A Comparative Study on Sentiment Polarity Identification Combining Machine
Learning and Subjectivity Features
Ulli Waltinger
Text Technology, Bielefeld University, Universitatsstrasse 3, 33602 Bielefeld, Germany
Machine learning, Support vector machine, Sentiment analysis, Polarity identification, Subjectivity resources.
This paper presents an empirical study on machine learning-based sentiment analysis. Though polarity classi-
fication has been extensively studied at different document-structure levels (e.g. document, sentence, words),
little work has been done investigating feature selection methods and subjectivity resources. We systematically
analyze four different English subjectivity resources for the task of sentiment polarity identification. While
the results show that the size of dictionaries clearly correlate to polarity-based feature coverage, this property
does not correlate to classification accuracy. Using polarity-based feature selection, considering a minimum
amount of prior polarity features, in combination with SVM-based machine learning methods exhibits the
best performance (acc = 84.1, f 1 = 83.9), in comparison to the classical approaches on polarity identification.
Based on the findings of the English-based experimental setup, a new German subjectivity resource is pro-
posed for the task of German-based sentiment analysis. The results of the experiments show, with f 1 = 85.9
its good adaptability to the new domain.
With the enormous growth of digital content arising in
the web, document classification and categorization
receives more and more interest in the information
retrieval community. This relates to content-based
models (Joachims, 2002a) as well as to structure-
orientated approaches (Mehler et al., 2007). While
a majority of approaches focusses on a thematical
or topical differentiation of textual data, the task of
sentiment analysis (Pang and Lee, 2008) refers to
the (non-topical) opinion mining. This area focuses
on the detection and extraction of opinions, feelings
and emotions in text with respect to a certain sub-
ject. A subtask of this area, which has been exten-
sively studied, is the sentiment categorization on the
basis of certain polarities. That is, being able to dis-
tinguish between positive, neutral or negative expres-
sions or statements of extracted textual (Pang et al.,
2002; Dave et al., 2003; Hu and Liu, 2004; Wil-
son et al., 2005; Annett and Kondrak, 2008) or spo-
ken elements (Becker-Asano and Wachsmuth, 2009).
Moreover, finer-grained methods additionally explore
the level or intensity of polarity inducing a rating in-
ference (e.g. a rating scale between one and ve stars)
model. In the majority of approaches on sentiment
polarity identification, the determination of subjectiv-
ity or polarity-related term features is in the center in
order to draw conclusions about the actual polarity-
related orientation of the entire text. Since positive
as well as negative expressions can occur within the
same document, this task is challenging. Considering
the following example of an Amazon product review:
: Wonderful when it
works... I owned this TV for a month. At first
I thought it was terrific. Beautiful clear picture
and good sound for such a small TV. Like oth-
ers,however, I found that it did not always re-
tain the programmed stations and then had to
be reprogrammed every time you turned it off.
I called the manufacturer and they admitted
this is a problem with the TV.
Although most of the polarity-related text features
contribute to a positive review (e.g. wonderful, ter-
rific, beautiful...), this user-contribution is classified
as a negative review. This example clearly shows that
classical text categorization approaches (e.g. bag-of-
words) need to be extended or seized to the domain
Waltinger U.
SENTIMENT ANALYSIS RELOADED - A Comparative Study on Sentiment Polarity Identification Combining Machine Learning and Subjectivity Features.
DOI: 10.5220/0002772602030210
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of sentiment analysis. Though, we consider polarity
identification as a binary classification task, the deter-
mination of semantically oriented linguistic features
on different structural levels (words, sentences, docu-
ments,...) is at the core of attention. With respect to
the task of term feature interpretation, most of the pro-
posed unsupervised or (semi-)supervised sentiment-
related approaches make use of annotated and con-
structed lists of subjectivity terms.
While there are various resources and data sets
proposed in the research community, only a small
number are freely available to the public most of
them for the English language. In terms of cover-
age rate, the number of comprised subjectivity terms
of these dictionaries varies significantly - ranging be-
tween 8, 000 and 140, 000 features. For the German
language, there is, to the best of our knowledge, cur-
rently no annotated dictionary (terms with their as-
sociated semantic orientation) freely available. The
questions that arise therefore are: How does the sig-
nificant coverage variations of the English sentiment
resources correlate to the task of polarity identifica-
tion? Are there notable differences in the accuracy
performance, if those resources are used within the
same experimental setup? How does sentiment term
selection combined with machine learning methods
affect the performance? And finally, are we able to
draw conclusions from the results of the experiments
in building a German sentiment analysis resource?
In this paper, we investigate the effect of
sentiment-based feature selection combined with ma-
chine learning algorithms in a comparative experi-
ment, comprising the four most widely used sub-
jectivity dictionaries. We empirically show that a
sentiment-sensitive feature selection contributes to
the task of polarity identification. Further, we propose
based on the findings a subjectivity dictionary for the
German language, that will be freely available to the
In this section, we present related work on sentiment
analysis. A focus is set on comparative studies and
different algorithms applied to the task of polarity
identification. Tan and Zhang (2008) presented an
empirical study of sentiment categorization on the
basis of different feature selection (e.g. document
frequency, chi square, subjectivity terms) and differ-
ent learning methods (e.g k-nearest neighbor, Naive
Bayes, SVM) on a Chinese data set. The results in-
dicated that the combination of sentimental feature
selection and machine learning-based SVM performs
best compared to other tested sentiment classifiers.
Chaovalit and Zhou (2005) published a compar-
ative study on supervised and unsupervised classifi-
cation methods in a polarity identification scenario
of movie reviews. Their results confirmed also that
machine learning on the basis of SVM are more ac-
curate than any other unsupervised classification ap-
proaches. Hence, a significant amount of training and
building associated models is needed.
Prabowo and Thelwall (2009) proposed a com-
bined approach for sentiment analysis using rule-
based, supervised and machine learning methods. An
overview of current sentiment approaches is given,
compared by their model, data source, evaluation
methods and results. However, since most of the cur-
rent attempts based their experiments on different se-
tups, using mostly self-prepared corpora or subjectiv-
ity resources, a uniform comparison of the proposed
algorithms is barely possible. The results of the com-
bined approach show that no single classifier outper-
forms the other, and the hybrid classifier can result in
a better effectiveness.
With respect to different methods applied to the
sentiment polarity analysis, we can identify two dif-
ferent branches. On the one hand - rule-based ap-
proaches, as for instance counting positive and neg-
ative terms (Turney and Littman, 2002) on the basis
of semantic lexicon, or combining it with so called
discourse-based contextual valence shifters (Kennedy
and Inkpen, 2006). On the other hand - machine-
learning approaches (Turney, 2001) on different doc-
ument levels, such as the entire documents (Pang
et al., 2002), phrases (Wilson et al., 2005; Taboada
et al., 2009; Agarwal et al., 2009), sentences (Pang
and Lee, 2004) or on the level of words (Maarten
et al., 2004), using extracted and enhanced linguis-
tic features from internal (e.g. PoS- or text phrase
information) and/or external resources (e.g. syntactic
and semantic relationships extracted from lexical re-
sources such as WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998)) (Mullen
and Collier, 2004; Chaovalit and Zhou, 2005). Most
notably, sentence-based models have been quite in-
tensively studied in the past, combining machine
learning and unsupervised approaches using inter-
sentence information (Yu and Hatzivassiloglou, 2003;
Kugatsu Sadamitsu and Yamamoto, 2008), sentence-
based linguistic feature enhancement (Wiegand and
Klakow, ) or most famous by following a sentence-
based minimum cut strategy (Pang and Lee, 2004;
Pang and Lee, 2005).
In general, sentence-based polarity identification
contributes to a higher accuracy performance, but in-
duces also a higher computational complexity. Never-
theless, depending on the used methods the reported
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
increase of accuracy of document and sentence clas-
sifier range between 2 10% (Pang and Lee, 2004;
Wiegand and Klakow, ), mostly compared to the
baseline (e.g. Naive Bayes) implementations. How-
ever, in the majority of cases, only slightly better re-
sults could be achieved (Kugatsu Sadamitsu and Ya-
mamoto, 2008; Wiegand and Klakow, ). At the fo-
cus of almost all approaches, a set of subjectivity
terms is needed, either to train a classifier or to ex-
tract polarity-related terms following a bootstrapping
strategy (Yu and Hatzivassiloglou, 2003).
3.1 Modeling Opinion Orientation
Following Liu (2010)(Liu, 2010, pp. 5) we for-
mally define an opinion oriented model as follow: A
polarity-related document d contains a set of opinion
objects {o
, o
, . . . , o
} from a set of opinion hold-
ers {h
, h
, . . . , h
}. Each opinion object o
is rep-
resented by a finite set of sentiment features, F =
{ f
, f
, . . . , f
}. Each feature f
F is represented in
d by a set of term or phrases W = {w
, w
, . . . , w
which correspond to synonyms or associations of f
and are indicated by a set of feature indicators I
, i
, . . . , i
} of the feature. The direct opinion of
is expressed through the polarity of the opinion
(e.g. positive, negative, neutral) defined as oo
respect to the comprised set of features f
of o
, the
opinion holder h
and the time or position within the
text t
, an opinion is expressed. The feature indica-
tor i
reflects thereby the strength of the opinion (e.g.
rating scale). Following this definition, contrary opin-
ions within a text document (e.g. phrase or sentence-
based) correlate to a (dis-) similarity S of two opinion
objects S(o
, o
), while a concordance of a polarity is
indicated by a high similarity value. At the center of
the opinion-oriented model, a mapping from the in-
put document to the corresponding sentiment features
with associated indicators (W 7→ F) needs to be es-
tablished. Meaning, an external resource is needed
that embodies not only a set of term or phrase fea-
tures, but also incorporates the polarity orientation at
least as a boolean (positive, negative), preferably on
a rating scale (positive, negative, neutral). We refer
to these resources as subjectivity dictionaries. As we
use machine learning classifiers, the similarity func-
tion S(o
, o
) refers to the similarity between the su-
pervised trained SVM-based opinion models (o
) and
the evaluation set of document opinions (o
3.2 Subjectivity Dictionaries
In recent years a variety of approaches in classifying
sentiment polarity in texts has been proposed. How-
ever, the number of comprised or constructed subjec-
tivity resources are rather limited. In this section, we
describe the most widely used subjectivity resources
for the English language in more detail.
Adjective Conjunctions. As one of the first, Hatzi-
vassiloglou et al. (1997) proposed a bootstrap-
ping approach on the basis of adjective conjunc-
tions. Thereby, a small set of manually annotated seed
words (1,336 adjectives) were used in order to extract
a number of 13,426 conjunctions, holding the same
semantic orientation i.e. ’and’ indicates an agreement
of polarity (nice and comfortable) and ’but’ indicates
disagreement (nice but dirty). Subsequently, a cluster-
ing algorithm separated the sum of adjectives into two
subsets of different sentiment orientation (positive or
negative). This approach follows the notion that a
pair of adjectives (e.g. conjunction in a sentence) will
most likely have the same orientation (81% of the un-
marked member will have the same semantic orienta-
tion as the marked member).
WordNet Distance. Maarten et al. (2004) pre-
sented an approach measuring the semantic orienta-
tion of adjectives on the basis of the linguistic re-
source WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998). A focus was
set on graph-related measures on the syntactic cat-
egory of adjectives. The geodesic distance is used
as a measurement to extract not only synonyms but
also antonyms. As a reference dataset, the manu-
ally constructed list of the General Inquirer (Stone
et al., 1966) was used, comprising 1, 638 polarity-
rated terms. Since the evaluation focused on the inter-
section of both resources (General Inquirer vs. Word-
Net), no additional corpus could be gained.
WordNet-Affect. A related approach in build-
ing a sentiment resource, Strapparava and Valitutti
(2004)(Strapparava and Valitutti, 2004) studied the
synset-relations of WordNet with respect to their
semantic orientation. Following a bootstrapping-
strategy, manually classified seed words were used
for constructing a list of reliable’ relations (e.g.
antonym, similarity, derived-from, also-see) out of the
linguistic resource. The final dataset, WordNet-Affect,
comprises 2, 874 synsets and 4, 787 words.
Subjectivity Clues. In 2005, Wiebe et al. (2005)
presented the most fine-grained polarity resource.
Within the Workshop on Multi-Perspective Question
SENTIMENT ANALYSIS RELOADED - A Comparative Study on Sentiment Polarity Identification Combining Machine
Learning and Subjectivity Features
Table 1: The standard deviation (StdDevi) and arithmetic mean (AMean) of subjectivity features by resource, text corpus
(Text) and polarity category (Positive, Negative).
Resource: Subjectivity Senti Senti Polarity German German
Clues Spin WordNet Enhancement SentiSpin Subjectivity
No. of Features: 6,663 88,015 144,308 137,088 105,561 9,827
Positive-AMean: 76.83 236.94 241.36 239.25 53.63 27.70
Positive-StdDevi: 30.81 84.29 85.61 84.98 6.90 4.59
Negative-AMean: 69.72 218.46 223.11 221.25 50.18 25.68
Negative-StdDevi: 26.22 74.08 75.37 74.68 10.40 5.88
Text-AMean: 707.64 707.64 707.64 707.64 109.75 109.75
Text-StdDevi: 296.94 296.94 296.94 296.94 24.52 24.52
Answering (2002) the MPQA corpus was manually
compiled. This corpus consists of 10,657 sentences
comprising 535 documents. In total, 8,221 term fea-
tures were not only rated by their polarity (positive,
negative, both, neutral) but also by their reliability
(e.g. strongly subjective, weakly subjective).
SentiWordNet. Esuli and Sebastiani (2006) intro-
duced a method for the analysis of glosses associated
to synsets of the WordNet data set. The proposed sub-
jectivity resource SentiWordNet thereby assigns for
each synset three numerical scores, describing the ob-
jective, negative, and positive polarity of interlinked
terms. The used method is based on the quantitative
analysis of glosses and a vectorial term representation
for a semi-supervised synset classification. Overall,
SentiWordNet comprises 144,308 terms with polarity
scores assigned.
SentiSpin. Takamura et al. (2005) proposed an
algorithm for extracting the semantic orientation of
words using the Ising Spin Model (Chandler, 1987,
pp. 119). Their approach focused on the construc-
tion of a gloss-thesaurus network inducing different
semantic relations (e.g. synonyms, antonyms), and
enhanced the built dataset with co-occurrence infor-
mation extracted from a corpus. The construction of
the gloss-thesaurus is based on WordNet. With re-
spect to the co-occurrence statistics, conjunctive ex-
pressions from the Wall Street Journal and Brown cor-
pus were used. The available subjectivity resource
offers a number of 88, 015 words for the English lan-
guage with assigned Part-of-Speech information and
a sentiment polarity orientation.
Polarity Enhancement. Waltinger (2009) pro-
posed an approach to term-based polarity enhance-
ment using a social network. His approach focuses
on the reinforcement of polarity-related term features
with respect to colloquial language. Using the entries
of the SpinModel dataset as seed words, associated
phrase and term definitions were extracted from the
urban dictionary project. The enhanced subjectivity
resource comprises 137, 088 term features for the En-
glish language.
With respect to the described approaches in the con-
struction of subjectivity dictionaries, we can identify
two different branches. The majority of proposals
induce the lexical network WordNet as a foundation
for either extending or extracting polarity-related se-
mantic relations. Therefore, the constructed term set
is limited to the number of entries within WordNet,
comprising up to 144, 308 polarity features. Other ap-
proaches, focused on the manual creation of a subjec-
tivity thesaurus by inducing expert knowledge (man-
ually annotated). These costly built resources con-
sist of a rather small set of polarity features, inducing
a dictionary size of up to 6, 663 entries. The ques-
tions that arise therefore are: How does the differ-
ent subjectivity resources perform within the same ex-
perimental setup of polarity identification? Does the
significant difference (quantity) of used polarity fea-
tures affect the performance of opinion mining ap-
plications? Our methodology focuses on the most
widely used and freely available subjectivity dictio-
naries for the task of sentiment-based feature selec-
4.1 SVM-Classification
The method we have used for the polarity classifi-
cation is a document-based hard-partition machine
learning classifier (Pang et al., 2002; Chaovalit and
Zhou, 2005; Tan and Zhang, 2008; Prabowo and
Thelwall, 2009; Waltinger, 2009) using Support Vec-
tor Machines (SVM) (Joachims, 2002a). This super-
vised classification technique relies on training a set
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
of polarity classifiers, each of them capable of decid-
ing whether the input stream has a positive or neg-
ative polarity, C = {+1, 1}. The SVM predicts a
hyperplane, which separates a given set into two di-
visions with a maximum margin (the largest possi-
ble distance) (Joachims, 2002a). We make use of the
V6.01 implementation (Joachims, 2002b),
using Leave-One-Out cross-validation, reporting F1-
Measure as the harmonic mean between Precision
and Recall. The reported Accuracy measures are
based on a 5-fold cross-validation. In each case of
the SVM-Classifiers, Linear- and RBF-Kernel were
evaluated in a comparative manner.
4.2 Subjectivity-Feature-Selection
Using SVMs for classifying the sentiment orientation,
each input text needs to be converted into a vector rep-
resentation. This vector consists of a set of significant
term features representing the associated document.
With respect to the opinion-oriented model, this task
corresponds to a mapping between subjectivity fea-
tures from the particular dictionary, and the textual
features of the input document. That is, only those
features are selected that occur in the subjectivity lex-
icon. Since the polarity features can consist of sin-
gle words as well as multi-word expressions, a sliding
window is used, when extracting textual data from the
input text. As the feature weighting function, we have
used the normalized term frequency (t f
i, j
), defined as
t f
i, j
i, j
k, j
where the number of occurrences of feature i in doc-
ument j is normalized by the total number of features
n in j.
While various subjectivity resources have been
proposed in recent years, only a few of them are freely
available. In this paper, we evaluate the four most
widely used and available resources (Table 1):
Subjectivity Clues (Wiebe et al., 2005)
SentiSpin (Takamura et al., 2005)
SentiWordNet (Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006)
Polarity Enhancement (Waltinger, 2009)
4.3 German Subjectivity Resource
As described in section 3.2, the majority of subjec-
tivity resources are based on the English language.
For the German language there is, to the best of
our knowledge, no freely polarity-related dictionary
available. We therefore constructed two different
German subjectivity dictionaries for the German lan-
guage, which will be freely available to download af-
ter the review process. The construction of these dic-
tionaries is based on a semi-supervised translation of
existing English polarity term-sets. That is, we au-
tomatically translated each polarity feature into the
German language, and manually reviewed the trans-
lation quality. Polarity values (1, 1) were inherited
from the English dataset. Since a goal of this paper is
to evaluate the correlation between the size of subjec-
tivity dictionaries and the accuracy performance, we
have built two different German polarity resources.
First, a translation of the Subjectivity Clues (Wiebe
et al., 2005; Wilson et al., 2005; Wiebe and Riloff,
2005), comprising 9, 827 term features, further called
German Subjectivity Clues. Second, we translated the
dataset of SentiSpin (Takamura et al., 2005), compris-
ing 105, 561 polarity features.. We will refer to this
resource as the German SentiSpin dictionary. Both
resources are freely available for research purposes
5.1 Corpora
We have used two different datasets for the experi-
ments. For the English language we conducted the
polarity identification classification using the movie
review corpus initially compiled by (Pang et al.,
2002). This corpus consists of two polarity categories
(positive and negative), each category comprises 1000
articles with an average of 707.64 textual features.
With respect to the German language, we manually
created a reference corpus by extracting review data
from the website. Reviews at Ama- correspond to human-rated product reviews
with an attached rating scale from 1 (worst) to 5 (best)
stars. For the experiment, we have used 1000 reviews
for each of the 5 ratings, each comprising 5 differ-
ent categories. All category and star label informa-
tion but also the name of the reviewers were removed
from the documents. All textual data (term features in
the document) were passed through a pre-processing
component, that is lemmatized and tagged by a PoS-
Tagger. The average number of term features of the
comprised reviews is 109.75. With respect to the ex-
periments on the German corpus, we evaluated differ-
ent ”Star” combinations as positive and negative cat-
egories (e.g classifying Star1 against Star5, but also
The constructed resources can be accessed at:
SENTIMENT ANALYSIS RELOADED - A Comparative Study on Sentiment Polarity Identification Combining Machine
Learning and Subjectivity Features
Table 2: Accuracy results comparing four subjectivity resources and four baseline approaches.
Sentiment-Method Accuracy
Naive Bayes - unigrams (Pang et al., 2002) 78.7
Maximum Entropy - top 2633 unigrams (Pang et al., 2002) 81.0
SVM - unigrams+bigrams (Pang et al., 2002) 82.7
SVM -unigrams (Pang et al., 2002) 82.9
Polarity Enhancement - PDC (without feature enhancement) (Waltinger, 2009) 81.9
Polarity Enhancement - PDC (with feature enhancement) (Waltinger, 2009) 83.1
Subjectivity-Clues SVM Linear-Kernel 84.1
Subjectivity-Clues SVM RBF-Kernel 83.5
SentiWordNet SVM Linear-Kernel 83.9
SentiWordNet SVM RBF-Kernel 82.3
SentiSpin SVM Linear-Kernel 83.8
SentiSpin SVM RBF-Kernel 82.5
Star1 and Star2 against Star 4 and Star 5).
5.2 Results
With respect to the English polarity experiment (see
Table 3), we have used not only the published accu-
racy results of (Pang et al., 2002), using the Naive
Bayes (NB), the Maximum Entropy (ME) and the N-
Gram-based SVM implementation, but also the re-
sults of (Waltinger, 2009), a feature-enhanced SVM
implementation as corresponding baselines. As Ta-
ble 2 shows, the smallest resource, Subjectivity Clues,
performs best with acc = 84.1. However, SentiWord-
Net (acc = 83.9), SentiSpin (acc = 83.8) but also the
Polarity Enhancement (acc = 83.1) dataset used for
feature selection, perform almost within the same ac-
curacy. It can be stated that all subjectivity feature se-
lection resources clearly outperform not only the well
known NB and ME classifier but also the N-Gram-
based SVM implementation. Not surprisingly, with
respect to the feature coverage of the used subjectiv-
ity resources (see Table 1), we can argue that the size
of the dictionary clearly correlates to the coverage
(arithmetic mean of polarity-features selected varies
between 76.83 241.36). Interestingly, the biggest
dictionary with the highest coverage property does
not outperform the resource with the lowest number
of polarity-features. In contrast, we can state that op-
erating in the present settings, on 6, 663 term features
(in contrast to 144, 308 of SentiWordNet), seem to be a
sufficient number for the task of document-based po-
larity identification. This claim is also supported by
the evaluation F1-Measure results as shown in Table
3. All subjectivity resources nearly perform equally
well (F1-Measure results range between 82.9 83.9).
In this Leave One Out estimation, the polarity-
enhanced implementation performs with a touch bet-
ter than the other resources.
Table 4 shows the results of the new build German
subjectivity resources, used for the document-based
polarity identification. With respect to the correlation
of subjectivity dictionary size and classification per-
formance, similar results can be achieved. Using the
German SentiSpin version, comprising 105, 561 po-
larity features, lets us gain a promising F1-Measure
of 85.9. The German Subjectivity Clues dictionary,
comprising 9, 827 polarity features, performs with an
F1-Measure of 84.1 almost at the same level. In gen-
eral, in terms of Kernel-Methods, we can argue that
RBF-Kernel are inferior to the Linear-Kernel SVM
implementation, though only to a minor extend. With
reference to the coverage of subjectivity dictionaries
for a polarity-based feature selection - size does mat-
ter. However, the classification accuracy results in-
dicate - for both languages - that a smaller but con-
trolled dictionary contributes to the accuracy perfor-
mance (almost equally to big-sized data) of opinion
mining systems.
This paper proposed an empirical study to machine
learning-based sentiment analysis. We systematically
analyzed the four most widely used subjectivity re-
sources for the task of sentiment polarity identifica-
tion. The evaluation results showed that the size of
subjectivity dictionaries does not correlate with clas-
sification accuracy. Smaller but more controlled dic-
tionaries used for a sentiment feature selection per-
form within a SVM-based classification setup equally
good compared to the biggest available resources. We
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 3: F1-Measure evaluation results of an English subjectivity feature selection using SVM.
Resource Model F1-Positive F1-Negative F1-Average
Subjectivity Clues SVM-Linear .832 .823 .828
SVM-RBF .828 .823 .826
SentiWordNet SVM-Linear .832 .828 .830
SVM-RBF .816 .812 .814
SentiSpin SVM-Linear .831 .827 .829
SVM-RBF .815 .811 .813
Polarity Enhancement PDC .828 .827 .828
SVM-Linear .841 .837 .839
Table 4: F1-Measure evaluation results of a German subjectivity feature selection using SVM.
Resource Model F1-Positive F1-Negative F1-Average
German SentiSpin Star1+2 vs. Star4+5 SVM-Linear .827 .828 .828
SVM-RBF .830 .830 .830
German SentiSpin Star1 vs. Star5 SVM-Linear .857 .861 .859
SVM-RBF .855 .858 .857
German Subjectivity Star1+2 vs. Star4+5 SVM-Linear .810 .813 .811
SVM-RBF .804 .803 .803
German Subjectivity Star1 vs. Star5 SVM-Linear .841 .842 .841
SVM-RBF .834 .834 .834
can conclude, that combining a polarity-based feature
selection with machine learning, SVMs using Linear-
Kernel exhibit the best performance (acc = 84.1, f 1 =
83.9). In addition, we proposed a new freely avail-
able German subjectivity resource, which was evalu-
ated using a product review corpus. The results of the
German polarity identification experiments, with an
F1-Measure of 85.9 are quite promising.
We gratefully acknowledge financial support of the
German Research Foundation (DFG) through the EC
277 Cognitive Interaction Technology at Bielefeld
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