improves performance
with respect to both criteria. The contribution of the
-variability restored at the middle-term scale ap-
pears to be most significant (1.1 points compared to
0.1 points long-term variability alone). This seems
to emphasize our assumption that signal energy vari-
ations at the middle-term scale can contribute to the
restoration of prosody. The contribution of the MR
approach yields no significant improvement to the
perceived prosody. The high amount of standard de-
viation and the relatively small amount of listeners
prohibits to draw general conclusions. Nevertheless,
a positive trend can be recognized. Regarding the
breathiness of the restored voice, a clear improvement
(1.0 to 1.4 points) in all voices can be observed. For
voices restored with the MR approach, the additional
short-term variability seems to imply a degradation in
term of increased breathiness. This could be due to
the fact that short-term variability is related to the jit-
ter of speech. Indeed, jitter may be perceived as a de-
sired feature at a very low intensity level but becomes
certainly harmful over a given threshold. This thresh-
old depends on the subject’s idiosynchrasies and may
be adjusted to the laryngectomee’s desire. We suggest
that a more carefully designed non-linear model for
the short-time variability contribution or a spectrally
BIODEVICES 2010 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Table 1: Mean Opinion Score (mean ± standard devia-
tion) of 12 listeners assessing the quality of 3 different re-
stored voices. Applied MOS-scale: highly improved-1, no
improvement-3, highly degraded-5.
Method Improved Feature
Prosody Breathiness
LT 2.9 ± 0.7 1.7 ± 0.8
LT+MT 1.9 ± 0.7 1.6 ± 0.5
MR 2.0 ± 1.2 2.0 ± 1.2
shaped noise instead of the AWGN may reduce this
undesired effect of the short-time pitch variability.
We presented a device for the restoration of authen-
tic features in pathological voices. We have shown
that the different methods utilized by the device can
improve the prosody and breathiness of pathologi-
cal voices to a different extent. Clearly, the study
is limited by the small number of listeners and the
small number of signals that the methods were ap-
plied to. Another limitation is the requirement of a
relatively well developed pathological voice. In or-
der to make the technology available for patholog-
ical speakers with less developed voices, additional
signals have to be employed in future investigations.
Nevertheless, the principal capability of the multi-
resolution voice restoration device has been shown.
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DEVICE FOR PROSODIC SPEECH RESTORATION - A Multi-Resolution Approach for Glottal Excitation Restoration