Figure 3: Overview of Pirka’r ecosystem.
4.3 Verification Script
The verification script is written in JavaScript. It
searches defects in the target web content, traversing
over its DOM.
The verification script is quite simple if the prob-
lem is not so complicated. We had already prepared
more than 100 scripts to check the existing problems
and they were stored in the master database.
Although we have more than 100 scripts currently,
they are considered insufficient, since this problem is
categorized as an error correction problem. As we
described previously, there is a demand to add new
verification data into the database from comitters.
Opera web browser has the ”Opera’s site patching”
function, which enables its user to modify web con-
tent in Opera browser, based on quite similar idea
to TouchUpWeb’ method. Opera browser can mod-
ify downloaded content before rendering it, using
Browser.js equipped in the browser.
A variety of studies such as analyses on the web
service interoperability (Antonellis et al., 2003) or
browser compatibility testing methods (Xu et al.,
2004) have been conducted from the viewpoint of
software engineering.
Several surveys on standardization of web con-
tent were conducted in a couple of years. The result
of these surveys is also useful for our work. Peter
K. conducted massive surveys against U.S. govern-
ment websites (Peter, 2005) and People’s Republic of
China government websites (Peter, 2006). He used
the W3C Validator for his survey. However, we con-
sider that his approach is practically insufficient, be-
cause the real problems like what discussed in this
paper cannot be detected only by checking syntax er-
The interoperability discrepancy problems regarding
web content were shown in the former section of this
paper. And the system Pirka’r to solve these problems
was proposed. Pirka’r can help web designers in de-
signing multi-browser web application easily.
Modern browsers tend to have better interoper-
ability than before, however it is not ignorable that
there are many legacy users who keep using the old-
fashioned browsers, which have some problems in in-
teroperability that we mentioned in this paper. That is
the reason why we need to develop this tool, Pirka’r.
This study and the development of Pirka’r were con-
ducted as a part of the Open Source Software Utiliza-
tion InfrastructureDevelopment Project, supported by
Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan.
Antonellis, V. D., Melciori, M., and Plebani, P. (2003). An
approach to web service compatibility in cooperative
processes. In Proceedings of SAINT 2003 Workshops,
pages 95–100.
IPA (2007a). Research on the Improvement of
Web Contents Compatibility Conducive to the
Widespread Use of OSS Desktops, Resarch Report.
Web Research En.pdf.
IPA (2007b). Research on the Improvement of Web
Contents Compatibility Conducive to the Widespread
Use of OSS Desktops, Written recommendations.
Web Recommendations En.pdf.
Peter, K. (2005). Government web standards usage: Usa
– standards-schmandards. http://www.standards-
Peter, K. (2006). Government web standards usage:
People’s republic of china – standards-schmandards.
Xu, L., Xu, B., Nie, C., Chen, H., and Yang, H. (2004). A
browser compatibility testing method based on com-
binatorial testing. In Lecture Notes in Computer Sci-
ence, volume 2722/2003, pages 310–313. Springer
Berlin / Heidelberg.
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies