Supporting Development of Multi-platform Web Application
Jun Iio, Hiroyuki Shimizu
Research Center for Information Technology, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
2-3-6 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8141 Japan
Hisayoshi Sasaki, Akihiro Matsumoto
Gluegent, Inc. 4-1-28 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0001 Japan
Web browser, Interoperability discrepancy, Commnity support, Web content designer.
The elemental technologies of WWW have been standardized as HTML and CSS, recommended by W3C.
Therefore, not only the servers but also web browsers are considered as components independent within the
whole web application system so that they should be interchangeable. However, the actual web application has
not yet led to this ideal situation. The problem of interoperability discrepancies between different implemen-
tation of web browsers still remains. So far we had studied the reason why this problem arose and collected
instances of problem. Based on the result of our previous study, we developed an web-system designers’ tool
which can provide the useful information for them to avoid the pitfalls on the interoperability discrepancy
WWW has become a strong presence that represents
modern information communicating infrastructure as
a huge distributed knowledge environment. Various
technologies were developed for the case where web
browser was working as the client in cooperation with
a wide variety of servers.
System components that consist of the WWW en-
vironment are categorized into functional layers, such
as database-layer, application-layer,and presentation-
layer. The specifications of protocol to connect each
layer are strictly standardized so that it enables us to
make modules for web application interchangeable.
In the ideal situation, these standards can increase
the efficiency for system development. However, due
to many practical reasons, almost all the web appli-
cations have not yet led to such an ideal condition.
That is, each module has dependencies and system
developers have to avoid conflicting and/or interop-
erability discrepancies between the modules required
by them. As a result of that, there remains many se-
vere problems, for example, expensive development
due to vendor lock-in.
End-users of web applications are no exceptions
as well. In the cases that modules are deeply depend-
ing on each other, the users have to keep using their
legacy systems because such non-interchangeable
modules prevent the users from migrating into a new
system environment.
We have focused on the problems of the inter-
operability discrepancy between the different imple-
mentation of web browsers and studied to solve these
problems. In this paper, we report the result of our
study and present an overview of the tool that enables
web developers to create multi-browser web applica-
tion easily.
Indeed web applications based on WWW technolo-
gies are supportedby many standards, such as HTML,
CSS, ECMAscript, and so on. Regarding any con-
tent that should be rendered in the web browser (ex-
cept special items handled by plug-in component),
its structure is described by HTML, XHTML, and
DHTML, and its representation is defined by CSS. In
addition, algorithm of dynamic content are written in
Iio J., Shimizu H., Sasaki H. and Matsumoto A.
ZR: TOOL FOR WEB DESIGNERS - Supporting Development of Multi-platform Web Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0002769701590162
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
JavaScript and DOM (Document Object Model). Re-
cently it has became widely common to use AJAX
technology for the user-interface layer.
W3C and ECMA recommended the specification
for these technology, therefore it is expected that
there is no difference among the behavior of any web
browsers. However, there are many problems caused
by the interoperability discrepancies between the dif-
ferent implementation of web browsers.
2.1 Problem Types
The problems are categorized into several types.
Typical problems are categorized as the use of
an extra-function, which is implemented by browser
vendors independently and it is not listed in the stan-
dard specification. Such a poor context is a sequel
from “the browser war” that arose in more than ten
years ago.
Other defects are caused from the implementation
difference due to the ambiguousness in the specifica-
tions, bugs in software of the browser, and other vari-
ous reasons.
Anyway, these problems force the end-user to use
a specific browser. It is absolutely inconvenient for
the users. Previously we reported our study that re-
vealed the inconvenience of using non-interoperable
web content in the education field.
2.2 Examples of Problems
A typical example of the unconformity problem is il-
lustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Confliction of “nowrap” and width definition.
In this example, the designer who wrote this
HTML file intended to define column width with 330
pixels. In his/her plan, long sentences are supposed
to be word-wrapped at the right end of the column.
For some reason,
attribute was unintention-
ally added.
attribute should be used to in-
hibit word-wrapping so that defining width and using
attribute are in an inconsistent state.
According to the specification recommended by
W3C, it is essentially correct to prioritize
tribute over width definition. That is, in figure 1,
the rendering result by Firefox is basically correct.
However, Internet Explorer version 6 prioritizes width
attribute over
. Such a defect produces un-
wanted difference in rendering between each browser.
These problems became serious, since the WWW had
obtained an important position of the infrastructure in
information society.
The Web Standards Project is working actively to
ask for browser vendors to implement their software
that is rigidly following the standard specifications.
They prepare the Acid test in order to check whether
the implementation of web browsers can meet the
standards or not.
On the other hand, we adopted the other approach
to solve this problem. We developed a system named
, which can modify inappropriate con-
tent within the browser after downloading it from the
In our TouchUpWeb project, we tried to propose
the appropriate environmentfor the end-usersby solv-
ing problems within the user’s web browser. The
modification process is activated when the problems
are found in our modification-database. To operate
the system appropriately, we kept maintaining the
database by collecting information about the web in-
teroperability discrepancies and stored solution for
that problems into the database.
Although TouchUpWeb was considered as an ad
hoc approach, we were able to indicate some effec-
tiveness of local modification under the certain situa-
tions. Furthermore we investigated how many prob-
lems existed in the Internet space and how they af-
fected the web application users.
The result of our investigation (IPA, 2007a) re-
vealed that about 170 interoperability problems po-
tentially existed in the Internet. Some problems were
This service was terminated at the end of 2008.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
categorized into fatal error. For instance, some of
them were never displayed in specific browser, and
others were operated inappropriately in the browser.
Based on this result, recommendation document (IPA,
2007b) was published. Table 1 shows the number of
error factors classified by the impact of unconformity.
Table 1: Number of the detected interoperability discrepan-
cies by impact.
Impact # of # of % of detected
factors cases cases in total
Large 14 3,309 3.0%
Medium 40 18,146 16.6 %
Small 51 69,169 63.4 %
None 13 1,178 1.1 %
N/A 48 17,366 15.9 %
Total 166 109,168 100.0 %
To improve this situation, we designed a tool sup-
porting web designers, web developers, and web ap-
plication programmers, to enable multi-browser web
application developing easy and speedy.
The key point of this tool is information of the un-
conformities, offered to the developer to avoid the pit-
fall that disturbs the interoperability in their web ap-
plications. The system named “Pirka’r, which we re-
port in this paper, was developed and was released as
open-source software to the Internet. Now it is avail-
able for everyone under the Apache License, Version
2.0 from http://pirkar.ashikunep.org/.
In this section, we describe an overviewof Pirka’rand
its ecosystem.
4.1 Overview of Pirka’r
Pirka’r consists in three parts, a client running on the
user’s workstation, a verification server, and a verifi-
cation data management server. The client and verifi-
cation server can be either installed in one workstation
or in separated two computers.
Pirka’r has many functions that make help for web
developers, such as verification against the standards,
assessment of multi-browser interoperability, multi-
browser previewing, automatic rendering, multifunc-
tional editing, auto-downloading a set of web pages.
Figure 2 shows a screenshot of Pirka’r running on
Windows. A user of Pirka’r can oparete files shown in
the left side pane, and can check multi-browser pre-
views on the top of window. Multifunctional editor
Figure 2: A screenshot of Pirka’r (Japanese version).
and outline processor are located in the middle row
of the screen. The user can check error reports at the
bottom row.
Pirka’r can help developers by verifing HTML /
CSS / JavaScript description in his/her web content
not to contain browser dependent descriptions.
The rendering result of target web pages are dis-
played in multiple browser panes. This function re-
lieves the designers of annoying work handling a
number of browsers and checking results of render-
ing by each browser
4.2 Pirka’r Ecosystem
Figure 3 shows an overview of Pirka’r ecosystem.
The function that verifies interoperability prob-
lems on target web content uses a verification en-
gine running separately with Pirka’r client. The veri-
fication engine answers the result of verification pro-
cesses, which are based on verification data provided
from the verification data management server.
We own the one management server that controls
verification data and it can deliver the set of verifica-
tion data to the verification engines that are installed
in any local networks.
For the case that a designer find a new interop-
erability discrepancy problem, we have prepared the
reporting form in our web site so that he or she has an
opportunity to report the problem. After we received
the report, committers in our team will try to create a
new verification data that contains a check script and
a series of document showing how to fix the problem.
Currently multi-browser preview function is not avail-
able on Linux platform.
PIRKA'R: TOOL FOR WEB DESIGNERS - Supporting Development of Multi-platform Web Application
Figure 3: Overview of Pirka’r ecosystem.
4.3 Verification Script
The verification script is written in JavaScript. It
searches defects in the target web content, traversing
over its DOM.
The verification script is quite simple if the prob-
lem is not so complicated. We had already prepared
more than 100 scripts to check the existing problems
and they were stored in the master database.
Although we have more than 100 scripts currently,
they are considered insufficient, since this problem is
categorized as an error correction problem. As we
described previously, there is a demand to add new
verification data into the database from comitters.
Opera web browser has the ”Opera’s site patching”
function, which enables its user to modify web con-
tent in Opera browser, based on quite similar idea
to TouchUpWeb’ method. Opera browser can mod-
ify downloaded content before rendering it, using
Browser.js equipped in the browser.
A variety of studies such as analyses on the web
service interoperability (Antonellis et al., 2003) or
browser compatibility testing methods (Xu et al.,
2004) have been conducted from the viewpoint of
software engineering.
Several surveys on standardization of web con-
tent were conducted in a couple of years. The result
of these surveys is also useful for our work. Peter
K. conducted massive surveys against U.S. govern-
ment websites (Peter, 2005) and People’s Republic of
China government websites (Peter, 2006). He used
the W3C Validator for his survey. However, we con-
sider that his approach is practically insufficient, be-
cause the real problems like what discussed in this
paper cannot be detected only by checking syntax er-
The interoperability discrepancy problems regarding
web content were shown in the former section of this
paper. And the system Pirka’r to solve these problems
was proposed. Pirka’r can help web designers in de-
signing multi-browser web application easily.
Modern browsers tend to have better interoper-
ability than before, however it is not ignorable that
there are many legacy users who keep using the old-
fashioned browsers, which have some problems in in-
teroperability that we mentioned in this paper. That is
the reason why we need to develop this tool, Pirka’r.
This study and the development of Pirka’r were con-
ducted as a part of the Open Source Software Utiliza-
tion InfrastructureDevelopment Project, supported by
Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan.
Antonellis, V. D., Melciori, M., and Plebani, P. (2003). An
approach to web service compatibility in cooperative
processes. In Proceedings of SAINT 2003 Workshops,
pages 95–100.
IPA (2007a). Research on the Improvement of
Web Contents Compatibility Conducive to the
Widespread Use of OSS Desktops, Resarch Report.
Web Research En.pdf.
IPA (2007b). Research on the Improvement of Web
Contents Compatibility Conducive to the Widespread
Use of OSS Desktops, Written recommendations.
Web Recommendations En.pdf.
Peter, K. (2005). Government web standards usage: Usa
standards-schmandards. http://www.standards-
Peter, K. (2006). Government web standards usage:
People’s republic of china standards-schmandards.
Xu, L., Xu, B., Nie, C., Chen, H., and Yang, H. (2004). A
browser compatibility testing method based on com-
binatorial testing. In Lecture Notes in Computer Sci-
ence, volume 2722/2003, pages 310–313. Springer
Berlin / Heidelberg.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies