messages have on the construction of self and
body’s image; verify the effectiveness of training,
focused on the analysis and production of media
messages, to increase the awareness of young people
about the influence that the media play in the
construction of our habits, dietary or not;
encouraging reflection in children and adolescent
about the body and its significance, in order to
prevent the assumption of dietary risk behaviours
and/or eating disorders; increase the skills of young
people as regards the decoding and the production of
media messages, using the logics and the techniques
of media industries. We can say that through the
methodology of Media Education we want to
achieve two main purposes: improve the
communication’s competences of young people both
in comprehension of messages and both in
production of messages, using technical tools and
logics of the media industry.
The research has involved five classes of junior high
school of two schools near Pavia, for a total of 107
subjects. The research was conducted by two
psychologist and a nutritionist.
The project is articulated in three steps: 1) Context
analysis; 2) Training; 3) Post training analysis. In the
Context analysis, the purpose was the analysis of the
ideas about media and their messages (pleasure, use,
habits of use, reliability).
In particular, the analysis was focused on
messages from TV, radio and web. Moreover, the
purpose was to investigate the importance that the
adolescent give to their body and beauty and how
they take care to their bodies (diet, sport, cosmetics,
The analysis is divided in two steps: 1) focus
group and 2) questionnaire.
The focus group provided the psychologist the
necessary information for developing a
questionnaire, as a tool for evaluating the beliefs
about media and body and the real habits about the
use of media and body’s care.
In particular, as we can find in literature
(Buijzen, 2008), we want to investigate the
knowledge about advertising (Bijmolt et al., 1998)
and the scepticism (Obermiller e Spangeberger,
The questionnaire provided an individual profile
for each subject, in which we can observe what
students think about media (pleasure, scepticism,
knowledge) and about the importance of body and
what they do for their body and they look.
The individual profile gives an idea about the
congruence or the incongruence of beliefs and habits
of the students. In this way, we can observe how
much subjects are influenced by media messages on
their behaviours about diet, sport, look and how
much they are aware of this influence.
The training is articulated in five meetings with
students and teachers. These meetings are focused
on: decoding of a advertising spot (slogan, jingle,
message, the representation or the image of body
and beauty); analysis of how we can take care to our
body, for example with correct dietary habits and
sport with a nutritionist; production of spot about
body by using technical tools and logic of media;
analysis of the psychological effects of a negative
image of your body with a psychologist.
As we know from the literature, for improving
the awareness about the functioning of media is
important to show how they work and how we can
work with them in order to product information and
communication (Buckingam, 2007).
During the encounters the classrooms are divided
in four groups, working with cooperative learning
(Johnson, Johnson, 1994).
During the research the group can attend a web chat-
platform, in which they can find information about
body, exercise, sport. Moreover, they can chat with
the experts for counselling on line. (Carling,
Andersson, 2006). At the end of the project the
groups can share their product (video spots) with the
other classrooms.
The Post training analysis is focused on the
administration of a questionnaire, that wants to
evaluate the efficacy of the training to improve the
awareness about media and their messages, in
particular about spots and their influence on our
choice about body (diet, sport, food) and look.
The research is articulated in pre and post test
analysis with a questionnaire that it is administrated
before and post training.
The results has shown an improvement in
awareness of the experimental group about the
potential influence of media messages in defining
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education