Application of a Mechanical Instrument to Evaluate the Spinal Column in
Pregnant Women
Cláudia Quaresma, Mário Forjaz Secca
CEFITEC, Dep. of Physics, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL
Quinta da Torre, P-2829-516, Caparica, Portugal
João Goyri O’Neill
Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, UNL, Quinta da Torre, P-2829-516, Lisboa, Portugal
Jorge Branco
Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, UNL / Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa, Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Biomechanics, Spinal Column, Non-invasive instrument, Evaluation, Standing position, Pregnant women.
Abstract: The incidence of problems related to rachialgiae is so frequent and usual that it must be studied as if it were
an epidemic and social disease (Knoplich, 2003). It was built a completely mechanically and non-invasive
system, designed as Vertebral Metrics, which is able to identify the position x, y and z of each spine
apophysis, from the first cervical vertebra to the first sacral vertebra in standing position. The measuring
part is the “body” of the instrument, and the “support”. This devise was applied in a pregnant woman in four
moments of the pregnancy: 12; 20, 32 and 37 weeks. In the second moment of the evaluation of the spine
the curvatures decrease when compared with the other moments of the evaluation, where an increase of
these curvatures, related to rachialgie, is evident.
Rachialgiae constitute a relevant problem in modern
society (Alexandre & Moraes, 2001). In many
women, this problem. appears for the first time
during pregnancy. 80% of pregnant women have
rachialgiae . where 50% of those remains affected
for the rest of their lives. This situation causes
serious troubles of absenteeism and consequently a
great loss for the labour market, under an economic
In view of the number of women affected, and of
the economic implications of the problem, the
development an instrument that evaluates, in a
global way, the spinal column in standing position,
as become important in order to better understand
the behaviour of the spine during the gestational
For that purpose a completely mechanical and
non-invasive instrument registered as Vertebral
Metrics, was built, which is able to identify the x, y
and z positions of each vertebra, from the first
cervical vertebra to the first sacral vertebra
(Quaresma et al 2009). After entering these data into
a mathematical model of the spine, the curvatures
and lateral deviations in the standing position can be
calculated (
Forjaz Secca et al, 2008).
The credibility of the instrument has been
recognized by means of the register of the patent as
well as the acceptance of the study with pregnant
women by the Ethics Committees of the
Maternidade Dr Alfredo da Costa and Regional
Health Administration of Lisboa and Vale do Tejo
(Quaresma et al 2009).
The validation process was successfully
.performed at Biomechanics Laboratory, of the
Faculty of Human Kinetics, at the
University of Lisbon, Portugal (Quaresma, 2009).
Vertebral Metrics provided evidence to be a
reliable, consistent and valid instrument in
comparison with an optoelectronic system, when
performed by one examiner (Quaresma, 2009).
Quaresma C., Forjaz Secca M., O’Neill J. and Branco J. (2010).
VERTEBRAL METRICS - Application of a Mechanical Instrument to Evaluate the Spinal Column in Pregnant Women.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, pages 143-146
DOI: 10.5220/0002759301430146