Support for the Cognitive Processes in Understanding and Learning
Bengt Lennartsson
Department of Science and Technology, Linköping University, Norrköping, Sweden
Keywords: Visualization, Understanding, Learning, Co-ordination, Communication.
Abstract: This paper presents examples illustrating the shortcomings of verbal communication, in particular in new
contexts, within heterogeneous groups, and in complex situations. In a rapidly changing, multi cultural, and
complex world, the words are interpreted differently by different people and at different times. Our under-
standing of the words is grounded in our own accumulated experience, our perceptions from all senses from
different situations. It is a tradition in many academic disciplines to base the teaching and the courses solely
on textbooks and verbal communication. Many project models are based upon delivery of text documents
assumed to convey information, or understanding, from one project phase to the other. Today there are good
reasons and also good possibilities to use visualization, or perceptualization if not only vision is involved,
by means of computer systems to enable better communication and understanding.
After being involved in education and research, pri-
marily at the university level, for over 45 years, it is
natural to look back to the collected experience and
to reconsider some of the basic ideas and methods
used. During this period, some novel approaches
have appeared, sometimes disappeared for some
years and then reappeared again. The contents of the
courses, educational programs and research projects,
as well as the aims and methods used, have been
subject to change. Some of the new waves or trends
may have been very local and particular for each
country or each sector. Other may have been more
general and global.
Some of the development the recent decades
needs attention:
The general globalization and its impact in par-
ticular on small countries like Sweden. Almost
all activities must be multilingual and multi-
cultural and have a global focus
The complexity of our social, organizational,
and technical systems is at such a level that a
team of experts and practitioners from many
disciplines, sectors, and cultures, is needed to
jointly understand and solve the evolving
The development speed. In most cases, you
have to frequently expand what you have un-
derstood and experienced before, to include
new and unknown concepts and components
However, the development does not only create
difficulties and obstacles. There may also be support
and solutions for better understanding and learning.
The development of Internet where every-
body (at least in the younger generation) is
always connected and available for multi-
media interaction.
The development of World Wide Web with
Wikipedia, Google, YouTube etc. as com-
ponents in a continuously growing and al-
ways available global multimedia library.
By means of visualization, maybe in the
shape of 3-D virtual reality, we are able to
make our imagination available to be ex-
plored interactively by others
Achievements in cognitive science based
on e.g. better instruments like Magnetic Re-
sonance Imaging, MRI, to study brain
processes, and Artificial Neural Networks,
ANN. to model and simulate them, have
enabled an emerging understanding of the
biological basis for the learning and think-
ing processes.
Lennartsson B. (2010).
VISUALIZATION IN EDUCATION - Support for the Cognitive Processes in Understanding and Learning.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 375-379
DOI: 10.5220/0002768203750379
There are many situations where text and documents
are the main means to convey knowledge, under-
standing and mental models from one group to the
other, where teaching means to tell the students,
orally or in writing, what is right or wrong, and in
detail what to do, step by step. There are also situa-
tions where we want to focus more on training criti-
cal and innovative thinking, where we challenge
students and stimulate all their senses when present-
ing unsolved problems, questions without known
correct answers, etc. Both approaches are appropri-
ate depending on the subject and on the particular
aims. However, it is my experience that the first, the
truth telling one, is used also in many cases where
the second, the challenging one, should be consi-
dered. This section presents a few such cases.
2.1 The Importance of Shared Visions
and Team Learning
At least three of Senge’s (1990) five disciplines,
shared visions, mental models, and team learning,
have immediate relevance for this subsection. A
longitudinal case study (Cederling 1992) at the Swe-
dish company Philips Elektronikindustrier, PEAB,
(later Celsius Tech Systems) during 1985-2000, fol-
lowed the development of a new command and con-
trol system, SS2000, for a family of naval vessels.
The system should be based on an entirely new
Ethernet based hardware architecture and imple-
mented in a new programming language, Ada, by
means of a new programming environment, Rational
RS6000. In the contracts with the customers, it was
prescribed that a traditional document based devel-
opment model, DOD-STD-2167A, should be used.
This standard forced PEAB to develop a large vo-
lume of specification documents early in the project.
Documents intended to prescribe what to do, when
and how, in later phases.
What was found (Lennartsson 1997), in short,
was that despite the highly qualified team involved
in the production of all the documents, when ques-
tions arose later in the projects, the answers could in
general not be found in the documents, simply be-
cause these questions had not been foreseen by the
document writing teams. Hence, all the files, pre-
scribed by DOD-STD-2167A, were as such of little
value. However, they were very useful indirectly. In
PEAB they found that the team involved in the de-
velopment of the files had the capacity to answer the
new questions rather directly. In the previous discus-
sions they had developed a shared understanding and
established concepts and mental models at the team
level. As the teams were still available within the
company, they could be used frequently to jointly
answer questions and solve problems whenever
needed (Cederling 2000).
Conclusion: The large volume of documents
produced was as such of very little value, but the
effort spent in the development was not wasted, as
the team learning achieved was the very important
major result. However, it was not possible to pack
this capability and carry it through just as texts and
diagrams in the files.
2.2 Managing a Moving Target
Another example of the shortcoming of specification
documents is from Ericsson and their development
of the AXE-10 system generation. In a case study
Lars Taxén (1999) found that in a typical subproject,
8-12 months long, about one third of the require-
ments defined, after careful screening at start-up,
were canceled before delivery. About the same
amount, not even considered when the project
started, had later been added and included in the
delivery. These changes were due to competitor
moves and to the very fast technological develop-
ment in the area, telecommunication networks. The
organizational setting had to be adapted to this very
dynamic situation. The development teams had been
given the responsibility and the power to take the
decisions they considered necessary. Time did not
allow for slow committee decision processes.
Also in this example a capacity and a readiness
of a team is required rather than canned documents
with instructions.
2.3 Communication in Heterogeneous
A couple of case studies at Whirlpool (Ekinge 2001)
during the 1990s also observed the limits of text and
verbal concepts. During the development of a new
strategy for a development team, the emerging new
vision was gradually manifested by means of dia-
grams, keywords, slogans, and phrases. However,
when a new member of the team was hired, they
found that they had to restart the process almost
from the beginning to enable this person to become
holder of the new vision. The new member didn’t
share the interpretation of the slogans, diagrams,
etc., with the rest of the team. The shared meaning
and interpretations of the concepts used had been
created and established during the previous discus-
sions and were not transferable to the new member.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.4 Coordinating Distributed
The development of the architecture and the compo-
nents of Global System for Mobile communication,
GSM, within Ericsson, was a very big and complex
effort, organizationally as well as technically. Over
10 000 persons were involved all over the world,
and there were a lot of new and yet unknown prob-
lems and solutions to handle. Just as in the AXE-10
projects mentioned above, project management had
to be rather distributed. The top-level management
had to focus on co-ordination and support rather
than to prescribe details in systems and processes. It
became important to establish means for communi-
cation and to enable flexibility and updates in the
meaning of concepts, in the process model, and in
the system architecture. A notion of functional ana-
tomies was introduced and used successfully. Just as
for the cases in the previous subsection, the use of
verbal or language concepts were not sufficient for
the communication or co-ordination, as there was
not any shared interpretation of these concepts in the
new context and in the global and heterogeneous
community of persons involved. The experience
from the coordination of the GSM effort within
Ericsson has been presented in a PhD thesis (Taxén
2003) and in a forthcoming book (Taxén 2009).
2.5 Top-down vs. Bottom-up
Yet another example is from the experience of how
to organize courses in computer programming (Len-
nartsson 2006). Computer programming is rather
unique compared to other subjects I have been
teaching. It is about understanding a lot of new and
interrelated concepts. To describe one of them you
have to use several of the others. The traditional
bottom-up approach is not very appropriate. The
situation is more like jumping into the unknown and
successively discovering the different patterns, and
more and more about how they are related. Under-
standing comes in a very large number of very small
steps, and the student has to take each step
her/himself in her/his own pace. The aim is not that
the student should learn just to understand and copy
programs already written, but to enable the student
to solve new problems by means of entirely new
computer programs (Lennartsson 2004). There is an
obvious similarity with the situation where infant
child is observing the environment and finds patterns
in the perceptions. As there are no existing and un-
derstood concepts to start from, we can’t achieve our
teaching goal just by communicating solutions. A
better approach, in the programming course, is to let
the student experience rather carefully designed sit-
uations. Each student has to start from and build
upon her/his own existing experience and mental
models and develop the new understanding and ca-
pability. There is one more reason for the individual
learning and individual feedback and supervision. It
is my experience that about 10-20 % of the students
are not comfortable with situations where they have
to do things before they know which way to do it is
a correct one. This is a serious disadvantage when
learning programming. The situation where you real-
ly learn is when you have written some code that
doesn’t work, and you are figuring out why it
doesn’t. It is debated whether such a learning style is
in the inherited part of the personality or not. Some
research on twins in relation to the Human Dynam-
ics concept (Seagul & Horne 1997) indicates that
there may be a genetic component.
In recent decades (Sylwester 2007) new tools and
methods have become available to observe and
model processes and basic mechanisms in the brain.
There are different kinds of Magnetic Resonance
Imaging, MRI (WIKI_MRI), to identify areas in the
human brain in different situations and as a result of
different stimuli. There is an increasing understand-
ing of what is going on at the microscopic level; the
electrical and chemical processes taking place within
and between the cells (Sylwester 1995). There is
also a larger and more elaborated modeling of this in
Artificial Neural Networks, ANN (WIKI_ANN).
However, there is still a very wide gap between the
observed behavior and the MRI results at the ma-
croscopic level, and the microscopic phenomena.
Despite this, it is possible to make assumptions and
define hypotheses how our emerging understanding
of the brain processes could influence our view of
thinking and learning.
3.1 VR Support for Shared Visions
When aiming at changing something in a team or in
an organization, the starting point is normally to
create a shared vision of where to go and why
(Senge 1990). In the case studies presented in pre-
vious section, one common success factor for the
teams was the ability to establish such a shared vi-
sion early in the project. If the task is to design a
building, a bridge, or a machine or device of some
kind, a 3D model in a computer is very helpful as a
tool to verify that everybody has the same view. In
VISUALIZATION IN EDUCATION - Support for the Cognitive Processes in Understanding and Learning
such a model, or in a simulation of some dynamic
process, the parameters and the structure can be ad-
justed during the discussion in the team. In other
cases different diagrams can be more useful than
virtual reality models. If some parameter values can
be easily adjusted e.g. by means of a slider (Rosl-
ing 2009), dependencies become obvious. Generated
audio can make the “perceptualization” even more
realistic. If applicable, haptic devices can be used.
All this will reduce the amount of misunderstanding
in a team, compared to what could be expected in
case of using only text and verbal concepts for the
communication in the team.
3.2 Thinking and Learning Normally
not by Means of Words and
Many teachers have experienced the value of “learn-
ing by doing”, “use of all senses” etc., in the learn-
ing situation. In the knowledge model by Aristotle,
only episteme was directly transferable, i.e. could be
explained, analyzed and transferred verbally orally
or in writing. Techne was achieved by following and
imitating the actions and behavior of the master, and
phronesis, or wisdom, required a long life expe-
rience and deep and wide understanding.
Most of the processes in our brains, i.e. thinking,
learning, control of actions etc. are taking place
without our explicit control. Most of our behavior,
our actions, our feelings and our beliefs are just
there. We are normally not reasoning or listing ver-
bal arguments for and against different alternatives.
Somehow, the perceptions from all our senses are
taken care of and resulting in actions and behavior.
Automatic reflexes and some responses may be im-
mediate and “hardwired” and not accessible for our
thinking. From neuroscience we have learned that
there may be such short-cuts for stimuli from several
of our senses (Koch 2004). Pheromones (?) (Bear
2006), blind sight (Leh 2006), knee and eye reflexes,
are such examples of subconscious responses.
If we are focusing on education and learning in
this context, it seems as our brain registers percep-
tions and creates patterns and associations, such that
a similar combination of stimuli later can be recog-
nized as a similar situation. This enables us to reuse
the experience from successful or unsuccessful ac-
tions later, i.e. it enables learning. This pattern rec-
ognition takes place at the level of processed stimuli
signals. Recognition of straight lines, shapes, colors,
motion, size, and human faces are examples of
processing vision stimuli. Even if the processing of
the stimuli and our response often is automatic, it is
also often available for our consciousness in case we
decide to interact.
What can we learn from this? The key question
in this paper is about how and what we learn from
reading texts and documents. We can remember and
rephrase sections we have read. Students may get
high grades by remembering and repeating what we
have said or what is written in the textbooks. This is
something they have really learnt during their
course, but what have they understood? How is this
ability to remember text related to the basic under-
standing and the received stimuli in real situation?
I think we all know situations where we our-
selves or persons in our environment have acted
quite contrary to what we/they know would be the
best thing to do. Our internal chemical awarding
system has different criteria than our conscious
mind. Sometimes our automatic reactions, our gut
feelings, are more competitive than our logical rea-
soning. An immediate action may save our life, even
if longer reasoning might have resulted in an even
better action, but to late.
So, even if we don’t understand the details, there
are indications from brain research, that “learning by
doing” and “all senses” are good ideas (Sylwester
2000). Real learning means change of behavior, and
change of behavior means rebuilding the patterns at
lower levels of the cognitive maps. These patterns
are normally efficiently sorting out of the irrelevant
details in the sensory signals, and find matching
recorded patterns. As these recorded maps constitute
our beliefs and values, normally more than words
and phrases are needed to shake them.
There are some FRMI studies on brain activities
triggered by reading words and symbols (Liu 2007).
Persons having English as their mother tongue, read-
ing a word like “house” resulted in brain activities in
the lexeme recognition area and also in the area for
phoneme processing, but nothing more. The situa-
tion for persons brought up with the Chinese lan-
guage, also the areas for the “meaning” of the word
was activated.
Text reading and interpretation alone may be a
week instrument for learning. It may work for con-
firmation and acknowledgement of existing beliefs,
but not for relearning, i.e. changing existing beliefs
and patterns. In such cases massive sensory input
from all senses may be needed. Very little of our
behavior, actions, beliefs and values are based on
conscious logical or verbal reasoning.
However, within a monolingual rather homoge-
neous community, standardized symbols, spoken
and written language may be sufficient means for
communicating abstractions and complex relation-
ships between well understood entities and concepts.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.3 Coordination of Mega-projects and
Understanding Mega-systems
In many situations, the main problem is not that we
are lacking information and data, but that we have
too much of it to be able to figure out what is rele-
vant and how everything is related. In such situa-
tions computers and visualization are invaluable.
Hans Rosling and his GapMinder (Rosling 2006) is
an excellent example. Mikael Jern and his GeoAna-
lytics Visualization (Johansson 2006) by means of
parallel coordinates is another one.
Rosling’s and Jern’s tools are for displaying
quantitative information. Visualization is also very
helpful for illustration of different kinds of qualita-
tive relations between entities in general. One such
example is the use of Functional Anatomies (Taxén
2009) to update and communicate the state and the
relations between all the entities in the complex
GSM system under development and the even more
complex and dynamic project organization.
The usefulness of all three examples mentioned
is due to their interactivity and that they are designed
for dynamic updates. They are not just means for
generation of visualizations to be printed or studied
as static objects. You can change focus, animate
time dependency, separate categories by color, size,
shape, texture, etc. dynamically and interactively.
This paper contains some scattered pieces of expe-
rience and some reflections about situations where
text or static documents in general, are not sufficient
to communicate the information needed or to reflect
the current state of the dynamic shared view in a
dynamic organization involved in innovative devel-
opment of complex systems.
The objective is also to argue for using active
learning and use of all senses in educational situa-
tions. In particular at the university level, at least in
my country, I think that the mental models of teach-
ing are too often limited to reading, discussing, and
writing texts.
Neuroscience is still far away from understand-
ing and modeling the learning and thinking
processes, but very little indicates that it is a wise
strategy to base education, teaching and learning
only on verbal concepts.
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VISUALIZATION IN EDUCATION - Support for the Cognitive Processes in Understanding and Learning