generate ECG signals, for purposes of training
health care professionals as an open source solution,
freely available to the community from now on.
The final result of our work is presented and
available at Sourceforge (Sourceforge, 2009) in the
simECG project page (simECG sourceforge project
page, ) as version 1.0. All the software was
developed in Linux platform, but releases are
available in binary format for Linux and Microsoft
Windows platform.
With the release of simECG 1.0 the first steps
towards the building of a community were taken,
based on the premises that: all the components of the
project should be developed on Open Source
applications; all the contribution should be “non-
paid”; all the releases should be free; and the source
code should be available for everybody to read,
interpret and re-write. All those premises along with
the idea that the authors alone could not support
such a project, lead to the creation and maintenance
of simECG at Sourceforge.
With just a few months online, the authors think the
project as a good chance of succeed. The download
and traffic rates are quite reasonable. Feedback from
users and participants has been good, although until
now we could only recruit one new contributor.
Nevertheless the project will audited at six months
in order to compare the web traffic with other
projects, namely in healthcare related projects, and
potential contributors. This is allow the authors to
identify more accurately the directions the project
should take.
4.1 Limitations and Future
At the moment simECG cannot be integrated in
other solutions, as it was designed to be a standalone
interface and does not provide “standards-based”
Authors also recognize that more experimental
results are needed, and a comparative evaluation
should be performed.
Future work includes implementation of some
features and custom settings, such as premature
atrial or ventricular contractions, atrial fibrillation
and some special conditions (second degree AV
blocks and polymorphic VT) that were implemented
in this version due to time constraints. For that same
reason, was not possible to implement the atrial
fibrillation pattern. The implementation of ECG
motion (rolling) needs further advanced research. In
future versions the authors intend to provide
additional features in the training presets and include
additional settings.
All pending bugs and requested features are
described in detail in the Sourceforge tracker
service, and need to be object of close attention in
future versions.
simECG will always be an unfinished project. In the
future authors intend to build and support a
community, with the intention of releasing new
improved versions.
The authors wish to thank R. Karthik, Sandra Jardim
and Ernesto Aranda for their help in the
development of this project.
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