Producing Chronologies as Answers to Definition Questions
Alejandro Figueroa
Deutsches Forschungszentrum f
ur K
unstliche Intelligenz - DFKI, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, D - 66123, Saarbr
ucken, Germany
Web question answering, Definition questions, N-gram language models, Temporally anchored definitions.
This work presents a data-driven definition question answering (QA) system that outputs a set of temporally
anchored definitions as answers. This system builds surface language models on top of a corpus automatically
acquired from Wikipedia abstracts, and ranks answer candidates in agreement with these models afterwards.
Additionally, this study deals at greater length with the impact of several surface features in the ranking of
temporally anchored answers.
Nowadays, the systematic growth and diversification
of information, published daily on the web, poses
continuing and strong challenges. One of these ma-
jor challenges is assisting users in finding relevant an-
swers to natural language queries such as definition
questions (e.g., “Who is Flavius Josephus?”).
In practical terms, open-domain QA is situated at
the frontier of Natural Language Processing (NLP)
and modern information retrieval, being an appealing
alternative to the retrieval of full-length documents.
Strictly speaking, users of QA systems specify their
information needs in the form of natural-language
questions. This means they eliminate any artificial
constraints or features that are sometimes imposed by
a particular input syntax (e.g., boolean operators).
More often than not, QA systems take advantage
of the fact that answers to specific questions are fre-
quently concentrated in small fragments of text doc-
uments. This advantage helps QA systems to return
brief answer strings extracted from the text collection.
In a sense, it is up to the QA system to analyse the
content of full-length documents and identify these
small and relevant text fragments.
Essentially, definition questions are a particular
category of fact–seeking queries about some topic or
concept (a.k.a. definiendum). This type of query has
become especially interesting in recent years, because
of the increasing number of submissions by users to
web search engines (Rose and Levinson, 2004).
More specifically, definition QA systems aim
usually at finding a set of relevant and/or factual
pieces of information (a.k.a. nuggets) about the
definiendum. Nuggets are comprised of distinct
kinds of pieces of information including relations
with people or locations, biographical events and
special attributes. Some illustrative nuggets about the
definiendum Flavius Josephus” are as follows:
also known as Yosef Ben Matityahu
historian and apologist
born AD 37
recorded the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70
wrote the Jewish War in AD 75
wrote Antiquities of the Jews in AD 94
In 71 became Roman citizen
Since it is necessary to provide enough context to
ensure readability, definition QA systems output the
corresponding set of sentences. The complexity of
this task, however, is causing definition QA systems
to split the problem into subtasks that independently
address distinct nugget types. This work deals with
one of those classes: biographical events.
Biographical events, like born AD 37”, are
part of answers to definition questions encompass-
ing chronologies of the most remarkable events or
achievements related to the definiendum.
Figueroa A.
DOI: 10.5220/0002769802690275
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
For starters, (Alonso et al., 2009) introduced the no-
tion of the time-centred snippet as a useful way of rep-
resenting documents for exploratory search and doc-
ument retrieval. The core idea is profiting from sen-
tences that carry relevant units of time (chronons) for
building document surrogates.
Specifically, (Alonso et al., 2009) noticed that
chronons can be incorporated into web-pages as meta-
data or in the form of temporal expressions. The vital
aspect of these chronons is their relevance for presen-
tation and for highlighting the importance of a doc-
ument given a query. More precisely, they are a key
factor in the construction of more descriptive snippets
that include essential temporal information. In or-
der to detect chronons, (Alonso et al., 2009) analysed
documents for detecting temporal anchors by means
of time-based linguistic tools.
As for selected sentences, (Alonso et al., 2009)
only took into consideration sentences containing ex-
plicit temporal expressions. The length of these se-
lected sentences was bound. For the purpose of rank-
ing sentences, (Alonso et al., 2009) made allowances
for the position of the temporal expression within the
sentence, the number and length of the sentence, and
features regarding the particular chronon: appearance
order and its frequency in the document and within
the sentence. Since (Alonso et al., 2009) applied
this ranking function to a web-corpus, the features
they utilised were chiefly on the surface level. Sen-
tences are thus ranked, and the top are sorted and pre-
sented as a temporal snippet. An interesting finding
of (Alonso et al., 2009) is the fact that users were
concerned about the lack of time-sensitive informa-
tion, that is they are keen on seeing time-sensitive in-
formation within search results. In particular, users
found temporally anchored snippets as surrogates of
documents very useful and the presentation of sorted
temporal information interesting.
Contrarily, (Pas¸ca, 2008) utilised temporally an-
chored text snippets to answer definition questions.
The difference between both strategies lies in the fact
that temporally anchored answers to definition ques-
tions must be biographical, and the chronon must be
closely related to the definiendum, whereas tempo-
rally anchored sentences representing a document can
be more diverse in nature.
Essentially, (Pas¸ca, 2008) also focused on tech-
niques that lack deep linguistic processing for discov-
ering temporally anchored answers. Frequently, this
type of answer must be extracted from several docu-
ments, not only because of completeness, but also as
a means to increase the redundancy. In this way def-
inition QA systems boost the probability of detecting
a larger set of reliable and diverse answers that are
temporally anchored, and build richer chronologies
afterwards. Therefore, definition QA systems require
efficient strategies that can quickly process massive
collections of documents. In particular, (Pas¸ca, 2008)
processed one billion documents corresponding to the
2003 Web snapshot of Google. To be more precise,
they solely used HTML tags removal, sentence detec-
tion and part-of-speech (POS) tags.
In addition, (Pas¸ca, 2008) took advantage of a re-
stricted set of regular expressions to detect dates: iso-
lated year (four-digit numbers, e.g., 1977); or simple
decade (e.g., 1970s); or month name and year (e.g.,
January 1534); or month name, day number and year
(e.g., August, 1945). In order to increase the accu-
racy of their date matching strategy, potential dates
are discarded if they are immediately followed by a
noun or noun modifier, or immediately preceded by a
noun. Further, four lexico-syntactic surface patterns
were used for selecting answer candidates:
: <Date [,|-|(|nil] [when] Snipp et [,|-|)|.]>
: <[StartSent] [In|On] Date [,|-|(|nil] Snippet[, |-|)|.]>
: <[StartSent] Snippet [in|on] Date [EndSent]>
: <[Verb] [OptionalAdverb] [in|on] Date>
As a means to avoid overmatching sentences
formed by complex linguistic phenomena, they en-
forced nuggets on containing a verb and on carrying
no pronoun. (Pas¸ca, 2008) additionally ensured that
both P
and P
match the start of the sentence, and
that the nugget in P
contains a noun phrase. Since
the aim is building a method with limited linguistic
knowledge, this noun phrase was approximated by the
occurrence of a noun, adjective or determiner.
Also, (Pas¸ca, 2008) biased their ranking strategy
in favour of: (a) snippets contained in a higher num-
ber of documents, and (b) snippets that carry fewer
non-stop terms. By the same token, they preferred
snippets that matched query words as a term to scat-
ter query matches. Lastly, (Pas¸ca, 2008) ranked dates
in accordance with the relevance of the snippets sup-
porting that date, and in each date, snippets are also
ranked relatively to one another.
Contrary to (Pas¸ca, 2008; Alonso et al., 2009), our
approach is data-driven. In short, it aims essentially
at learning regularities from training sentences (pos-
itive examples) that are deemed to convey tempo-
rally anchored information about definiendum. More
precisely, these positive examples are acquired from
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
abstracts provided by the January 2008 snapshot of
This acquisition process is motivated by the fol-
lowing observations: (a) sentences within abstracts
are more reliable than those in the body of the article,
and (b) sentences in abstracts are very likely to yield
strongly related descriptions about the topic of the ar-
ticle (definiendum). Consequently, sentences carrying
dates across Wikipedia abstracts are likely to yield
temporal anchored definitions about their respective
Specifically, Wikipedia abstracts are extracted by
means of the structure supplied by the articles. With
abstracts, we understand the first section provided by
the document, which typically is a succinct summary
of the key aspects, more important achievements and
events of the corresponding topic. Also, it is worth
noting that only articles fulfilling the next criterion
were taken into consideration:
1. Regarding definiendums that their orthographical
composition consists solely of numbers, letters
and hyphens and periods.
2. Definiendums not corresponding to purpose-built
pages such as lists (e.g., “List of economists”) and
categories (e.g. Category of magmas”).
Subsequently, selected abstracts are preprocessed
as follows. Firstly, sentences are identified by
means of JavaRap
. Secondly, sentences carrying
dates are recognised by means of SupperTagger
and those not containing dates formed by at least
one number (e.g., 1930 and March 1945) were
eliminated. Thirdly, co-references are resolved. For
this purpose, the replacements presented by (Keselj
and Cox, 2004; Abou-Assaleh et al., 2005) were
utilised. Fourthly, all instances of the definiendum
(title of the page) are replaced with a placeholder
(CONCEPT), this way the learnt models are prevented
from overfitting any strong dependance between
some lexical properties of the definiendums and their
respective definitions across the training set. Also,
partial matches were substituted as long as this partial
match did not consider a stop-word only. Fifthly,
duplicate sentences are detected by simple string
matching, and all sentences that do not contain the
placeholder CONCEPT were filtered out. Posteriorly,
all content in parentheses was moved to the end of
the sentence as a mean of preventing a distortion
in the posterior learning process. Overall, a set of
2,351,708 sentences were extracted corresponding
to 942,242 definiendums from wide-ranging topics:
2,190,630 were used for training and 161,078 for de-
velopment belonging to 879,089 and 63,153 distinct
definiendums, respectively. Some training examples
CONCEPT[Ocosingo, Chiapas] was given city
status on 31 July 1979 .
From 1976 to 2001 , the CONCEPT[Le Studio] was
used by many Canadian and international artists to
record hit albums .
The CONCEPT[Le Travail Movement] lasted only
7 months , from Sept 1936 to April 1937 .
CONCEPT[Timelike Infinity] is a 1992 science
fiction book by Stephen Baxter .
As a means of assessing the quality of the ac-
quired sets, one hundred randomly selected train-
ing sentences were manually annotated. From these
sentences, 17% were misleading examples. Basi-
cally, these were originated by numbers mislabelled
as dates, sentence boundaries wrongly detected and
wrong inferences drawn by the replacement and ex-
traction heuristics. This acquisition process, nonethe-
less, provided significant accuracy, especially consid-
ering that it does not require manual annotations.
In juxtaposition, the testing set was derived
from sentences taken from full web-documents,
since the ultimate goal is definition QA systems
operating on the web. These test sentences were
obtained by submitting to a search engine (MSN
) definiendums that did not supply train-
ing/development sentences. A maximum of 50 hits
were requested of the search engine per definien-
dum, from which only documents corresponding
to web snippets containing the exact match of the
definiendum were downloaded and processed. To
be more precise, document processing consisted
in removing HTML tags, and splitting them into
sentences by means of openNLP
. Subsequently, only
sentences carrying the exact match of the definiendum
and a number were chosen, and every instance of
the definiendum is replaced with the placeholder
CONCEPT. As a result, 5,773 testing sentences were
obtained belonging to 1,008 distinct definiendums
from wide-ranging topics.
(+)On October 31 , 1948 , the CON-
CEPT[American Vecturist Association] was
formed in New York City out of interest sparked
from Mr. Moore ’s newsletter .
(-)Posted by: CONCEPT[Chuck Moore] April
19, 2007 8:35 AM
- Producing Chronologies as Answers to Definition Questions
(-)Starting in 1997 , the Union began to work
with non-student instructional staff to join CON-
CEPT[CUPE 3902].
(+)Beginning in July of 2001 , Dr. CONCEPT[Yuri
Pichugin] joined the CI team as Director of Re-
search .
As shown in the illustrative examples, these 5,773
testing sentences were manually labelled as positive
or negative. As an outcome, this manual annotation
provided 1,149 positive and 4,624 negative samples
respectively. Intentionally, we opted out of forcing
the test set to be balanced, but rather we chose to keep
the distributions as they were found on the web, this
way experimental scenarios are kept as realistic as
possible. Certainly, temporally anchored definitions
are much fewer in number than their counterparts.
To sum up, reliable sets of positive training and
development sentences were automatically acquired
from Wikipedia abstracts. In each sentence, the oc-
currence of dates was validated by means of linguistic
processing. Conversely, the testing set was obtained
from the web, and numbers are interpreted as the in-
dicator of potential dates. This key difference is due
chiefly to the fact that models were trained off-line,
and linguistic tools were utilised for increasing the re-
liability of the positive training set, and consequently,
of the models. On the other hand, testing sets are as-
sessed in real time. For this reason, dates are discrim-
inated from numbers on the grounds of the similar-
ity between their respective contexts and the contexts
learnt by the models.
A final remark is due to on-line resources that
yield temporally anchored descriptions. For instance:,, We also acquired 519,240
positive examples from eight different on-line re-
sources. We realised, however, that there are two
aspects that make them less attractive: (1) the kinds
of descriptions they cover is narrow, mainly births
and deaths of people; and (2) the definiendum must
be manually identified. For these two reasons, these
sentences were not taken into account in this work.
Since our corpus acquisition procedure produces two
sets (development and training) consisting solely of
positive examples, only strategies that can learn from
one-class are considered. In language models, a test
sentence S = w
. . . w
is scored in concert with the
probability P(S) of its sequence of words. This prob-
ability is usually decomposed into the multiplication
of the likelihood of smaller sequences of n-words
(Goodman, 2001; Figueroa and Atkinson, 2009):
. . . w
Where l denotes the length of the test sen-
tence S. Typically, the length of the sentence frag-
ments n ranges between one and five. Accordingly,
. . . w
) is the probability of seeing the
word w
after the fragment w
. . . w
. These
probabilities are normally approximated by means of
the Maximum Likelihood Estimate:
. . . w
. . . w
. . . w
In order to deal with unknown words, when rank-
ing test sentences, a dummy token was arbitrarily
added to the model. This token was associated with a
frequency value of one, then, unigrams probabilities
were defined by the next formula:
Subsequently, the obtained n-gram language
model is smoothed by interpolating with shorter n-
grams (Goodman, 2001) as follows:
. . . w
) = λ
. . . w
(1 λ
. . . w
Lastly, the rank of a test sentence S is calculated as
Rank(S) = log(P(S)) as a means of preventing arith-
metically underflowing when dealing with long sen-
tences. As for the smoothing parameters, their opti-
mal values were estimated by means of the Expecta-
tion Maximization (EM) algorithm. In essence, this
algorithm is run for each interpolation level, that is λ
is computed interpolating pentagrams and tetragrams,
while λ
tetragrams and trigrams, and so on. Accord-
ingly, the first row in table 1 underlines all parameters
values for the proposed models. For the sake of clar-
ity, the remaining two rows will be discussed later.
Table 1: Lambda Estimates.
Language Models 0.91 0.41 0.005 0.0001
Language Models+ 0.80 0.26 0.014 0.0001
Google N-grams
Language Models +CD 0.91 0.43 0.078 0.0001
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Our language models were tried on the testing set ac-
quired in section 3. A baseline was implemented that
assigns a random score to each sentence, and we ad-
ditionally studied the impact of some of the features
of (Pas¸ca, 2008; Alonso et al., 2009) in the ranking.
For the sake of simplicity, from now on, the presented
system is called ChronosDefQA.
As to evaluation metrics, we made use of precision
at k. This measurement is the ratio of sentences that
are actual definitions between the first k positions of
the ranking (per definiendum). In our experiments, we
made allowances solely for the top five positions as
they showed to be enough to draw a clear distinction
between different approaches.
Table 2: Results achieved by the baseline and different con-
figurations of ChronosDefQA (average precision at k).
1 2 3 4 5
random 0.154 0.123 0.085 0.080 0.098
unigrams 0.166 0.127 0.079 0.061 0.073
bigrams 0.179 0.143 0.088 0.079 0.090
trigrams 0.181 0.138 0.092 0.095 0.107
tetragrams 0.184 0.136 0.092 0.079 0.088
pentagrams 0.181 0.143 0.092 0.086 0.097
ChronosDefQA+Google N-grams (all)
unigrams 0.124 0.110 0.070 0.056 0.067
bigrams 0.123 0.111 0.069 0.075 0.092
trigrams 0.129 0.109 0.072 0.067 0.081
tetragrams 0.131 0.115 0.081 0.068 0.083
pentagrams 0.137 0.118 0.072 0.071 0.086
ChronosDefQA+Google N-grams (ngram)
unigrams 0.150 0.121 0.080 0.081 0.096
bigrams 0.148 0.122 0.071 0.077 0.093
trigrams 0.151 0.123 0.073 0.067 0.081
tetragrams 0.146 0.122 0.071 0.075 0.091
0.149 0.125 0.060 0.084 0.101
Table 2 stresses the achievements obtained in
terms of average precision at k by the baseline and dif-
ferent configurations of ChronosDefQA. These con-
figurations varied the level of the n-gram language
models (n = 1 . . . 5). In light of the results, it can be
1. In general, ChronosDefQA outperforms our base-
line in the top-three ranked positions. This suggests
that our corpus in conjunction with n-gram language
models enhance the performance.
2. More interestingly, trigram language models pro-
duced better results consistently, though higher level
models were also taken into consideration in this eval-
uation. This outcome is also corroborated later by
other variations of ChronosDefQA (see tables 3 and
3. The reason to prefer language models for rank-
ing answer candidates is having only positive sam-
ples. Thus, ChronosDefQA knows n-gram distribu-
tions in temporally anchored definitions, while at the
same time, it lacks of data about distributions of n-
grams in general text (sentences) containing numbers.
As a means of inferring this information, avoiding
the manual annotation of a set of sentences of about
the same size than the positive set, negative (general
text) language models were deduced from Google N-
First, the respective frequencies of the n-grams in
the positive models were taken from Google N-grams.
Only these n-grams were considered in order to pre-
vent inducing a bias in the negative models. Second,
language models are built on top of these frequencies.
Third, as to interpolation parameters, since we do not
have annotated negative sentences, the positive devel-
opment set was utilised for their tuning. Accordingly,
the second row in table 1 shows the obtained values.
Two distinct alternatives were attempted. The
first one, signalled by (all) in table 2, indepen-
dently ranks answer candidates with both language
models, and divide both scores afterwards. The
second, indicated by (ngram) in table 2, divides
each P
. . . w
), and outputs the corre-
sponding rank(S). In general, both approaches were
detrimental to performance, suggesting that Google
N-grams did not provide a good approximation of the
negative set.
4. Besides, (Alonso et al., 2009) utilised the length
of the sentence as an attribute in their ranking strat-
egy. Equally, results (2) in table 3 highlights the
results achieved by ChronosDefQA, when the score
function rank(S) is divided by the number of tokens
in S. This resulted in an enhancement with respect to
(1) in models that account for features of higher or-
der than unigrams. Specifically, the precision of the
top ranked sentence in the trigram model increased
from 0.181 to 0.194 (7.18%), while the ranking in the
case of the unigram model was inclined to worsen.
5. A key aspect of rank(S) is that it assigns higher
scores to sentences in agreement with their likelihood
of being temporally anchored definitions. Since the
ranking is forced to output ve sentences, in some
definiendums, some misleading sentences can still be
incorporated into the output, despite their low scores.
The reason for this is two-fold: (a) few or no reli-
able answers were distinguished in the test set, and (b)
there was no genuine answer for a particular definien-
dum. For this reason, we experimentally check
- Producing Chronologies as Answers to Definition Questions
Table 3: Results achieved by distinct configurations of
ChronosDefQA (average precision at k).
1 2 3 4 5
unigrams 0.156 0.108 0.073 0.076 0.091
bigrams 0.194 0.150 0.110 0.109 0.122
trigrams 0.194 0.151 0.102 0.117 0.128
tetragrams 0.188 0.151 0.104 0.094 0.103
pentagrams 0.191 0.141 0.097 0.099 0.111
unigrams 0.156 0.108 0.073 0.076 0.091
bigrams 0.203 0.158 0.117 0.117 0.131
trigrams 0.206 0.161 0.110 0.127 0.139
tetragrams 0.197 0.158 0.110 0.102 0.112
pentagrams 0.199 0.147 0.103 0.106 0.118
(4)=(3)+ Number Substitution
unigrams 0.156 0.116 0.073 0.074 0.088
0.232 0.195 0.143 0.197 0.211
trigrams 0.230 0.206 0.250 0.266 0.275
tetragrams 0.247 0.196 0.180 0.205 0.221
pentagrams 0.249 0.229 0.129 0.137 0.161
(5)=(3)+Number Substitution & Redundancy
unigrams 0.182 0.140 0.087 0.094 0.106
bigrams 0.328 0.250 0.229 0.127 0.243
trigrams 0.350 0.294 0.210 0.25 0.273
tetragrams 0.307 0.253 0.184 0.260 0.286
pentagrams 0.290 0.226 0.156 0.202 0.229
for a set of reliable thresholds to tackle this issue.
Accordingly, these thresholds are: unigrams(-13.0),
bigrams(-4.0) and others(-2.5). The top-five answers
were cut-off at any point where an answer finished
with a score smaller than the respective threshold.
Results (3) (table 3) emphasises the new out-
comes, showing that trigram models perform the best.
More precisely, this model improved the performance
of its homologous in (2) as follows: top-one (6.18%),
top-two (6.6%), top-three (7.8%), top-four (8.5%)
and top-five (8.6%). Since the ranking is more likely
to be trimmed at lower positions, the impact of this
attribute is inclined to be stronger as long as greater
values of k are considered. This outcome also reaf-
firms our first conclusion, because greater improve-
ments are achieved when cutting at lower positions,
that is when discarding candidates with low scores.
6. In order to boost the similarities between the
models and test sentences, numbers across train-
ing and development sentences were replaced with a
placeholder (CD). Consequently, new language mod-
els were trained, and accordingly, the new interpola-
tion parameters are shown in the third row of table 1.
Subsequently, test sentences are assessed by (3), but
making use of these new language models along with
substituting numbers in test sentences with CD.
Results (4) indicate the relevance of this substitu-
tion as it considerably improves the performance for
almost all models in relation to (3). For instance,
the trigram model finished with better precision at all
levels, when contrasted to its similar in (3): top-one
(11.65%), top-two (27.95%), top-three, top-four and
five (90+%). These outcomes reaffirm the positive
contribution of our language models to the ranking.
In this configuration, the pentagram model outper-
formed the trigram model at k = 1 and 2, revealing the
importance of fuller syntactic structures. Since num-
bers were replaced by a placeholder, the probability of
matching some few more complete and reliable struc-
tures increased, bringing about improvements at all
levels with respect to (3), being these enhancements
greater than the trigram models for the first and sec-
ond ranked answers.
7. Incidentally, (Pas¸ca, 2008) clustered answers ac-
cording to dates, under the assumption that dates sup-
ported by more answer candidates are more likely
to be the most reliable and relevant chronons for a
particular definiendum. Following this observation,
ChronosDefQA builds an histogram of the numbers
appearing across answer candidates, and removes all
the numbers with a frequency of one. It additionally
discards dates where at least one of their instances
does not occur proceeded by a, the, in and on. Con-
trary to (Pas¸ca, 2008), ChronosDefQA accounts for
any sort of number. The higher ranked instance for
each date is moved to the top of the rank by adding
the score of the highest ranked answer to its score.
Broadly speaking, results (5) reveal a marked im-
provement with respect to (4) for all configurations,
and for almost all levels of precision, demonstrating
the relevance of the local contextual information.
8. Previous configurations, excluding those utilising
Google N-grams, bias the ranking in favour of answer
candidates containing positive evidence. Following
the observation of (Pas¸ca, 2008), configuration (6)
in table 4 underlines the outcomes achieved when re-
moving sentences containing pronouns. Results re-
veal an improvement in relation to (5).
9. Following the same line, ChronosDefQA eliminates
answer candidates that contain expressions including
in”/“on”/“the”/“at (the) CONCEPT”. Like expung-
ing pronouns, the outcome (7) obtained by this re-
moval bettered the results achieved by (6).
10. One aspect that makes the language models pre-
sented in this work less attractive is their assump-
tion about characterising an answer candidate S as
sequences of n words. Many times insertions and/or
deletions of words can make a genuine answer look
spurious or, in the best case, less reliable. As a means
of investigating the impact of insertions and deletions
of words, we learnt sets of five and four ordered words
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 4: Results obtained by extra configurations of
ChronosDefQA (average precision at k).
1 2 3 4 5
unigrams 0.190 0.149 0.100 0.092 0.104
bigrams 0.341 0.255 0.231 0.25 0.267
trigrams 0.360 0.298 0.222 0.259 0.279
tetragrams 0.315 0.257 0.194 0.270 0.298
pentagrams 0.299 0.232 0.161 0.197 0.223
unigrams 0.194 0.156 0.109 0.089 0.100
bigrams 0.353 0.242 0.250 0.258 0.275
trigrams 0.376 0.302 0.220 0.270 0.288
tetragrams 0.325 0.269 0.198 0.230 0.257
pentagrams 0.308 0.236 0.172 0.174 0.193
(8)=(7)+Four-Words Orderings
unigrams 0.211 0.174 0.131 0.108 0.118
0.381 0.365 0.318 0.290 0.304
trigrams 0.385 0.368 0.359 0.308 0.326
tetragrams 0.345 0.309 0.269 0.315 0.341
pentagrams 0.318 0.283 0.215 0.243 0.265
(9)=(7)+Five-Words Orderings
unigrams 0.205 0.149 0.125 0.083 0.094
bigrams 0.393 0.296 0.224 0.341 0.364
trigrams 0.415 0.330 0.222 0.400 0.424
tetragrams 0.358 0.276 0.200 0.260 0.290
pentagrams 0.328 0.249 0.180 0.195 0.217
that co-occur in windows of ten tokens across training
sentences, similarly to (Figueroa, 2008). These or-
dered words were constrained to start with the place-
holder CONCEPT and end with the placeholder CD.
Some illustrative highly frequent tuples are:
<CONCEPT,born,in,CD>; <CONCEPT,served,as,CD>;
Answer candidates matching these tuples are re-
ranked analogously to configuration (5). Generally,
tuples consisting of four words caused greater en-
hancement at k = 3, 4, 5 for all models, whereas tu-
ples formed by ve words at k = 1 and 2. Nonethe-
less, both brought about an improvement with respect
to the previous configuration, signalling that the con-
text between the definiendum and the potential date
along with its flexible word ordering is a conspicuous
attribute of temporally anchored definitions.
This work presented an automatic acquisition method
of temporally anchored definitions from Wikipedia.
These acquired definitions are then used for language
models that rank temporally anchored answers to def-
inition questions. This work also studied the effects
of different attributes that have a significant impact in
ranking answer candidates.
As future work, we envision the enrichment of the
acquisition process with more linguistic knowledge;
this way more reliable training and development sets
can be obtained. By the same token, contextual word
orderings and windows lengths could be learnt from
the respective dependency trees, and employed at the
surface level to rank test sentences afterwards.
The material used in this work is available
EventsSets.tar.gz. Thanks to John Atkinson for aiding
in publishing these data-sets.
This work was partially supported by a research
grant from the German Federal Ministry of Edu-
cation, Science, Research and Technology (BMBF)
to the DFKI project TAKE (01IW08003) and the
EC-funded project QALL-ME - FP6 IST-033860
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- Producing Chronologies as Answers to Definition Questions