There is an urgent need for accurate approximation of
irregular, 3D data in urban terrain as well as in geo-
metric modeling of irregular objects in general. The
Hausdorff metric is a widely recognized, orientation-
independent tool for measuring the accuracy of 3D re-
construction. The figures in Sec. 3 illustrate the cor-
relation between lower Hausdorff distance and bet-
ter reconstruction in the view of the user interested in
practical applications.
The four procedures described in this paper all
produced acceptable reconstructions for data sets
without outliers. However, once there is a significant
number of outliers in the data, L
splines yield the best
results. Once implemented in a computationally effi-
cient domain-decomposition framework and on more
flexible triangular grids, L
splines will be computa-
tionally competitive with the other methods.
In the future, we will compare the procedures in-
vestigated in this paper with a wider class of recon-
struction procedures and will integrate these proce-
dures into complete reconstruction and texturing pro-
cedures that go all the way from the camera or other
sensors to the textured model.
We express our appreciation to Michael Kazhdan and
John D’Errico for them placing their well written and
well commented source codes for iso-surface extrac-
tion and gridfit, respectively, on the Internet.
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