Arturo Caravantes
Institute of Educational Sciences, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, c/Profesor Aranguren s/n, Madrid, Spain
Keywords: Intelligent educational systems, User interface, Cognitive tutoring.
Abstract: This paper briefly describes some of the modelling work of intelligent web-based educational systems with
cognitive monitoring. Specifically, it focuses on the interaction process consisting of a processor based on
mental models and several interaction environments related to interface devices. Both systems work
together to regulate the student learning process through controlling working memory load, focusing
attention and presenting knowledge in conceptual-semantic format. These features require an object-
oriented rich web interface.
User interfaces of educational systems have
followed a parallel development to the information
and communication technologies improving their
capability of interaction and presentation. The old
interfaces with command-line textual interaction
were replaced by GUI/WUI (Graphical User
Interfaces / Web User Interfaces) with hypermedia
interaction. The complexity of new requirements for
higher interaction, adaptability and student
monitoring has changed the interface designs from
traditional Web browser to the more sophisticated
Rich Internet Applications (RIA). These interface
applications enable the deployment of new features
like conversational agents (Rus & Graesser, 2006;
Tarau & Figa, 2004; Cassell et al., 2000), 3D
navigational environments and physical agents,
which reduce the ambiguity of linguistic
communication through additional emotional
information (Zakharov et al., 2008; Forbes-Riley et
al., 2008; Prendinger & Ishizuka, 2005).
Diversification of media devices (Internet,
Mobile, PDA) and content globalization has
promoted integration initiatives as the Edit@ project
(, mainly devoted to the
creation of specifications for resources and user
synchronization such as: SMIL (Synchronized
Multimedia Integration Language), AAIML
(Alternate Abstract Interface Markup Language),
AUIML (Abstract User Interface Markup
Language), UIMLA (User Interface Markup
Language) , XIML (eXtensible Interface extensible
Markup Language), Swing and XUL (XML-based
User-interface Language).
This paper presents a generic interaction
architecture in the context of intelligent web-based
educational systems, especially those focused on
cognitive control (Arrabales & Sanchis, 2008;
Chong et al., 2007; Pinker, 2007; Lehman et al.,
2006; Huss et al., 2006; Bach, 2003; Anderson &
Corbett, 1997). The model must be scalable,
interoperable and designed to monitor mental
processes involved in the teaching-learning process.
This work is part of an ontology modelling project
called COES (Cognitive Ontology of Educational
Systems), implemented on two different intelligent
educational systems: TIX and MAP. The first
approach is a traditional adaptive web-based
educational system while the second one is an
adaptive rich-interface educational system with
cognitive tracking. The TIX system is used to obtain
baseline data to be compared with that from the
MAP system.
In the following section, the COES model of
interaction is introduced. Sections 3 and 4 describe
the main components of the interaction domain in
the MAP architecture: a mental processor and a
conceptual interface.
Caravantes A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 387-390
DOI: 10.5220/0002771603870390