Carlos López, David H. Martín, Andrés Bustillo and Raúl Marticorena
Área de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos, Universidad de Burgos, Escuela Politécnica Superior
Edf. C 09006 Burgos, Spain
Keywords: Final Year Project, Process Specification, Product Metrics, Process Metrics.
Abstract: Development of final year projects on current IT degrees is one of the key subjects at the end of the studies.
It is besides a key factor on degree and masters offers in European convergence process, and there is little
discussion on the necessity to instruct students how to develop a project which can bring together the
knowledge and competences acquired throughout their studies. In this work, a subject management model
within a university context is proposed. Good Software Engineering Practices are applied: monitoring,
process control, reviews, evaluation and measurement. Based on this model an automated-tool is described,
along through two case studies showing results of its application. The first case study shows the products
obtained out of the process' application. Second case study shows the results obtained when using the
evaluation tool to compare final year projects in two different subjects: on one hand for the IT Engineering
Hons (Ingeniería Informática II, 5 years) and, or the other hand, for the IT Management Engineering
(Ingeniería Informática de Gestión ITIG, 3 years).
There are some IT project development related
subjects, usually named as “Final Year Project”
(FYP), for current IT and future degree and master
courses' curricula,. Regardless of the delivering
University, the subject has some distinctive features:
large number of professors involved, high amount of
credits ECTS, individual tutoring, customized
contents for each project, high amount of
information to manage with, special institutional
rules, framework of relations with companies, etc. In
order to pay attention and improve these features,
through improvement plans, a management process
must be defined and a set of indicators, as well as
process and product metrics.
Final year project management is a subject
broadly discussed on Software Engineering, both
from the industrial (Pressman 2005), (Sommerville
2006), (IEEE 2005), (Larman 2004), (Schwaber
2004) and educational point of view (IEEE 2004).
Final year project management processes involve
many activities: planning, configuration
management, monitoring, control, reviews,
evaluation and measurement (IEEE 2005). The final
year project subject itself becomes a practical
teaching framework to some activities, both for
students and involved tutors (Fernández, Martínez et
al. 2007).
In a university context there exist a large number
of projects containing a great amount of associated
documents' information to be processed, and little
working time assigned to the involved tutors. The
context of the university project development, from
the point of view of techniques and tools used, is
quite heterogeneous, making the automated
collection of information nearly impossible. This
heterogeneity is one of the main strengths of the
subject, providing it with a high degree of
innovation, both on tools and techniques. However,
it is at the same time one of its weaknesses, in the
sense that it makes difficult to handle the joint
management of some of the industrial activities.
Professors should not be discouraged by this
situation when applying Good Software Engineering
Practices, adapted to the available time. On the other
hand, it may mislead students to have a distant view
of the concept of project management both in
productive enviroments, such as industrial ones, and
in experimental projects, such as university context.
This study contributes to progress in the project
management process, adding and adapting some
typical Software Engineering activities such as:
monitoring and process control, reviews, evaluation
and measurement. It also underpins the importance
López C., H. Martin D., Bustillo A. and Marticorena R. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 5-12
DOI: 10.5220/0002768400050012
of encouraging, in a practical way, a quality policy
among students.
The remainder of the paper has the following
structure: Section 2 describes the main motivations
of this work leading to process improvement, whose
partial specification is shown in section 3. Section 4
describes an automated-process tool. Section 5
shows a case study, with all process tasks being
applied. In Section 6 ,a project evaluation task has
been tested, being the basis of an experiment where
are compared Final Year Project subjects of the IT
Engineering Hons (II, 5 years) and the IT
Management Engineering (ITIG, 3 years) degrees.
Finally, Section 7 lists some conclusions and future
The large number of professors, both tutors and
examiners at the examining board, requires a high
level of management, not necessary to other
subjects. An information base should be established
to serve as a communication element between them.
As far as we know, current management
processes do not keep experimental records of
students' projects that would help on the FYP
assessment and evaluation. As any other subject, it
has to undergo the European adaptation process and
ECTS credit assignation, where this information is
This work attempts to complement some works
related to the management process tasks, and seeks
for an automated approach in the university context.
Specifically, (Dawson and Martín 2002) shows
students’ guides, (Polo Marquéz, Matínez Gil et al.
2007) introduces methodological aspects and
evaluation tasks, and (Fernández, Martínez et al.
2007) tackles with relationships between tasks and
roles. (Al-Shalabi, Chee et al. 2008) proposes an
unconventional framework, incorporating new
product development processes and practices,
aiming to generate more balanced and productive
This work is intended to improve the quality of
projects by incorporating measurement activities
into the management process. This can assist to
evaluate the process versus specific criteria, to
identify its strengths, and record the conclusions.
Therefore, every improvement can be analyzed as a
change in the shape of an indicator or unit of
measurement (ISO/IEC 2002). The incorporation of
process metrics allows to progress in the search of a
specific evaluation criterion, which can work
as an internal self-assessment for students and as a
knowledge base for tutors and examiners at the
examining board. This new product measurement
task improves educational methods through practical
education, encouraging students to incorporate
measurement processes in software development and
quality culture.
This section shows the elements of a management
process in Final Year Project subjects. For element
descriptions, the applied notation follows the
Software Process Engineering Metamodel
Specification (SPEM), v. 2.0, (OMG 2006).
Section 3.1 provides an overview of the process.
Lately, Section 3.2 it offers a thorough description
of the project evaluation task. (López, Rodríguez et
al. 2008) provides a more detailed description of the
process elements.
3.1 Overview
Figure 1 shows the general structure of the process.
The different relationships between the process
elements are displayed: tasks, roles, and products.
Showed relationships are: a role's responsibility
towards a task and the obtained products as a result
of a task execution.
Although there are rare variants on project
management (Erasmus, internships, student
proposals), the basic management process to Final
Year Project Management is as follows:
1. Establishment of the basic rules for the
subject management: examiners at the examining
board, calendar, rules and literature.
2. A tutor offers his/her projects (title,
description, number of students, publication date),
which are sent to the responsible for the publication.
The responsible for the publication makes
adjustments to ensure that there are enough projects
to fit the students demand, and publishes the project
offers for the outgoing course.
3. Students discuss with the candidate tutors
and then apply for preferred project. Tutor chooses
applicant students. Student assignment to the project
is notified to the responsible for the publication.
4. After the project has been assigned, the
tutor is responsible for supervising. The several
software products, user manual, installation manual,
source code, etc. are developed.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Final Year Project Management Process Specification.
5. The project is submitted to the examining
board and examiners evaluate it.
6. At last, project data are registered,
including an historical report on its development.
3.2 Task: Project Evaluation
Expired the project submissions period, examiners
have a period of time to assess them. From the
authors point of view, the establishment of a
quantitative evaluating criterion, on which the final
score relies on, with a thorough evaluating model,
need a lot of time and adds excessive complexity. A
mixed approach is proposed in terms of a qualitative
evaluation of some features, combined with a
quantitative evaluation of a specific software
product. To face the time problem, data acquisition
should be done through automated measurement
tools. Generally, these tools provide optimal
recommended values of their metrics. For each
metric, two indicators should be taken into account:
one to compare different projects from the same
subject, and another one allowing comparing to
external projects through recommended values. The
internal projects' indicator defined by applying
statistical measures: 25th percentile, median, 75th
percentile, arithmetic mean and standard deviation,
on all the projects.
Not all used metrics must have recommended
intervals, for example size metrics. Furthermore, the
metric set to be processed should stay as open as
possible in order to allow the evaluation of new
features in the projects. Restriction here is constraint
to the time needed to collect the values and its
objectivity. Once the metric set has been selected
and its relative, all projects related, intervals
calculated, it is possible to establish the potential
improving needs. The beginning of the subject's
improving process may be defined through the
metric coverage indicators regarding recommended
intervals. The number of metric values within the
intervals is added and divided into the total number
of values. Coverage indicator is equivalent to the
concept of compliance defined on ISO product
quality models (ISO/IEC 2001). Different types of
coverage exist, depending on the statistical value
used: coverage regarding arithmetic mean, coverage
regarding median, coverage regarding the interval
defined by 25th/75th percentile.
A specific project evaluation may be done from
two approaches: using recommended intervals or
intervals relative to other projects. Its individual
coverage is calculated regarding the median. This
allows establishing an objective criterion to evaluate
and compare different projects.
One of the pursued goals on a process specification
is to define some tools that could help to automate it.
This specification should adapt to the facts allowed
by technologies, tools and people.
One of the technological facts used by professors
to manage their subjects' data are spreadsheets.
Some of the features that stand them out from other
data base systems include: easy handling on basic
data maintenance operations and easy data transport
and export. Another spreadsheet feature, not as
popular, is its interoperability with other
applications. In order to do so, information has to be
structured through its name definition functionality.
The information to deal with is organized in four
management levels, in such a way that a higher level
includes the management of the immediately lower
level. Levels correspond to the process generated
Level 1 generates the descriptor of the subject
from the following information:
Calendar (Description, Call, Date)
• Document (Description, Url)
• Rule (Description)
Examining Board (Position, NameSurname,
Level 2 gets the level 1 product, and generates
the current projects' list from the following
Student (Number, NameSurname, Identity Card
No, ReSits, Assigned)
Project (Title, Description, Tutor1, Tutor2,
Tutor3, Student1, Student2, Student3,
Level 3 gets the level 1, 2 products, and
generates the submitted projects' list from the
following information:
Historical Report (Title, Description, Tutor1,
Tutor2, Tutor3, Student1, Student2, Student3, Score,
TotalDays, AssignmentDate, SubmissionDate)
Level 4 gets the level 1, 2, and 3 products, and
generates the submitted projects evaluation' list from
the following information:
• Experiment Description (Description)
Metric Description (Description, ID, Type,
MinValue, MaxValue, Visible)
• MetricValues (M0,M1,M2,M3,J0,J1,J2,J3,J4,
J5, J6, J7, J8, J9, J10, J11, J12, J13, J14)
Out of the presented information, the one on
metric description and metric values is to be
highlighted. Each of the identifiers (ID) of the rows
on the MetricDescription table correspond to the
columns on the MetricValues table. In this way, the
availability of a mechanism enabling the use of an
open metric set is pursued. Furthermore, the table
MetricDescription has a column entitled type to
allow for different metric scales, either nominal or
numerical. By doing so, the above mentioned goal
on project evaluation task is achieved: the choice of
the metric set used in the evaluation should be open
to the decisions taken by the subject’s responsible
and its particular contextualization.
Structured data processing has been automated
through a tool developed within the FYP subject
itself. The tool is a java-developed information
manager accessing the data with ODBC interface
API. It generates the process specified products,
such as HTML reports, whose content allows
administrators to take well-grounded decisions.
Besides the automatic data processing, other
functionalities have been incorporated on the
generated reports:
• Stamp time
• Content licences
Links to webpage lexicon validation
Monitoring using Google Analytics system
Content webcast and webcast monitoring
through systems such as Addthis.
The process exposed thereon has been applied to the
FYP subject IT Systems, taken on the 5th year of the
IT Engineering Hons degree (II) at the University of
Burgos, and the involved staff accessed the various
product results through the teaching platform
UBUCampus-e. This is an e-learning platform that
provides resources for every subject: forum,
assigned staff, student access statistics, e-community
to create social networks. Access to the process
results can be obtained at the following address
The chosen metric set has been the one related to
the source code, most of the projects have an
associated code source. The measuring tool used
was SourceMonitor (Campwood and Software
2007). The main criterion to choose this tool was its
ability to calculate metrics on source code written in
several popular programming languages (C++, C,
C#, VB.NET, Java, Delphi and Visual Basic 6).
Given the heterogeneous nature of the projects, this
is considered as an essential requirement.
Some of the data corresponding to the various
products obtained by applying the process to this
particular context are described below.
The current project list contains the assignment
information. Furthermore, it provides quantified data
used to distribute the workload among tutors, and
data to manage the assignment activity. There are
currently 19 active projects, 2 of which are not
assigned, and there are 15 involved tutors.
The submitted project list keeps a historical
report containing submitted project data along with
its quantitative information organized by course:
number of offered projects, number of submitted
projects, number of assigned students, number of
assigned tutors, arithmetic mean of scores,
arithmetic mean of development time in months (See
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Furthermore, it records the statistical data (mean,
minimum, maximum, standard deviation) related to
the score (8.47, 5.3, 9.8, 0.95), and the data related
to the time, in days, from project assignment to
project submission (310.83, 120, 1.096, 212.7). This
last effort indicator does not measure the real
activity, but it can serve as a reference to estimate
ECTS credits and evaluate potential improving
actions to be taken.
From the evaluated projects' list, a code metric's
set has been selected, as shown in Table 1. In every
metrics’ description, the assigned potential values'
type (column Type) and, in the case of some
numeric metrics, the intervals of tool-recommended
values (columns MinValue and MaxValue).
Table 1: Metric Description.
Project's Name M0 string
Programming Languages M1 string
Lines of Code J0 number
umber of Sentences J1 number
% of Conditional Sentences J2 number
º of Method Invocation J3 number
% of Comment Lines J4 number 8 20
º of Classes and Interfaces J5 number
º Methods per Class J6 number 4 16
Avg Commands per Method J7 number 6 12
Max Complexity J10 number 2 8
Max Block Depth J12 number 3 7
Avg Block Depth J13 number 1 3,2
Max Complexity J14 number 2 4
With metric set's values, a comparative measure
is defined between the subject projects' statistical
values (interval Q1=25th percentile and Q3 = 75th
percentile, Avg = arithmetic mean, Med = mean)
and the recommended values. This comparison is
collected with the coverage's indicators showing the
percentage of the values within the intervals (See
Figure 2). Taking into account that two of the
proposed measures, J10 and J12, evaluate maximum
values, and the total of the considered measures is 7,
it seems correct to keep a coverage regarding the
42.86% of the arithmetic mean. These coverage
indicators may serve to establish global quality
indexes of the subject.
Figure 2: Coverage regarding recommended intervals in II.
The evaluation of each project is based on the
measures collected for each of them and the
comparison to two intervals: the ones recommended
on (Campwood and Software 2007) (Table 1
Columns MinValue, MaxValue and the
corresponding interval composed by percentiles 25th
and 75th of the remaining subject projects'. With
these comparison values, new coverage indicator is
redefined serving as a comparison criterion
(Coverage UBU). Figure 3 shows a project set
evaluation (rows in the table) using these defined
indicators. Moreover, it also shows the arranged
values regarding the recommended intervals
coverage (column Coverage Tool).
Project evaluation data of the evaluated projects'
list do not allow a direct traceability over the
submitted projects' list data, preserving somehow the
privacy of these evaluations.
Figure 3: Project evaluations on II.
Once the project context has been established, the
metric set selected, it is possible to establish global
comparisons between subjects. On the selected
context, the authors raise the following hypothesis:
with respect to code metrics, are there differences
between the projects submitted by IT Engineering
Hons (II, 5 years) and the IT Management
Engineering (ITIG, 3 years) degrees?
The project evaluation task exposed in the
process (See section 3.2), has not been carried out in
the IT Management Engineering (ITIG) degree. To
simulate it, six professors from the IT department
were asked for copies of projects from the last call
submissions. Table 2 and Table 3 show the abstracts
of the various experiments' sizes submitted in both
degrees. Basic size measure is the analyzed number
of lines of code (NLOC), and its breakdown with the
various programming languages taken into account.
Table 2: ITIG Experiment Size.
Total Java CSharp
276.072 251.893 24.179
91.24% 8.76%
Table 3: II Experiment Size.
Total Java CSharp C
876.806 779.164 82.806 14.836
88.86% 9.44% 1.69%
After statistical analysis (Q1=25th percentile and
Q3 = 75th percentile, Avg = arithmetic mean, Med =
median), for each metric, the coverage regarding the
measuring tool's recommended values are
calculated. Figure 4 shows the various coverage
values obtained for ITIG.
Figure 4: Coverage regarding recommended intervals
When comparing the results with the II degree
data (See Figure 2) it can be observed that same
coverage values are maintained regarding the
interval Q1 Q3 (14.29%) and coverage regarding
Avg (42.86%). However there is a substantial
improvement in the coverage regarding the median,
since it goes from 42.86% in II to 71.42% in ITIG.
In the project evaluation it is important to
mention that the minimum coverage regarding the
tool values is 0% in II versus 28.57% in ITIG. This
detail could be important to justify the improvement
regarding the mean in ITIG. The evaluating process
in II has been completed from 2003-2004 academic
year, whereas in ITIG, projects were asked from the
tutors, who later on stated that they offered highly
rated projects.
Table 4 shows a comparison of two project
features between both degrees; size and complexity,
whose associated metrics have no recommended
values in the measuring tool. The following metrics
have been associated to the size feature: lines of
code (J0), number of method invocation (J3), and
number of classes and interfaces (J5). The following
metric has been associated to the complexity feature:
percentage of conditional commands. From these
data, it is deduced that projects' size is pretty similar
in both degrees. Taking the complexity associated
metric' lower limits' values (J2), it may be concluded
there is a higher complexity in II projects with
regard to ITIG ones.
Table 4: Comparison between II and ITIG with metrics
without recommended intervals.
[Q1-Q3] II [Q1-Q3] ITIG
[8.320 - 28.185] [8.670 - 35.896]
[3.775 - 10.056] [2.796 - 9.770]
[40 - 186] [31 - 191]
[9.8 - 15.9] [6 - 15.6]
Out of this comparison, it is concluded that,
concerning code metrics, there is little difference
between the projects submitted by students from II
and the ITIG degrees.
A structure for a Final Year Project information
management database has been provided, Good
Software Engineering Practices being applied.
Specially, a product and process metric set that
could help both on subject global evaluation and on
individual projects' evaluation has been defined.
These have been adapted to a university context
where some specific restrictions exist: professors
and students' dedicated time, professors’ workload,
heterogeneous nature of the projects and public
evaluation stage.
Actually, the products of the process are being used
in IT Systems subject on the 5th year of the IT
Engineering Hons degree (II). Figure 5 shows a
summary of access data’s obtained with Google
analytics tool. We can observe two high visit peaks
in september-october. The students must choose one
project and request its assignment; therefore the
activity is high during these months. The students
also visit the web page to check the indicators,
during the examination dates (february-june). This
allows the comparison through the current level of
coverage, using metrics.
Although the authors are aware of the limitations
of the exposed evaluating criterion, out of these
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Google analytics report.
statistical measures of source code, it is proposed an
objective way to evaluate the product obtained after
carrying out of the project. Case study shown in
section 5 provides a quantified reference to other
projects that could serve as a base both for
monitoring and comparison. Furthermore,
comparison of different subjects is enabled, with a
global approach.
Self-assessment habits of software development
through product metrics have been improved. This
way, it is possible to satisfy two of the knowledge
units proposed at ACM SE 2004 (IEEE 2004),
difficult to achieve in other subjects' context:
software quality culture (2 hours) and activities
related to project control (2 hours). This feature
showed up with the incorporation of evaluations
through metrics by the students in the technical
documentation of their projects.
The management model proposed here may help
to advance in the European convergence process in
Final Year Project subjects. It defends educational
methodologies where students get a more practical
and personalized learning.
Facing the future, the defined process is open to
the potential incorporation of new metrics coming
from other information sources. The value
acquisition is restricted to be done in an automatic
and fast (< 10 minutes per project) way. In this
sense, version control systems may offer great
information on the real activity of the development
process realized by the students.
The planed experiment of II and ITIG projects'
comparison revealed that there are no main
differences between them. To reinforce these results,
it could be interesting to make a simulation with data
from other Universities. Furthermore, it could be
possible to answer new hypothesis: Are projects' size
and complexity of different Universities
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education