application. The module shows all the images
The web portal developed has only been finished
and implemented for a short time in the web server,
and, therefore, it has not been used with the students.
However, some pilot validation qualitative tests have
been done with different users taken at random and
all of them have underlined two important aspects of
this programme. On one hand, how easy it is to use,
and, on the other, they say that it has helped them to
improve concepts. Most of them have also
mentioned that the section corresponding to the
videos in which the handling of the apparatus was
explained and visualized was of great interest to
In a second stage of investigation, this tool will
be implemented with the students and the results
obtained studied.
The quality and reliability of the software are
two of the most important characteristics to be taken
into account in the creation of the software. That is
why the application developed with this work has
been submitted to pertinent exhaustive tests in order
to minimize, as far as possible, the risk of any
However, as the application has to be accessed
by Internet, the speed at which it returns the data
will depend to a great extent on the quality of the
connection both of the computer in which it is
installed and the users who access to it.
A software application has been developed which
compensates for the lack of information experienced
by technical students when acquiring theoretical
knowledge and doing practice exercises in the
laboratories corresponding to Work Hygiene: work-
related risk prevention, especially in the practical
classes on experimentation with specific instruments
measuring vibrations and noise.
The portal and laboratories implemented have
the following characteristics:
This application contains extensive information
referring to the instrumentation and methods for
measuring machine vibrations and noise.
It has direct access to the legislation in force on
the protection of the health and safety of workers
against risks related to machine vibrations and
noise at work
It includes ample information on the possible
effects on workers which can be brought on by
vibrations and noise.
It has a detailed training tutorial for expert
It permits the user to become familiarized with
some of the instruments for the measurement of
machine vibrations and noise by means of the
simulation of their working in different job posts.
It permits the updating of the information
contained in it through a resource manager with a
database which makes the application more
It has a general interface for the presentation of
the different applications related to Work-related
Risk Prevention.
It functions in a “multiplatform” environment.
The application can be used in any computer
regardless of its operative system.
It is intuitive and easy to manage since it is
aimed at people who do not necessarily need any
broad knowledge in the subject.
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