the English word ‘which’ is replaced here with the
Spanish word ‘que’.
JO8: If SS A is ‘Juan come manzanas’ and SS B is
‘María compra manzanas’, the combined sentence is
‘Juan come manzanas compradas por María’.
JO9: If SS A is ‘Juan está viendo la televisión’ and
SS B is ‘Ver la televisión es divertido’, the
combined sentence is ‘Juan está viendo la televisión.
Ver la televisión es divertido’.
JO10: If SS A is ‘Juan compra manzanas’ and SS B
is ‘María compra plátanos’, the combined sentence
is ‘Ellos compran fruta’.
It is our belief that this procedure can also be applied
to other European languages such as French or
Interactive Genetic Programming can be used in
generating dialogues for conversational agents. Two
different approaches have been reviewed. The first
approach based on the use of grammars, and the
second approach based on the use of Sentence Plan
Trees (SPTs).
Both approaches present the advantage of
providing answers adapted to each user thanks to the
evolutionary process, instead of giving predefined
static answers.
The use of SPTs as representation format is
recommended given that the use of grammars is
domain-specific, more complex for the designer of
the conversational agent, and it requires more time
to reach good answers.
Furthermore, as future work it is advisable to
permit users to start the dialogue, to find out the
satisfaction degree of the users by their answers, and
extending the procedure to other languages.
This work has been sponsored by the project
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ICAART 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence