combined with (b) the scientific analysis view from
other health care area and (c) the technologic
knowledge of the Informatics professional
constituted an important point in its execution.
As the treatment and data manipulation revealed
itself a difficult task, the software development
became more complex.
We can conclude that all the initial project of
data treatment (analysis, integrity verification,
validation, and comparison with other scientific
studies already done), although having consumed the
majority of time spent, was crucial to final work
The frequencies of the variables in our system
are consistent with national published studies. This
gives us an additional prove of data integrity quality.
Initial tests revealed that a GIS Open Source
system is feasible in this context. Also we could
realize that Google Maps API can support big
volume of data in each query and Web 2.0
technology and JQuery UI Framework were a good
choice in this experimental project phase, especially
in relation with the user-system interaction.
The cluster method partially solves the graphic
visualization problem, reducing the markers’
quantity relatively close between themselves.
However, after system conclusion, we could verify
that clusters could easily create an optic illusion of
blood donation, when less zoom was utilized.
For future work we suggest that other functions
can be added and existing ones can be improved,
possible use of colorized polygons that
delimitate cities can be used in replacement of
the cluster solution because they can facilitate
the visual interpretation;
more complex functions to establish relations
between different variables such as calculation
the distance between donor’s houses and
blood collection places;
determine with higher precision the location
of blood collect places with lowest
frequencies that represent high resources
relate the population density with blood
donations in certain areas.
To Dr. Jorge Condeço, Head Chief of the
Informatics/Hemovigilance department of the
CRSP-IPS, IP (PBI, 2009), for all the help and
collaboration in obtaining the data and its treatment,
analysis and comprehension.
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HEALTHINF 2010 - International Conference on Health Informatics