ing the quiz experiment five channels of biosignals
are recorded, blood volume pulse (BVP), Respiration
rate (RSP), skin conductivity (SC), electromyogram
(EMG), and body temperature (TEMP). For the en-
semble approach in this paper, each of the biosignals
forms a single physiological channel and all channels
are summed up to generate a complete BIO chan-
nel. Also speech data recorded during the experiment
are segmented according to measured time periods of
biosignals and stored as SPE channel.
Feature sets consist of 77 features from the
five channel BIO data by analyzing in time, fre-
quency, and statistic domain and 61 MFCC (Mel-
frequency cepstral coefficients) features including
common statistic values from SPE data.
3.1 Basic Bimodal Ensemble
After feature selection through the sequential back-
ward search algorithm (Jain and Zongker, 1997),
the feature sets (BIO and SPE) are separately clas-
sified for the four emotion classes. We used the
(pseudoinverse linear discriminant analysis
(Kim and Andr
e, 2008)). Table 1 shows all results
of unimodal classification. The classifiers trained by
each modality represent individual experts that can be
used to build ensembles for decision fusion. The ba-
sic idea of decision level fusion is to reduce the total
error rate of classification by strategically combining
the members of the ensemble and their errors. There-
fore the performance of the single classifiers needs to
be diverse from one another, i.e., neither must these
classifiers provide perfect performance on some given
problem, nor do their outputs need to resemble each
3.2 Cascading Specialists Approach
Using generalized decision-level fusion methods such
as majority voting and Borda count that repetitively
apply weighted decisions causes in general problem
with extremely unbalanced overall performance be-
cause of overemphasizing some classes by weight-
ing. To overcome this problem, we developed a novel
algorithm, we called as cascading specialists (CS)
method that chooses experts for single classes and
brings them in a special sequence. Figure 1 illustrates
this approach.
In this work, we used this single classifier for all chan-
nels and ensemble decisions
Table 1: Basic multichannel ensemble (available channels
and individual classification results).
Subject A
Channel HP HN LN LP avg
BIO 86.36 70.83 61.90 74.07 73.29
SPE 77.27 58.33 76.19 66.67 69.62
Subject B
Channel HP HN LN LP avg
BIO 55.56 62.50 67.65 44.83 57.64
SPE 72.22 62.50 79.41 79.31 73.36
Subject C
Channel HP HN LN LP avg
BIO 52.17 65.52 66.00 61.90 61.40
SPE 60.87 72.41 70.00 78.57 70.46
Subject Independent
Channel HP HN LN LP avg
BIO 44.26 43.04 51.43 59.18 49.48
SPE 32.79 58.23 71.43 54.08 54.13
Final Instance
Training Performance
Figure 1: Cascading Specialists.
First, the experts are selected by finding the clas-
sifier with best true positive rating for every class of
the classification problem during training phase. Then
the classes are rank ordered, beginning with the worst
classified class across all classifiers and ending with
the best one. After the preparation, the algorithm
works as follows: the first class in the sequence is
chosen and the corresponding expert is asked to clas-
sify the sample. If the output matches the currently
observed class the output is chosen as ensemble de-
cision. If not, the sample is passed on to the next
weaker class and corresponding expert whilst repeat-
ing the strategy. It is often observed that none of the
experts classifies its connected class and the sample
remains unclassified at the end of the sequence. Then
the classifier with the best overall performance on the
training data is selected as final instance and is asked
to label the sample as ensemble decision.
This approach promises more uniformly dis-
tributed classification results and a more accurate
overall performance than most ensemble methods that
rely on experts because weakly recognized classes are
treated with priority and the belonging samples are
more unlikely to end up falsely classified as a more
dominating class later on.