Mohammed Altayar, N. Ben Fairweather and Neil McBride
Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, U.K.
Keywords: Portals, Campus Portals, IT adoption, Bilingual Portals, Universities, Saudi Arabia, U.K.
Abstract: Enterprise Information Portals (EIPs) have become crucial components in contemporary organisations, and
universities and other higher education institutions are not exempt. While there are many studies concerning
the adoption, implementation and utilisation of EIPs in organisations, there are few studies that touch this
issue in the academic environment. The aim of this paper is to report initial findings from an in-progress
research project on the adoption of campus portals in some Saudi and UK universities. This study adopts a
qualitative research approach based on multiple case studies. A research methodology was designed to
conduct the research and to collect data through semi-structured interviews and documentation, and then
analysed using various qualitative data analysis techniques such as coding and categorising, cross-interview
analysis and document analysis. The findings of the study show that there are many factors that affect the
adoption of campus portals such as: organisational factors, innovation factors, economic factors, technical
factors and environmental factors. Finally, the paper proposes an initial model and concludes with the main
findings and provides some recommendations and suggestions for further research.
The use of information and communication
technology (ICT) in universities has become
imperative to support business and organisational
activities. With the massive advance of web
technology, and especially the emergence of Internet
technologies, a recent phenomenon that has spread
throughout universities is what is called Enterprise
Information Portals or Campus Portals. It can be said
that there is a radical transformation taking place in
the academic environment. For example, it has been
reported that contemporary higher education
institutions operate in complex and competitive
environments. Enterprise portals are said to organise
and provide information from a variety of sources
and systems in ways personalised and customised to
various groups of users in a cost-effective way
(Etesse, 2003). Consequently, universities and other
higher education institutions are rushing to develop
Web-based information systems, called campus
portals. Research shows that campus portals have
received wide spread attention in the academic
environment (e.g. Li and Wood, 2005; Klein, 2006;
Bolton, 2008). The primary aim of this paper is to
present data from literature review and preliminary
case studies on the adoption of campus portals in
some Saudi and UK universities. There is lack of
research that focuses specifically on the factors
affecting the adoption of campus portals in the
academic environment. The rest of this paper is
organised as follows. First, it provides a literature
review covering the portal technology in the
academic environment. Then, the paper describes
the research methodology used. Finally, the results
and findings are presented and discussed in the light
of the literature, and then the paper finishes with
some conclusions and recommendations.
The concept "portal" is usually associated with
internet, intranet and web technologies. It shares
common characteristics with these technologies
either technically or functionally. Since the
development of internet, intranet and web
technologies, new terms and concepts have emerged
in the market and in the literature as well. This has
made it quite difficult to identify the boundaries of
Altayar M., Ben Fairweather N. and McBride N.
DOI: 10.5220/0002772901670174
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology (WEBIST 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-674-025-2
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
each term. Thus, each term is defined differently.
For example, Fustes (2005) argues that enterprise
portals in some ways can be seen as a development
of intranet portals. Similarly, Gu and Salvendy
(2002) point out that Enterprise Information Portals
(EIPs) have evolved from intranet portals and as a
new capacity for intranets. What is more
Benbya et. al (2004) state that “the terms Employees
Portals, Enterprise Intranet Portals, Corporate
Portals, Business-to-Employees Portals, and
Business-to-Employees systems are sometimes used
interchangeably as synonyms”. Other researchers
have provided different definitions. For example,
Smith (2004) defines an enterprise portal as “an
infrastructure providing secure, customisable,
personalisable, integrated access to dynamic content
from a variety of sources, in a variety of source
formats, wherever it is needed". In addition, Detlor
(2000) defines it as "single-point Web browser
interfaces used within organisations to promote the
gathering, sharing and dissemination of information
throughout the enterprise".
An examination of the literature on campus
portals shows that the literature falls into two main
categories: 1) the literature (which can be described
as the intuitive literature) that discusses the promise
of the technology, its advantages and applications,
and 2) the research and studies that have highlighted
some issues regarding the adoption, implementation
and utilisation of campus portals technology (real
case studies). With respect to the former, the
applications and benefits of campus portals have
been reported widely in the literature. These benefits
and applications can be seen in terms of time, cost,
speed, effort and efficiency. Franklin (2004)
described some of these advantages such as cost
reduction, improve efficiency, improve customer
service, developing new systems, increase Return
On Investment (ROI), systems integration and
improve communication. In addition, the range of
services and resources that can be provided via an
institutional portal are varied. These include:
institutional news, personal information and records,
course materials, links to other services and
resources, timetables and calendar (Pearce, 2003).
Other research and studies have also been
reported in the literature. For example, Li and Wood
(2005) found that portals have received wide spread
attention in the academic environment. Similar
findings have been reported by Klein (2006) and
Bolton (2008). Furthermore, a number of published
research studies have proposed various development
methodologies suitable for campus portal adoption
and implementation, for example (Zhu et al. 2004;
Fuangvut, 2005; Bahrami et al., 2007).
In order to have successful adoption and
implementation of ICT in organisations, several
factors need to be taken into consideration.
According to Bouwman et al., (2005) such factors
can be related to the organisational perspective, the
technological perspective, the economic perspective
and the user perspective. These factors could have
positive or negative effects on ICT adoption and
implementation. Concerning the portal technology,
Franklin (2004) emphasises the importance of
developing supporting institutional information
technology infrastructure and architecture. A study
by Li and Wood (2005) has identified several
challenges associated with portal adoption. These
include: the integration of the portal with other
applications, implementation of a single-sign-on and
security issues. Jafari and Sheehan (2003) stress the
role of cooperation and coordination between
campus units and departments, because campus
portals bring together campus constituents who
seldom interact and whose interests are often
different. Other writers acknowledge the dominant
role of establishing policies and strategies when
developing a campus portal (Thomas, 2003; Bunt
and Pennock, 2006). In addition, some authors
emphasise the importance of understanding users
needs and requirements (Pearce, Carpenter and
Martin, 2003; Frazee, Frazee and Sharpe, 2003).
Rahim (2007) investigated the barriers to using
business-to-employee portals in a university setting.
He found that weak management support and a
distributed model of responsibility for the portal
were the main barriers. Finally, Bolton (2008)
published a review of portal software in the UK
Higher Education context. He found that the major
challenges faced by UK universities when rolling
out the campus portal were time, resources and
business engagement.
This study adopts a qualitative research approach
based on multiple-case studies of the adoption of
campus portals in some Saudi and UK universities.
The qualitative approach was considered appropriate
for various reasons. To begin with, the overall aim
of this research is to study the adoption of campus
portals in particular organisations. According to
Hunter (2004) the main focus of qualitative
researchers is the personnel involved in
organisations. Thus, qualitative researchers try to
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
understand, interpret and explain research problems
in terms of the words that people assign to them.
Bryman (2008) mentions that in order to understand
the outside world, researchers have to interact
directly with its subject matter. This can be seen as
an advantage in qualitative research as it allows
researchers to probe more information and clarify
any ambiguity to participants that may exist. What is
more, it has been argued that qualitative research
helps researchers to address and answer "how" and
"what" questions, which in turn will help the
researcher to understand the nature and complexity
of the process taking place (Creswell, 2007). This
study seeks to answer such questions, for instance:
1) how are campus portals being adopted in higher
education institutions? 2) What are the factors that
affect the adoption of campus portals in universities?
Before embarking on data collection, a pilot
study was conducted as a part of this research in
Saudi Arabia and the UK between October and
November 2008. The feedback of the pilot study was
used to modify and enhance the instruments and to
develop some aspects of the interview questions and
techniques. The fieldwork was conducted between
January and June 2009. Data were collected through
semi-structured interviews and analysis of some
documents. Sixteen interviews were conducted with
IT staff who were involved with portal adoption at
five universities, three in Saudi Arabia and two in
the UK.
Table 1: Methods of data collection.
1. Semi-structured interviews
Uni Countr
No Role
A Saudi
Portal manager, IT
B Saudi
Project manager,
system developers
C Saudi
Project manager,
IS desi
IT manger, system
Portal manager, web
= 16
2. Documentation
pe of document
Portals policies and strate
ies. 4
Reports. 7
Official PowerPoint Presentations. 8
Articles and memos 5
Total 24
These include: IT managers, systems developers, IS
designers and webmasters. For confidentiality
purposes, the researchers can not name the
universities studied, instead, they are referred here as
A, B, C, D and E. The average interview lasted for
about 50 minutes. The interviews were recorded,
transcribed and analysed individually using various
qualitative data analysis techniques such as coding
and categorising, cross-interview analysis and
document analysis. Table 1 illustrates the methods
of data collection in this study.
This section reports the findings of the study which
are interpreted and discussed in the light of the
literature and related work.
4.1 Factors Affecting the Adoption
According to Bouwman et al. (2005) there are many
factors that can affect the adoption of information
systems in organisations. These include
organisational perspective, the technological
perspective, the economic perspective and the user
perspective. It seems that these factors play a
dominant role in the adoption and implementation
processes. An analysis of the empirical evidence
suggests that organisational factors, innovation
factors, economic factors, technical factors and
environmental factors were the most important
factors that affected portals adoption in the
universities studied.
4.1.1 Organisational Factors
Regarding the organisational factors, top
management support was seen as an important issue.
Top management support is a very critical factor in
ensuring IS success adoption and implementation.
Many researchers have acknowledged the
importance of top management support (for example
Rai, and Brennan, 1998; Remus, 2007). Our
study shows that top management support is a very
important factor. A difference between the two
countries can be observed. For instance, it is
interesting to know that Chancellors in Saudi
universities are involved directly with portal
development by chairing the portal committee. This
is seen as being good for the IT departments in the
universities. A vice president of the portal
development appreciated the Chancellor’s
involvement when he said “we have got top
management support to establish and develop the
campus portal. This support is represented by the
Chancellor who was/is so enthusiastic about the
project and he is chairing the portal committee. He
provided us with unlimited support, financially,
strategically or otherwise depending upon our
needs”. With respect to the UK universities, top
management support was seen as an important
factor. However, the level of involvement of top
management is less than in the Saudi cases.
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that when top
management do not see the portal as priority, it is
unlikely that the portal project will be given special
attention by the top management. This issue was
raised by one of the interviewees. He mentioned that
we did not get top management support because the
portal is not seen yet as a priority to the university”.
From this perspective it can be argued that
inadequate management commitment and support
towards the portal could have a negative effect on
the portal adoption. This agrees with the findings
from other studies on campus portals including
(Rahim, Sugianto and Shameem, 2005 and Rahim,
Another interesting issue raised by some of the
interviewees in both countries is the issue of who
owns and is responsible for data and information
when an institution adopts a portal? A participant at
a UK university expressed his view as the following:
the portal brings stuff together and across
organisational boundaries in the university and that
sometimes is complicated. Sometimes people think
that you will take some work and responsibility from
them. Also, there is the issue of who is responsible
for the data when you bring the data in one place?
Who in charge of it? Who manages it?”. Another
participant at a Saudi university has mentioned a
similar view and said “the fact that the historical
approach used in developing IT in our university
was a critical barrier for us especially when it
comes to put the content in the portal. For example,
the library system developed their IT and content,
the registry department would look for their IT and
content etc... Then we had to deal with various
issues like who has the right over the content, who
manages it etc...”. It is interesting to observe such
claims, and as we have argued earlier in order to
ensure a successful portal project, and to minimise
tensions that may arise regarding data and
information ownership between organisational units
and members, all parties in the university should be
involved in portal adoption. It can be said that the
role of cooperation and coordination between all
parties and constituents in the university could be
very significant here. In this regard, Jafari and
Sheehan (2003) stress the role and importance of
coordination between campus units and departments,
because campus portals bring together campus
constituents who seldom interact with each other and
whose interests are often different. This is because
the nature of the portal, as it is a cross-functional
project and it touches all parties in the campus. This
agrees with the view of Bunt and Pennock (2006)
who claim that “the fact that a portal cuts across
many sectors of the campus delivering services and
information that transcend organisational
boundaries, means that implementing a portal raises
important questions about jurisdiction, responsibility
and authority”.
Another organisational factor that affects the
decision whether to build the portal in house or to
buy a ready made product is the availability of
qualified personnel that are well trained and
specialised in the development of ICT. For example,
the Saudi universities studied tend to outsource the
portal development to a third party, whereas the UK
ones tend to develop portals in-house. With respect
to the Saudi side, it was clear that the shortage of
skilful and qualified people was a main issue. This
was explicitly mentioned by the respondents. For
example, one of the interviewees stated that “we do
not have enough manpower and qualified personnel
such as programmers, technical staff and other
knowledgeable people to develop the portal in-
house”. In contrast, the respondents in the UK did
not mention such reasons and they were confident
about their IT skills. In sum, one explanation of this
difference between Saudi and UK universities might
be due to the fact that the developing countries lag
behind their counterparts in the developed world in
terms of technology advancement, experience and
skills, and they do not have much in-house technical
expertise. Therefore, this could affect the decision
on how the technology is adopted.
4.1.2 Innovation Factors
According to McGowan & Madey (1998) innovation
factors include perceived benefits and compatibility.
Many researchers have identified the benefits
associated with enterprise portal adoption and
implementation (Looney and Lyman, 2000; Daigle
and Cuocco, 2002; Frazee et al., 2003; Graves and
Hale, 2003; Franklin, 2004; Li and Wood, 2005).
These include: cost reduction, improve efficiency,
improve customer service, developing new systems,
increase Return On Investment (ROI), systems
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
integration and improve communication. Our study
shows that universities studied perceive many
benefits associated with portal adoption. Although
the benefits perceived are varied, most interviewees
agree that a campus portal is a great technology for
improving access to information and services,
providing single sign-on to a wide range of systems
and applications and enhancing the communication
process. One of the interviewees mentioned that “the
main two reasons that motivated us to develop the
portal were: to provide a unified gateway to the
University’s Web-based services, and to improve
communication process within the University.”
Another respondent appreciated the single sign-on
feature in the portal, when he said “one main
advantage of the portal is to provide a single sign-on
logging that provides access to information and
services from one place”. It can be argued that these
advantages, benefits and outputs of enterprise portals
are important to the academic institutions since
contemporary higher education institutions operate
in a complex information environment. This tends to
confirm the view of Etesse (2003) reported earlier
that campus portals are great technologies for
academic institutions to organise and provide
information from a variety of sources and systems in
ways personalised and customised to various groups
of users in a cost-effective way.
With respect to managing the content, there are
several issues that have been reported such as
managing, supporting and updating content. For
example, providing a campus portal with two
languages (a bilingual portal) represents a key
challenge to universities, and this issue is found in
all Saudi cases studied. Saudi universities provide
campus portals into two languages: Arabic and
English. This is because The English language is the
second most widely used language in the country
and some universities teach some courses and
modules in English. This requires many resources to
be allocated. For instance, qualified staff speaking
two languages, translation policies, standards and
strategies, tools and applications, money to pay for
personnel doing the job. These issues and others
have been explicitly mentioned by many participants
in the Saudi context. For example, a webmaster
described this issue as follows “we provide our
portal in two languages: Arabic and English...
Having English as a second language requires
resources, qualified people for translation,
mechanism and policies for the translation process.
It is very challenging. Another interviewee at a
different university mentioned that “we have the
portal in two languages Arabic and English, and this
is not an easy task and is very labour intensive
process. In fact, it is not like that if we have to
provide the portal with one language.” In contrast,
this issue does not apply to most UK universities
because they provide the portal in English only. To
some extent, it can be said that universities in
general who provide a campus portal with more than
one language will find it difficult to manage, support
and handle the content. This is a significant finding
and it raises two important issues. First, universities
that provide a portal with more than one language
especially in the developing countries should
address this issue and pay attention to it from the
outset of the project. Second, effective mechanisms
should be put in place to address this issue. As the
content within the portal will grow over time, this
issue becomes more and more significant. This
requires the establishment of translation policies,
standards and strategies, tools and applications,
qualified staff speaking two languages, money, and
other resources.
4.1.3 Economic Factors
The economic aspect of ICT is mainly concerned
with cost and benefits that are associated with the
adoption of ICT (Bouwman et al. 2005). Our study
shows that there are many economic factors that are
associated with campus portals adoption. These
include: cost reductions, increase Return On
Investment (ROI), project funding, resources,
maintenance and running cost. All interviewees
agreed that a portal technology is a great solution for
saving money and cutting cost. A project officer at a
UK university pointed out that “the portal saves the
university money. Take for example the university
regulations. Before the portal, every student was
given a copy of the regulations. But now it can be
accessed online. So, for 7 years we saved about
50000 copies every year which is a half million
pound”. Another participant at a Saudi university
described this issue as follows “in the adoption
phase, we did a business case and evaluated how
much the portal would save us money. After the
portal went live, we saw many benefits, include
reduced printing and distribution costs, cut in
communication cost and decrease in the cost of how
people find information”. Another issue identified is
the funding and resources allocated to the project.
This issue applies specifically to UK universities. A
portal manager reflected on this “the portal project
is a huge investment. Top management in the
university have not seen it yet as priority, and we
didn’t get enough funding and resources. I‘ve got
only three staff and they are busy doing other things
and we have small amount of time and money to
spend on the project”. In contrast, participants from
Saudi universities did not mention project funding
issues during the adoption and implementation
phases. As we mentioned early top management
support in Saudi universities was a key enabler and
the direct involvement of Chancellors had facilitated
many aspects of the project including funding and
resources. However, some participants expressed
concerns about the cost of maintenance and support
for long term. A system developer mentioned that
because we bought a ready made solution, we had
to sign a contract with the vendor to do the
maintenance and support and we have to pay for
this. If the funding stops, I don’t know what the
situation will be”.
4.1.4 Technical Factors
Concerning the technical factor, many issues have
been identified. These include: the existing IT
infrastructure, systems integration, compatibility and
IT vision and strategy. It was found that the existing
IT infrastructure has affected the project
development, especially in the Saudi context. For
instance, a web designer commented “regarding IT
infrastructure, we had to make many changes so that
we got to the new system. We had to get new
hardware and software because the previous
equipment was not compatible with the portal”. In
addition, this issue is also acknowledged by an IT
manager at another university when he mentioned
the IT infrastructure in the university was not good
enough when we developed the portal. We had to
buy some new software and hardware or at least
replace them with new stuff”. With respect to UK
universities, IT infrastructure was an important issue
to them and contributed positively to the portal
development. A portal manager pointed out that “I
think the IT infrastructure plays a key role in any
organisation when a new system is introduced. We
were very fortunate that we have a very good and
very fast internet connection and the network in the
campus is first class”. One reason that can explain
the variation around this issue might be the generally
poorer information infrastructure in the developing
world compared with the developed world.
Systems integration was one of the common
issues, recognised by all interviewees. This agrees
with the findings from other studies, for example the
study by Li and Wood (2005). A project manager at
a UK university stated that “the systems that work in
the university have evolved over time separately, so
they have different standards and models. It took us
long time and a lot of work to unify the data between
various systems”. A similar answer has been
reported by a web designer at a Saudi university
when he said “we were having different products
and systems and at the same time we were dealing
with different vendors. When we were planning to
adopt the portal this was a critical issue: I mean the
integration”. This is not surprising given the fact
that systems and applications integration is a
common problem and could be found in many
organisations. In addition, Li and Wood (2005) point
to the fact that portals are in their infancy in terms of
evolution and development and there are still
immature portal software products. Thus, it is not
surprising that organisations could find integration is
problematic. Therefore, particular attention should
be devoted to this issue.
4.1.5 Environmental Factors
Environmental factors are those factors that are
present in the outside environment of organisations.
An analysis of the findings has shown that the
competitiveness between universities influences the
decision to adopt a campus portal. This issue was
mentioned by all interviewees in both countries.
This agrees with the fact that campus portals have
become commonplace in the academic environment.
(Li and Wood, 2005; Klein, 2006; Bolton, 2008). A
project manager at a Saudi university claims that
“nowadays portals have become a key technology in
universities’ IT infrastructure and from my
experience it is now difficult to operate without it.
Universities around the world are investing a great
deal of money and resources to develop portals, so
that you have to go with the stream” Another
participant from a UK university said “one reason
that motivated us to develop the portal was the fact
that the rest of the world liked the portal too. Most
universities have developed or are currently
planning to have one. Today's tech-savvy students
are looking for places to study where they can have
good technology to enhance their educational
experiences”. It can be said that responding to the
external environment could be seen as a motivation
for developing a campus portal to attract students
and enhance customer satisfaction. In addition, the
presence of competition in the local environment can
be seen as a significant motivation of technological
innovation in organisations. Meanwhile, it has been
claimed that “portal services are competitively
critical in the context of higher education
institutions...and they are a keystone in any
WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
competitive strategy today portals inject immediate
customer satisfaction, the basis for reputation into
the competitive equation affecting long-term
prestige” (Graves and Hale, 2003, p. 39). In Saudi
cases, the general trend in Saudi Arabia towards the
adoption and implementation of ICT projects was
seen by some interviewees as a key enabler. A
manager of systems development mentions that “the
general trend in the country and the orientation of
the government toward the transformation of e-
government has a positive impact. This helped us
convincing some key ministries such as The Ministry
of Finance to allocate money, funding and resources
toward the portal project and we were very
fortunate to witness this period”. A recent report by
Ministry of Communication and Information
Technology (2008) has revealed that the total IT
market in Saudi Arabia in 2008 was $3 billion and is
expected to grow to nearly $5 billion by 2012. This
finding suggests that there is a strong trend in the
country towards IT projects especially given the
falling costs of hardware which can have an impact
on organisations in terms of allocating money and
Figure 1 presents the proposed model for the factors
affecting the adoption of campus portals in
Based on the findings of this investigation and
after reviewing the literature, the researchers were
able to identify several factors that influence the
adoption of portal technology.
The researchers believe that many of these factors
should be taken into consideration when universities
contemplate a campus portal.
Due to the limitation of the space in this paper, we
have not presented the full details of the model;
however, most of these factors were discussed in the
findings and discussion section. The proposed model
will be revised and improved according to the
findings in later stages.
As with any research, this study is subject to a
number of limitations. First, the current study is
bounded and situated in a specific context: the
academic context. Therefore, it would be interesting
to study other contexts and sectors. Second, this
Figure 1: Factors affecting the adoption of campus portals.
research is restricted to two countries and cultures:
the UK and Saudi Arabia. It can be said that the
nature of case study research is not intended to
provide results that can be generalised, rather it aims
to explore a particular issue in a given situation.
Thus, it would be interesting to study other
countries. This paper has provided an insight into the
adoption of campus portals. Many conclusions can
be drawn from the analysed data. First, the paper has
reviewed some definitions of ‘portal’ and it was
found that up to now there is no consensus about the
definition of portal. In addition, the paper has
reviewed some related work with respect to portal
technology in the academic context. The review has
shown that campus portals have received widespread
attention in the academic environment. Furthermore,
the paper has provided some useful information and
highlighted some interesting common issues and
differences in approach between UK and Saudi
adoptions. Finally, the main factors that have been
identified are: organisational factors, innovation
factors, economic factors, technical factors and
environmental factors.
Organisational Factors
Top management/institutional support
Organisation needs-Communication -
Organisation vision and strategy -
Cooperation and coordination - Qualified
staff - IT development in organisations.
Environmental Factors
External cooperation and coordination -
Competitiveness- Trends of portal
in the market.
Technical Factors
Current IT infrastructure - Systems
integration - Compatibility with existing
hardware and software - ICT vision and
strategy - Technical support.
Innovation Factors
Perceived benefits - Compatibility
Portal development: to build /to buy -
Portal management and governance -
Content management.
us Portal Ado
Economic Factors
Maintenance and running cost - Project
funding and Resources - Increase ROI.
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