the circular edges of the target. It should be clear
that as the disk is rotated from the source-receiver
axisymmetric position, the point on its circular face
that contributes to specular reflection progressively
moves towards the circumference and eventually
meets it at certain angle of rotation. For larger rotati-
on angles, the time-concentrated part of impulse res-
ponse due to h
vanishes, leaving only time-extend-
ed contribution of h
in the generated echo. The be-
haviour of the proposed model for such time-smear-
ed echoes is one of the objectives of the present
For the computation of the diffraction part of the
impulse responses the time-domain solution present-
ed in (Svensson et al, 1999, 2006) was used. This is
based on the use of directional secondary sources
positioned along a finite-length edge, with strength,
timing and directivity adjusted to conform to pre-
vious solutions of the infinite-length edge diffraction
problem. The diffraction impulse response h
thus derived as a line-integral over the length of the
edge of the contribution of those secondary sources.
A set of Matlab scripts for the determination of the
edge parts that contribute to the overall diffraction
impulse response, the derivation of the related
directivity functions and timings and the discretisa-
tion of the line integral computation provided in
http://www.iet.ntnu.no/~svensson/downloads/ was
used for the computation of the impulse responses in
this study. The circular faces of the target were
approximated with a 256-sides polygons and the
sampling rate was set to 10 MHz. Only first-order
diffraction was included in these results. A sampling
rate of 100 times the highest frequency of interest
(100 kHz) was chosen in order to minimise the
effect of the discretisation of the line integral com-
putation (Svensson et al, 1999).
2.2 Bio-inspired Cochlear Block
The auditory processing of the echo signal reaching
the bat’s ear after returning from the target object is
performed by the cochlear block, named after the
main auditory part of the inner ear known as the
cochlea. A major function of the cochlear block is to
model the sound signal that arrives at the outer ear
canal into the spectral format that is characteristic
for the mammalian auditory system. The frequency
selectivity and tonotopic organisation of the basilar
membrane has been modelled by the gammatone
filterbank (Patterson et al, 1992). The shape of the
auditory filters is characterised in terms of the equi-
valent rectangular bandwidth (ERB) scale (Glasberg
and Moore, 1990). This has been widely used appro-
ach in similar modelling work to represent auditory
filters in the peripheral auditory system of the mam-
mals and humans.
The gammatone filterbank has been designed as
a series of 81 eight-order IIR gammatone bandpass
filters with center frequencies spaced from 20 kHz
to 100 kHz. The implementation of this filterbank is
based on (Slaney, 1993) and modified to accommo-
date the frequency range of interest for this study.
Although there is no agreement regarding the den-
sity of frequency channels in the auditory filter and a
varying number of filters is employed in different
frequency ranges, the number of filters that has been
chosen in this study appears to be reasonable compa-
red to similar models (Sailant et al, 1983).
The mechanical motion in the basilar membrane
that resolves the frequency is further converted into
neural activity by the inner hair cells. This stage is
modelled by half-wave rectification followed by the
1st-order low-pass filtering with the cut-off frequen-
cy of 3 kHz applied in order to remove unwanted
frequency components generated by half-wave rec-
2.3 Artificial Post-processing Block
The concept of the bioinspired cochlear block results
in the multichannel output signal that represents the
auditory spectrogram-like image of the FM transmi-
ssion and echoes. It is known that the bat has ability
to transform such perceived acoustic image from the
spectral domain into spatial image that explicitly re-
veals the placements of echoes along the range axis
showing the small differences in the distance to dif-
ferent parts of the target (Saillant et al, 1993). Since
echo delays are related to distances to different parts
of the target object, by acquiring these delays infor-
mation related to the object range, size and shape is
also obtained.
In order to extract information about delay of dif-
ferent components of complex FM echoes from an
auditory image derived from the cochlear block in
the present study, it is necessary to additionally pro-
cess the output of the cochlear block. Thus, the pur-
pose of the further processing in the artificial block
is to obtain an image constructed from the delays of
different components of complex echoes.
The backscattering impulse responses of the four
circular disks with the radiuses set to 30, 50 and
150 mm and thicknesses of 1, 15, 30 and 50 mm
BIOSIGNALS 2010 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing