In the 90s, researchers started to consider the use
of the web as an educational resource. The benefits
are many: to permit access to the course from any
computer connected to Internet, at any time and
during all the time needed, and to easily update the
content of the course without being necessary to
send new CDs or books.
However, with all the existing information, the
task of creating new web-based courses is more and
more challenging. Moreover, taking into account
that just typing traditional courses to become e-
learning is worthless because it does not provide any
added value.
Therefore, some procedures have started to
appear to permit the automatic generation of on-line
courses from free text such as the ones implemented
in PERSEUS (Macias & Castell, 2001) or Welkin
(Alfonseca et al. 2004).
However, those approaches do not integrate the
possibility of generating open-ended questions with
their correct answers to permit their automatic
assessment. In this paper, it has been confirmed the
possibility of automatically generating conceptual
assessment courses. The assessment of concepts is
essential in any domain as stated by the Meaningful
Learning Theory (Ausubel et al. 1978).
In particular, the procedure has been described
using TagHelper and the Will Tools to generate
conceptual review courses. However, we believe
that it can be extended to other web-based learning
tools in which there is a conceptual review section.
As future work, we plan to analyze the generated
courses to find out possible improvements to the
procedure. Furthermore, we intend to permit the
generation of review courses not only for individual
concepts, but also to ask for relationships between
the concepts as extracted from the web data; and, to
extend the procedure to other languages.
In particular, the idea of the procedure can be
extended to any other language that can be
processed by TagHelper (currently, English, German
or Chinese).
Finally, we would also like to carry out an
experiment in which a group of students can use the
automatically generated courses on a voluntary
This work has been sponsored by the projects
TIN2007-64718 and CCG08-UAM/TIC-4425.
We would like to thank Carolyn Rosé and Yi-
Chia Wang for their explanations about the use of
TagHelper, and to permit the free use of TagHelper,
which is a key component of the procedure proposed
in this paper.
We would also like to thank you Alvaro Labella
and Victor Moreno for their implementation of the
TemGen procedure.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies