Mariona Estrada, Raquel Navarro-Prieto
Fundació Barcelona Media, Innovation Center, Spain
Elena Parra, Angélica Ñañez
Fundació Barcelona Media, Innovation Center, Spain
Keywords: Elderly people, e-Healthcare services, User Centred Design, Social aspects, Cognitive and psychomotor
Abstract: The goal of this position paper is to provide a methodological framework for the development of healthcare
information and communication technologies for elderly people. This methodological approach is based on
three complementary areas: user centred design; variables in the e-healthcare acceptance by elderly people
(social, cognitive and psychomotor aspects); and the methodologies that will allow us to gather critical
knowledge about all these aspects. In order to gather information about all these aspects we need to use a
multidisciplinary approach that will bring together observational studies about user requirements in real
context; experimental methodologies that will gather the impact of psychomotor and cognitive aspects that
are relevant to elderly people; and technology specialists that will provide input about ideal technological
solutions for the needs of this specific group.
Many studies have found evidences about how e-
healthcare services (electronic medical reports,
home telecare, virtual communities and networks of
social support, etc.) can be very helpful and positive
for elderly people quality of life. Unfortunately, also
many studies have shown that the use of ICT by
elderly people is still very low in most of the
European countries.
In this field there are still many open questions:
What are the specifics needs of the elderly people
concerning healthcare new technologies? Are these
technologies adapted to their needs? How can we
create personalized e-healthcare systems that allow
both security and autonomy for elderly people? And,
regarding their autonomy, how we can improve the
cross-platform interaction (computers, digital TV,
mobile devices, etc.) and the way the users can
interact within them?
Previous research has studied very specific
applications in specific contexts and therefore at
present we do not have a comprehensive view of
how to increase elders’ acceptance of ICT services.
Recently, some researchers (Harper et al., 2009)
had shown the impact of social variables in the
acceptance by elderly people of the ICT: how the
age or the retirement are crucial factors to
understand the use of ICT, for instance. But we need
to include also the cognitive and psychomotor
aspects of this target group that affect the use and
acceptance of the e-healthcare tools.
The goal of this position paper is to provide a
methodological framework for the development of
healthcare information and communication
technologies for elderly people. This methodological
approach is based in three complementary areas:
user centred design; variables in the e-healthcare
acceptance by elderly people (social, cognitive and
psychomotor aspects); and the methodologies that
will allow us to gather critical knowledge about all
these aspects. In the following sections we will
develop these points.
Estrada M., Navarro-Prieto R., Parra E. and Ñañez A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics, pages 477-480
DOI: 10.5220/0002759604770480
2.1 Elderly People and ICT Use
The incursion of the new ICT in many aspects of our
lives has changed the way we work, communicate or
take care of our health among a lot of other things.
In this paper we will focus only in those processes
that affect the interaction between technologically
mediated healthcare tools and elderly people.
Nowadays, most of the information about health
(medicine, social care, etc) is provided
electronically. In this sense, it’s very important to
guaranty the full access of elderly people to their
health information.
Social care is also very important for this group,
especially for elderly people with chronically
diseases or mobility diseases. Through the new
technologies they can keep the contact to their
relatives, to health assistance or to virtual
communities and networks of social support.
Nevertheless, the age is still an important factor
to determine the use of ICT tools in general and e-
healthcare tools in particular. For instance, in 2007
in Spain 92% of the population between 16 and 34
years used Internet. In contrast, only 8% of the
people between 65 and 74 years used the net (Plan
Avanza 2008, Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y
Comercio de España).
We can see that elderly people are not using e-
healthcare services. In this sense, we need to
improve the acceptance of these services from the
beginning, knowing their actual technological needs.
2.2 Principal Technological needs for
Elderly People
According to the information gathered in previous
research (Eggermont et al., 2006), elderly people
feel that ICT services could provide them more
social support and help them to fight the loneliness.
They want to keep the contact with their relatives,
friends and associations if their mobility decrease
and they have to spend a lot of time at home.
However, they don’t want to lose face-to-face
communication with the doctor or the other medical
They want accessible technological services,
designed according to their physic limitations and
previous knowledge. Besides, the accessibility
includes more economical services and tools suited
to their incomes.
Elderly people also want secure and reliable e-
healthcare services to guarantee their intimacy. For
instance, they want to have control over their
medical information and they don’t feel confident
when the information is circulating on Internet. They
like to feel safe and informed about their health. The
new technologies must guaranty the needed
assistance but also intimacy and autonomy.
In spite of this detected needs, the access to e-
healthcare systems is still very low. As we can read
in the survey “The attitudes, expectations and needs
of elderly people in relation to e-health applications:
results from a European survey.” (Stroetmann et al.,
2002): “older people get, the more they depend on
medical and social care, and the more they tend to
live alone, without a family member to look after
them. Policy measures relating to infrastructure as
well as training, education and awareness activities
will be required to avoid a medical divide between
those senior citizens who have access to advanced
medical advice and services and those who do not.”
Elderly people need e-healthcare services but
there are some problems to accept and use them. We
claim that we need a methodological framework
based in a user centered design to create services
widely acceptable by elderly user. Following, we are
going to summarize this methodological approach.
Our approach is based in the User Centred Design
(UCD) premises, taking into account the specific
characteristics of the target group (elderly people)
and the kind of technological services (e-healthcare).
3.1 User Centred Design
The main objective of this methodology is to
incorporate the end user point of view in the final
design of one product or service, adapting the
products and services to the real needs and interests
of the users.
Following Alison Black (2008), the first premise
of the UCD says that the best designed products and
services are those that include the comprehension of
end users needs in the first steps of the product
development. In this sense, UCD is a continuous and
transversal process to the development, going
beyond the concepts of usability and ergonomics.
Summarizing, UCD involves, among others, four
basic principles for the researcher/designer:
- Contact directly with the users starting from
the initial phases of the design, trying to
HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics
understand their needs and habits in real
- Observe the users directly in their context,
participating like one of them (context
immersion) and gathering the observational
- Design prototypes and evaluate them
iteratively in order to gather the user
feedback. Incorporate this feedback to
improve the prototypes.
- Gather information from the higher number
of users profiles because the service could be
used by more than one user profile.
In the UCD process we have to take into account the
variables of the target users and develop a
multidisciplinary approach.
3.2 What Impact the Acceptance of
e-Health Services by Elderly People?
According to our previous studies with this
population group and the reviewed literature, we are
going to explain briefly which are the main aspects
affecting the acceptance of e-healthcare services by
elderly people.
Psychosocial Aspects: The social and familiar
situations are very important when setting out ICT
solutions for elderly people. The most important
factors that we have to take into account are:
- Family and social network: some elders don’t
have enough social contact with their
relatives or friends and it could produce a
feeling of isolation.
- Work: probably they did not need to use the
new ICT in their jobs so the metaphors
associated with the use of the computers are
not familiar to them.
Cognitive Aspects: There are important variables
that affect the interaction between elderly people and
- Attention: for this kind of user is more difficult
to focus the attention. In this sense, the
interfaces have to avoid graphics or other
irrelevant elements for the task.
- Memory: the learning process for any computer
application is significantly more difficult in
elders compared with adult and young
people. The memory deficit seems to be one
of the main reasons. Nevertheless, the level
of previous knowledge in ICT use could
minimize this negative effect. In other words,
elders can learn as fast as adults and young if
they have a lot of previous experience (Czaja
and Sharit, 1993).
- Perception and vision: the research in this
field has state that vision loss affects the
interaction between elder people and ICT
applications (Jacko et al., 2000).
Psychomotor and Physiologic Aspects: The most
important variables that could affect the design of
ICT services for elderly people are:
- Speech and audition: is important to adapt
frequencies in the audio interfaces and the
speech applications to elderly people
- Psychomotor aspects: there is a reduction of
the skills, especially in small movements, so
the elders could have problems to use the
mouse and the computer or mobile devices
keyboards (Worden et al., 1997; Chadwick-
Dias et al., 2003).
- Subjective perception of the relation between
software functionality/complexity and the
utility and ease of use: Wu and Van Slyke
(2005) state that elderly people could be more
impact for the interface complexity that
young people. This impact can affect the
feeling of ease of use.
There are other aspects affected by the age of the
users that they are not took into account for the
moment in the ICT applications for elderly people
such as symbolization, logical thinking, error
management and autonomy. In other to gather
information about all these aspects we need to use a
multidisciplinary approach that will bring together
observational studies about user requirements in real
context; experimental methodologies that will gather
the impact of psychomotor and cognitive aspects
that are relevant to elderly people; and technology
specialists that will provide input about ideal
technological solutions for the needs of this specific
3.3 Methodological Approach
Our hypothesis is that actual situation, in which most
of the elderly people are excluded of the e-
healthcare services, is produced because the
cognitive, psychosocial and psychomotor
particularities of elders are not taken into account in
the provided services.
Therefore, we propose a reconsideration
including these aspects that normally are being
leaved out. Following, we present our
methodological approach.
First, the research in the field of e-healthcare
services needs to be a multidisciplinary effort in
order to define and measure the elder’s acceptance
to e-healthcare services from a holistic perspective,
including investigation in to the cognitive processes
and socio-cultural aspects in an iterative manner. It
should include a social science observational
approach to help with the creation of the hypothesis.
In addition, a collaborative approach, between a
technology development research and an
experimental approach would allow us to test these
hypotheses and the creation of new research
We argue it would be necessary to understand:
- Methodologies that will allow us to gather
knowledge about all these aspects in a
replicable manner.
- The relationship between the cognitive,
psychomotor and social aspects.
- The contribution of each of them to improve the
acceptance of e-healthcare services by elderly
Second, this research should also evolve as new
media formats (interactive TV, mobile devices) and
possibilities for interacting are advance from the
technological perspective.
The following figure summarizes our
methodological approach to enable user-centred e-
healthcare services:
Figure 1: Enabling user-centred e-healthcare services.
The aim of our approach is achieve a better
acceptance of the e-healthcare services by elderly
people including their needs and knowledge in the
design process. These services must be a habitual
tool in their lives allowing a high autonomy and
security in normal situations such as medical
information or health care provision.
Our claim is that in order to reach that good
future research need to integrate UCD into the
development of new e-health services. In particular,
we have found that most of the previous research
focuses on one element of the user needs. For the
creation of future services we have to put together
all the elder people needs and study the relationship
between them.
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HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics