significant influence on the learning process. It is
orchestrated by an internal component called Con-
text Management Service responsible for analyzing
the context managed by the servers, generating dif-
ferent scenarios that can be experienced by the stu-
dents in a specific time interval. This new adaptation
model is a must in providing a real application of the
semantic Web as proposed by Berners-Lee et al.
(2001). This approach is a real challenge to all Web
systems' developers; eight years after the scenarios
proposed in the Berners-Lee paper very few real
customizing agents are in operation. We put this
technology working in a real-life e-learning system.
In this paper, we have presented an extended ap-
proach to provide a richer personalization in the
environment, describing an extension of
its architecture, which is based on Web services
technologies and context-awareness, allowing the
adaptation of course content to the user’s context
and situation. As the learning environment is opera-
tional in some Universities the next research stage is
centered in gathering navigational and pedagogical
data from real classes to fine-tune the context-
scenarios modeling concept.
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Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tec-
nológico - CNPq, Brazil, and by the projects Adapt-
SUR 022/07 (CAPES, Brazil) - 042/07 (Secyt, Ar-
gentina), and AdContext 547-07 (CAPES-
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