People and Voting Rights and the Case of IEEE 802.11
Kai Jakobs
RWTH Aachen University, Informatik 4, Ahornstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Standards, Standardisation, Social shaping of technology.
Abstract: Based on the approach of the ‘social shaping of technology’, this paper will provide a brief discussion of a)
the impact that the individuals who populate a standards body’s working group, and b) this body’s voting
rules have on its final standards. It will primarily draw upon a qualitative empirical study. In particular, this
paper will use the IEEE 802.11 group as a real-world sample group to further highlight the issues discussed
more theoretically above.
Colloquially, the term ‘standard’ is used for
specifications of very diverse origins. Windows and
SAP/R3 are (industry/proprietary) standards, XML
and UML are (consortium) standards, and UMTS
and ISDN are (formal) standards. Yet, regardless of
their respective origin, (successful) standards are
crucial building blocks of all virtually all ICT
systems. Think of it – the success of the Internet, for
instance, may to no small amount be put down to the
sheer existence, simplicity and effectiveness of its
core protocols, TCP/IP.
Thus, standards now under development will be
an integral part of future ICT systems, and will to no
small extent define their functionality. In a way, this
provides us with an opportunity for taking a glimpse
into the future, albeit possibly a blurred one. What’s
more, there may even be a chance to pro-actively try
and shape these future systems by shaping today’s
standards setting. After all, a standard does not come
out of the blue, but is a product of standards
development process and of the environment within
which it emerges. Thus, if the characteristics of this
environment were known this might enable an early
shaping of tomorrow’s ICT systems.
Perhaps a bit surprisingly, I would consider
‘people’ to be one of the major influencing factors in
standardisation. After all, a standard originates from
a technical committee or working group, where a
group of individuals try to find a working solution to
a given problem; it is here were the basic technical
decisions are made. That is, we will need to look at
the motivations, attitudes and views that influence
these people’s work if we want a better
understanding of why a particular specification
emerged the way it did.
The remainder of the paper is organised as
follows. Some brief theoretical background on the
Social Shaping of Technology (SST) is provided in
chapter 2. Subsequently, chapter 4 highlights the
impact an individual may have on the outcome of a
standards working group, and discusses the impact
of the working group’s voting rights. Finally, some
brief conclusions are presented in chapter 5.
Technological artefacts in general, and especially
such powerful representatives as ICT systems, will
exert potentially strong impact on their environment.
Yet, the same holds for the reverse direction. That is,
complex interactions between ICT systems and their
respective environments can be observed.
Technology may assume both an active and a
passive role; that is, technological artefacts and their
environment are mutually interdependent. The
environment within which technology is used and
employed has, among others, social, cultural,
societal, and organisational behaviours, rules and
norms. It is clear that technology cannot emerge
Jakobs K.
SHAPING STANDARDS - People and Voting Rights and the Case of IEEE 802.111.
DOI: 10.5220/0002769500050012
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
completely independent from such external
influences. However, the impact ICT may have on
organisations, or indeed society as a whole, has thus
far attracted considerably more attention than the
powers that shape this technology in the first place.
Especially the impact of ICT within organisational
settings (e.g. on a company’s performance, or its
role as an enabler of business process re-
engineering) has been subject to a vast number of
studies and analyses. Keywords such as
‘organisational transformation’ ‘technology
management’, and ‘management of change’, can
frequently be found in the literature, typically
denoting studies on how the introduction and
subsequent use of ICT have changed a particular
organisational environment - for better or worse.
Only recently has the reverse direction of impact
been studied, i.e. the one exerted from organisational
and societal conditions on technology.
2.1 Social Shaping of Technology
Two mutually exclusive schools have dominated
research on technology and organisations until the
early eighties (and are still in evidence). Proponents
of the ‘organisational choice’ model consider
technology as a vehicle to both reflect and foster the
interests of particular groups; the process of change
can be, and indeed is, shaped entirely by policy
makers or organisation’s managers; these actors
have unlimited technological choices. “Technology
has no impact on people or performance in an
organisation independent of the purposes of those
who would use it, and the responses of those who
have to work with it” (Buchanan, 2004). In contrast,
‘technological determinism’ in essence postulates
that ICT determines the behaviour of organisations,
that the consequences of manipulating a given
technology will always be the same, independent of
who manipulates and within which context. It
follows that, according to this view, organisations
have little choice but to adapt to the requirements of
technology; particular paths of technological
development are inevitable; like organisations,
society at large also has no other choice but to adapt
(Williams, 1997).
Research into SST largely emerged as a response
to technological determinism (see e.g. (Williams &
Edge, 1996) for an in-depth introduction). SST
acknowledges that technology indeed has an impact
on its environment, but that at the same time it is
well framed through technical, but rather more
through e.g. organisational, societal, cultural and
economic factors. In particular, SST attempts to
unveil the interactions between these technical and
social factors. Abandoning the idea of inevitable
technological developments implies that choices can
be made regarding, for instance, acquisition, the use,
and particularly the design of technological artefacts.
There may be a broad variety of reasons upon which
these choices are based. In an organisational context
this may include purely technical reasons, as e.g. the
need to integrate legacy systems, but decisions may
also take into account company particulars, as for
instance organisational or reporting structures. These
choices, in turn, may lead to different impacts on the
respective social or organisational environments.
Thus, studying what shaped the particular
technology offers a chance to proactively manipulate
that very impact expected to result from this
particular choice. At the same time this capability
should also contribute to the prediction – and thus
prevention – of undesirable side effects potentially
resulting from a new technology. After all,
technology tends to have other effects besides those
actually intended, and these effects need to be
explored as well. On the other hand, the respective
environment shapes technical artefacts and systems
during design and in use, i.e. at the site of the actual
2.2 Shaping Standardisation
Technological artefacts embody, and thus transfer,
their respective environment of origin. The same
holds for standards, which result from work in a
committee. This alone implies that adaptations will
subsequently be required if a system is to be
exported to other markets, or user organisations,
with different environments. “The shaping process
begins with the earliest stages of research and
development” (Williams, 1992). This observation
points to a direct link between the shaping of
technology and standardisation activities. Especially
since the advent of pro-active standardisation
technological systems have increasingly been rooted
in standards activities. In fact, the shaping of
technology needs to start here.
Standards emerge through the co-operation and
joint efforts of different individuals in technical
committees and working groups. Whilst in theory
these individuals act in their capacity as
‘independent’ experts, their views, beliefs, and
prejudices have to a considerable degree been
shaped by the environment within which they live
and, especially, work. That is, various factors that
may shape technology are also likely be channelled
into the working groups of the international
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
standards setting bodies. The corporate environment
of the group members’ respective employer, for
instance, will have a major impact on the different
visions of how a technology should be used, and the
ideas of how this can be achieved. Therefore, they
will also exert a significant impact on the work of
the committees. This holds especially in the case of
anticipatory, or pro-active, standards which specify
new services from scratch, and thus offer the
opportunity to incorporate to some (a considerable?)
degree the particular presumptions, views, and ideas
of the members of the originating committee (and
their respective employers).
A reactive standard (i.e. one that basically just
rubber-stamps an existing technology) will likewise
transpose the environment from which it emerged;
this will be the corporate environment (using this
term very loosely) of its inventor (i.e. typically a
manufacturer or a service provider) who originally
specified the system upon which the standard will be
based. Thus, this company’s visions will implicitly
be embodied in the standard specification, together
with the ideas and views of its representative(s).
A first attempt to put together the individual
factors that contribute to the shaping of a standard
yields the following list:
1. External forces, including e.g.
advances in science and technology,
prevailing societal norms,
2. The context within which a WG works,
including e.g.
the rules and by-laws of the respective
Standards Setting Body (SSB),
the SSB’s ‘culture’.
3. Individual major stakeholders’ (vendors and
possibly large users) preferences, including e.g.
technical interests
corporate strategies.
4. The immediate context from which a standard
emerges, including e.g.
WG members’ views, ideas, competencies,
attitudes, backgrounds, etc,
members’ communication capabilities,
the roles they assume.
In the following, I will look more closely at 4.
3.1 A Little Background
Different players exert varying degrees of influence
over an SSB’s process, depending on their
respective levels of interest in a new standard, but
also on rather more mundane aspects like deep
pockets and market power. However, at the end of
the day, a standard’s specification results from the
efforts of the members of an SSB’s working group.
Consequently, these individuals’ motivations,
attitudes and views are very likely to have an
influence on their contributions to the standards
setting process, and thus on its outcome.
Various factors, which do not necessarily bear a
relation to the technology to be standardised, are
channelled into an SSB’s working groups (WGs),
and shape the process outcome. (Jakobs et al., 1998)
argue that the respective corporate environments of
the WG members’ employers, for instance, are
playing a major role here. The different visions of
how a technology should be used, and the ideas of
how this can be achieved are shaped by these local
environments, which therefore also exert an impact
on the standardisation work. This holds especially in
the case of anticipatory standards, which specify
new services from scratch, and thus offer the
opportunity to incorporate to some degree the
particular presumptions of the (more outspoken)
members of the originating WG. Yet, a reactive
standard will likewise transpose the environment
from which it originally emerged; i.e. the corporate
environment of its inventor who specified the system
upon which the standard will be based.
3.2 Perceived Influential Factors
To find out which such non-technical factors
actually do play a role, and thus to better understand
why a standard emerges the way it does, we need to
have a closer look inside WGs.
In a (smallish) study of factors that influence the
standards setting process at WG level within ISO
and ITU-T, (Jakobs et al., 2001) showed that a
WG’s decisions are taken for a variety of reasons, a
proposal’s technical merits being but one of them.
For example, about one out of three respondents
from ISO observed that it is individuals that are most
“Oddly enough, it's been my experience that
_individuals_ dominate ISO. Sometimes the
individual will have a powerful multinational
corporation or government/national interest
SHAPING STANDARDS - People and Voting Rights and the Case of IEEE 802.111
on their side, but the bully pulpit is
controlled by individuals, and only those
with a strong sense of purpose survive.”
Much in line with the above observation, many
respondents from ISO and ITU stress that speaking
out at meetings for or against a proposal is the most
important single factor influencing technical
decisions. That is, even good proposals will hardly
be considered if nobody is available to explain or
defend them at meetings.
“For any given technical decision the
presence of supporters/opponents weighs
heavily, for in practice unless there is
someone or some organization that
champions a solution and pushes it forward
it does not get as much
consideration/exposure as alternate
solutions. That is, group members typically
do not delve into researching solutions that
someone happened to send us unless such
solution at first glance seems to be
overwhelmingly good. More likely the
members push the solutions that they already
Along similar lines, the influence of those who
are prepared to put in extra work should not be
under-estimated. These two aspects are probably
linked – those with strong views are more likely to
be inclined to invest time and effort to get their
views through.
“Often the group "leaders" (including formal
editors, and strong personalities who are not
formal leaders) have tremendous influence.
(This is not necessarily bad.)”
Another factor identified as influential – though
overall said to be of lower importance – is a
proposal’s technical merit; underlying company
interests may also have to be taken into account.
“Unless you are at the meeting, your view is
not taken into account (no matter how
technically correct it may be). This is the
overwhelming factor that decides the content
of the standard. Company interests (political
influence at the voting level) is the next
priority. Technical merit is of little
importance - standards are usually a poor
compromise of many strong views”.
“The technical viability of a decision does
carry great weight. As almost all members at
the technical committee meeting level are
engineers, the technical prowess of the
solution, tied with the credibility (knowledge)
of the person presenting it are very
influential. On occasion, a company which
already has a product back in their labs will
also prove to be a formidible opponent.”
The above observations stress the importance of
the rather more non-technical aspects of the
standardisation process. Clearly, these aspects are
strongly linked to the individual WG members’
attitudes and approaches. However, as stated above,
these, in turn, are to a considerable degree shaped by
their respective work environments.
3.3 The Case of IEEE 802.11
In the IEEE, membership – including voting rights –
in the ‘international programme’ is assigned to
individuals (as opposed to e.g., companies). That is,
here as well a closer look at the roles, views, and
motivations of WG members is of interest – do WG
members actually act based on their personal views
and perceptions, or do other factors play a role, too?
To this end, a questionnaire comprising 16 open
ended questions was distributed to a number of
individuals who played an important role during the
development of the IEEE 802.11 set of standards
(Jakobs et al, 2010). The findings from this survey
should be taken as a snapshot – the idea was to shed
some light on different aspects associated with the
IEEE’s ‘individual membership’ approach.
Almost all respondents have a strictly technical
background, with job titles such as ‘communication
engineer’ or ‘system architect’. They were all very
active in the process, and typically attended almost
all meetings (which gave them almost permanent
voting rights; they are conferred after attendance of
3 out of 4 consecutive plenary meetings, and need to
be maintained through continuing participation in
both meetings and ballots). However, only very few
had previous experience in standards development.
Obviously, the initial motivations for attendance
differed, but interest in the technology dominated
(which is no big surprise considering the
respondents’ engineering background).
With primarily engineers populating the WGs
one could be inclined to suspect that influence
during deliberations is based on the respective
technical merits of the proposals on the table. Yet, it
appears that other factors are at least as influential
here. Two typical responses:
“Most influence came from 1/3 powerful
organizations (companies), 1/3 strong
technical proposals, 1/3 active and respected
company representatives”.
“The influence came through a combination
of strong technical proposals, active
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
representatives and powerfull
Standards setting is a costly business (see e.g.,
(Spring & Weiss, 1995); things have not improved
since then). Thus, a link between the economic
strength of a company and its interest in a specific
standard on the one hand, and the level of its
representation in the body developing this standard
on the other may safely be assumed . Indeed,
“There are active/respected representatives
from most large organizations because it
costs so much to commit people to creating
the standard, and active/respected
representatives gravitate to organizations
that support the standards effort”
Said “large organizations” were typically (chip)
“90% of all attendance was by
manufacturers. Manufacturers are (and
continue to be) the most influential in the
committees as they are primary companies
responsible for creating and distributing the
To a considerable extent, developing standards is
about the distribution, and the use, of power. The
above suggests that in the case of the 802.11 power
was – for obvious reasons – primarily with large
manufacturers. With their vested interest in the
technology they were prepared to invest heavily in
R&D efforts, and to send representatives who were
widely respected in the industry to the WG
meetings. These individuals came armed with good
proposals (the results of the R&D efforts), for which
they could make a strong case. Strong corporate
interest, good proposals and respected and
knowledgeable proponents seems to be a wining
combination (whether or not two out of these would
do remains an open issue). In the words of a
respondent, influence in the WG
“ … is a combination [of e.g., powerful
organisation, deep pockets, strong technical
proposals, active/respected representatives],
but the companies that were the strongest in
the market also put most effort in the
standard by means of number of people,
proposals, technical knowledge, experience
in the field. But there are also examples of
small companies with very smart/ respected
representatives who took and got a lot of
These quotes seem to suggest that corporate
interests were at least very visible inside 802.11.
Yet, the question remains if WG members actually
represented their respective employers’ or clients’
proposals, or if they supported other proposals they
felt them to have more merits (for instance, because
they considered them technically superior). If the
former were the case, all representatives of a
company that submitted a proposal should rally
behind it. In fact, respondents agree – albeit not
unanimously – that such behaviour could normally
be observed. Of course, representatives of a
company defending their employer’s proposal is not
necessarily a contradiction to ‘individual
membership’. After all, the developers of a corporate
proposal were most likely the ones also attending
standards meetings; this way, their interests and
those of the employer happened to be aligned. As
one respondent put it:
[Different representatives of one company]
mostly acted in unison based on their
affiliaton, and usually because they had a
vested interest in their proposal or position
succeeding ….”
In addition to such vested interests, fear of
reprimand and reprisal might also be behind a vote:
“In general, when a company’s rep did not
represent the affiliations point of view, they
tended not to appear at the next meeting.
There are expections to this rule, but in
general, if you work for a company, you are
voting for their proposal”.
While most respondents agree that supporting
their employer’s or client’s proposal was the norm,
they also agreed that deviations from this behaviour
could be observed as well. However (and this
suggests that fear of retaliation did not just come out
of the blue),
“This was not a frequent phenomenon as far
as I can tell. But there are examples of
individuals who did (for whatever reason,
sometimes they even self did not notice that
they pleaded against their own company). I
can think of one succes, but the individual
lost (left?) his job afterwards”.
Apparently, potential reasons for rogue acting
(and voting) were diverse, the ambition to
standardise on the best technical solution being a
comparably popular one:
“… there were a number of very good people
who worked toward the creation of the best
standard that could be formed regardless of
their companies position and agenda”.
However, acting ‘politically’ is also not unheard
“… people would purposely vote opposite to
their affiliation to *appear* fair minded”.
SHAPING STANDARDS - People and Voting Rights and the Case of IEEE 802.111
Similar behaviour can be explained by exploiting
IEEE rules:
“Other times they would vote contrarily
when it could be predicted, or sometimes just
in case, the vote would confirm that alternate
position anyway. That would ensure that the
company had at least one vote on the
prevailing side so that indidvual could later
make a motion for reconsideration – again
that’s another political ploy”.
The latter two reasons for ‘acting individually’
are really cases of ‘corporate tactics’. Thus, so far, it
would seem that only some cases of ‘individualism’
can be explained by WG members’ acting as
individuals (as opposed to ‘company reps’).
The idea of ‘individual membership’ also
implies that voting behaviour should not change
with of WG-member’s new affiliation, or with a
consultant’s new client. No clear picture emerged
here. Still, a concrete observation by one respondent:
“Yes. A change of affiliation either as an
employee or consultant has caused changes
in on formerly held positions. A recent case
in the IEEE 802 where two companies had
brought in opposing technologies resulted in
a stalemate position. The larger corporation
purchased the smaller opposing technology
company. So there became a committee
where all the members were the same as
before but the purchased company voters
now had a new affiliation and voted
Even if only some respondents reported such
occurrences it seems safe to assume that at least
several WG-members do change views depending
on those of their current employer (which is
perfectly understandable).
With a group of engineers discussing technical
matters one should not be surprised to find evidence
of the ‘Not Invented Here’ syndrome; likewise
clashes of egos may be suspected. Respondents do
indeed report such incidences that obviously
occurred quite frequently. One responded observed
“Many members can not separate valid
technical criticism from “your baby is ugly”.
This is more frequent than necessary”.
Such clashes may be over both personal and
corporate views (e.g., if a company depends on a
certain technology to be standardised), or over
procedures. This is little surprise, as ‘being
outspoken’ and ‘having a sense of purpose’ are
essential attributes for successful standards setters
(Jakobs et al., 2001). At the same time, respondents
noted that such personal clashes might well go hand
in hand with clashes of corporate interests,
“… and it was more of a combination of both
ego and money. Many clashes were driven
due to big investments in company
technology directions where the direction of
the standard was important to the financial
health of the companies involved”.
Finally, the observation that existing
implementations might well have a detrimental
effect on a proposal’s chances of being accepted is
“Technical merits are important but never
the most important. Implementability, time to
market (for all), fairness are equally
important to drive decisions”.
Obviously, the desire not to favour one company
(the implementer) over others plays a role, too. This
– rather striking – aspect surfaced quite frequently,
“Solutions already implemented did play a
strong role, but could also be a strong
reason to change things, to level the playing
field (by forcing changes for certain vendors
that already had an implementation)”.
“I have never seen that a decision is taken
that is in the benefit of only one company
(because it already has solutions/products)”.
And, even more strongly:
“No four organizations can make 802.11 do
Even if the latter may be a slight exaggeration,
these comments suggest that (many) members of the
802.11 groups were not prepared to let their work be
overly dominated by corporate interests, and also
that at least some of them were actively acting
against any such dominance.
Accordingly, finding as many allies as possible,
and forming strong alliances is an integral part of the
game (‘if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours’).
This necessity is not least triggered by the IEEE
balloting process, which requires a 75% level of
support for a proposal to enter the next stage of the
“With respect to 802.11 DS PHY, main
issues were agreed to by a coalition of
companies out side of IEEE meetings and
then were brought into IEEE 802.11 for
debate. THis coordination between
NCR/Aironet/Harris ensured sucess of
“In the end (the important decisions) are
influenced most by the strength of companies
(number of voters) and coalitions between
companies. I have never seen that a decision
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
is taken that is in the benefit of only one
company ( because it already has
These observations suggest that once everything
has been said and done the decision about success
and failure burns down to a simple head-count. A
number of individual voters together form a
‘corporate vote’ (there may be exceptions), and
enough such ‘corporate votes’ (i.e., a strong
coalition) lead to the success of a proposal.
The survey responses paint a somewhat ambivalent
picture. On the one hand, it seems that the majority
of members of the 802.11 WGs have a very strong
sense of fairness – they try not to allow a single
powerful company, or a group of them, to dominate
the process, may well consider existing pilot
implementations as an unfair advantage and
accordingly reject the associated proposal. On the
other hand, it is safe to say that the majority of the
leading figures are coming from exactly these
powerful companies – they have the means and the
motivation to invest heavily in the standards setting
process, as the return on investment may be
enormous. In addition, their employees are likely to
be motivated to assume formal roles in the process
(Chair, secretary, technical editor, etc), thus getting
additional influence.
Overall, it seems that WG members cast their
votes at least with a view towards their respective
employers’ business interests. Yet, exceptions from
this seem to not-so-infrequent, and typically aim at
technically superior solutions. Likewise, the reports
about WG members adapting their point of view to
the one held by their current employer do not hint at
strong personal opinions (rather at pragmatism).
Thus, here again we do not see a homogeneous
picture (of course, it is hard to vote against your
employer’s interests when you see people being
fired for having done exactly that; another course of
events not entirely unheard of, according to some
respondents). Then again, the apparently fairly
frequent clashes of egos suggest strong feelings
about a proposal (there may be other reasons
involved as well, though).
All in all, I do not believe that ‘individual’
membership is making a big difference. The
responses from 802.11 members are pretty much in
line with those from members of other standards
bodies (ISO also prescribes that committee members
“act in a personal capacity” (ISO, 2004)). People act
differently; some may consider ‘individual’
membership as carte blanche to push their own
proposals, others will still act exclusively on behalf
of their employers, both regardless of the official
membership rules.
From a theoretical perspective, one could argue
that research into the role of the individual in the
development of standards (probably not so much in
the development of technology) is called for.
Specifically, it would appear that one cannot
necessarily assume that the professional background
of a WG member, or the specifics of his/her
employer have an immediate impact on the work
done in the WG, or the views represented there.
And in more practical terms: what can the
interested companies do about this situation? After
all, companies would like to see their corporate
strategy and/or technology being promoted by the
people they send to SSBs’ working groups.
Companies would be well advised to educate the
people they are sending to SSBs’ working groups.
This education primarily needs to cover relevant
corporate strategies and goals that need to be
observed. After all, it is a huge difference if a
company’s goal is to have a standard – any standard
– in order to broaden or even create a market, or if
they want to push their own technical solution. But
education must not stop there – it should also cover
more mundane aspects like SSBs’ regulations and
bylaws, as well as negotiation and diplomatic skills.
Likewise, companies should manage their standards
activities very carefully; this includes whom to send
to which body. For instance, it may not always be
advisable to send R&D people who may tend to
push their brainchildren rather than support the
corporate strategy.
Unfortunately, whatever they do will hardly
guarantee success – we are dealing with the human
nature here …..
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies