A Constructivist Approach to Teaching Critical Thinking using I.C.T.
Georgia Pantidou
Department of Primary Education, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
Keywords: Myth and Reason, Critical Thinking, Information and Communication Technologies, Constructivism.
Abstract: In a Secondary School in Central Greece ten students worked on a project titled “Dolphins in Myth and
Reality” and published their work on their school’s web-page. Dolphins’ biological and social aspect,
environmental dangers and threats, Ancient Greek myths and the dolphin-theme in several arts (Literature,
Painting, Sculpture, Cinema and Music) were the sections the students worked cooperatively with an
extended use of the Internet and Ι.C.T. This publication formed the basis of an experimental teaching for ten
younger students whose initial ideas and cognitive deficiencies were taken into consideration in order to
design several activities. The joint axis of the activities was the interpretation of myths about dolphins with
the help of scientific and literary information found on the Internet and the raising of awareness on
ecological matters concerning the survival of dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea. The initial hypothesis that
the cooperative, constructivist model assisted by I.C.T. leads to better learning outcomes, compared to
traditional teaching methods, has been confirmed, even if the results cannot be generalized.
The complementary and oppositional relationship
between Myth and Reason was exploited in a
research project which took place in a country High
School in central Greece (Omvriaki, Fthiotis).
“Dolphins in Myth and Reality” gave the students a
chance to search and find information, to compare
and evaluate, to discuss and coach cases so as to
come to logical conclusions. They also had the
opportunity to publish their work in their school
web-page and thus offer other students material to
work on.
Constructivism provided the framework for this
research project: the initial ideas and knowledge of
the students were taken into consideration while
scheduling the activities. Their mistakes were
exploited to set the teaching objectives and organize
the project.
Aiming at enhancing critical thinking, the
activities should help the students construct their
own representations based upon each one’s
experiences or, if needed, even to reconsider their
initial ideas.
Interaction between students leads to higher
awareness of what is known, to what extent and
accuracy, and thus to better conceptual and cognitive
constructs due to internal motivation (Solomonidou,
Besides, an extensive use of I.C.T. contributes
to creating an enriched learning environment which
may enhance critical thinking and lead to higher
cognitive levels (Jonassen, 1996).
2.1 Aims and Objectives
The constructive use of I.C.T. in everyday school
reality, as well as the design and implementation of
a research project based on cooperation and group
teaching, have been the general aims of the work
presented in this paper.
The teaching objectives could be divided into
three categories: cognitive, procedural and
value/attitude creating. The students should be able
to work cooperatively on web-based projects and
acquire the information needed; they should also be
able to ascertain their relevant to the subject
knowledge in order to cover their gaps by further
research conducted in cooperation with their
Pantidou G. (2010).
DOLPHINS IN MYTH AND REALITY - A Constructivist Approach to Teaching Critical Thinking using I.C.T..
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 131-134
DOI: 10.5220/0002764801310134
classmates and teachers and thus to create a
publication of their own. Last but not least the
project should raise the students’ awareness of the
risk of dolphins’ extinction.
The most important goal, though, would be to
develop critical and creative thinking by formulating
and testing hypotheses, while learning how to
cooperate and discuss democratically (Scardamalia,
2.2 The Research
Twenty students living in a village called Omvriaki
in Central Greece were the subjects of this
experimental research. The ten older students (14
years old) worked on the project to create a
publication for their school’s web page and the ten
younger ones (13 years old) used this publication
and the Internet in general to expand their
knowledge on dolphins. The small number of
subjects in this research does not allow
generalization of the results. The intention has only
been to engage the students in an active and creative
way of learning and evaluate the effects of such an
intervention (Cohen, Manion & Morrison, 2008).
The same semi-structured test was given to the
students twice (before and after teaching) in order to
compare and estimate the progress made. The
questions were either open-ended or multiple-
choice, aiming to trace cognitive gaps or
misunderstandings. The students, whose former
experience in working this way had been limited,
worked for the project in the computer laboratory of
their school for six hours during November 2008.
Extensive research into the bibliography and the
Web did not result in finding similar studies as far as
the issue of dolphins in Myth and Reality was
concerned. Although a large number of projects,
lesson plans and activities found on the web deal
with dolphins, the main idea of this work is quite
The use of the project method as the basis of
designing a school web page and the Constructivist
and Activity-oriented approach to teaching can be
found on numerous studies (e.g. Miao & Holst,
2000; Arapoglou et al., 2003; Arkün, S. &
Akkoyunlu, B., 2008).
2.3 Creating the Web Page
The first team of students was divided into five
couples. Each couple worked on the same computer.
They were asked to create a Word document and
open the Internet Explorer.
After this the teacher proceeded to brainstorming
about dolphins using a photocopied Smart-art
graphic, which was used as a Mind Map and later as
the menu of the Web page. Mind maps and
Brainstorming strategy develop mental capacities,
enhance the project method and help to achieve
teaching objectives, as research has shown (Buzan,
Each couple should find and save information on
a certain topic or section in their Word documents.
Then they would create a specific page of the
publication, which would consist of text, pictures
and music. In this way Information and Computer
Literacy are being promoted while students become
familiar with the creation of multimodal texts (Cope
and Kalantzis, 2000).
In the middle of the Mind Map a beautiful
dolphin picture was set and then lines connected it
with bubbles-links titled Biology, Ancient Greece
and Modern Art. From the bubble Biology one can
go to the sections Animal Being, Social Life and
Ecology. From the bubble Ancient Greece one can
visit the sections Etymology, Ancient Greek
Religion, Geography, Ancient Greek literature and
Arts. And finally one can go to Modern Art to find
Literature, Music and Cinema works of Art inspired
from dolphins.
Using the Microsoft Publisher 2007 the teacher
showed the students how to place texts, music and
pictures on a web page and then upload it on the
Greek School-Web (
This way the students and the teacher became
partners to produce a collective work according to
the principles of Situated Cognition (Brown, Collins
and Duguid, 1989; Philips, 1998) and Cognitive
Apprenticeship (Collins, Brown and Newman,
2.4 The Teaching Procedure
The findings of the pre-test formed the basis on
which the teaching objectives were set. The
activities should be based on the special cognitive
needs of the students but they should also be
meaningful and interesting, so that the construction
of knowledge could be accomplished by the active
involvement of every single student in the group
(Raptis and Rapti, 2001).
The common axis of the first three activities has
been the possible interpretations of Ancient Greek
myths about dolphins according to their biological
substance and social attitude.
In the primitive and archaic stages of social
development the mythical way of thinking has been
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
prevailing so that human mind could be able to
explain physical and social phenomena using
imagination and feelings as cognitive tools. Thus
Myth acted as the means of finding and attaching
meaning to a mysterious world. These mythical
constructions were being transferred to each
generation gaining validity and universal
applicability over the times, which later proved to be
very difficult to overturn (Karakantza, 2004).“The
gradual transition from Myth to Reason – beginning
with the Presocratic Philosophers from Ionia, Minor
Asia - means the birth of the Greek and European
philosophy” (Veikos, 1985, p.3).
A beautiful picture of a dolphin is the first thing
to see on the Worksheet and the home page of the
publication on the Web. The dolphin asks the
students to help it find some answers.
The first activity involves the students in
searching and saving information about the way
dolphins breathe, their sonar system and the way
they behave and communicate with each other. Then
they proceed in reading myths about dolphins saving
human lives e.g. the Arion myth, and they are asked
to interpret them in a scientific way. A relevant
documentary by Jacques - Yves Cousteau (“A sound
of dolphins” 1972) is used to prove that dolphins
instinctively move upwards in order to breathe and
they tend to do the same with every sinking body.
In the second activity students are asked to read
what Claudius Aelianus has written about dolphins
in “De Natura Animalium” and watch the same
scene Aelianus has described in Cousteau’s
documentary: on a coast in northwestern Africa
fishermen cooperate with dolphins to catch as many
mullets as possible. Thus students come to the
conclusion that the legendary love between men and
dolphin is due to eternal solidarity and fellowship.
The third activity has to do with Apollo, Neptune
and their relation to dolphins and also with Delphi
and its etymological connection with dolphins (their
common root is the word “delphis” meaning uterus).
The last activity aims to raise students’
awareness of the risk of dolphins’ extinction. The
students are asked to read relevant articles and watch
videos on They
are also asked to design a postcard addressed to
WWF, which will be posted on their Web page.
In the end the students watched the film “The
little dolphins of the Amvrakikos Gulf” by Dinos
Demopoulos (1993). This movie deals with the issue
of sincere, honest and true friendship between three
children in Greece in early 30’s. One of the children
lives in a hut excluded from society because of
poverty and tuberculosis which was contaminating
and difficult to cure at that time. Nevertheless, the
love and friendship of the other two children saves
him from death and provides him with a better life.
The correlation with dolphins is obvious.
The whole teaching procedure since the filling of the
pre-test up to the assessment of the post-test was met
with enthusiasm and interest by the students. It was
a surprise for them to choose their partner and to be
allowed to talk during the lesson- provided that it
had to do with the project. There was a low noise
level and satisfactory efficiency in the use of the
computer. They also enjoyed watching the
documentary and the film and listening to several
sounds of dolphins on the Web.
The combination of multimedia sources with
written and oral speech were extremely appealing to
the students .The fact that the activities did not seem
like usual exercises but more like puzzles or
problems proved to be a stimulating factor for the
children to get involved.
While the intention was to cover the cognitive
gaps and modify the initial wrong ideas, this was not
made clear to the students. It seemed better for them
to come up to the right answers “accidentally” while
working on activities that stimulated their mind and
urged them to express ideas and build their
knowledge in their own pace and mode.
The comparison between the results of the pre-
test and the post-test leads to the conclusion that
there has been a remarkable difference in the
number of right answers and in the quality of the
answers given before and after the teaching
For instance, from the beginning every child
knew that the dolphins were mammals and not fish.
They also knew the seas dolphins usually prefer.
They were not quite sure, though, about the length,
the color, the speed and the sonar system of the
dolphins. But in the post test everybody could
answer correctly.
When asked in the pre-test about the dangers and
threats towards dolphins, no child knew the answers
exactly. They also ignored the etymological
connection between Delphi and dolphins and they
could not mention more than one or two myths each.
But in the post-test everybody could answer
Most of all they enjoyed debating on their ideas
and explanations, testing their hypotheses and
rejecting what could not be supported. And certainly
DOLPHINS IN MYTH AND REALITY - A Constructivist Approach to Teaching Critical Thinking using I.C.T.
they were moved by the shocking pictures of injured
or dead dolphins they saw on the Internet and
became more aware of the dangers and threats
towards this species.
The main conclusion to be drawn not only from this
study but from many others as well (e.g. Miao &
Holst, 2000, Arapoglou et al., 2003, Arkün, S. &
Akkoyunlu, B., 2008) is that applying the principles
of Constructivism, Exploratory and Cooperative
Learning in an enriched learning environment,
where computer is being used as a cognitive tool,
contributes to building knowledge through critical
information processing. Even simple tasks, as those
described in this paper, may enhance critical
thinking since students learn to doubt, search,
discover, argue and speculate instead of absorbing
anything they read or learn.
Besides, according to Seymour Papert, the use of
I.C.T. transforms learning from a process of
discipline and suffering to one offering exploration,
enthusiasm and satisfaction (Solomonidou, 2006).
Since this has been quite evident to all the
participants in this research project, the intention is
to design and implement similar projects in the
future based on students’ interests and needs.
I would like to thank Mrs. Christine Solomonidou,
Professor in the Department of Primary Education in
the University of Thessaly, for my initiation into
Constructivism and Instructional Systems Design
during my postgraduate studies.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education