Verena Konz and Meinard M¨uller
Saarland University and MPI Informatik, Campus E1 4, 66123 Saarbr¨ucken, Germany
Music information retrieval, Music education, Music synchronization, Alignment, User interface.
In the eld of music information retrieval (MIR), great efforts have been directed towards the development
of technologies and interfaces that allow users to access and explore music on an unprecedented scale. On
the other hand, musicians and music teachers are often still skeptical about the benefits of computer-based
methods in music education. In this paper, we report on an experiment conducted at the University of Music
Saarbr¨ucken with the goal to introduce a novel MIR user interface, referred to as Interpretation Switcher, to
music education and to get feedback from music experts. To this end, we asked nine music students to analyze
different performances of the same piece of music according to a well designed questionnaire, using the novel
switching functionality of our interface. Doing so, we not only tested and evaluated our interface in a setting
of practical relevance, but also indicated the potential of MIR methods in music education.
Computers have become an indispensable tool for
storing, processing, and generating music. Even
though computer-based methods and interfaces are
ubiquitously used for music synthesis, there is still
a reluctance in using computers for music analysis
and music education. Research in computer-assisted
music education already started at the end of the
1960s mainly in the USA and the United Kingdom
(Brown, 2007; Kiraly, 2003; Smith, 2009; Stevens,
1991; Guetl and Parncutt, 2008). For example,
computers have served as a tool for creative music-
making. Furthermore, the method of Computer-
Assisted-Instruction (CAI), where students are taught
a particular skill by a computer, has been applied
in areas like music theory or aural training. Vari-
ous studies have been conducted to investigate the
effect of CAI-based methods within music educa-
tion (Smith, 2009; Kiraly, 2003), and the usefulness
of such methods seems to be a controversial issue.
In the field of music information retrieval (MIR),
the development of technologies and interfaces for
music exploration and analysis has been an active
research area (Damm et al., 2008; Dixon and Wid-
mer, 2005; Goto, 2003; M¨uller, 2007; Sonic Visu-
aliser, 2009). However, these technologies and inter-
faces are often evaluated in the own lab environment,
where people are familiar with computers. Though,
for building up MIR systems of practical relevance
one needs broader feedback, in particular from mu-
sic experts. Hence, for a user-centered analysis, it is
necessary to conduct “real” user studies that ensure a
natural setting (Lesaffre et al., 2008).
There are many applications in the context of mu-
sic education that may benefit from the above men-
tioned MIR-based technologies and interfaces. How-
ever, musicians and music teachers are often still re-
luctant in using novel computer-assisted methods and
novel MIR interfaces in their lessons. Furthermore,
many of the available MIR interfaces are still too
complicated lacking the necessary user-friendliness
and robustness to be operable by non-experts. Under
such circumstances, it remains a challenge to raise the
interest of music educators for using, testing, and par-
ticipating in the development of novel MIR interfaces
and for discussing possible application scenarios.
In this paper, we report on an investigation with
the objective of introducing a novel MIR interface to
music education. In collaboration with the Univer-
sity of Music Saarbr¨ucken we conducted an experi-
ment consisting of several steps. First, nine piano stu-
dents were recorded playing the same piece of music,
the first movement of Beethoven’s Path´etique Sonata
Op. 13, on the same piano and under the same record-
ing conditions. In the next step, the nine audio record-
ings were temporally aligned and integrated in a user
interface referred to as Interpretation Switcher (Fre-
Konz V. and Müller M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 135-140
DOI: 10.5220/0002765201350140
merey et al., 2007; M¨uller, 2007), which allows for
synchronous playback of the different performances.
Upon using this interface, the music students were
then asked to analyze the anonymised performances
according to a well-designed questionnaire.
There are a number of achievements of our ex-
periment. Firstly, we tested and evaluated our inter-
face in a setting of practical relevance, thus indicat-
ing the potential of MIR methods in music education.
Secondly, we generated royalty free music record-
ings without any copyright restrictions, which can be
used freely for research purposes. Thirdly, using a
Yamaha Disklavier for our experiments, we also ob-
tained MIDI data (which was actually not used in the
investigation described in this paper) along with au-
dio recordings. Such MIDI-audio pairs can be used as
ground truth material for various MIR tasks (M¨uller,
2007). Finally, we generated many different inter-
pretations of the same piece, which yields valuable
data for tasks such as automated performance analy-
sis (Widmer et al., 2003).
The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we
present in detail the setup of the conducted experi-
ment describing the piece of music, the recording con-
ditions, the interface, and the questionnaire. Then, in
Sect. 3, we discuss the results of our experiment re-
sponding to the performance evaluation and to the in-
terface evaluation. Finally, in Sect. 4, we sketch fur-
ther application scenarios and indicate future work.
2.1 Piece of Music
For our experiment, we chose the first movement of
Beethoven’s Path´etique Sonata Op. 13. This piece of
music appeared to be a good choice for various rea-
sons. Firstly, the Path´etique Sonata is a musicologi-
cally outstanding work, for which numerous detailed
descriptions and scientific literature exists. Secondly,
being a very popular and famous work, the Path´etique
belongs to the standard repertoire of many pianists.
Hence, there are numerous audio recordings for this
piece. The third and most important reason for choos-
ing the Path´etique is that it is very rich in contrast
concerning tempo as well as dynamics.
To make the latter point clear, we describe the
Path´etique’s exposition in more detail. Beginning
with the slow introductory theme marked Grave
(measures (abbreviated mm.) 1-10, see Fig. 1 (a)),
the work starts very dramatically. The introduc-
tion is characterized by its contrasts in dynamics—
fortissimo passages are followed by subito piano and
Figure 1: First movement of Beethoven’s Path´etique Sonata
Op. 13 (score obtained from (Mutopia Project, 2009)).
(a) Beginning of the introduction (Section A, mm. 1 ff.)
(b) First theme (mm. 11 ff.) (c) Second theme (mm. 51
ff.) (d) Section B (mm. 89 ff.)
vice versa. This contrast in dynamics is underlined by
contrasts in rhythmics, articulation, and atmosphere.
Ending with the chromatic run, the introduction leads
in the first theme (mm. 11-27, see Fig. 1 (b)) of the
sonata which is characterized by the tremolo in oc-
tavos in the left hand giving it a dramatic touch. In
contrast to the dramatic first theme, the second theme
(mm. 51-88, see Fig. 1 (c)) sounds more playful. It is
based on the call and response principle and is char-
acterized by a play with articulation.
As described above, one can find many contrast-
ing elements in the exposition of the first movement
of the Path´etique: Contrasts in the shaping of the two
themes, contrasts in dynamics, and contrasts in at-
mospheres. In addition, there is an abrupt change in
tempo at the beginning of the first theme (mm. 11),
where the introductory Grave leads in the actual expo-
sition marked Allegro di molto e con brio. Because of
its musical richness, the Path´etique offers the pianist a
wide range of possibilities for shaping the piece with
respect to dynamics, tempo, and agogics. Therefore,
this piece is very well suited in view of the musical
evaluation within our experiment.
2.2 Performance and Recording Setup
The recordings of our experiment were performed at
the University of Music Saarbr¨ucken. Nine students
of different study paths from the piano class of Prof.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Instance of the Interpretation Switcher plugin of
the SyncPlayer for synchronous playback of different audio
recordings of the same piece of music. In this example,
nine different recordings of the exposition of Beethoven’s
Path´etique Sonata are opened.
Thomas Duis were asked to play the first movement
of the Path´etique. Being in several training states,
they were on different performance levels. All stu-
dents played on the same instrument under the same
recording conditions on two different days (Friday,
06.02.2009 and Monday, 09.02.2009). In the record-
ing sessions, only the performer, the technical staff,
and the scientific investigators were present in the
room—the other performers were not allowed to lis-
ten to their fellow students. Using two microphones,
we did not achieve the quality of a recording studio.
However, we obtained audio recordings of a sufficient
quality in view of our experiments. Furthermore, us-
ing a Yamaha Disklavier, we also generated MIDI
data along with the audio recordings. Actually, the
MIDI files were not used in our experiments, but as
mentioned before they are useful for later projects.
2.3 MIR User Interface
The SyncPlayer system is an advanced audio player
for multimodal presentation, browsing, and retrieval
of music data (Fremerey et al., 2007). One of the
available plugins for the SyncPlayer, referred to as
Interpretation Switcher, is the MIR interface used in
our experiment, see Fig. 2. It allows the user to select
several recordings of the same piece, which have pre-
viously been synchronized (M¨uller, 2007). Each of
the selected recordings is represented by a slider bar
indicating the current playback position with respect
to the recordings particular time scale. The audio
recording that is currently used for playback, in the
following referred to as reference recording, is repre-
sented by a red marker. The slider of the reference
recording moves at constant speed while the sliders
of the other recordings move according to the relative
tempo variations with respect to the reference. The
reference recording may be changed at any time sim-
ply by clicking on the respective marker located on
the left of each slider. The playback of the new ref-
erence recording then starts at the time position that
musically corresponds to the last playback position of
the former reference. One can also jump to any po-
sition within any of the recordings by directly select-
ing a position of the respective slider, which automat-
ically triggers a switch of the reference to the respec-
tive recording. A similar functionality is provided by
the Sonic Visualiser, a system for viewing and analyz-
ing the contents of music audio files (Sonic Visualiser,
2009). Here, the MATCH plugin allows for tempo-
rally aligning two recordings and then for switching
from one to the other (Dixon and Widmer, 2005).
Note that the SyncPlayer and the Sonic Visualiser
provide many more functionalities comprising plug-
ins for inter- and intra-document browsing and re-
trieval as well as data visualization and analysis. In
our experiment, we restrict ourself basically to the
switching functionality with the motivation to keep
the interface as simple and intuitive as possible to
avoid any rejections from the users. As Fig. 2 shows,
the Interpretation Switcher looks like a standard au-
dio player with the only difference that more than one
slider control bar is available. After a short explana-
tion of the main switching functionality, none of the
students reported on difficulties in using our interface.
2.4 Survey and Questionnaire
Subsequent to the last recording session, the nine dif-
ferent performances were aligned and integrated in
our Interpretation Switcher. Then, we conducted our
survey in the evening of the second recording day
(Monday, 09.02.2009). Eight music students partic-
ipated in the survey, seven of whom were also among
the nine performers. The different interpretations
were anonymised within the interface and the partici-
pants listened to the recordings for the first time.
Each participant was provided with a computer
running the Interpretation Switcher and with ear-
phones. After a short introduction of the interface’s
switching functionality, the participants received a
questionnaire having one hour for answering the
questions. This questionnaire consisted of two main
parts. In the first part, the students had to listen, to
compare, and to rate the nine different interpretations
with respect to various performance aspects. Here,
the questions were designed in such a way that the
students naturally started to use the switching func-
tionality of the interface, thus getting familiar with
the Interpretation Switcher in a concrete application
of musical relevance. In the second part, they were
then asked to give feedback on the usefulness and op-
erability of the interface itself.
The questions of the first part of the question-
naire referred to different sections of the first move-
ment of the Path´etique. As a kind of warming up, we
started with a short section (Section A), which only
consisted of the first three measures, see Fig. 1 (a).
This section was cut out from the nine aligned per-
formances and presented to the students by the Inter-
pretation Switcher interface. Even being rather short,
Section A already offers the pianists a wide range of
interpretation so that the comparison of the different
performances constitutes a musically interesting task.
In the first question (A1), the participants had to rate
the nine different interpretations of Section A with re-
spect to the three musical aspects dynamics, articu-
lation, and agogics. Here, the rating scale ranged be-
tween 1 and 10, where 1 means poor and 10 excellent.
In addition, they had to rate their total impression of
this section’s performances using the same scale. Af-
terwards, in question A2, they had to identify their
own interpretation (if applicable) only by means of
Section A. Then, the performances of Section A were
closed and a different section (Section B) was pre-
sented by the Interpretation Switcher to them. Here,
Section B consisted of the technically more involved
mm. 89-100, see Fig. 1 (d). The students then had to
answer corresponding questions (B1, B2).
At the beginning of the questionnaire, the students
were confronted with different performances of rela-
tively short sections. Here, only switching between
the performances was required to properly answer the
questions—jumping back and forth within a perfor-
mance was not necessary. In this way, the students
became familiar with the basic switching functional-
ity of the interface. In the next stage, they were pre-
sented with the nine performances of the entire ex-
position. They now had to rate their total impres-
sion of the first theme (mm. 11 ff., see Fig. 1 (b)),
of the second theme (mm. 51 ff., see Fig. 1 (c)), and
of the entire exposition (questions E1, E2 and E5).
Here the new challenge concerning the use of the In-
terpretation Switcher was not only to switch between
the different performances but also to find the corre-
sponding entry points of the two themes within the
recordings. Another task (E3), was to order the nine
different interpretations with respect to the tempo (be-
ginning with the slowest, ending with the fastest) in
the second theme. With this task the students had to
constantly switch between and jump within the per-
formances, being forced to use the functionality of the
interface extensively. In question E4, again, they had
to identify their own performance (if applicable) now
having the entire exposition at their disposal.
After finishing the questions on music aspects, in
the second part of the questionnaire the participants
were asked to evaluate the Interpretation Switcher in-
terface. Here, the idea was to let the participants first
use the interface in an application scenario to gather
practical experience without knowing about the final
interface evaluation. In the first question (S1), they
should rate the user-friendliness and the degree of us-
ability of the Interpretation Switcher on the above de-
scribed scale from 1 to 10. We then wanted to know
if there were any problems while using the interface
(S2). Furthermore, the students were asked to com-
ment on possible improvements and to propose ad-
ditional functionalities they would have liked when
working on the first part of the questionnaire (S3). In
a last question (S4), they should sketch possible appli-
cation scenarios where they could imagine to use MIR
user interfaces such as the Interpretation Switcher.
3.1 Performance Evaluation
In the first part of the questionnaire, the partici-
pants had to analyze and compare the different per-
formances against each other. Table 1 presents the
results of question A1, where they had to rate the
nine different performances of Section A with regard
to dynamics, articulation, agogics, and in total. The
first row of Table 1 shows the number of the respec-
tive performance; the values of each column corre-
spond to the respective performance. The second row
shows the ratings with regard to dynamics averaged
over the eight participants. For example, the first per-
formance was rated with a score of µ = 6.63 on av-
erage. The third row shows the standard deviation,
which is σ = 1.19 for the first performance. The fol-
lowing rows of Table 1 are to be read in the same fash-
ion. For example, the participants rated the sixth per-
formance on average with µ = 6.88 (σ = 1.36) with
respect to articulation, whereas the overall impression
of this performance amounts to µ = 6.38 (σ=1.51).
As we can see, the eighth performance was ranked
highest with respect to dynamics (µ = 6.75), whereas
the second one with respect to articulation (µ = 7.00).
The overall rankings for Section A are relatively close
together, which may show that the section was too
short for giving a well-founded evaluation or that it
was played similarly by all students.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Evaluation results of question A1 (Fig. 1 (a)). The
average ratings µ along with the standard deviations σ are
shown for the nine performances of Section A with regard
to various musical aspects.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dynamics µ 6.63 6.25 6.38 6.13 5.75 6.38 5.38 6.75 6.63
σ 1.19 1.49 1.69 1.36 1.67 1.69 1.77 1.49 1.60
Articulation µ 6.13 7.00 6.25 6.38 6.13 6.88 5.38 5.88 6.00
σ 1.81 1.69 1.83 1.30 1.64 1.36 2.20 1.36 1.41
Agogics µ 6.13 6.50 5.13 6.38 5.63 6.50 4.75 5.75 6.13
σ 1.73 1.69 2.53 1.92 1.41 1.41 2.12 1.28 0.99
Overall µ 6.25 6.25 6.00 6.25 5.88 6.38 5.25 6.13 6.00
σ 1.58 1.67 2.14 1.28 1.25 1.51 1.58 1.55 1.20
Table 2: Evaluation results of question B1 (Fig. 1 (d)).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dynamics µ 5.38 6.38 7.13 6.38 5.63 7.13 5.88 4.75 4.13
σ 1.41 1.69 1.55 1.69 1.41 1.13 1.36 2.12 1.36
Articulation µ 5.38 6.00 6.25 6.38 4.88 6.25 5.13 4.63 4.75
σ 1.85 1.20 1.04 1.60 1.89 1.58 1.89 1.69 2.19
Agogics µ 5.13 6.00 6.88 6.75 5.13 6.75 5.38 4.88 4.00
σ 2.42 0.76 0.99 1.39 1.81 1.28 1.51 1.64 1.51
Overall µ 5.25 5.88 6.75 6.63 5.00 6.63 5.63 5.00 4.25
σ 1.75 0.99 1.49 1.41 1.51 1.41 1.69 1.51 1.39
Analogously, Table 2 shows the results of ques-
tion B1. Here, the best performance concerning the
overall impression is the third one (µ = 6.75), whereas
the worst performanceis the ninth one (µ = 4.25). Ac-
tually, the ninth performance was ranked worst with
respect to all musical aspects. The reason for the
poor rating is that the performing student struggled
significantly with the technically more involved Sec-
tion B, thus neglecting the musical shaping. This
may also explain, why the given scores between the
performances differ to a much larger degree for Sec-
tion B than for Section A. Finally, Table 3 presents
the results of questions E1, E2 and E5, where only
the overall impression had to be rated. Here, the first,
third, and second performances were rated best with
regard to the first theme (µ = 6.88), the second theme
(µ = 6.75), and the entire exposition (µ = 7.00), re-
spectively. Again, the ninth performance was rated
worst with regard to all three categories. Interestingly,
there does not exist a clear winner performance con-
cerning all different musical aspects and themes.
3.2 Interface Evaluation
In the second part of the questionnaire, the students
were asked about the operability and usefulness of the
Interpretation Switcher. As mentioned before, none
of them had serious problems in using the interface,
which is also reflected by a high average rating of
µ = 7.63 given for the user-friendliness of the inter-
Table 3: Evaluation results of question E1 (first theme,
Fig. 1 (b)), question E2 (second theme, Fig. 1 (c)), and ques-
tion E5 (entire exposition).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Theme µ 6.88 6.25 5.88 5.63 4.88 5.25 5.50 5.25 4.75
σ 1.13 1.39 1.25 2.13 2.30 2.19 2.45 2.12 1.83
2. Theme µ 6.25 6.38 6.75 5.63 5.00 5.25 6.38 5.13 4.50
σ 1.83 1.06 1.39 1.30 1.60 1.04 1.85 1.96 1.60
Exposition µ 6.50 7.00 6.88 5.63 4.75 5.13 5.50 5.63 4.38
σ 1.41 1.51 1.46 1.85 1.58 1.81 2.00 1.77 1.60
face. Only one of the participants gave a low score
of 4 explaining a relatively large standard deviation
of σ = 2.07. As it turned out, the reason for this was
that the student was pressured for time and not really
in the mood of participating in our experiment. Ac-
tually, this student also admitted that she has had no
time for properly practicing the piece, resulting in per-
formance number nine with the lowest score, see Ta-
ble 3. Most of the other participants emphasized that
they found the handling and functioning of the Inter-
pretation Switcher very intuitive, even music students
who have had only little experience with computers.
Furthermore, most students found the Interpretation
Switcher very useful for tasks such as performance
analysis, music comparison, and other analysis tasks.
Here, the average rating amounted to µ = 7.13 with
standard deviation σ = 1.89.
After the general rating, the students were also
asked to freely comment on problems, possible im-
provements, additional functionalities, and possible
application scenarios (S2, S3, S4). At this point they
all confirmed that they have had no problems while
using the Interpretation Switcher interface. However,
two students noted that the interface could have re-
acted faster while switching between the respective
performances. One student would have appreciated
to have an additional functionality for displaying the
musical score during playback. Also user-defined
auxiliary markers that can be freely fixed, adjusted,
and removed along the various slider control bars
should be introduced for additional orientation and
navigation purposes. All but one of them affirmed that
they could imagine to use the Interpretation Switcher
within their studies or even for private use. In partic-
ular, they said that the interface may be useful in the
context of special seminars, where the comparison of
different performances play an important role. One
student was enthusiastic about the features offered by
the Interpretation Switcher. He usually records his pi-
ano lessons in order to listen to and to study his own
playing afterwards. Here, he would significantly ben-
efit from novel switching and navigation functionali-
ties for comparing and analyzing the recorded audio
material. Also, the Interpretation Switcher could be
very useful for compactly documenting the learning
progress over a longer period in time. For exam-
ple, it could synchronously present the various per-
formances of a specific musical section recorded in
different piano lessons over the semester.
In this paper, we presented a first experiment con-
ducted at the University of Music Saarbr¨ucken with
the main objective of introducing MIR user inter-
faces with novel switching and navigation function-
alities to music teachers and students. Even though
this group tends to be skeptical about using computer-
based methods in music education, most participants
affirmed the usefulness of our interface for compar-
ing and analyzing performances or simply for music
listening and enjoyment. Testing and evaluating our
interface within a concrete application of practical rel-
evance, we not only made a new group of prospective
users acquainted with MIR methods but also obtained
valuable feedback from music experts.
The presented experiment only constitutes the be-
ginning of a planned collaboration with music educa-
tors and students, who are usually not aware of the
developments in music information retrieval. For the
future, we plan to conduct similar experiments on a
larger scale. One further idea is to participate regu-
larly in the lessons of piano students to record their
playing. We then plan to process (segment, classify,
synchronize) the audio material automatically and to
suitably integrate it in our Interpretation Switcher to
document and analyze the students’ learning process.
Finally, we plan to develop and combine various
additional functionalities. For example, as mentioned
by one of the participants, an additional sheet mu-
sic interface for presenting the musical score while
playing back associated audio material would be help-
ful. Actually, such functionalities have been pre-
sented in (Damm et al., 2008). Furthermore, we will
integrate additional functionalities for inter- and intra-
document music browsing including the possibility of
setting user-defined auxiliary markers as well as pre-
computed markers that reflect the musical form of the
piece (Fremerey et al., 2007; Goto, 2003). In intro-
ducing novel functionalities, one main challenge will
be to keep the operability of the interface as intuitive
as possible to avoid rejections from the users’ side.
The research was funded by the Cluster of Excellence
on Multimodal Computing and Interaction at Saar-
land University. We thank Wolfgang Bogler and the
piano class of Prof. Thomas Duis at the University of
Music Saarbr¨ucken for their support.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education