avoided by studying data from many applications
Compared to the basic algorithm, this one
improves the success rate of having a desired feature
closer to the user.
A sample application is being currently developed to
exemplify the self-adapting web interface using the
dependency enabled rank computing algorithm.
As the algorithm states, the ranking system is
based on the addition to the base frequency of the
dependency score. The dependencies used are not
bidirectional thus
. This is
normal because action a determines action b, but
action b can’t determine action a. The application is
to implement real functionality and is to be released
to the public to test the algorithm’s validity. The
time needed by users to select options is to be
recorded and the obtained data is to be analyzed
leading to the algorithm’s validity or invalidity.
Short times between the selections of features
indicate a good prediction of the user’s
comportment. Long times for feature selection
indicate the algorithm’s failure in providing
qualitative forecasts. Collected data must be
preprocessed as to include in the analysis only data
obtained by users after several use of the application
when they understand the application’s adaptive
With time many types of interfaces were developed.
The diversity is given by advantages of each type of
interface for a certain type of application or process.
Self-adapting web interfaces are of great future as
more and more users have low training. These
interfaces allow the untrained users to use the
informational systems at a basic and advanced level
without training. The common algorithm for creating
hierarchies can be improved by taking into account
dependencies between the collectivity’s elements.
The self-adaptive interfaces are of great importance
in domains such as: e-learning, e-governance, office
suites, operating systems, mobile applications.
Future research includes color coding the
features so that the color best perceived by the
human eye is associated with the feature most
probable the user will access, the second color in the
perception hierarchy is associated to the second most
probable feature and so on. Future research also
aims at the use of cameras to keep the user’s eyes
under observation and detect the screen zones the
user focuses most and thus placing there the most
accessed features and options. By detecting the
direction of human gaze, the navigation within the
interface is possible. The user focuses the desired
option and based on his position, distance from the
camera and previous configuring, the application
detects the selected area and activates the feature.
This article is a result of the project „Doctoral
Program and PhD Students in the education research
and innovation triangle”. This project is co funded
by European Social Fund through The Sectorial
Operational Programme for Human Resources
Development 2007-2013, coordinated by The
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.
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