abstract description of the user interface (expressed
with MARIA XML language).
In addition, also the system-supported services
specified in the BPMN diagram can be translated
(through suitable transformations) in order to obtain
the associated abstract UI descriptions for
supporting the access to such services.
After this, and depending on the specific
platform at hand, it is possible to obtain a concrete
description which is in turn transformed into a final
user interface implemented a particular language.
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business process models with task models. The goal
is to exploit the potentialities of the two fields in
order to obtain a comprehensive approach able to
support the design of complex interactive business
applications based on Web services in which not
only them are composed together, but also their
associated user interfaces. We have also shown
some example application of the proposed method.
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support for this method in such a way to use a single
environment for editing integrated BPMN and CTT
specifications, which can then be used to generate
user interfaces for various type of interactive
platforms exploiting intermediate logical user
interface descriptions.
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WEBIST 2010 - 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies