Table 2: Rate of disambiguation of Arabic ambiguous
words after pre-
Methods applied The rate of disambiguation
LSA 72.3%
Harman 64.2%
Croft 64.5%
Okapi 59.4%
Lesk 76%
From our experiments we conclude that the
lowest rate of disambiguation is mainly due to the
insufficient number of contexts of use, which result
in the failure to meet all possible events. We also
note that LSA provides the best results. Comparing
these results with the various works is a difficult
task, because we do not work on the same corpus, or
the same language, or with the same methods:
The method created by lesk (Lesk, 1986) used a
list of words appearing in the definition of each
sense of the ambiguous word achieved 50% - 70%
correct disambiguation; our system achieved 76%
correct disambiguation. Karov and Edelman (Karov
and al., 1998) (in this issue), propose an extension to
similarity-based methods, which gives 92% accurate
results on four test words.
We have proposed a system for disambiguation of
words in Arabic. This system is based
simultaneously on the methods of information
retrieval and the algorithm of Lesk used to calculate
the proximity between the current context (i.e. the
occurrence of ambiguous word) and the different
contexts of use of the possible meanings of the
word. While Lesk algorithm is used to help the
system to choose the most appropriate sense
proposed by previous methods.
The results founded are satisfactory. For a small
sample of 10 ambiguous words, the proposed system
allows to determine correctly 76% of ambiguous
words. We have tried to establish a sufficiently
robust system based on methods that have improved
their success in many system of word
disambiguation. On the other hand, during the pre-
processing we tried to make the ambiguous Arabic
words known by the system we proposed a database
containing the possible contexts of use for each
sense of an ambiguous word, synonyms, signatures
identifying the meaning of each one .
We propose that in the future works we can use
the syntactic level to disambiguate words.
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