Pilar Martínez Jiménez, Gerardo Pedrós Pérez
Department of Applied Physics, University of Cordoba, Córdoba, Spain
Antonio Cubero Atienza, Dolores Redel Macías, Lorenzo Salas Morera, Laura García Hernandez
Department of Project Engineering, University of Cordoba, Spain
Keywords: Risk Prevention, e-Learning, Engineering.
Abstract: This work presents a web portal for telematic training in work-related risk prevention: noise at work and
machine vibrations. Training in Work-related Risk Prevention, especially in the area of Industrial Hygiene,
has a practical laboratory component, which is fundamental for a correct preparation of prevention
technicians so that they can become acquainted with the field equipment that they have to use in risk
evaluation, its configuration, principal parts and handling; everything from its calibration to its application
in measuring as a function of the job’s conditions, always within the correct methodological application
dictated by the national and international norms which regulate these field applications. This signifies
important time expenditure for specialist teachers and in field equipment for the users being trained. With
virtual laboratories containing the web application developed it is aimed to complement experimental
laboratory training, with simulative tools which provide the knowledge and the practical handling of the
equipment under the most real conditions possible, thus considerably reducing the number of laboratory
hours necessary. It is a matter of having a catalogue of virtual laboratories with a free and easy access, the
one in the first stage being specifically that corresponding to noise at work.
At present, the main objective of many software
systems developed is teaching and the transmission
of knowledge. The use of a computer for this
purpose accelerates the learning process of the
notions provided by the system since interacting
with it helps the contents to be assimilated more
quickly and placidly.
The creation of a virtual laboratory permits the
dissemination of that information to its final users
and the teaching of theoretical-practical concepts by
experimentation making use of the new
technologies. In addition, the expansion of the
software through Internet makes it easy for any
professional or student interested in the theme
developed to use the laboratory and benefit from its
contents, thus obtaining a didactic complement to
the traditional theory classes. Although there is
abundant information on work-related risks
produced by noise and vibrations, effects (Bedi R.,
2006; Bhattacharya SK., 1991; Yildirim I., 2007)
instruments and measurement techniques, there is
very little software combining all the information to
be considered by the technicians in the prevention of
the problems caused by noise and vibrations in
The effects of vibrations and impacts on human
beings have been known for a long time. At the
beginning of the 18
century, B. Ramazzini in his
book “Examination of the diseases of artists and
artisans” observed the loads and stress in horse
tamers produced by machine vibrations and
described the effects in the following way: “….. The
force of the vibration shakes the entrails and
practically displaces them from their normal
Nowadays, work activities like driving transport
vehicles or rotating, alternative drilling or percussion
manual tools signify to the worker a prolonged
exposure of machine vibrations (Lercher P. 1996),
transmitted both to the hand-arm system and to the
ınez J
ımenez P., Pedr
os P
erez G., Cubero Atienza A., Redel Mac
ıas D., Salas Morera L. and Garc
ıa Hernandez L. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 160-165
whole body. This type of vibration is the cause of
such complaints as vascular disorders in the hands,
lesions in the lumbar zone in the spinal column and
in the nervous system connected to it, or respiratory
problems (Guinchard P, Charbotel B, et al. 2008).
In spite of the large number of the working
population exposed to this type of vibration, there is
a scant culture of prevention existing on exposure to
vibrations in work posts. Although there is abundant
information on exposure to vibrations, its effects,
instruments and measurement techniques, there are
very few software containing all the information to
be considered by problem prevention technicians on
exposure to vibrations.
In recent years there has been a great
development of virtual Laboratories in the education
of different disciplines (Jimenez, PM, 2009),
nevertheless in the whole consulted bibliography we
have not found any that this one dedicated to the
study of the prevention of labour risks, and
especially to vibrations and noise.
With the aim of solving the problem of the
scarcity of software on exposure to vibrations, it has
been attempted to develop a virtual laboratory on
this theme in the labour scenario. It supplies both
theoretical and practical information on all the fields
covering this topic, and the possibility of interacting
with the instrumentation typical of this subject by
means of simulating it. The website and virtual
laboratories have been created to provide that
information thus making it easy for any person
wishing to go deeper into the theme to do so.
The main objective that it is aimed to fulfil is the
development of a software application which makes
up for the absence of information experienced by
students of technical studies when acquiring
theoretical knowledge and carrying out practical
classes in laboratories, specifically in the classes
corresponding to experimentation with the concrete
instruments for the measurement of vibrations and
The secondary objectives are:
To develop an application containing
information referring to the instrumentation and
measurement methods.
The application has direct access to the
regulation in force on the protection of the health
and safety of workers against risks related to
exposure to machine vibrations.
To include extensive information on the possi-
ble effects on workers brought on by vibrations
and noise.
The software has a complete training tutorial for
expert technicians.
To permit the user to become familiarized with
some of the measurement instruments by means
of the simulation of their functioning in different
work posts.
To permit the updating of the information it
contains through a resource manager with a
database which contributes dynamism to the
application itself.
The virtual laboratory has a general interface for
the presentation of different applications related
to Work-related Risk Prevention.
The web page works in a “multiplatform”
environment. The application can be used in any
computer regardless of its operative system.
It is intuitive and easy to use as it is aimed at
people who do not necessarily have any
extensive knowledge of the subject.
In the developed portal it is aimed to concentrate all
the aspects necessary for a specialist in the
prevention of work-related risks: noise and
vibrations (Figure 1).
Figure 1: First display screen of the Work-Related Risk
Prevention portal.
With it, the drawbacks which real laboratory
learning entails disappear:
The high cost of instruments for measuring
The need for a teacher to supervise the
operations carried out in each machine.
The need to fit out a laboratory in order to carry
out these practical classes.
The need to adopt a timetable to set up the
practical classes.
The sections included are:
* A tutorial to guide the technician, supplying
him/her with information on different physics fields
dealing with noise and vibrations, the
instrumentation to be used in measuring them, the
regulations in force, updated, to be applied during
that measuring process together with the different
configuration parameters to be used in controlling
noise, and a series of tutorial videos which facilitate
the understanding of the handling of the devices
related to this theme.
* Gallery in which there is a useful educational
illustrated reference with information on all the
machines and instruments employed.
* Virtual Laboratory or Simulation that presents
measurement and calibration processes of a lot
devices, as dosimeter, sonometer, calibrator, and
vibrometers. Also, theses sections include
calculations and results, interpretation of images,
resolution of cases, etc.
The developed web has the following
* Flexible interface for access to information
* Opportunity for the learner to repeat the
practical activities as many times as he/she considers
it necessary until the didactic results wished are
* The learning timetable is established by the
users themselves in accordance with their needs.
* Possibility of use of software at all times.
3.1 Functioning
An application has been set up to permit the
handling of the different sections detailed in the
definition of the real problem.
The user can gain access to each of those
sections by selecting the corresponding option.
By using a multimedia platform in which,
through animations and an attractive interface which
makes learning a pleasure for the user, all the
necessary theory is provided for the latter for an
optimal understanding in the field of industrial noise
and vibrations, as well as a complete description of
the instruments required in the measuring and
prevention of both the noise and machine vibrations,
together with explanatory video-tutorials making it
easier to manage them (Figures 2 and 3).
Furthermore, in this application a file has been
included by all the legislation relating to risks
prevention, which is permanent updated by the web
administrator and which in addition can be
downloaded by the student.
With regard to the laboratories and depending on
the apparatus with which work is going to be done
virtually, the technician has to insert data for their
correct working. Similarly, there is a possibility of
consulting the explanation of the working of the
apparatus and to manipulate it. To ensure that the
user learns correctly, the system guarantees that if
this is the first time h/she accesses to it, h/she should
carry out some basic activities on it, then, later, be
able to increase their difficulty (Figure 4).
Figure 2: Image gallery.
Figure 3: Tutorial and legislation.
In addition, the practical activities (virtual
laboratories) present in the programme include the
principle of “learning while practising”, with which
the user will acquire the necessary capacity to
handle the machines in real life and interpret their
results. H/she will be able to verify analytical
solutions and experiment with different
configuration parameters.
Figure 4: Working of the dosimeter.
3.2 Environment
The interface was aimed to be simple, friendly and
intuitive so that all its users, regardless of their
degree of knowledge on the theme, would be
capable of handling it (Figure 5).
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Interface on training in work-related risk from
The system is directed both at Work-related Risk
Prevention technicians and learners in the field of
industrial noise and machine vibrations, who should
have basic knowledge of Office Automation and
Windows, and a computer with the resources
necessary for executing the programme.
The application has been developed with the
ActionScript programming language and the
database MySQL, so that for its modification it will
be necessary to dispose of Macromedia Flash 8 and
an Oracle system. For its use and visualization only
a browser will be needed since this programme is
accessed to through the website of the Department
of Applied Physics at Córdoba University, by either Explorer 6.0,
Firefox, Netscape, with the installation of the plug in
of Flash Player being considered necessary.
3.3 External Aspect
The interface is intuitive and ergonomic to handle. It
has shades of eccentricity and tries to be very clear
and perceptive. Its objective is to facilitate access to
different units of the programme easily and quickly.
The constant use of a multitude of sounds and of
continuous movements is not recommendable since
this may slow down the execution of the
applications and prevent the user from achieving
his/her objectives at any speed.
There is a striking presentation of the
information as it makes use of multimedia
techniques to attract the user’s attention.
From the user’s point of view, the interface
should permit him/her to locate the information and
carry out his/her operations quickly as can be
verified in most web pages.
It has been attempted not to distract the user too
much with the design but at the same time make the
application attractive, reaching a halfway point in
the animations employed.
The developed product is available at all times in
the website of the
Department of Applied Physics at Córdoba
Together with the application developed the
documentation generated during its creation process
is supplied. This includes the technical handbooks,
which contain the general information on the process
of analysis, design, implementation and system test,
and the Code Manuals in which the source codes of
the applications developed are described.
A user’s guide is also included with all the
information necessary for a good management of the
application. Screen captures are carried out on all
and every one of the sections of the application to
support the information offered in it.
A web portal has been created for training in work-
related risk prevention, which is being used in the
Master in Work-related Risk Prevention at Córdoba
University, and is permanently available in the
server of the Physics
4.1 Virtual Laboratory Actions
The following are the possible actions that the
normal user can perform in the execution of the
4.1.1 Consult a Technical Tutorial
The user has at his/her disposal a tutorial divided
into different sections with the aim of facilitating
his/her study of the theory of machine vibrations and
The information given in the tutorial is structured
in the following way:
Physical properties of vibrations and noise: in
this section an extended definition of vibrations
and noise is made.
Parameters which define the vibrations and noise
at work: In this section each of the parameters
intervening is defined.
Spectrum analysis of vibrations: In this section
some physical aspects of the vibrations
phenomenon are described in relation to their
study in the frequency domain.
Vibration and noise measurement techniques: In
this section, the diverse practices employed in
measuring are described, depending on the
situation, the objective, the place and conditions
of the environment in which these measurements
are made.
Effects or pathologies of vibrations and noise on
people: In this section, a detailed description is
given of the effects that the work-related risks
being studied can cause.
Control systems: In this section, the methods for
remedying the vibrations and noise or for
restricting them to tolerable levels are described.
o Control systems in the source
o Vibration uncoupling systems
o Control systems by Individual Protection
Equipments (EPI).
o Administration controls.
Vibrations and noise in industry: In this section
the risks that it is possible to localize in industry
are detailed.
4.1.2 Consult a Legislation Tutorial
The user disposes of a tutorial with the legislation in
force in order to find out the legal regulations
concerning vibrations and noise in a job of work.
The information given is classified in accordance
with the existing norms, including laws, royal
decrees and directives.
4.1.3 Consult a Photo Gallery
The user can gain access to a gallery in which he/she
can observe the different apparatus and instruments
used. The user can identify, become acquainted with
and study the general characteristics of these
4.1.4 Simulation of the Phenomena:
Measurement and Treatment
The user can access to a laboratory in which he/she
is shown a series of simulations in order to prepare
him/her in the measurement of vibrations and noise
and the interpretation of his/her results. As an
example, some of the simulations available are:
Calibration process: Simulation of the calibration
process of a vibrometer controlling a possible
incorrect calibration.
Vibrometer: Simulation corresponding to the
handling of this measurement device.
Simulation in work posts.
4.1.5 Consult Video-Tutorials and Consult
The user, by using videos which provide comple-
mentary information on certain aspects included in
other modules of the application (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Video-tutorials.
In each of the programme’s modules the help
section can be accessed to from that module. It is
easy to use and very useful to the user for solving
problems arising when browsing through the
To finish, the possible actions which the user at
an administrator level can perform by executing the
application are detailed. To gain access to these
actions the user must fill in a form to confirm that
he/she is a user at an administrator level.
4.1.6 Manage Users
The user-administrator can enrol other user-
administrators so that they can gain access to the
application’s management tool. Each user-
administrator can modify his/her own password to
enter the management tool of the virtual laboratory,
and, if necessary remove him/herself from the
application itself. No user-administrator can change
the password or remove any other user-
The user can insert, modify and even remove the
address of the virtual laboratories referring to Work-
related Risk Prevention from the access list to
The contents permit the user-administrator to
manage the information of the application’s
tutorials. The user-administrator can insert, modify
and remove contents from the different tutorials in
the virtual laboratory. In the same module there is an
option for showing the information from some
section of the tutorials to see if it is correct.
The user-administrator can update the
information contained in the virtual laboratory
guide. In the same module, the user-administrator
can insert, modify and remove links of interest
within the application.
The user-administrator can upload files of
images for the tutorials and pdf files for their
subsequent downloading for the normal users of the
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
application. The module shows all the images
The web portal developed has only been finished
and implemented for a short time in the web server,
and, therefore, it has not been used with the students.
However, some pilot validation qualitative tests have
been done with different users taken at random and
all of them have underlined two important aspects of
this programme. On one hand, how easy it is to use,
and, on the other, they say that it has helped them to
improve concepts. Most of them have also
mentioned that the section corresponding to the
videos in which the handling of the apparatus was
explained and visualized was of great interest to
In a second stage of investigation, this tool will
be implemented with the students and the results
obtained studied.
The quality and reliability of the software are
two of the most important characteristics to be taken
into account in the creation of the software. That is
why the application developed with this work has
been submitted to pertinent exhaustive tests in order
to minimize, as far as possible, the risk of any
However, as the application has to be accessed
by Internet, the speed at which it returns the data
will depend to a great extent on the quality of the
connection both of the computer in which it is
installed and the users who access to it.
A software application has been developed which
compensates for the lack of information experienced
by technical students when acquiring theoretical
knowledge and doing practice exercises in the
laboratories corresponding to Work Hygiene: work-
related risk prevention, especially in the practical
classes on experimentation with specific instruments
measuring vibrations and noise.
The portal and laboratories implemented have
the following characteristics:
This application contains extensive information
referring to the instrumentation and methods for
measuring machine vibrations and noise.
It has direct access to the legislation in force on
the protection of the health and safety of workers
against risks related to machine vibrations and
noise at work
It includes ample information on the possible
effects on workers which can be brought on by
vibrations and noise.
It has a detailed training tutorial for expert
It permits the user to become familiarized with
some of the instruments for the measurement of
machine vibrations and noise by means of the
simulation of their working in different job posts.
It permits the updating of the information
contained in it through a resource manager with a
database which makes the application more
It has a general interface for the presentation of
the different applications related to Work-related
Risk Prevention.
It functions in a “multiplatform” environment.
The application can be used in any computer
regardless of its operative system.
It is intuitive and easy to manage since it is
aimed at people who do not necessarily need any
broad knowledge in the subject.
Bedi R. Evaluation of occupational environment in two
textile plants in Northern India with specific reference
to noise Industrial Health 44, 112, 2006.
Bhattacharya S. K., Hearing acuity in weavers of a textile
mill, Indian Journal of Medical Research 74 , 779
Guinchard P, Charbotel B, Pouget E, et al., Occupational
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Professionnelles et de L Environnement 69, 3, 464-
474, 2008.
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Lercher P, Environmental noise and health: An integrated
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Ramazzini, B., Deseases of Workers (1713), Hafner, New
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Yildirim I, The effects of noise on hearing and oxidative
stress in textile workers, Industrial Health 45 , pp. 743,