An Experimental Study
Fernando Alonso, Genoveva López
Department of Languages and Systems and Software Engineering, Facultad de Informática-UPM, Madrid, Spain
José María Font, Daniel Manrique
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Facultad de Informática-UPM, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Instructional model, Distance learning, Web-based distance education, Learner satisfaction.
Abstract: This paper presents the results regarding the satisfaction of learners attending a course under the following
instructional conditions: traditional face-to-face classroom, distance learning without an instructional model,
having only virtualized the teaching contents used in face-to-face classrooms; and distance learning with an
instructional model. The courses on which the experiments were run are related to information and
communications technologies. Specifically, we present in this paper the results for a Java programming
course taught to information technology specialists under the above three instructional conditions. The
course was originally designed for classroom attendance. Later, with the aim of reducing student travel
expenses, all the course teaching content was virtualized (distance learning without an instructional model).
And the course was designed to simulate face-to-face classroom teaching via web and videoconferencing. In
view of the sharp drop in learner satisfaction with this second teaching mode, we adopted an instructional
model to systematize the distance course design and teaching process. The results suggest that learner
satisfaction in this study is slightly higher among students attending the distance course applying the
instructional model than for students taking the traditional face-to-face classroom course and greater in both
cases than among students enrolled in distance learning without an instructional model for the course.
A good educational system should not focus
exclusively on transmitting knowledge from the
teacher to the learners (Govindasamy, 2002). It
should concentrate on the key aspect of training:
learning. Learning is the outcome of several separate
cognitive processes used to assimilate facts,
concepts, procedures, etc., and build new mental
representations of knowledge. These representations
can be applied in situations other than the settings
where they were learned and used to successfully
solve problems (Altenhofen and Schaper, 2002).
Learning is not just about acquiring new
knowledge, but also about consolidating,
restructuring or replacing what we already know. In
any case, it always leads to a change in the structure
of the brain, altering learners’ knowledge schemata
and/or cognitive structures. Learning is achieved by
accessing information, communicating
interpersonally with teachers or peers, and carrying
out cognitive operations (Pazos, Azpiazu et al,
Learning processes are activities carried out by
learners to achieve the educational objectives that
they aim for. It takes place through a process of
internalization where each learner accommodates
new knowledge in their existing cognitive structures
(Anderson, 1996). Conceptions about learning and
the roles learners should play in such processes have
evolved from learning being originally considered as
an acquisition and reproduction of informative data
transmitted by a teacher to now being viewed as a
construction or mental representation of meanings.
Over the last few years, there have been major
technological advances improving and easing
Internet-based distance education (Arriaga, El Alami
et al, 2003). This is what is known as e-learning. E-
Alonso F., López G., Font J. and Manrique D. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 141-146
DOI: 10.5220/0002767601410146
learning can be defined as the use of new
multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve
learning quality by easing access to resources and
services, as well as remote exchange and
collaboration (European Parliament, 2001) or the use
of network technologies to create, foster, deliver and
facilitate learning anytime and anywhere (Sampson
and Karagiannidis, 2002). However, all this
technology developed around distance learning is
useless without an instructional model to drive the
process of building and executing a distance course
as illustrated empirically in this paper, confirming
the results of earlier research (Tallent-Runnels,
2005; Alonso, López et al, 2005).
Our experience is based on teaching training
courses related to information and communications
technologies to information technology specialists
since the late 1990s. These courses were originally
designed to be taught as three- to five-hour
traditional face-to-face classroom sessions, each
course having a total workload of 20 to 50 hours.
The results were satisfactory not only in terms of
learning outcomes but also as regards learner
satisfaction (Alonso, López et al, 2008). The biggest
drawback for teaching these courses, though, was
the high travel and maintenance expenses they
generated, as the students came from all over Spain.
For this reason, it was decided, in view of the glut of
technological advances in the early 21
century, to
virtualize all the teaching material available for the
class attendance courses and give students Internet
access to these contents. This moved the courses into
the distance education domain. However, this option
failed to include an e-learning instructional model.
The learners attending the courses taught in this
mode were not happy with this move, and
satisfaction dropped sharply from 4.25 out of 5 on
average for the class attendance courses to 3.28 for
distance education with virtualized contents.
This drop in learner satisfaction was what was
behind the design of a web-based instructional
model for distance learning (Alonso, López et al,
2005; Alonso, Manrique et al, 2009). The
instructional model was to provide guidance not
only on how to prepare the educational contents to
be rendered for learners but also how to teach the
courses, where a blended learning solution (El-
Deghaidy and Nouby, 2008) was adopted. This
solution combined three ingredients: self-paced
learning (Ellis, 2007), live e-learning in a virtual
classroom (Stahl, 2005) and traditional classroom
learning (Michell, 2001). The aim behind this
teaching style, adopted in 2004 to 2005, was to bring
learner satisfaction back up to the level it reached
with the traditional classroom courses and keep the
costs as low as they were for distance learning
without the instructional model.
This paper presents the experience gained since
the late 1990s in teaching courses related to
information and communications technologies
across three different teaching modes: traditional
face-to-face classroom learning, distance learning of
virtualized educational contents without an
instructional model and distance learning using the
outlined instructional model. The results presented
here refer to learner satisfaction with each of the
three teaching modes for the particular case of a Java
programming course taught by the same teachers to
a set of learners chosen at random and divided into
three groups to receive instruction in one of the three
teaching modes.
The instructional model deployed in the third
teaching mode used for information and
communications technology courses is based on the
fact that teaching should enable learners to apply the
concepts that they learn to perform their jobs and
evaluate the outcomes. Learners must be motivated
to learn the educational contents covered in the e-
learning course with which they were previously
unfamiliar and be able to apply them to carry out
new tasks. Results will not always be as expected. In
this case, learners will have to review the decisions
taken and take corrective actions. This way, learners
will be able to internalize the knowledge that they
have learned.
The instructional model used is based on the
systematic development of instruction and learning.
It is composed of the following phases: analysis,
design, development and deployment, and execution
and evaluation.
2.1 Analysis
This phase defines what the course should teach.
The purpose of this phase is to find out what needs
future learners have in order to define appropriate
resources and analyse the best suited educational
contents. The results of this phase are the learning
objectives and the teaching contents making up the
course. The educational contents define what the
student should learn by performing a specified set of
The educational contents are represented by a
knowledge graph. The knowledge graph nodes
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
represent the learning objectives, and the directed
lines connecting the nodes represent the tasks that
they have to carry out to reach a particular
knowledge state. This way, it is possible in this
phase to establish all the possible knowledge
sequences taking learners from an initial knowledge
state to the target knowledge state set for the course,
including all the tasks that learners have to complete
to able to do this.
2.2 Design
This phase defines how the learning process should
be carried out, that is, it specifies the learner’s
learning process, defining the learning approach, the
structure and depth of the concepts to be taught, the
process of executing the course and the expected
learner outcomes. Based on the knowledge graph
established in this last step, all the possible paths
leading from the initial knowledge state to the target
knowledge state are defined. This results in a
roadmap describing all the possible learning
processes required to achieve the course learning
objectives. Additionally, this design phase defines
the tasks learners have to complete to achieve each
of the learning objectives, group problem solving
and assessment exercises to check that learners have
acquired the concepts covered by the above learning
2.3 Development and Deployment
The development of the course involves choosing
the best of all possible paths defined in the roadmap
developed in the last phase taking the learner from
the initial knowledge state to the target knowledge
state. This path includes a schedule of educational
contents, tasks to be completed and assessment
exercises. Additionally, deployment involves
implementing the course on a learning management
system platform.
2.4 Execution and Evaluation
This phase involves the learner using the learning
process. This instructional model takes a blended
learning approach to the learning process that
includes three learning types: self-paced learning,
live e-learning and face-to-face classrooms. Self-
paced learning is an asynchronous learning mode
available to learners anytime and anywhere.
Learners use digitalized and virtualized material
hosted by a LMS (learning management system),
including exercises and activities set for learners.
Learners complete self-assessments to evaluate what
they have learned before they are allowed to access
the next learning objectives. Learners are tutored
and can communicate with their peers and the
teacher over the Internet. Live e-learning is a
collaborative learning mode implemented through
videoconferencing, online chats, threaded
discussions or virtual classrooms scheduled at the
start of the course. Finally, face-to-face traditional
classrooms enable learners to get to know each other
and the teacher.
In our case study, the blended learning process
has been adapted to four-week courses with a total
student workload of 40 hours. The course starts with
a face-to-face classroom session where the professor
explains the aims of the course, the teaching
schedule and the exercises to be completed both as a
group and individually, as well as the assessment
exercises. Apart from enabling learners and teachers
to get to know each other, another aim of this
session is to form work groups. One-hour
interactions between learners and between learners
and the instructor are scheduled throughout the
course. They are held every three days via chat.
Computerized videoconferences are broadcast every
week. There is also permanent e-mail support, and,
finally, a face-to-face assessment is held
immediately after the course comes to an end.
During execution, information on the problems
encountered and the knowledge acquired is gathered
and logged to be analysed for monitoring purposes
to determine success and ascertain the learning
product quality.
The goal of the study is to analyse the evolution of
learner satisfaction depending on each of the three
implemented learning modes. The results presented
in the paper are for a Java programming course. The
first learning mode is composed of eight five-hour
sessions taught in a face-to-face classroom. In the
case of distance teaching without an instructional
model, where the educational contents used in the
traditional classroom course were merely
virtualized, two face-to-face sessions were taught:
one at the start of the course to present the course
aims and teaching schedule and the other at the end
to hold the assessment examination. The other
distance teaching mode uses the described
instructional model combined with a blended
learning approach. In this case, two 45-minute face-
to-face sessions were held at the start and end of the
course for the same purposes. Teachers provide
support through videoconferencing, interactive chat
sessions and permanent e-mail support.
To run the experiment, the same course was
taught by the same teachers in the three teaching
modes (independent variable) to a population of
different students in each case to stop the results
from being influenced by or depending on the
instructor teaching the course. To prevent the
outcomes being biased by the fact that the learners
enrolling for different teaching modes of the course
were not the same, the population was chosen to
assure that all the subjects perform similar jobs with
the same responsibilities and commitments.
Additionally, students took a level test at the start of
the course, and learners that attained a similar grade
were chosen for this study. A total of 225 learners
were involved in the study: 75 in each of the three
teaching modes. The criterion measured for the
dependent variable was the level of learner
satisfaction. This measurement was taken from a
questionnaire administered in the face-to-face
session at the end of the course in each learning
mode. This questionnaire contained three
statements: A1 “The course content meets my
training needs”, A2 “What I learned will be
applicable in my job” and A3 “The applied
methodology, technical resources and teaching
materials were appropriate”. The participants scored
their agreement or disagreement with each of the
above statements on a six-point Likert scale, ranging
from strongly disagree (scored as 1) to strongly
agree (scored as 6).
Table 1 shows descriptive statistics for the
learner satisfaction dependent variable: column 1
shows the three statements for all three executed
learning modes, column 2 indicates the size of
sample N and columns 3 and 4 list the mean and
standard deviation for the scores of the questionnaire
statements, respectively. Even though the sample
size was 75 learners for each of the three course
teaching modes, lower values in column N of Table
1 indicate that some learners failed to score the
statement specified in the respective table row.
Accordingly, 73 of the 75 learners participating in
the study scored questionnaire statement A2
administered at the end of the traditional classroom
course. Figure 1 plots similar information (mean and
standard deviation).
Table 1: Descriptive statistics for learner satisfaction
dependent variable.
Teaching method /
N Mean Std. Dev.
Traditional face-to-face
A1 75 4.21 1.34
A2 73 4.43 1.32
A3 72 4.12 1.32
Distance learning without
instructional model:
A1 74 3.26 1.38
A2 73 3.44 1.35
A3 71 3.15 1.32
Distance learning with
instructional model:
A1 75 4.43 1.39
A2 75 4.72 1.41
A3 74 4.68 1.31
From the results shown in Table 1 and Figure 1,
it is clear that learner satisfaction effectively drops
sharply from traditional teaching in a face-to-face
classroom (with a mean of 4.25 out of 5 across the
scores for all three statements A1, A2 and A3) to
distance teaching by just virtualizing teaching
contents without taking into account an instructional
method (with an overall mean in this mode of 3.28).
To bring satisfaction back up to the level of the face-
to-face classroom, we used the instructional model
described in this paper. The outcome was a mean of
4.61 across scores for all three questionnaire
statements. From Table 1 and the chart in Figure 2,
we find that the mean values of the responses to the
three questionnaire statements are highest for the
instructional model. Even so, the score for A2 is
slightly higher, which means that the learning is of
practical use in the world of work. Also, the score of
4.43 for the case of A1, the statement most closely
related to satisfaction, indicated that teaching with
the instructional model was the one that best
satisfied learner needs.
Noteworthy, finally, is the fact that the standard
deviations across all the scores for statements A1,
A2 and A3 of the questionnaires range from 1.31
and 1.41. This means that there is a more or less
equal and low variance across the responses for each
statement regarding each of the three teaching
methods that we examined. This feature makes it
easier to compare the means statistically, and we can
say, without having to conduct an ANOVA, that the
mean scores for the statements on traditional
teaching and distance teaching with the instructional
model are statistically similar to each other and are
both greater than for distance teaching with
virtualized educational contents.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Mean and standard deviations for questionnaire
statement scores in each of the teaching modes.
We believe that these results can be explained as
follows. After years of teaching the Java
programming course in a face-to-face classroom,
experience was such as to achieve satisfactory
results in terms of learner satisfaction. Teaching this
course by merely digitalizing or virtualizing the
educational contents that were used in the face-to-
face classroom proved disastrous because it failed to
take into account even the most elementary
psychopedagogical prescriptions enabling the
adaptation of the teaching-learning process to the
Internet. Also a web-based instructional model is
required to guide the design and development of
both the contents to be taught and the actual
teaching/learning process. When these ingredients
were added to the distance education recipe, we
found that learner satisfaction again reached and
even rose above levels comparable to satisfaction
with face-to-face classroom teaching. We find then
that it is not practicable to migrate from traditional
education in the classroom to a new e-learning
paradigm by merely digitalizing and placing the
contents in a web server to make the resources
accessible anytime and anywhere.
This paper presents a study of satisfaction among
learners attending a Java programming course. Three
different teaching/learning modes have been used to
teach this course over recent years. First we used
traditional classroom sessions. Then, with the aim of
cutting costs, it was taught as distance learning. For
this purpose all the teaching contents were
virtualized. Finally, we included the described
instructional model. This model provides guidance
on course development, educational contents and
instruction. From the viewpoint of learning, a
blended learning solution was adopted combining
self-paced learning, live e-learning and face-to-face
The results of the study suggest that there is a
drop in learner satisfaction between learners
participating in face-to-face classroom sessions and
learners taking the web-based distance education
course with virtualized contents without an
instructional model. For this reason, we added the
instructional model described in this paper to
distance learning, and satisfaction moved back up to
what it had been originally. The study shows then
how the use of a proper distance teaching/learning
model leads to similar or better satisfaction levels
than traditional classroom sessions and has the plus
of cutting travel expenses. This is precisely why the
distance learning mode was introduced in the
information and communications technologies
courses. Note also that the effort and workload
required of teachers in this distance teaching mode is
much greater than in traditional classroom teaching,
which is to the benefit of learners. For this reason,
we have launched a pilot experiment deploying a
blended learning approach, similar to the one
described in this paper, in the learning process to
teach undergraduate students a subject that is part of
the undergraduate engineering degree in computing.
The goal of this experiment is to find out whether
the use of the innovative educational techniques
suited for distance education is able to reduce
underachievement in higher education or, at least,
increase the percentage of students that sit the final
subject examinations, that is, improve motivation.
This research was funded in part through educational
innovation projects related to e-learning
(IE08100581 and IE09100562) supported by the
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
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