value), thus supporting the mapping to an RDF
representation layer which will be used as a basis for
the search refinement.
After performing RODIN’s simultaneous search,
each widget shows a collapsed portion of the found
result documents in its own window; the search
refinement is done by selecting a result document or
even a single record of it, thus identifying a refining
word vector to be used as a basis for a further query
inside the other RODIN widgets.
The refining word vector is first cleaned then
semantically enhanced in a specific way for each
involved data source. A new instance of the universe
Tab is then spawned with each widget presenting his
specific response documents to the calculated
refining query. The refining step described here may
be run by the user an arbitrary amount of times, this
being thus a pragmatic alternative to DERI’s
semantic web pipes. (Morbidoni et al. 2007).
3.3.3 Semantic Search Refinement
The use of RESTful services leads to another
enhancement of the system that deals with RDF
data, the latter making content accessible within the
Linked Open Data Project (Shadbolt 2006).
Defining the data structures within the
context as RDF triples will lead to an optimization
of the search functionalities, be it in the simple
search as described in this chapter, be it in the search
refinement module as described hereafter. This will
also facilitate the integration of semantic web search
technology in RODIN’s search. RODIN will
therefore benefit strongly from the Linked Data
Project. esp. from bibliographical data that is
converted into SKOS, such as the Library of
Congress Subject Headings or the Swiss National
To enable this, RODIN needs a “bridge” to the
data of the semantic web. This bridge might be
enabled through D2R (http://www4.wiwiss.fu-, a tool for publishing
relational databases on the Semantic Web, allowing
applications to query the database using the
SPARQL query language.
Beside this “bridge” the semantic search
refinement has to be based on some ontological data
that is close to digital libraries. The basis for this
ontological data might consist of data being
formalized in SKOS (Miles, 2005), e.g. the library
of congress subject headings or the SWD subject
headings of the Swiss National Library.
From the authors’ point of view, the effective
connection of the simple query results with the
ontological data and their mutual transformation will
play a crucial role for the further development of
In this paper we described RODIN, an alternative
web portal approach within the domain of libraries
and their digital information services. RODIN will
integrate all information resources of the
project and allow the building of user-specified
information universes.
Users and information specialists arrange
widgets according to their needs. The system will
integrate semantic web technology with a special
focus on bibliographic meta data by using meta data
described in SKOS as a basis of ontological
reasoning and inference.
RODIN itself will be made usable as an
information resource, through the implementation of
a RESTful service for on line query and result
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